See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1681



No. 1332 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the alteration of election districts; and
     2     conferring powers and duties upon county boards of elections
     3     and the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Election
     8  District Alteration and Data Reporting Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Bureau."  The Bureau of Commissions, Elections and
    14  Legislation of the Department of State.
    15     "Secretary."  The Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    16  Section 3.  Restrictions on alteration.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), an
    18  election district may not be established, abolished, divided or

     1  consolidated during the period from January 1, 1990, through
     2  March 29, 1992.
     3     (b)  Exception.--During the period from January 1, 1990,
     4  through March 29, 1992, an election district may be divided or
     5  election districts may be combined if the following are met:
     6         (1)  In the case of the division of an election district,
     7     the boundary of each resulting district is composed entirely
     8     of clearly visible physical features conforming with the
     9     census block lines or portions of the original boundary of
    10     the election district which was divided.
    11         (2)  In the case of the combination of election
    12     districts, the boundary of each resulting district is
    13     composed entirely of portions of the original boundaries of
    14     the election districts which were combined.
    15     (c)  Procedure.--If an alteration of an election district
    16  under subsection (b) is sought, the following shall apply:
    17         (1)  The county board of elections shall notify the
    18     bureau, in writing, of the proposed alteration. The notice
    19     shall include a map and a description of the proposed
    20     boundary of any new district or districts.
    21         (2)  Before a county board of elections may petition the
    22     court for a change in the boundary of an election district
    23     under section 1105 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333,
    24     No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, the
    25     secretary must make a determination that the board has
    26     complied with subsection (b). Any of the following constitute
    27     evidence of the determination under this paragraph:
    28             (i)  A certification by the secretary that the
    29         determination has been made.
    30             (ii)  A certification by the board that notice under
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     1         this paragraph has been given to the bureau and that the
     2         secretary has not acted within 45 days of the notice.
     3  Section 4.  Alterations after period of restriction.
     4     (a)  General rule.--After March 29, 1992, an election
     5  district may be established, abolished, divided or consolidated
     6  if the boundary of each resulting district is composed entirely
     7  of clearly visible physical features conforming with census
     8  block lines from the most recently completed Federal decennial
     9  census.
    10     (b)  Report.--Within 30 days of an alteration under
    11  subsection (a), the county board of elections shall submit to
    12  the bureau a report, including a map and a verbal description,
    13  of the boundaries of each resulting district.
    14  Section 5.  Election results; registration.
    15     (a)  Election results.--In addition to any other reports,
    16  returns or certifications required by any other law, within 30
    17  days after a primary, municipal, special or general election,
    18  the county board of elections shall submit to the bureau a
    19  report stating the total number of votes cast in each voting
    20  district for each candidate for the following offices:
    21         (1)  A Statewide office.
    22         (2)  State Senator.
    23         (3)  State Representative.
    24         (4)  United States Representative.
    25     (b)  Registration.--Within 30 days after the close of
    26  registration of any primary, municipal or general election, the
    27  County Board of Elections shall submit to the bureau a report
    28  containing the total number of registered voters for each
    29  political party in each voting district.
    30  Section 6.  Regulations.
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     1     The secretary may promulgate regulations to administer this
     2  act.
     3  Section 7.  Effective date.
     4     This act shall take effect immediately.

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