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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1630



No. 1275 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the definitions
     3     of "designation" and "designator"; and providing for the
     4     designation of a standby guardian.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The definitions of "designation" and "designator"
     8  in section 5602 of Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     9  Statutes are amended to read:
    10  § 5602.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    12  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     * * *
    15     "Designation."  A written document naming the standby
    16  guardian. A parent, a legal custodian or a legal guardian may
    17  designate an alternate standby guardian in the same writing.
    18     "Designator."  A parent, a legal custodian or a legal

     1  guardian who appoints a standby guardian.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Section 5611 of Title 23 is amended to read:
     4  § 5611.  Designation.
     5     (a)  General rule.--A custodial parent, a legal custodian or
     6  legal guardian may designate a standby guardian by means of a
     7  written designation unless the minor has another parent or
     8  adoptive parent:
     9         (1)  whose parental rights have not been terminated or
    10     relinquished;
    11         (2)  whose whereabouts are known; and
    12         (3)  who is willing and able to make and carry out the
    13     day-to-day child-care decisions concerning the minor.
    14     (b)  Exception where other parent consents.--Notwithstanding
    15  subsection (a), a parent, legal custodian or legal guardian may
    16  designate a standby guardian with the consent of the other
    17  parent.
    18     (c)  Contents.--
    19         (1)  A designation of a standby guardianship shall
    20     identify the custodial parent, legal custodian or legal
    21     guardian making the designation, the minor or minors, any
    22     other parent, the standby guardian and the triggering event
    23     or events upon which a named standby guardian shall become a
    24     coguardian or guardian. If desired, different standby
    25     guardians may be designated for different triggering events.
    26     The designation shall also include the signed consent of the
    27     standby guardian and the signed consent of any other parent
    28     or an indication why the other parent's consent is not
    29     necessary.
    30         (2)  The designation shall be signed by the designating
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     1     parent, legal custodian or legal guardian in the presence of
     2     two witnesses who are 18 years of age or older and not
     3     otherwise named in the designation, who shall also sign the
     4     designation. If the parent, legal custodian or legal guardian
     5     is physically unable to sign the designation, the parent,
     6     legal custodian or legal guardian may direct another person
     7     not named in the designation to sign on the parent's, the
     8     legal custodian's or the legal guardian's behalf in the
     9     presence of the parent, legal custodian or legal guardian and
    10     the witnesses.
    11         (3)  A parent, legal custodian or legal guardian may also
    12     but need not designate an alternate in the designation.
    13         (4)  A designation may but need not be in the following
    14     form:
    15             I (insert name of designator) do hereby appoint
    16         (insert name, address and telephone number of standby
    17         guardian) as the standby guardian of (insert name(s) of
    18         minor(s)) to take effect upon the occurrence of the
    19         following triggering event or events (insert specific
    20         triggering events).
    21             I hereby revoke all former wills and codicils to the
    22         extent that there is a conflict between those formerly
    23         executed documents and this, my duly executed standby
    24         guardian designation.
    25             I am the (insert designator's relationship to
    26         minor(s)) of (insert name(s) of minor(s)).
    27             (Insert name(s) of minor(s)'s other parent(s)) is the
    28         father/mother of (insert name(s) of minor(s)).
    29         His/her address is:_____________________________________
    30         ________________________________________________________
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     1         (Check all that apply):
     2         ____ He/she died on (insert date of death).
     3         ____ His/her parental rights were terminated or
     4              relinquished on (insert date of termination or
     5              relinquishment).
     6         ____ His/her whereabouts are unknown. I understand that
     7              all living parents whose rights have not been
     8              terminated must be given notice of this designation
     9              pursuant to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil
    10              Procedure or a petition to approve this designation
    11              may not be granted by the court.
    12         ____ He/she is unwilling and unable to make and carry
    13              out day-to-day child-care decisions concerning the
    14              minor.
    15         ____ He/she consents to this designation and has signed
    16              this form below.
    17             By this designation I am granting (insert name of
    18         standby guardian) the authority to act for 60 days
    19         following the occurrence of the triggering event as a
    20         coguardian with me or, in the event of my death, as
    21         guardian of my minor child(ren).
    22             Optional:  I hereby nominate (insert name, address
    23         and telephone number of alternate standby guardian) as
    24         the alternate standby guardian to assume the duties of
    25         the standby guardian named above in the event the standby
    26         guardian is unable or refuses to act as a standby
    27         guardian.
    28             If I have indicated more than one triggering event,
    29         it is my intent that the triggering event which occurs
    30         first shall take precedence. If I have indicated "my
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     1         death" as the triggering event, it is my intent that the
     2         person named in the designation to be standby guardian
     3         for my minor child(ren) in the event of my death shall be
     4         appointed as guardian of my minor child(ren) when I die.
     5             It is my intention to retain full parental rights to
     6         the extent consistent with my condition and to retain the
     7         authority to revoke the standby guardianship if I so
     8         choose.
     9             This designation is made after careful reflection,
    10         while I am of sound mind.
    11         _________________________    ___________________________
    12         (Date)                        (Designator's signature)
    13         _________________________    ___________________________
    14         (Witness's signature)         (Witness's signature)
    15         _________________________    ___________________________
    16         (Number and Street)           (Number and Street)
    17         __________________________   ___________________________
    18         (City, State and Zip Code)    (City, State and Zip Code)
    19             If applicable:  I (insert name of other parent)
    20         hereby consent to this designation.
    21         ____________________      ______________________________
    22         (Date)                    (Signature of other parent)
    23         ________________________________________________________
    24         (Address of other parent)
    25             I, (insert name of standby guardian) hereby accept my
    26         nomination as standby guardian of (insert minor(s)'s
    27         name(s)). I understand that my rights and
    28         responsibilities toward the minor child(ren) named above
    29         will become effective upon the occurrence of the above-
    30         stated triggering event or events. I further understand
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     1         that in order to continue caring for the child(ren), I
     2         must file a petition with the court within 60 days of the
     3         occurrence of the triggering event.
     4         _____________________     ________________________
     5         (Date)                    (Signature of standby guardian)
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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