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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2000



No. 1284 Session of 2006

           C. WILLIAMS AND BROWNE, JULY 13, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     further providing for rights of municipalities preserved.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 493.1(b) and (c) of the act of April 12,
    21  1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and
    22  amended June 29, 1987 (P.L.32, No.14), and amended or added July
    23  17, 2003 (P.L.63, No.15), are amended to read:
    24     Section 493.1.  Rights of Municipalities Preserved.--* * *
    25     (b)  [A municipality may file a petition with the board for

     1  an exemption from the board's regulations regarding amplified
     2  music being heard off the licensed premises for all the
     3  licensees within an identifiable area in the municipality. Prior
     4  to submitting a petition, the municipality shall adopt a local
     5  noise ordinance and a resolution adopted by its governing body
     6  confirming support of the petition, citing the noise ordinance
     7  and its intention to enforce the ordinance in place of the
     8  board's regulations. Upon receipt of a petition, including a
     9  copy of the noise ordinance, a map of the area to be exempted
    10  and resolution, the board shall hold at least one (1) public
    11  hearing on the petition. The hearing may be held before a
    12  hearing examiner. The hearing shall take place within the
    13  identified area and must comply with the notice, recording and
    14  public participation requirements of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating
    15  to open meetings). Within sixty (60) days after receipt of the
    16  petition, the board shall disapprove the petition for an
    17  exemption in its entirety or may approve an area more limited
    18  for which the exemption will be granted if the board finds that
    19  granting the petition shall have an adverse effect on the
    20  welfare, health, peace and morals of the residents living in the
    21  vicinity of the identified area; otherwise, the board shall
    22  approve the petition. The board may place additional conditions
    23  on its approval such as limiting the duration of the approval
    24  and any other condition the board deems appropriate. There shall
    25  be a right to appeal to the court of common pleas in the same
    26  manner as provided by this act for appeals from refusals to
    27  grant licenses.] A municipality may be exempt from the board's
    28  regulations pertaining to amplified music being heard outside of
    29  the licensed premises by notifying the board that it intends to
    30  impose the requirements of its own local noise ordinance in lieu
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     1  of the board's regulations on the licensed premises within its
     2  boundaries. Upon such notification, the provisions of the
     3  board's regulations pertaining to amplified music being outside
     4  of the licensed premises shall not apply to licensed premises
     5  located in that municipality.
     6     (c)  A municipality may rescind any existing exemption from
     7  the board's regulations regarding amplified music by notifying
     8  the board of its intent to do so in writing, fifteen (15) days
     9  prior to the rescission date. Such notice must be accompanied by
    10  an ordinance or resolution authorizing the rescission. [A
    11  rescission of an existing exemption which does not rescind the
    12  entire exempted area shall be treated as a new petition for
    13  exemption with the board and shall follow the procedures set
    14  forth in subsection (b).]
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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