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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1681



No. 1305 Session of 2000


           FEBRUARY 22, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 28, 1984 (P.L.150, No.28), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the rights of purchasers of defective new
     3     motor vehicles," amending the title of the act; and further
     4     providing for definitions, for repair obligations, for
     5     manufacturer's duty for refund or replacement and for resale
     6     of returned motor vehicle.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The title of the act of March 28, 1984 (P.L.150,
    10  No.28), known as the Automobile Lemon Law, is amended to read:
    11                               AN ACT
    12  Relating to the rights of purchasers and lessees of defective
    13     new motor vehicles.
    14     Section 2.  Sections 2, 4, 5 and 10 of the act are amended to
    15  read:
    16  Section 2.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     "Dealer" or "motor vehicle dealer."  A person in the business
     2  of buying, selling, leasing or exchanging vehicles.
     3     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "Manufacturer."  Any person engaged in the business of
     6  constructing or assembling new and unused motor vehicles or
     7  engaged in the business of importing new and unused motor
     8  vehicles into the United States for the purpose of selling or
     9  distributing new and unused motor vehicles to motor vehicle
    10  dealers in this Commonwealth.
    11     "Manufacturer's express warranty" or "warranty."  The written
    12  warranty of the manufacturer of a new automobile of its
    13  condition and fitness for use, including any terms or conditions
    14  precedent to the enforcement of obligations under the warranty.
    15     "New motor vehicle."  Any new and unused self-propelled,
    16  motorized conveyance driven upon public roads, streets or
    17  highways which is designed to transport not more than 15
    18  persons, which was purchased or leased and is registered in the
    19  Commonwealth or purchased or leased elsewhere by a resident of
    20  this Commonwealth and registered for the first time in this
    21  Commonwealth and is used, leased or bought for use primarily for
    22  personal, family or household purposes, including a vehicle used
    23  by a manufacturer or dealer as a demonstrator or dealer car
    24  prior to its sale. The term does not include motorcycles, motor
    25  homes or off-road vehicles.
    26     "Nonconformity."  A defect or condition which substantially
    27  impairs the use, value or safety of a new motor vehicle and does
    28  not conform to the manufacturer's express warranty.
    29     "Purchaser."  A person, or his successors or assigns, who has
    30  obtained possession or ownership of a new motor vehicle by
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     1  lease, transfer or purchase or who has entered into an agreement
     2  or contract for the lease or purchase of a new motor vehicle
     3  which is used, leased or bought for use primarily for personal,
     4  family or household purposes.
     5  Section 4.  Repair obligations.
     6     (a)  Repairs required.--The manufacturer of a new motor
     7  vehicle sold or leased and registered in the Commonwealth shall
     8  repair or correct, at no cost to the purchaser, a nonconformity
     9  which substantially impairs the use, value or safety of said
    10  motor vehicle which may occur within a period of one year
    11  following the actual delivery of the vehicle to the purchaser,
    12  within the first 12,000 miles of use or during the term of the
    13  warranty, whichever may first occur.
    14     (b)  Delivery of vehicle.--It shall be the duty of the
    15  purchaser to deliver the nonconforming vehicle to the
    16  manufacturer's authorized service and repair facility within the
    17  Commonwealth, unless, due to reasons of size and weight or
    18  method of attachment or method of installation or nature of the
    19  nonconformity, such delivery cannot reasonably be accomplished.
    20  Should the purchaser be unable to effect return of the
    21  nonconforming vehicle, he shall notify the manufacturer or its
    22  authorized service and repair facility. Written notice of
    23  nonconformity to the manufacturer or its authorized service and
    24  repair facility shall constitute return of the vehicle when the
    25  purchaser is unable to return the vehicle due to the
    26  nonconformity. Upon receipt of such notice of nonconformity, the
    27  manufacturer shall, at its option, service or repair the vehicle
    28  at the location of nonconformity or pick up the vehicle for
    29  service and repair or arrange for transporting the vehicle to
    30  its authorized service and repair facility. All costs of
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     1  transporting the vehicle when the purchaser is unable to effect
     2  return, due to nonconformity, shall be at the manufacturer's
     3  expense.
     4  Section 5.  Manufacturer's duty for refund or replacement.
     5     If the manufacturer fails to repair or correct a
     6  nonconformity after a reasonable number of attempts, the
     7  manufacturer shall, at the option of the purchaser, replace the
     8  motor vehicle with a comparable motor vehicle of equal value or
     9  accept return of the vehicle from the purchaser and refund to
    10  the purchaser the full purchase price or lease price, including
    11  all collateral charges, less a reasonable allowance for the
    12  purchaser's use of the vehicle not exceeding 10¢ per mile driven
    13  or 10% of the purchase price or lease price of the vehicle,
    14  whichever is less. Refunds shall be made to the purchaser and
    15  lienholder, if any, as their interests may appear. A reasonable
    16  allowance for use shall be that amount directly attributable to
    17  use by the purchaser prior to his first report of the
    18  nonconformity to the manufacturer. In the event the consumer
    19  elects a refund, payment shall be made within 30 days of such
    20  election. A consumer shall not be entitled to a refund or
    21  replacement if the nonconformity does not substantially impair
    22  the use, value or safety of the vehicle or the nonconformity is
    23  the result of abuse, neglect or modification or alteration of
    24  the motor vehicle by the purchaser.
    25  Section 10.  Resale of returned motor vehicle.
    26     (a)  Vehicles may not be resold.--If a motor vehicle has been
    27  returned under the provisions of this act or a similar statute
    28  of another state, it may not be resold or leased in this State
    29  unless:
    30         (1)  The manufacturer provides the same express warranty
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     1     it provided to the original purchaser, except that the term
     2     of the warranty need only last for 12,000 miles or 12 months
     3     after the date of resale, whichever is earlier.
     4         (2)  The manufacturer provides the consumer with a
     5     written statement on a separate piece of paper, in ten point
     6     all capital type, in substantially the following form:
    11  The provisions of this section apply to the resold motor vehicle
    12  for the full term of the warranty required under this
    13  subsection.
    14     (a.1)  Title branding.--A manufacturer who accepts the return
    15  of a new motor vehicle under this act or a similar statute of
    16  any other state shall notify the department and report the
    17  vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle within ten
    18  days after the acceptance. The department shall note that the
    19  motor vehicle was returned under this act on the title issued
    20  for the motor vehicle, and the department shall then issue a
    21  title with a designation which includes the written statement
    22  required under subsection (a)(2).
    23     (b)  Returned vehicles not to be resold.--Notwithstanding the
    24  provisions of subsection (a), if a new motor vehicle has been
    25  returned under the provisions of this act or a similar statute
    26  of another state because of a nonconformity resulting in a
    27  complete failure of the braking or steering system of the motor
    28  vehicle likely to cause death or serious bodily injury if the
    29  vehicle was driven, the motor vehicle may not be resold in this
    30  Commonwealth.
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     1     Section 3.  (a)  The addition of section 10(a.1) of the act
     2  shall apply to claims pending on or after the effective date of
     3  this act.
     4     (b)  The remainder of this act shall apply to the purchase or
     5  lease of a new motor vehicle on or after the effective date of
     6  this act.
     7     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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