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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1693



No. 1315 Session of 2000


           FEBRUARY 29, 2000

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the State Board of Vehicle
     3     Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons; and providing
     4     penalties," further defining "franchise"; and further
     5     providing for powers and duties of the State Board of Vehicle
     6     Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons, for protest hearing
     7     decision within 120 days unless waived by the parties, for
     8     reimbursement for all parts and service required by the
     9     manufacturer or distributor, for reimbursement audits, for
    10     unlawful acts by manufacturers or distributors, for
    11     restriction of manufacturer invoking a right of first refusal
    12     and for limitations on establishing or relocating dealers.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The definition of "franchise" in section 2 of the
    16  act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), known as the Board of
    17  Vehicles Act, amended April 19, 1996 (P.L.104, No.27), is
    18  amended to read:
    19  Section 2.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall

     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     * * *
     4     "Franchise."  The written agreement between any new vehicle
     5  manufacturer or distributor and any new vehicle dealer [or
     6  between any new vehicle manufacturer and distributor] which
     7  purports to fix the legal rights and liabilities of the parties
     8  to such agreement, and pursuant to which the dealer [or
     9  distributor] purchases [and], resells, services, separately
    10  services or performs warranty repairs on the franchise product
    11  or leases or rents the dealership [or distributorship] premises.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 2.  Section 4(5) of the act, amended April 19, 1996
    14  (P.L.104, No.27), is amended to read:
    15  Section 4.  Powers and duties of board.
    16     The board shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    17         * * *
    18         (5)  Bring criminal prosecutions for unauthorized,
    19     unlicensed or unlawful practice and bring an action to enjoin
    20     such practices. Duly authorized agents of the bureau shall be
    21     authorized to issue citations for violations of this act and
    22     any law enforcement officer shall be authorized to issue
    23     citations for violations of this act by unlicensed dealers or
    24     brokers.
    25         * * *
    26     Section 3.  Section 8 of the act is amended by adding
    27  subsections to read:
    28  Section 8.  Protest hearing decision within 120 days unless
    29                 waived by the parties.
    30     * * *
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     1     (c)  Reconsideration.--In the event a decision of the board
     2  is remanded by a court of competent jurisdiction for further
     3  action by the board, the board shall consider the action and
     4  issue a final determination, not later than 120 days following
     5  receipt of the record from such court, unless the 120-day time
     6  period for the board to issue a final determination is waived or
     7  extended by the parties.
     8     (d)  Dealer protest of automobile or truck manufacturer act
     9  or omission.--
    10         (1)  Except for protests authorized under section 13 or
    11     27 and not withstanding any other remedy available under this
    12     act, any new vehicle dealer who believes that an automobile
    13     or truck manufacturer or distributor with whom the new
    14     vehicle dealer holds a franchise agreement has violated or is
    15     violating any provision of this act, may file a protest with
    16     the board setting forth the factual and legal basis for such
    17     violation.
    18         (2)  The board shall issue a final determination within
    19     120 days after the protest is filed, unless the 120-day time
    20     period for the board to issue a final determination is waived
    21     or extended by the parties.
    22         (3)  It shall be the burden of the automobile or truck
    23     manufacturer to prove it has not violated any provision of
    24     this act as set forth in the protest filed by the new vehicle
    25     dealer.
    26         (4)  The protested action shall not become effective
    27     until the final determination is issued by the board and
    28     shall not be effective thereafter, if the board has
    29     determined that there is good cause for not permitting the
    30     protested action.
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     1         (5)  The board shall be empowered to direct or require
     2     the automobile or truck manufacturer or distributor to
     3     perform such acts as necessary in order for the manufacturer
     4     or distributor to comply with the provisions of this act.
     5     Section 4.  Sections 9, 12, 16 and 27 of the act, amended or
     6  added April 19, 1996 (P.L.104, No.27), are amended to read:
     7  Section 9.  Reimbursement for all parts and service required by
     8                 the manufacturer or distributor; reimbursement
     9                 audits.
    10     (a)  Manufacturers or distributors to notify dealers of their
    11  obligations.--Each new vehicle manufacturer or distributor shall
    12  specify in writing to each of its new vehicle dealers licensed
    13  in this Commonwealth the dealer's obligations for predelivery
    14  preparation and warranty service on its products, shall
    15  compensate the new vehicle dealer for service required of the
    16  dealer by the manufacturer or distributor and shall provide the
    17  dealer with a schedule of compensation to be paid the dealer for
    18  parts, work and service, and the time allowance for the
    19  performance of such work and service.
    20     (b)  Schedule of compensation to include reasonable
    21  compensation.--[In]
    22         (1)  Except as otherwise provided for in paragraphs (2),
    23     (3) and (4), in no event shall the schedule of compensation
    24     fail to include reasonable compensation for diagnostic work,
    25     repair service, original equipment manufacturer parts and
    26     labor. Time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of
    27     warranty work and service shall be reasonable and adequate
    28     for the work to be performed. In the determination of what
    29     constitutes reasonable compensation, the principal factors to
    30     be given consideration shall be the prevailing wage rates
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     1     being paid by the dealers in the community in which the
     2     dealer is doing business. The hourly labor rate paid to a
     3     dealer for warranty services shall not be less than the rate
     4     charged by the dealer for like service to nonwarranty
     5     customers for nonwarranty service and repairs at a reasonable
     6     rate. This [subsection] paragraph shall not apply to
     7     manufacturers or distributors of manufactured housing or
     8     recreational vehicles.
     9         (2)  In no event shall the schedule of compensation from
    10     an automobile or truck manufacturer or distributor fail to
    11     include reasonable compensation for diagnostic work, repair
    12     service, original equipment manufacturer parts and labor.
    13     Time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of
    14     warranty, goodwill or recall work and service shall be
    15     reasonable and adequate for the work to be performed.
    16     Compensation paid to a dealer for warranty, goodwill or
    17     recall work and services shall not be less than the costs
    18     charged in dollar amount and the period of time assessed by
    19     the dealer for like service to nonwarranty customers for
    20     nonwarranty service and repairs. Increases in dealer
    21     warranty, goodwill or recall parts, work, diagnostic and
    22     service compensation pursuant to this section shall be
    23     requested by the dealer in writing.
    24         (3)  An automobile or truck manufacturer or distributor
    25     shall not furnish a part to a dealer at no cost or at a
    26     substantially reduced cost for use by the dealer in
    27     performing work for which the manufacturer or distributor is
    28     required to compensate the dealer under this section.
    29         (4)  For purposes of determining reasonable compensation
    30     for warranty, goodwill or recall parts, work and service paid
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     1     to a dealer by the automobile or truck manufacturer or
     2     distributor for costs charged by the dealer to a retail
     3     customer, menu-priced parts or services, group discounts,
     4     special event discounts and special event promotions shall
     5     not be considered. For purposes of determining labor
     6     compensation for warranty body shop repairs paid to a dealer
     7     by the automobile or truck manufacturer or distributor for
     8     charges paid by the dealer to a retail customer, internal or
     9     insurance-paid repairs shall not be considered.
    10     (c)  Copy of obligation to be filed with board.--A copy of
    11  the delivery and preparation obligations of its dealers shall be
    12  filed with the board by every vehicle manufacturer and shall
    13  constitute the dealer's only responsibility for product
    14  liability as between the dealer and the manufacturer.
    15     (d)  Indemnification required.--Notwithstanding the terms of
    16  any franchise agreement, it shall be a violation for any new
    17  vehicle manufacturer to fail to indemnify its franchised dealers
    18  against any judgment for damages or settlement approved in
    19  writing by the manufacturer, including, but not limited to,
    20  court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees of the new vehicle
    21  dealer, arising out of complaints, claims or lawsuits including,
    22  but not limited to, strict liability, negligence,
    23  misrepresentation, express or implied warranty or rescission of
    24  the sale as defined in 13 Pa.C.S. § 2608 (relating to revocation
    25  of acceptance in whole or in part) to the extent that the
    26  judgment or settlement relates solely to the alleged defective
    27  or negligent manufacture, assembly or design of new vehicles,
    28  parts or accessories or other functions by the manufacturer or
    29  distributor beyond the control of the dealer.
    30     (e)  Warranty reimbursement and incentive or reimbursement
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     1  program approval and audits.--
     2         (1)  Any warranty, recall, goodwill, service contract or
     3     any other required service parts or labor reimbursement claim
     4     or incentive or reimbursement program claim filed by the
     5     dealer with the manufacturer or distributor in the manner and
     6     on forms the manufacturer or distributor reasonably
     7     prescribes which is not specifically disapproved in writing
     8     or by electronic transmission 30 days after receipt by the
     9     manufacturer or distributor is considered approved and
    10     payment to the dealer must follow within 30 days.
    11         (1.1)  Where the automobile or truck manufacturer or
    12     distributor disapproves any claim, the manufacturer or
    13     distributor shall describe in writing what reasonable
    14     corrective action the dealer must perform to receive payment
    15     for the claim or the claim shall be deemed approved within 30
    16     days of the original disapproval and payment to the dealer
    17     shall be made within 30 days of the deemed approval. The
    18     automobile or truck manufacturer or distributor shall not
    19     deny a claim or reduce the amount to be reimbursed, if the
    20     dealer has reasonably substantiated the claim in accordance
    21     with reasonable written requirements of the manufacturer or
    22     distributor, provided that the dealer has been notified of
    23     the requirements prior to the time the claim arose and the
    24     requirements were in effect at the time the claim arose.
    25         (2)  The manufacturer or distributor shall be permitted
    26     to audit claims within a two-year period from the date the
    27     claim was paid or credit issued by the manufacturer or
    28     distributor and to charge back any false or unsubstantiated
    29     claims. If there is evidence of fraud, this subsection does
    30     not limit the right of the manufacturer or distributor to
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     1     audit for longer periods and charge back for any fraudulent
     2     claim, subject to the limitations period under 42 Pa.C.S.
     3     (relating to judiciary and judicial procedure).
     4     (f)  Applicability.--This section shall also apply to each
     5  medium-duty and heavy-duty truck component and engine
     6  manufacturer or distributor that provides integral parts of
     7  vehicles, provides major components by selling directly to
     8  dealers or who enters into a contract with a medium-duty and
     9  heavy-duty truck dealer which authorizes the dealer to perform
    10  warranty or other services on the products produced or
    11  distributed.
    12  Section 12.  Unlawful acts by manufacturers or distributors.
    13     (a)  Unlawful coercive acts.--It shall be a violation for any
    14  manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, field representative,
    15  officer, agent or any representative whatsoever of such
    16  manufacturer, factory branch or distributor licensed under this
    17  act to require, attempt to require, coerce or attempt to coerce
    18  any new vehicle dealer in this Commonwealth to:
    19         (1)  Order or accept delivery of any new vehicle, part or
    20     accessory thereof, equipment or any other commodity not
    21     required by law which shall not have been voluntarily ordered
    22     by the new vehicle dealer, except that this paragraph is not
    23     intended to modify or supersede any terms or provisions of
    24     the franchise requiring new vehicle dealers to market a
    25     representative line of those vehicles which the manufacturer
    26     or distributor is publicly advertising.
    27         (2)  Order or accept delivery of any new vehicle with
    28     special features, accessories or equipment not included in
    29     the list price of such vehicles as publicly advertised by the
    30     manufacturer or distributor.
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     1         (3)  Participate monetarily in an advertising campaign or
     2     contest or to purchase unnecessary or unreasonable quantities
     3     of any promotional materials, training materials, showroom or
     4     other display decorations or materials at the expense of the
     5     new vehicle dealer.
     6         (4)  Enter into any agreement with the manufacturer or to
     7     do any other act prejudicial to the new vehicle dealer by
     8     threatening to terminate or not renew a franchise or any
     9     contractual agreement existing between the dealer and the
    10     manufacturer or distributor, except that this paragraph is
    11     not intended to preclude the manufacturer or distributor from
    12     insisting on compliance with the reasonable terms or
    13     provisions of the franchise or other contractual agreement
    14     and notice in good faith to any new vehicle dealer of the new
    15     vehicle dealer's violation of such terms or provisions shall
    16     not constitute a violation of the act.
    17         (5)  Change the capital structure of the new vehicle
    18     dealer or the means by or through which the new vehicle
    19     dealer finances the operation of the dealership, provided
    20     that the new vehicle dealer at all times meets any reasonable
    21     capital standards determined by the manufacturer or
    22     distributor in accordance with uniformly applied criteria,
    23     and also provided that no change in the capital structure
    24     shall cause a change in the principal management or have the
    25     effect of a sale of the franchise without the consent of the
    26     manufacturer or distributor. The consent shall be granted or
    27     denied within 60 days of receipt of a written request from
    28     the new vehicle dealer.
    29         (6) (i)  Refrain from participation in the management of,
    30         investment in or the acquisition of any other line of new
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     1         vehicle or related products. This [paragraph]
     2         subparagraph does not apply unless the new vehicle dealer
     3         maintains a reasonable line of credit for each make or
     4         line of new vehicle, the new vehicle dealer remains in
     5         compliance with the reasonable terms of the franchise
     6         agreement and any reasonable facilities requirements of
     7         the manufacturer or distributor, and no change is made in
     8         the principal management of the new vehicle dealer. The
     9         reasonable facilities requirements shall not include any
    10         requirement that a new vehicle dealer establish or
    11         maintain exclusive facilities, personnel or display space
    12         when such requirements or any of them would be
    13         unreasonable in light of economic conditions and would
    14         not otherwise be justified by reasonable business
    15         considerations. [Nothing in this paragraph] Except as
    16         provided in subparagraph (ii), nothing in this
    17         subparagraph shall permit the addition of a line-make to
    18         the dealership facilities without the written consent of
    19         the manufacturer or distributor. Any consent required
    20         from the manufacturer or distributor with regard to
    21         dualling of two or more franchises shall be granted or
    22         denied within 60 days of receipt of a written request
    23         from the new vehicle dealer.
    24             (ii)  No automobile or truck manufacturer or
    25         distributor shall limit or restrict the addition of a
    26         line-make to the dealership facilities where the new
    27         vehicle dealer maintains a reasonable line of credit for
    28         each make or line of new vehicle and the new vehicle
    29         dealer remains in compliance with the reasonable terms of
    30         the franchise agreement and any reasonable facilities
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     1         requirements of an automobile or truck manufacturer or
     2         distributor.
     3         (7)  Prospectively assent to a release, assignment,
     4     novation, waiver or estoppel which would relieve any person
     5     from liability to be imposed by this act or to require any
     6     controversy between a new vehicle dealer and a manufacturer,
     7     distributor or representative to be referred to any person
     8     other than the duly constituted courts of the Commonwealth or
     9     the United States of America, if such referral would be
    10     binding upon the new vehicle dealer. A dealer and the
    11     manufacturer, distributor or representative, by themselves or
    12     through their respective counsel, are permitted to agree to
    13     execute a written agreement or to arbitrate in a binding or
    14     nonbinding manner after a controversy arises.
    15         (8)  Expand, construct or significantly modify facilities
    16     without assurances that the manufacturer or distributor will
    17     provide a reasonable supply of new vehicles within a
    18     reasonable time so as to justify such an expansion in light
    19     of the market and economic conditions or require a separate
    20     facility for the sale or service of a line-make of a new
    21     vehicle if the market and economic conditions do not clearly
    22     justify the separate facility.
    23         (9)  Agree as a condition to granting or renewing a
    24     franchise to waive, limit or disclaim a right that the dealer
    25     may have to protest the establishment or relocation of
    26     another vehicle dealer in the relevant market area as
    27     provided in section 27, unless such agreement is voluntary.
    28     (b)  Violations.--It shall be a violation of this act for any
    29  manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, field representative,
    30  officer, agent or any representative whatsoever of such
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     1  manufacturer, factory branch or distributor licensed under this
     2  act to:
     3         (1)  Delay, refuse or fail to deliver new vehicles or new
     4     vehicle parts or accessories in a reasonable time and in
     5     reasonable quantity relative to the new vehicle dealer's
     6     facilities and sales potential after acceptance of an order
     7     from a new vehicle dealer having a franchise for the retail
     8     sale of any new vehicle sold or distributed of an order from
     9     a new vehicle dealer having a franchise for the retail sale
    10     of any new vehicle sold or distributed by the manufacturer or
    11     distributor as are covered by such franchise, if such
    12     vehicle, parts or accessories are publicly advertised as
    13     being available for immediate delivery. There is no violation
    14     if the failure is caused by acts or causes beyond the control
    15     of the manufacturer or distributor.
    16         (2)  Unfairly discriminate among its new vehicle dealers
    17     with respect to warranty, recall, service contract or any
    18     other service required by the manufacturer or distributor
    19     with regard to labor or parts reimbursement.
    20         (3)  Unreasonably withhold consent to the sale, transfer
    21     or exchange of the franchise to a qualified buyer capable of
    22     being licensed as a new vehicle dealer in this Commonwealth
    23     who meets the manufacturer's or distributor's reasonable
    24     requirements for appointment as a dealer.
    25         (4)  Arbitrarily and capriciously withhold consent to the
    26     relocation of an existing new vehicle dealer.
    27         (5)  Fail to respond in writing to a request for consent
    28     as specified in paragraphs (3) and (4) within 60 days of
    29     receipt of a written request on the forms, if any, generally
    30     utilized by the manufacturer or distributor for such purposes
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     1     and containing the information required. The failure to
     2     respond within the time period set forth in this subsection
     3     shall be deemed to be approval of the request and the
     4     manufacturer or distributor shall execute and deliver a
     5     franchise to the applicant within ten days of the expiration
     6     of this time period. A manufacturer or distributor shall
     7     acknowledge in writing to the applicant the receipt of the
     8     forms, and, if the manufacturer or distributor requires
     9     additional information to complete its review, the
    10     manufacturer or distributor shall notify the applicant within
    11     15 days of the receipt of the forms. If the manufacturer or
    12     distributor fails to request additional information from the
    13     applicant within 15 days after receipt of the initial forms,
    14     the 60-day time period for approval shall be deemed to run
    15     from the initial receipt date. Otherwise, the 60-day time
    16     period for approval shall run from receipt of the
    17     supplemental requested information. In no event shall the
    18     total time period for approval exceed 75 days from the date
    19     of the receipt of the initial forms.
    20         (6)  Prevent or attempt to prevent by contract or
    21     otherwise, any new vehicle dealer from changing the executive
    22     management control of the new vehicle dealer unless the
    23     manufacturer or distributor, having the burden of proof, can
    24     show that such change of executive management will result in
    25     executive management or control by a person or persons who
    26     are not of good moral character or who do not meet
    27     reasonable, preexisting, and, with consideration given to the
    28     volume of sales and service of the dealership, uniformly
    29     applied minimum business experience standards. Where the
    30     manufacturer or distributor rejects a proposed change in
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     1     executive management control, the manufacturer or distributor
     2     shall give written notice of its reasons to the dealer within
     3     60 days of notice to the manufacturer by the dealer of the
     4     proposed change; otherwise the change in the executive
     5     management of the new vehicle dealer shall be presumptively
     6     deemed approved.
     7         (7)  Offer in connection with a sale of a new vehicle or
     8     vehicles to the Federal Government, the Commonwealth or any
     9     political subdivision thereof, any discounts, refunds or any
    10     other type of inducement to any new vehicle dealer without
    11     making the same offer or offers available to all other of its
    12     new vehicle dealers within this Commonwealth. [This paragraph
    13     shall not be construed to prevent the offering of incentive
    14     programs or other discounts if the discounts are equally
    15     available to all franchised vehicle dealers in this
    16     Commonwealth on a proportionally equal basis.]
    17         (8)  Fail to indemnify its franchised dealers,
    18     notwithstanding the terms of any franchise agreement, against
    19     any judgment for damages or settlement approved in writing by
    20     the manufacturer or distributor, including, but not limited
    21     to, court costs and reasonable attorney fees of the new
    22     vehicle dealer, arising out of complaints, claims or
    23     lawsuits, including, but not limited to, strict liability,
    24     negligence, misrepresentation, express or implied warranty or
    25     rescission of the sale as defined in 13 Pa.C.S. § 2608
    26     (relating to revocation of acceptance in whole or in part) to
    27     the extent that the judgment or settlement relates solely to
    28     the alleged defective or negligent functions by the
    29     manufacturer or distributor beyond the control of the dealer.
    30         (9)  Sell or exchange with a second or final stage
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     1     manufacturer, retail consumer or end user except through a
     2     licensed new vehicle dealer. This paragraph shall not apply
     3     to manufacturer or distributor sales of new vehicles to the
     4     Federal Government, charitable organizations and employees of
     5     the manufacturer or distributor or to motorcycle
     6     manufacturers or distributors.
     7         (10)  (i)  Modify a franchise during the term of the
     8         franchise or upon its renewal if the modification
     9         substantially and adversely affects the new vehicle
    10         dealer's rights, obligations, investment or return on
    11         investment without giving 60 days' written notice of the
    12         proposed modification to the new vehicle dealer unless
    13         the modification is required by law, court order or the
    14         board. Within the 60-day notice period, the new vehicle
    15         dealer may file with the board and serve notice upon the
    16         manufacturer or distributor a protest requesting a
    17         determination of whether there is good cause for
    18         permitting the proposed modification. The board shall
    19         promptly schedule a hearing and decide the matter within
    20         180 days from the date the protest is filed. Multiple
    21         protests pertaining to the same proposed modification
    22         shall be consolidated for hearing. The proposed
    23         modification shall not take effect pending the
    24         determination of the matter. In determining whether there
    25         is good cause for permitting a proposed modification, the
    26         board shall consider any relevant factors, including, but
    27         not limited to:
    28                 (A)  The reasons for the proposed modification.
    29                 (B)  Whether the proposed modification is applied
    30             to or affects all new vehicle dealers in a
    20000S1315B1693                 - 15 -

     1             nondiscriminatory manner.
     2                 (C)  Whether the proposed modification will have
     3             a substantial and adverse effect upon the new vehicle
     4             dealer's investment or return on investment.
     5                 (D)  Whether the proposed modification is in the
     6             public interest.
     7                 (E)  Whether the proposed modification is
     8             necessary to the orderly and profitable distribution
     9             of products by the manufacturer or distributor.
    10                 (F)  Whether the proposed modification is offset
    11             by other modifications beneficial to the new vehicle
    12             dealer.
    13             (ii)  This paragraph shall not apply to recreational
    14         vehicle manufacturers, distributors or dealers.
    15         (11)  Fail or refuse to offer to its new vehicle dealers
    16     all new model vehicles, parts or accessories manufactured for
    17     that line-make franchise, or to require or attempt to require
    18     a new vehicle dealer already a party to a franchise for the
    19     retail sale of new vehicles for that line-make of a
    20     manufacturer or distributor to possess a separate franchise
    21     to order, obtain or sell additional new model vehicles, parts
    22     or accessories, or vary for any similarly equipped new
    23     vehicle, part, accessory or other merchandise the price
    24     charged to any of its new vehicle dealers or require any of
    25     its new vehicle dealers to pay an extra fee, remodel or
    26     renovate the new vehicle dealer's existing facilities,
    27     purchase or construct a new facility, unreasonably purchase
    28     parts, supplies, tools, equipment, operational services,
    29     other merchandise or unreasonably participate in training
    30     programs in order to receive any new model vehicles, parts or
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     1     accessories. Determination of the price of the vehicle, part
     2     or accessory shall include the use by a manufacturer,
     3     distributor or finance subsidiary of any device including,
     4     but not limited to, incentive or sales promotion plans,
     5     programs, refunds, rebates, credits or other consideration
     6     which has the effect of causing a difference in the price of
     7     a new vehicle, part or accessory offered to its new vehicle
     8     dealers or the ultimate purchaser.
     9         (12)  Operate a system for the allocation, scheduling or
    10     delivery of new vehicles, parts or accessories which is not
    11     reasonable, fair or equitable to a new vehicle dealer, or
    12     which directly or indirectly discriminates against a new
    13     vehicle dealer or otherwise treats new vehicle dealers
    14     differently as a result of a formula or other calculation or
    15     process intended to gauge the performance of a new vehicle
    16     dealer, or discriminates unreasonably between or among new
    17     vehicle dealers in the sale of new vehicles owned by the
    18     manufacturer or distributor. Upon the written request of any
    19     of its new vehicle dealers, a manufacturer or distributor
    20     shall disclose in writing to the new vehicle dealer the basis
    21     on which new vehicles, parts and accessories are allocated,
    22     scheduled and delivered among the new vehicle dealers of the
    23     same line-make. The manufacturer distributor has the burden
    24     of establishing the fairness of its allocation.
    25         (13)  Own, operate or control, either directly or
    26     indirectly, any vehicle warranty or service facility. Nothing
    27     in this subsection shall prohibit any manufacturer or
    28     distributor from owning, operating or controlling any
    29     warranty or service facility for warranty or service of
    30     vehicles owned or operated by the manufacturer or
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     1     distributor.
     2         (14)  Compel a dealer through a finance subsidiary of the
     3     manufacturer or distributor to agree to unreasonable
     4     operating requirements, or to directly or indirectly
     5     terminate a new vehicle dealer through the actions of a
     6     finance subsidiary of the manufacturer or distributor. This
     7     subsection shall not limit the right of a financing entity to
     8     engage in business practices in accordance with the trade of
     9     retail or wholesale vehicle financing.
    10         (15)  Use any subsidiary corporation, affiliated
    11     corporation or any other controlled corporation, partnership,
    12     association, entity or person to accomplish what would
    13     otherwise be illegal conduct under this act on the part of
    14     the manufacturer or distributor.
    15         (16)  Release to any third party any customer information
    16     which has been provided by the new vehicle dealer to the
    17     manufacturer or distributor if the customer objects in
    18     writing to releasing the information, unless the information
    19     is necessary for the manufacturer or distributor to meet its
    20     obligations to customers or new vehicle dealers under
    21     requirements imposed by Federal or State law.
    22         (17)  Require or coerce or attempt to require or coerce a
    23     new vehicle dealer to pay attorney fees of the manufacturer
    24     or distributor related to hearings and appeals brought under
    25     this act.
    26     (c)  Restriction on ownership of dealer.--
    27         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a
    28     manufacturer or distributor shall not directly or indirectly:
    29             (i)  own or hold an interest in a dealer licensed
    30         under this act, which is engaging in the business of
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     1         buying, selling or exchanging vehicles;
     2             (ii)  operate or control a dealer licensed under this
     3         act, which is engaging in the business of buying, selling
     4         or exchanging vehicles; or
     5             (iii)  engage in the business as a dealer.
     6     Where a qualified person as described in paragraph (4) is not
     7     part of the ownership and operation of a dealer, a
     8     manufacturer or distributor shall be authorized to continue
     9     to own, operate or control a dealer licensed under this act,
    10     which has been owned, operated or controlled continuously for
    11     the two years immediately preceding January 1, 2000, where
    12     there is no other dealer available to own, operate or control
    13     the licensed dealer. A manufacturer or distributor shall be
    14     authorized to own up to a 5% equity interest in a publicly
    15     traded company licensed to engage in the business as a dealer
    16     under this act.
    17         (2)  A manufacturer or distributor may own or hold an
    18     interest in a dealer, or otherwise operate or control a
    19     dealer for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date the
    20     manufacturer or distributor acquires an interest in the
    21     dealer if:
    22             (i)  The person from whom the manufacturer or
    23         distributor acquired the dealer was a franchised dealer.
    24             (ii)  The dealer is for sale by the manufacturer or
    25         distributor at a reasonable price and on reasonable terms
    26         and conditions.
    27         (3)  On a showing by a manufacturer or distributor of
    28     good cause, the board may extend the time limit set forth in
    29     paragraph (2). An extension under this paragraph may not
    30     exceed 12 months. Where an extension under this paragraph is
    20000S1315B1693                 - 19 -

     1     sought, the manufacturer or distributor shall provide notice
     2     delivered 30 days before the extension request is filed with
     3     the board to all the same line-make dealers within a 10-mile
     4     radius of the manufacturer or distributor owned, operated or
     5     controlled dealer. An application for an extension is subject
     6     to protest by a dealer of the same line-make who is within
     7     the 10-mile radius of the manufacturer or distributor owned,
     8     operated or controlled dealer.
     9         (4)  For the purpose of broadening the diversity of its
    10     dealer body and enhancing opportunities for qualified persons
    11     who are part of a group who have historically been
    12     underrepresented in its dealer body, or other qualified
    13     persons who lack the resources to purchase a dealer outright,
    14     but for no other purpose, a manufacturer or distributor may
    15     temporarily own an interest in a dealer if the manufacturer's
    16     or distributor's participation in the dealer is in a bona
    17     fide relationship with a franchised dealer who:
    18             (i)  Has made a significant investment in the dealer,
    19         subject to loss.
    20             (ii)  Has an ownership interest in the dealer.
    21             (iii)  Operates the dealer under a written agreement
    22         to acquire full ownership of the dealer within a
    23         reasonable time and under reasonable terms and
    24         conditions.
    25         (5)  A manufacturer or distributor shall not unfairly
    26     discriminate or compete in terms of any sales, service or
    27     operational activities with a new vehicle dealer of the same
    28     line-make when a manufacturer or distributor operates a new
    29     vehicle dealer under this subsection.
    30     (d)  Applicability.--Subsections (b)(11) through (17) and (c)
    20000S1315B1693                 - 20 -

     1  shall not apply to manufacturers, distributors or dealers of
     2  manufactured housing, motorcycles or recreational vehicles.
     3  Section 16.  Manufacturer right of first refusal.
     4     [A] (a)  General rule.--Except as provided for in subsection
     5  (b), a manufacturer or distributor shall be permitted to enact a
     6  right of first refusal to acquire the new vehicle dealer's
     7  assets or ownership in the event of a proposed change of all or
     8  substantially all ownership or transfer of all or substantially
     9  all dealership assets if all of the following requirements are
    10  met:
    11         (1)  To exercise its right of first refusal, the
    12     manufacturer or distributor must notify the dealer in writing
    13     within the 60-day or 75-day time limitations established
    14     under section 12(b)(5).
    15         (2)  The exercise of the right of first refusal will
    16     result in the dealer and dealer's owners receiving the same
    17     or greater consideration as they have contracted to receive
    18     in connection with the proposed change of all or
    19     substantially all ownership or transfer of all or
    20     substantially all dealership assets.
    21         (3)  The proposed change of all or substantially all
    22     ownership or transfer of all or substantially all dealership
    23     assets does not involve the transfer of assets or the
    24     transfer or issuance of stock by the dealer or one or more
    25     dealer owners to a designated family member or members, the
    26     spouse, child or grandchild, spouse of a child or grandchild,
    27     brother, sister or parent of the dealer owner, of one or more
    28     dealer owners or to a qualified manager or to a partnership
    29     or corporation controlled by such persons.
    30         (4)  The manufacturer or distributor agrees to pay the
    20000S1315B1693                 - 21 -

     1     reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney fees which
     2     do not exceed the usual, customary and reasonable fees
     3     charged for similar work done for other clients, incurred by
     4     the proposed new owner and transferee prior to the
     5     manufacturer's or distributor's exercise of its right of
     6     first refusal in negotiating and implementing the contract
     7     for the proposed change of all or substantially all ownership
     8     or transfer of all or substantially all dealership assets.
     9     Notwithstanding the foregoing, no payment of such expenses
    10     and attorney fees shall be required if the dealer has not
    11     submitted or caused to be submitted an accounting of those
    12     expenses within 20 days of the dealer's receipt of the
    13     manufacturer's or distributor's written request for such an
    14     accounting. Such an accounting may be requested by a
    15     manufacturer or distributor before exercising its right of
    16     first refusal.
    17     (b)  Automobile or truck manufacturers.--An automobile or
    18  truck manufacturer or distributor shall not be permitted to
    19  include a right of first refusal in its franchise which allows
    20  the manufacturer or distributor to acquire all, or substantially
    21  all, of the vehicle dealer's assets or ownership interest in the
    22  event of a proposed change of all, or substantially all, of the
    23  ownership interest in the dealer or the transfer of all, or
    24  substantially, all of the assets of the dealer.
    25  Section 27.  Limitations on establishing or relocating dealers.
    26     (a)  Additional or relocation of new vehicle dealers.--
    27         (1)  In the event that a manufacturer seeks to enter into
    28     a franchise establishing an additional new vehicle dealer or
    29     relocating an existing new vehicle dealer within or into a
    30     relevant market area where the same line-make is then
    20000S1315B1693                 - 22 -

     1     represented, the manufacturer shall in writing first notify
     2     the board and each new vehicle dealer in such line-make in
     3     the relevant market area of the intention to establish an
     4     additional dealer or to relocate an existing dealer within or
     5     into that market area. Within 20 days after the end of any
     6     appeal procedure provided by the manufacturer, any such new
     7     vehicle dealer may file with the board a protest to the
     8     establishing or relocating of the new vehicle dealer. When
     9     such a protest is filed, the board shall inform the
    10     manufacturer that a timely protest has been filed, and that
    11     the manufacturer shall not establish the proposed new vehicle
    12     dealer or relocate the new vehicle dealer until the board has
    13     held a hearing, nor thereafter, if the board has determined
    14     that there is good cause for not permitting the addition or
    15     relocation of such new vehicle dealer.
    16         [(1)] (2)  The notice required by this subsection shall
    17     include the following information:
    18             (i)  The location of the proposed additional or
    19         relocating new vehicle dealer.
    20             (ii)  An explanation of the appeal procedure provided
    21         by the manufacturer or distributor, if any, to the
    22         establishment of the proposed additional new vehicle
    23         dealer or relocation of the new vehicle dealer.
    24             (iii)  An explanation of the existing new vehicle
    25         dealer's rights to file a protest with the board to the
    26         establishment of the proposed new vehicle dealer or the
    27         relocation of the new vehicle dealer.
    28         [(2)] (3)  Under this subsection, relocating an existing
    29     new vehicle dealer shall include any instance where an
    30     existing dealer sells or otherwise transfers all or
    20000S1315B1693                 - 23 -

     1     substantially all of its business to a new owner and the new
     2     owner, who has been approved by the manufacturer or
     3     distributor to enter into a franchise agreement, seeks to
     4     relocate the ongoing, operating dealership franchise from its
     5     current licensed address to a site within the relevant market
     6     area of the existing dealer which is not within five miles of
     7     another licensed new vehicle dealer for the same line-make of
     8     vehicle as set forth in subsection (b)(1).
     9         (4)  (i)  Where an automobile or truck manufacturer or
    10         distributor seeks to enter into an agreement or franchise
    11         establishing an additional vehicle service or parts
    12         facility or seeks to relocate an existing vehicle service
    13         or parts facility within or into a radius of five miles
    14         surrounding where an existing new vehicle dealer, vehicle
    15         service or parts facility of the same line-make is then
    16         represented, the automobile or truck manufacturer shall
    17         in writing first notify the board and each affected new
    18         vehicle dealer, vehicle service or parts facility of such
    19         line-make of the intention to establish an additional
    20         vehicle service or parts facility or to relocate an
    21         existing vehicle service or parts facility within or into
    22         the affected market areas.
    23             (ii)  The notice required by subparagraph (i) shall
    24         include the following information:
    25                 (A)  The location of the proposed additional or
    26             relocating vehicle service or parts facility.
    27                 (B)  An explanation of the appeal procedure
    28             provided by the automobile or truck manufacturer or
    29             distributor, if any, to the establishment of the
    30             proposed additional vehicle service or parts facility
    20000S1315B1693                 - 24 -

     1             or relocation of the vehicle service or parts
     2             facility.
     3                 (C)  An explanation of the existing new vehicle
     4             dealer's or vehicle service or parts facility's
     5             rights to file a protest with the board to the
     6             establishment of the proposed vehicle service or
     7             parts facility or the relocation of the vehicle
     8             service or parts facility.
     9             (iii)  Within 20 days after the end of any appeal
    10         procedure provided by the automobile or truck
    11         manufacturer, any such new vehicle dealer, vehicle
    12         service or parts facility may file with the board a
    13         protest to the establishment or relocation of the vehicle
    14         service or parts facility.
    15             (iv)  When such a protest is filed, the board shall
    16         inform the automobile or truck manufacturer that a timely
    17         protest has been filed, and that the automobile or truck
    18         manufacturer shall not establish the proposed vehicle
    19         service or parts facility or relocate the vehicle service
    20         or parts facility until the board has held a hearing, nor
    21         thereafter, if the board has determined that there is
    22         good cause for not permitting the addition or relocation
    23         of such vehicle service or parts facility.
    24             (v)  In determining whether good cause exists to
    25         allow for the establishment or relocation of a vehicle
    26         service or parts facility, the board shall consider the
    27         same type of circumstances as established in subsection
    28         (c).
    29     (b)  Nonapplicability of section.--This section does not
    30  apply:
    20000S1315B1693                 - 25 -

     1         (1)  To the relocation of an existing dealer within that
     2     dealer's relevant market area, provided that the relocation
     3     not be at a site within five miles of a licensed new vehicle
     4     dealer for the same line-make of vehicles.
     5         (2)  If the proposed new vehicle dealer is to be
     6     established at or within two miles of a location at which a
     7     former licensed new vehicle dealer for the same line-make of
     8     new vehicle had ceased operating within the previous two
     9     years. For purposes of this section, a former vehicle dealer
    10     shall have ceased operations on the date on which the
    11     franchise or agreement shall have been finally terminated.
    12         (3)  To the relocation of an existing dealer to a site
    13     that is further away from the nearest dealer of the same
    14     line-make.
    15         (4)  To manufactured housing or recreational vehicle
    16     dealers.
    17     (c)  Board to consider existing circumstances.--In
    18  determining whether good cause has been established for not
    19  entering into or relocating an additional new vehicle dealer for
    20  the same line-make, the board shall take into consideration the
    21  existing circumstances, including, but not limited to:
    22         (1)  Permanency of the investment of both the existing
    23     and proposed new vehicle dealers.
    24         (2)  Growth or decline in population and new vehicle
    25     registrations in the relevant market area.
    26         (3)  Effect on the consuming public in the relevant
    27     market area.
    28         (4)  Whether it is injurious or beneficial to the public
    29     welfare for an additional new vehicle dealer to be
    30     established.
    20000S1315B1693                 - 26 -

     1         (5)  Whether the new vehicle dealers of the same line-
     2     make in that relevant market area are providing adequate
     3     competition and convenient customer care for the vehicles of
     4     the line-make in the market area which shall include the
     5     adequacy of vehicle sales and service facilities, equipment,
     6     supply of vehicle parts and qualified service personnel.
     7         (6)  Whether the establishment of an additional new
     8     vehicle dealer would increase competition and whether such
     9     increased competition would be in the public interest.
    10         (7)  The effect the denial of relocation will have on a
    11     relocating dealer.
    12     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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