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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1626



No. 1272 Session of 1998



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), entitled
     2     "An act establishing rights in public employes to organize
     3     and bargain collectively through selected representatives;
     4     defining public employes to include employes of nonprofit
     5     organizations and institutions; providing compulsory
     6     mediation and fact-finding, for collective bargaining
     7     impasses; providing arbitration for certain public employes
     8     for collective bargaining impasses; defining the scope of
     9     collective bargaining; establishing unfair employe and
    10     employer practices; prohibiting strikes for certain public
    11     employes; permitting strikes under limited conditions;
    12     providing penalties for violations; and establishing
    13     procedures for implementation," further providing for the
    14     composition and selection of the individual arbitrators and
    15     panels and boards of arbitration.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Sections 806 and 903 of the act of July 23, 1970
    19  (P.L.563, No.195), known as the Public Employe Relations Act,
    20  are amended to read:
    21     Section 806.  Panels of arbitrators for bargaining units
    22  referred to in section 805 of this article shall be selected in
    23  the following manner:
    24     (1)  Each party shall select one member of the panel, the two

     1  so selected shall choose the third member.
     2     (2)  If the members so selected are unable to agree upon the
     3  third member within ten days from the date of their selection,
     4  the board shall [submit the names of seven persons, each party
     5  shall alternately strike one name until one shall remain. The
     6  public employer shall strike the first name. The person so
     7  remaining shall be the third member and] choose by lottery the
     8  name of one person who shall serve as chairman.
     9     Section 903.  Arbitration of disputes or grievances arising
    10  out of the interpretation of the provisions of a collective
    11  bargaining agreement is mandatory. The procedure to be adopted
    12  is a proper subject of bargaining with the proviso that the
    13  final step shall provide for a binding decision by an arbitrator
    14  or a tri-partite board of arbitrators as the parties may agree.
    15  Any decisions of the arbitrator or arbitrators requiring
    16  legislation will only be effective if such legislation is
    17  enacted:
    18     (1)  If the parties cannot voluntarily agree upon the
    19  selection of an arbitrator, the parties shall notify the Bureau
    20  of Mediation of their inability to do so. The Bureau of
    21  Mediation shall [then submit to the parties the names of seven
    22  arbitrators. Each party shall alternately strike a name until
    23  one name remains. The public employer shall strike the first
    24  name. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator] choose by
    25  lottery the name of one arbitrator.
    26     (2)  The costs of arbitration shall be shared equally by the
    27  parties. Fees paid to arbitrators shall be based on a schedule
    28  established by the Bureau of Mediation.
    29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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