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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2028



No. 1323 Session of 2006

           AND PUNT, SEPTEMBER 19, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to the conservation of soil, water
     3     and related natural resources and land use practices
     4     contributing to soil wastage and soil erosion; providing for
     5     the organization of the various counties into conservation
     6     districts; the appointment of their officers and employes;
     7     and prescribing their powers and duties; creating the State
     8     Conservation Commission in the Department of Environmental
     9     Resources and fixing its powers and duties relative to the
    10     administration of this act; providing financial and legal
    11     assistance to such conservation districts and the commission;
    12     and authorizing county governing bodies to make
    13     appropriations thereto; providing for disposition and
    14     operation of existing districts; and repealing existing
    15     laws," further providing for declaration of policy, for the
    16     State Conservation Commission, for creation of conservation
    17     districts, for designation of district directors, for
    18     appointment, qualifications, compensation and tenure of
    19     directors, for organization of directors, for powers of
    20     districts and directors, for Commonwealth agencies to
    21     cooperate and for discontinuation of districts.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547,
    25  No.217), known as the Conservation District Law, reenacted and
    26  amended December 19, 1984 (P.L.1125, No.221), is amended to
    27  read:

     1     Section 2.  Declaration of Policy.--It is hereby declared to
     2  be the policy of the Commonwealth [to]:
     3     (1)  To provide for the conservation of the soil, water and
     4  related resources of this Commonwealth, and for the control and
     5  prevention of soil erosion, and thereby to preserve natural
     6  resources; assist in the control of floods; prevent impairment
     7  of dams and reservoirs; assist in maintaining the navigability
     8  of rivers and harbors; preserve wildlife; preserve the tax base;
     9  protect public lands; and protect and promote the health, safety
    10  and general welfare of the people of the Commonwealth.
    11     (2)  That conservation districts, in close cooperation with
    12  landowners and occupiers, other local government units and
    13  agencies of State government, are authorized to serve as the
    14  primary local government unit responsible for conservation of
    15  the renewable natural resources in this Commonwealth to
    16  administer projects, programs and activities suitable for
    17  effectuating the policies and programs under this act.
    18     (3)  That conservation districts shall be the primary local
    19  government unit responsible for implementing and coordinating
    20  programs to prevent and control non-point sources of pollution.
    21     Section 2.  Section 4 of the act, amended April 30, 1986
    22  (P.L.128, No.39), is amended to read:
    23     Section 4.  State Conservation Commission.--(1)  There is
    24  hereby created [in the department] the State Conservation
    25  Commission, which shall be [a departmental] an interdepartmental
    26  administrative commission with all the powers and duties
    27  generally vested in, and imposed upon, such commissions by The
    28  Administrative Code of 1929. The commission shall establish an
    29  interdepartmental office to effectuate the powers and duties of
    30  the commission. The commission shall consist of the Secretary of
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     1  Environmental [Resources, who shall be the chairman,]
     2  Protection, the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources,
     3  the Secretary of Community and Economic Development, the
     4  Secretary of Agriculture of Pennsylvania, the Dean of the
     5  College of Agriculture of The Pennsylvania State University and
     6  four farmer members, who shall be farmers, to be appointed by
     7  the Governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the
     8  members elected to the Senate. In appointing farmer members, the
     9  Governor shall consider nominees submitted by the associations
    10  known as the "Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations,"
    11  and the "Pennsylvania Association of Conservation [District
    12  Directors, Inc."] Districts, Inc.," or their successor
    13  organizations. Each association shall nominate one candidate for
    14  each farmer member vacancy. Two public members who shall not be
    15  farmers shall also be appointed to the commission by the
    16  Governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the
    17  members elected to the Senate. The State Conservationist of the
    18  [Soil Conservation Service,] Natural Resources Conservation
    19  Service of the United States Department of Agriculture [and],
    20  the Associate Director of the Cooperative Extension Service of
    21  The Pennsylvania State University, the President of the
    22  Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc., or his
    23  designee, and the chairman of the Joint Conservation Committee
    24  shall be associate, non-voting members of the commission. Each
    25  voting and non-voting associate member may select and identify a
    26  designee to the commission. The commission may include other
    27  associate, non-voting members who may be selected with a two-
    28  thirds vote of the voting members. The commission shall keep a
    29  record of its official actions, and may perform such acts and
    30  promulgate such policies, procedures, performance standards,
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     1  guidelines, rules and regulations as may be necessary. [The
     2  department shall assign such personnel as needed for the
     3  execution of the commission's function under this act.] Each
     4  State department delegating authority to or contracting with
     5  conservation districts to perform specified administrative,
     6  policy, enforcement or programmatic activities shall assign an
     7  appropriate staff complement to the commission in proportion to
     8  the amount of work required of the delegated or contracted
     9  programs and activities. Staff assigned to the commission,
    10  excluding regional field staff, shall be relocated to the
    11  offices of State Conversation Commission. All staff assigned as
    12  such shall report directly to the executive secretary of the
    13  State Conservation Commission and shall remain assigned to the
    14  commission at the will of the respective assigning department.
    15  Each assigning department shall be responsible for assigned
    16  staff costs, including salaries and benefits, and shall remain
    17  the budgeted employer of all staff assigned to the State
    18  Conservation Commission. A majority of the voting members shall
    19  constitute a quorum and all decisions of the commission shall
    20  require a concurrence of the voting members of the commission.
    21  At the last regular meeting of the commission in the calendar
    22  year, a vice-chairperson shall be elected by the members of the
    23  commission and shall serve in that capacity for the ensuing
    24  year.
    25     (2)  At the request of the State Conservation Commission, the
    26  Attorney General and/or Office of General Counsel of the
    27  Commonwealth will provide such services as the State
    28  Conservation Commission may require. With respect to any program
    29  delegated [by the department] or contracted by any department of
    30  the Commonwealth to a conservation district pursuant to section
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     1  11(2), at the request of the State Conservation Commission, the
     2  Attorney General and/or Office of General Counsel will provide
     3  such services as the conservation district may require. With
     4  respect to the performance of any duties or functions delegated
     5  or contracted to a conservation district by [the] any department
     6  of the Commonwealth pursuant to section 11(2), the Commonwealth
     7  will defend and indemnify district directors [and], associate
     8  directors [and], district employes and volunteers performing
     9  services on behalf of the conservation district pursuant to an
    10  agency delegation or contract to the same extent as it defends
    11  and indemnifies Commonwealth employes, and such directors and
    12  employes shall have all immunities afforded by law to
    13  Commonwealth employes.
    14     (3)  The commission shall have authority to delegate to its
    15  chairperson, to one or more of its members, or to one or more
    16  agents or employes, such powers and duties as it may deem
    17  proper. Upon request of the commission, for the purpose of
    18  carrying out any of its functions, any agency of the
    19  Commonwealth and The Pennsylvania State University may assign or
    20  detail members of the staff or personnel to the commission, and
    21  may make such special reports, surveys or studies as the
    22  commission may request.
    23     (4)  The farmer and public members of the commission shall be
    24  appointed for a period of four years and shall hold office until
    25  their successors have been appointed and have qualified, but no
    26  longer than six months beyond the four-year period. The four
    27  farmer members' terms shall be so staggered that no more than
    28  one member's term shall expire each year while the two public
    29  members' terms shall be so staggered that no more than one
    30  member's term shall expire every second year. At the expiration
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     1  of their terms of office, or in the event of vacancies through
     2  death, resignation or otherwise, new farmer or public members
     3  shall be appointed to fill the unexpired term of the members
     4  they are replacing. A majority of the voting members of the
     5  commission shall constitute a quorum and all decisions shall
     6  require the concurrence of a majority of the voting members of
     7  the commission. All farmer [and], public and forestry members of
     8  the commission shall be entitled to [sixty dollars ($60) per
     9  diem] a per diem compensation as determined annually by official
    10  action of the commission plus reimbursement for reasonable
    11  traveling, lodging and other necessary expenses incurred in the
    12  discharge of their duties in accordance with Commonwealth
    13  regulations. The commission shall provide for the execution of
    14  surety bonds for all employes and officers who shall be
    15  entrusted with funds or property of the commission and shall
    16  provide for the keeping of a full and accurate record of all
    17  proceedings and of all resolutions, regulations and orders
    18  issued or adopted. [A farmer or public] An appointed or
    19  associate member of the commission who fails to attend three
    20  consecutive meetings without cause shall forfeit his seat unless
    21  [the Secretary of Environmental Resources] the chairperson of
    22  the commission, upon written request from the member, finds that
    23  the member should be excused from a meeting [because of illness
    24  or the death of a family member.] The Governor may also remove
    25  an appointed member of the commission for malfeasance or
    26  misfeasance.
    27     (5)  In addition to the duties and powers herein conferred
    28  upon the commission, it shall have the following duties and
    29  powers:
    30     (a)  To offer such assistance as may be appropriate to the
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     1  directors of conservation districts;
     2     (b)  To keep the directors of each of the districts generally
     3  informed of activities and experience useful to other districts;
     4     (c)  To approve and coordinate the programs of the
     5  conservation districts or projects; to apportion among the
     6  several districts or to any agency of the Commonwealth, the
     7  United States or cooperating organizations any funds allotted
     8  from State, Federal or other sources; [and] to be responsible
     9  for the expenditures of such funds by the districts; and to
    10  establish standards for conservation district audits;
    11     (d)  To secure the cooperation and assistance of any
    12  governmental agency and to be the agency through which
    13  government aid in land and water management and conservation of
    14  related resources can be extended to private lands;
    15     (e)  To disseminate information concerning the activities and
    16  programs of the conservation districts and to encourage the
    17  formation of such districts in areas where their organization is
    18  desirable;
    19     (f)  To accept contributions of money, services or materials
    20  to carry on land and water management and conservation of
    21  related resources under the provisions of this act;
    22     (g)  To designate the organizations within the county that
    23  may act in nominating persons for appointment as directors, as
    24  provided in section 6 of this act. Such designations may be
    25  changed from time to time as conditions may warrant;
    26     (h)  To approve applications for projects and recommend
    27  priorities for planning for watershed applications under the
    28  Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, U. S. Public Law
    29  566 of 1954, as amended;
    30     (i)  To approve applications for projects and recommend
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     1  priorities for planning for applications under the Resource and
     2  Conservation and Development Program authorized by Public Law
     3  87-703, the Food and Agriculture Act of 1962, as amended;
     4     (j)  To approve applications and recommend priorities for any
     5  program under the Chesapeake Bay Program, Food Security Act of
     6  1985 (Public Law 99-198, 99 Stat. 1354), the Food, Agriculture,
     7  Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (P.L.101-624, 104 Stat.
     8  3359), legislatively authorized nutrient management programs,
     9  dirt and gravel roads program, growing greener and any other
    10  programs delegated or directed to the commission or districts or
    11  other Federal programs requiring State Conservation Commission
    12  participation;
    13     (k)  To provide assistance through conservation districts to
    14  environmental advisory councils created by municipalities
    15  pursuant to the act of December 21, 1973 (P.L.425, No.148),
    16  referred to as the Municipal Environmental Advisory Council Law.
    17     (l)  To approve the delegation of and contracting for certain
    18  functions and powers to districts and to monitor and supervise
    19  district activities in response to delegated functions and
    20  powers otherwise accepted by or contracted to districts.
    21     (m)  To provide training for district directors, conservation
    22  district staff and appropriate county employes.
    23     (6)  The commission shall have the power to receive such
    24  funds as appropriated, given, granted or donated to it, or to
    25  the program provided for in this act by the Federal Government,
    26  the Commonwealth or any other governmental or private agency or
    27  person, and shall use such funds for the carrying out of the
    28  provisions of this act. The commission may allocate such funds,
    29  or parts thereof, to the conservation districts or to any agency
    30  of this Commonwealth, the United States, or cooperating
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     1  organization. Funds so allocated shall be apportioned in an
     2  equitable and just manner at the discretion of the commission,
     3  but the decision of the commission shall be final.
     4     (7)  The commission shall have the power to administer grant
     5  and loan programs for landowners to implement non-point source
     6  best management practices on their properties.
     7     (8)  The commission by a majority of its voting members shall
     8  select and employ an executive secretary to serve and report to
     9  the commission. The commission's executive secretary shall not
    10  be employed or supervised by the Department of Environmental
    11  Protection, the Department of Agriculture or any other voting
    12  member entity. The commission shall assign the executive
    13  secretary duties and responsibilities as required to fulfill the
    14  commission's State law obligations to develop, implement and
    15  enforce conservation programs, including those set forth under 3
    16  Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 (relating to nutrient management and odor
    17  management).
    18     (9)  To enhance the ability of the commission to accomplish
    19  its obligations, the Secretary of Agriculture shall designate an
    20  office and staff within that agency to coordinate and assist in
    21  the development, implementation and enforcement of programs
    22  adopted by the commission that solely affect production
    23  agriculture. The office and staff designated by the Secretary of
    24  Agriculture shall be an advocate for production agriculture in
    25  the development of programs by the commission, assist in
    26  developing methods of managing excess manure in an
    27  environmentally sound manner, develop programs to assist those
    28  engaged in production agriculture to comply with 3 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5
    29  and act as an ombudsman to help resolve issues related to county
    30  conservation district implementation of commission programs
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     1  solely affecting production agriculture.
     2     (10)  The commission shall be responsible for taking
     3  enforcement actions under 3 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5. In the exercise of
     4  its enforcement authority, the commission shall be assisted by
     5  the staff of the Department of Environmental Protection for
     6  actions resulting in violations of the act of June 22, 1937
     7  (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The Clean Streams Law," and shall
     8  be assisted by the Department of Agriculture for all other
     9  violations.
    10     Section 3.  Section 5 of the act is amended to read:
    11     Section 5.  Creation of Conservation Districts.--(1)  When
    12  [the] a city of the first class that is coterminous with a
    13  county of the first class or a county governing body determines,
    14  in the manner hereinafter provided, that conservation of soil
    15  and water, and related resources and control and prevention of
    16  accelerated soil erosion are problems of public concern in the
    17  county, and that a substantial proportion of the [rural] land
    18  owners of the county favor such a resolution, it shall be lawful
    19  for the said county or first class city governing body, by a
    20  resolution adopted at any regular or special meeting [of the
    21  board], to declare the county or first class city to be a
    22  conservation district, for the purpose of effectuating the
    23  legislative policy announced in section 2. These determinations
    24  may be made through petitions, hearings, referenda or by any
    25  other means which the county governing body deems appropriate.
    26  Where a city of the first class that is coterminous with a
    27  county of the first class creates a conservation district
    28  pursuant to this act, the conservation district shall be
    29  authorized and administered as any other conservation district
    30  created pursuant to this act. All references to "county
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     1  conservation district" shall include conservation districts
     2  created by first class cities that are coterminous with a first
     3  class county.
     4     (2)  Such a district, upon its creation, shall constitute a
     5  public body corporate and politic exercising public powers of
     6  the Commonwealth as an agency thereof.
     7     (3)  All soil conservation districts and soil and water
     8  conservation districts created in the past under the provisions
     9  of this act shall henceforth be named conservation districts.
    10     Section 4.  Sections 6 and 7 of the act, amended April 30,
    11  1986 (P.L.128, No.39), are amended to read:
    12     Section 6.  Designation of District Directors.--(1)  When a
    13  county has been declared a conservation district, a board of
    14  directors, consisting of seven members, shall be appointed by
    15  the county governing body. This board of directors shall consist
    16  of one member of the county governing body, not more than four
    17  or less than two farmers, and not less than two or more than
    18  four public members who shall not be farmers. The commission may
    19  waive the requirement for two farmer members in first, second
    20  and second class-A counties upon the request of the conservation
    21  district and the county governing body consistent with section
    22  6(1) and approved by the commission. The total number of
    23  directors shall always be seven, unless the State Conservation
    24  Commission, upon request of the district and the county
    25  governing body, approves a lesser or greater number in unusual
    26  or extenuating circumstances but in no case shall the number be
    27  less than five nor more than nine. The composition of the board
    28  shall be determined by the county governing body and approved by
    29  the State Conservation Commission before such change shall
    30  become effective; the farmer and public members to be appointed
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     1  shall be selected from a list containing at least [double the
     2  number of directors] one director to be appointed, and such list
     3  is to be submitted by each of the organizations within the
     4  county designated by the State Conservation Commission. Upon
     5  receipt of notice from the State Conservation Commission of the
     6  organizations to be entitled to make such nominations, and
     7  having secured nomination lists, the county governing body shall
     8  appoint the proper number of directors. The composition of the
     9  board shall be determined by the county governing body and
    10  approved by the State Conservation Commission before such change
    11  becomes effective.
    12     (2)  The district board may appoint associate directors
    13  without voting power to carry out the district's business at the
    14  discretion of the district board.
    15     Section 7.  Appointment; Qualifications; Compensation; and
    16  Tenure of Directors.--(1)  The director appointed from the
    17  county governing body shall be appointed annually by the county
    18  governing body. A county governing body may require that a
    19  director of the conservation district be a resident of the
    20  county. The term of office for farmer and public directors will
    21  be four years, except that directors shall be appointed so that
    22  no more than three directors' terms shall expire in any one
    23  year, unless a conservation district board is comprised of more
    24  than seven directors as provided for in section 6. A director
    25  shall hold office until a successor has been appointed and has
    26  qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms.
    27  [Successors to fill unexpired terms or for full terms shall be
    28  appointed by the county governing body from a list containing at
    29  least double the number of directors to be appointed, such list
    30  to be composed of nominations submitted in writing by a
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     1  qualified officer of each of the organizations designated by the
     2  State Conservation Commission.] The names, mailing addresses,
     3  telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of all directors
     4  appointed shall be provided to the State Conservation Commission
     5  within 30 days of their appointment. The final list of
     6  nominations shall be placed on file by the county governing body
     7  and shall be open to public inspection. In filling unexpired
     8  terms, the county governing body may make appointments from any
     9  list prepared in the above manner that has been compiled within
    10  the twelve months preceding such appointments.
    11     (2)  The director appointed from the county governing body
    12  shall receive [no additional compensation but shall receive]
    13  traveling expenses as allowed as a member of the county
    14  governing body and may receive additional compensation as set
    15  forth in this act. The other members of the board of directors
    16  shall serve without pay, unless, at the district's request, the
    17  State Conservation Commission approves the district's request to
    18  pay directors for services rendered on specific projects at a
    19  rate approved by the commission. The directors may be paid a per
    20  diem, as determined by criteria or guidelines established by the
    21  State Conservation Commission, for the discharge of their duties
    22  as director and for attendance at sessions that the county or
    23  State deems beneficial for a director and may be reimbursed for
    24  actual and necessary expenses incurred while engaged in the
    25  performance of their official duties, provided funds are made
    26  available by the county governing body or by the State
    27  Conservation Commission for such purpose, and under such terms
    28  and conditions as the county governing body or the commission,
    29  whichever has provided the funds, shall determine.
    30     Section 5.  Section 8 of the act is amended by adding a
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     1  paragraph to read:
     2     Section 8.  Organization of Directors.--* * *
     3     (5)  The county governing body may remove a district director
     4  from the district board for malfeasance or misfeasance. The
     5  State Conservation Commission shall establish guidelines,
     6  policies and procedures for the removal of a district director.
     7     Section 6.  Sections 9, 11 and 12(2) of the act are amended
     8  to read:
     9     Section 9.  Powers of Districts and Directors.--The directors
    10  of a district shall have the following powers in addition to
    11  those granted in other sections of this act:
    12     (1)  To conduct surveys, investigations and research relating
    13  to the character of soil erosion [and the preventive control
    14  measures needed and to publish the results of such surveys,
    15  investigation or research, and disseminate information
    16  concerning such preventive and control measures after securing
    17  approval from the State Conservation Commission: Provided,
    18  however, That in order to avoid duplication of research
    19  activities no district shall initiate any research program
    20  except in cooperation with The Pennsylvania State University
    21  College of Agriculture or any agency approved by the State
    22  Conservation Commission] and to provide notification and
    23  documentation to the commission to avoid duplication of existing
    24  work;
    25     (2)  To employ the necessary personnel to properly conduct
    26  the operations of the district and provide adequate and
    27  necessary insurance coverage for directors and employes, and
    28  appropriate fringe benefits for employes, provided funds are
    29  available for such purposes;
    30     (3)  To carry out preventive and control measures within the
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     1  district, including but not limited to, engineering operations,
     2  methods of cultivation, the growing of vegetation, changes in
     3  use of land and drainage operations on lands owned or controlled
     4  by this Commonwealth or any of its agencies with the consent and
     5  cooperation of the agency administering and having jurisdiction
     6  thereof, and on any other lands within the district upon
     7  obtaining the written consent of the owner and occupier of such
     8  lands or the necessary rights or interests in such lands;
     9     (4)  To cooperate or enter into agreements with, and to
    10  furnish financial or other aid to, any agency, governmental or
    11  otherwise, or any occupier of lands within the district in
    12  carrying on erosion control and prevention operations, including
    13  ditching and draining operations for effective conservation and
    14  utilization of the lands within the district, subject to such
    15  conditions as the directors may deem necessary to advance the
    16  purposes of this act: Provided, however, That such agreements
    17  are within the limits of available funds or within
    18  appropriations made available to it by law;
    19     (5)  To obtain options upon, and to acquire by purchase,
    20  exchange, lease, gift, grant, bequest, devise or otherwise, any
    21  property real or personal or right or interests therein; to
    22  maintain, administer and improve any properties acquired; to
    23  receive income from such properties and to expend such income in
    24  carrying out the purposes and provisions of this act; [and] to
    25  sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of its property or
    26  interests therein; to borrow and invest money and to apply for,
    27  receive and use low-interest loans in furtherance of the
    28  purposes and the provisions of this act;
    29     (6)  To make available on such terms as it shall prescribe to
    30  land occupiers within the district, agricultural and engineering
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     1  machinery and equipment; fertilizer, seeds and seedlings and
     2  such other material or equipment as will assist such land
     3  occupiers to carry on operations upon their lands for the
     4  effective conservation and utilization of soil resources; and
     5  for the prevention and control of soil erosion;
     6     (7)  To construct, improve and maintain such structures as
     7  may be necessary or convenient for the performance of any of the
     8  operations authorized in this act;
     9     (8)  To assist and advise owners and occupiers of land in
    10  developing and/or implementing plans for storm water management,
    11  water use, water management and water pollution control, soil
    12  erosion control and conservation of water and soil resources,
    13  including recommended engineering practices, cultivation
    14  methods, cropping programs, tillage practices and changes of
    15  land use;
    16     (9)  To assist and advise county and municipal governments in
    17  subdivision and land development reviews, developing and
    18  implementing storm water management plans and programs and in
    19  administering programs for flood control, flood plain
    20  management, water use, water management and water pollution
    21  control and other natural resource concerns;
    22     (10)  To conduct educational programs relating to [soil and
    23  water conservation] and any natural resource program approved by
    24  the conservation district and to publish related educational
    25  materials [relating to soil and water conservation];
    26     (11)  To accept, upon approval by the State Conservation
    27  Commission, any authority delegated by municipal or county
    28  governments, the Commonwealth or Federal Government, provided
    29  that the delegating or contracting body reports annually to the
    30  State Conservation Commission the status of any delegated or
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     1  contracted programs involving districts;
     2     (12)  To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to have
     3  perpetual succession unless terminated as hereinafter provided;
     4  to make policies and procedures necessary or convenient to the
     5  exercise of its powers and to make and execute contracts and
     6  other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its
     7  powers; to make, and from time to time amend and repeal, rules
     8  and regulations not inconsistent with this act to carry into
     9  effect its purposes and powers;
    10     (13)  As a condition to extending any benefits under this
    11  act, or to the performance of work upon any lands not owned or
    12  controlled by the Commonwealth or any of its agencies, the board
    13  of directors may require contributions in money, services,
    14  materials or otherwise to any operations conferring such
    15  benefits [and]. The conservation district may require land
    16  occupiers to enter into and perform such agreements or covenants
    17  as to the long term use of such lands as will tend to prevent or
    18  control accelerated erosion thereon or to further any other
    19  provision of this act. The district may contract with State and
    20  local agencies for reimbursement for services rendered;
    21     (14)  No provisions with respect to the acquisition,
    22  operation or disposition of property by other public bodies
    23  shall be applicable to a district organized hereunder unless the
    24  Legislature shall specifically so state;
    25     (15)  To accept contributions of any character from any
    26  source whatsoever, but only by and with the consent and approval
    27  of the State Conservation Commission, unless the funding is from
    28  [other governmental agencies] the Federal, State or local
    29  government or unless specifically authorized so to do by this
    30  act;
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     1     (16)  To sponsor projects under the Watershed Protection and
     2  Flood Prevention Act, U.S. Public Law 566 of 1954, as amended,
     3  and the Resource and Conservation and Development Program
     4  authorized by Public Law 87-703, the Food and Agriculture Act of
     5  1962, as amended;
     6     (17)  To enter public or private property to make such
     7  inspections as are necessary to determine compliance with the
     8  act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The Clean
     9  Streams Law"; the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, No.325),
    10  known as the "Dam Safety and Encroachments Act," and any rules,
    11  regulations, permits or orders issued thereunder, to the extent
    12  that such inspection authority has been delegated to a district
    13  by the department;
    14     (18)  To establish a program of assistance to environmental
    15  advisory councils which may include, but not be limited to,
    16  educational services, exchange of information or assignment of
    17  administrative and/or technical personnel; [and]
    18     (19)  No agent or employe of a conservation district or other
    19  Commonwealth agency or political subdivision engaged in the
    20  planning, design, construction or regulatory review of soil and
    21  water conservation projects and practices under the authority of
    22  this act, "The Clean Streams Law," or delegations pursuant to
    23  paragraph (2) of section 11 of this act shall be considered to
    24  be engaged in the practice of landscape architecture[.]; and
    25     (20)  To engage in any of the following activities: wetland
    26  construction and maintenance, reclamation of mined lands, soil
    27  erosion, water management, management of forest lands and roads,
    28  road maintenance, odor management and air quality, or any other
    29  natural resource program approved by the conservation district.
    30     Section 11.  Commonwealth Agencies to Cooperate.--(1)
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     1  Agencies of this Commonwealth which have jurisdiction over or
     2  are charged with the administration of Commonwealth highways, or
     3  any Commonwealth-owned lands and agencies of any county or other
     4  governmental subdivision of the Commonwealth, which have
     5  jurisdiction over or are charged with the administration of any
     6  county-owned or other publicly owned lands lying within the
     7  boundaries of any district organized hereunder, may cooperate
     8  with the directors of such districts in the effectuation of
     9  programs and operations undertaken by the board of directors
    10  under the provisions of this act.
    11     (2)  In accordance with regulations adopted by or on behalf
    12  of the Environmental Quality Board or a similarly authorized
    13  State entity authorized to promulgate regulations, the
    14  delegating department may, by agreement, delegate to a district
    15  one or more of its regulatory and enforcement functions,
    16  including, but not limited to, the act of June 22, 1937
    17  (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The Clean Streams Law," and the
    18  rules and regulations adopted thereunder; the act of May 31,
    19  1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the "Surface Mining
    20  Conservation and Reclamation Act;" the act of October 4, 1978
    21  (P.L.851, No.166), known as the "Flood Plain Management Act,"
    22  and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder; [and] the act
    23  of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, No.325), known as the "Dam
    24  Safety and Encroachments Act," and the act of July 7, 1980
    25  (P.L.380, No.97), known as the "Solid Waste Management Act," and
    26  the rules and regulations adopted thereunder. Any district
    27  acting pursuant to a delegation agreement shall have the same
    28  powers and duties otherwise vested in the delegating department
    29  to implement these acts, to the extent delegated by the
    30  agreement. The delegating department shall monitor and supervise
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     1  the activities of each district conducted pursuant to a
     2  delegation agreement. Any person aggrieved by an action of a
     3  district pursuant to a delegation agreement may appeal such
     4  action pursuant to 2 Pa.C.S. § 105 (relating to local agency
     5  law), within thirty days following notice of such action. Any
     6  department that delegates a program or authority to any
     7  conservation district must provide sufficient training and
     8  financial compensation to conservation districts and must report
     9  annually to the commission pursuant to guidelines set by the
    10  State Conservation Commission.
    11     (3)  The delegating department shall monitor and supervise
    12  the activities of each district conducted pursuant to the
    13  agreement.
    14     Section 12.  Discontinuance of Districts.--* * *
    15     (2)  Upon the repeal of the resolution which declared the
    16  county to be a conservation district, the directors may not
    17  enter into any more contracts or agreements on behalf of the
    18  district, and all rules and regulations theretofore adopted and
    19  in force within such district shall be of no further force and
    20  effect. Such district, however, shall continue for a period not
    21  to exceed [two] four years for the purpose of fulfilling its
    22  contracts, discharging any existing obligations, collecting and
    23  distributing its assets and doing all other acts required to
    24  adjust and close out its affairs.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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