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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1716



No. 1350 Session of 1989

           NOVEMBER 20, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for the operation of vehicles in funeral
     3     processions and for the offense of interruption of a funeral
     4     procession.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 1535(a) of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 1535.  Schedule of convictions and points.
    10     (a)  General rule.--A point system for driver education and
    11  control is hereby established which is related to other
    12  provisions for use, suspension and revocation of the operating
    13  privilege as specified under this title. Every driver licensed
    14  in this Commonwealth who is convicted of any of the following
    15  offenses shall be assessed points as of the date of violation in
    16  accordance with the following schedule:
    17  Section Number                 Offense                  Points
    18     1512                Violation of restriction on

     1                         driver's license.                   2
     2     1571                Violation concerning license.       3
     3     3102                Failure to obey policeman or
     4                         authorized person.                  2
     5     3112(a)(3)(i)       Failure to stop for a red light.    3
     6     3114(a)(1)          Failure to stop for a flashing
     7                         red light.                          3
     8     3302                Failure to yield half of roadway
     9                         to oncoming vehicle.                3
    10     3303                Improper passing.                   3
    11     3304                Other improper passing.             3
    12     3305                Other improper passing.             3
    13     3306(a)(1)          Other improper passing.             4
    14     3306(a)(2)          Other improper passing.             3
    15     3306(a)(3)          Other improper passing.             3
    16     3307                Other improper passing.             3
    17     3310                Following too closely.              3
    18     3321                Failure to yield to driver on the
    19                         right at intersection.              3
    20     3322                Failure to yield to oncoming
    21                         driver when making left turn.       3
    22     3323(b)             Failure to stop for stop sign.      3
    23     3323(c)             Failure to yield at yield sign.     3
    24     3324                Failure to yield when entering or
    25                         crossing roadway between inter-
    26                         sections.                           3
    27     3327                Interruption of funeral procession. 3
    28     3332                Improper turning around.            3
    29     3341                Failure to stop for flashing red
    30                         lights or gate at railroad
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     1                         crossing.                           3
     2     3344                Failure to stop when entering from
     3                         alley, driveway or building.        3
     4     3345(a)             Failure to stop for school bus
     5                         with flashing red lights.           5
     6                                         (and 60 days suspension)
     7     3361                Driving too fast for conditions.    2
     8     3362                Exceeding maximum speed.--Over Limit:
     9                                                  6-10       2
    10                                                 11-15       3
    11                                                 16-25       4
    12                                                 26-30       5
    13                                                 31-over     5
    14                                         (and departmental hearing
    15                                         and sanctions provided
    16                                         under section 1538(d))
    17     3365(b)             Exceeding special speed limit
    18                         in school zone.                     3
    19     3365(c)             Exceeding special speed limit
    20                         for trucks on downgrades.           3
    21     3542(a)             Failure to yield to pedestrian in
    22                         crosswalk.                          2
    23     3547                Failure to yield to pedestrian on
    24                         sidewalk.                           3
    25     3549(a)             Failure to yield to blind
    26                         pedestrian.                         3
    27     3702                Improper backing.                   3
    28     3714                Reckless driving.                   3
    29     3745                Leaving scene of accident
    30                         involving property damage only.     4
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 2.  Title 75 is amended by adding sections to read:
     3  § 3107.  Operators of vehicles in funeral processions.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The operator of a vehicle in a funeral
     5  procession may proceed past a red signal indication or stop
     6  sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe
     7  operation. The privilege granted in this section shall only
     8  apply to a funeral procession meeting the following conditions:
     9         (1)  The operator of the lead vehicle shall be the owner
    10     or employee of a licensed funeral establishment.
    11         (2)  If required by any regulation of the department
    12     adopted after the effective date of this section, the lead
    13     vehicle shall be equipped with an audible signal and visual
    14     signals that meet and are operated in accordance with any
    15     requirements and standards adopted by regulation.
    16         (3)  Funeral flags are to be attached to the vehicles
    17     participating from the outset of the funeral procession.
    18     (b)  Defenses.--
    19         (1)  It shall be a defense to any prosecution of the
    20     operator of a vehicle in a funeral procession, other than a
    21     lead vehicle, for the summary offense of proceeding past a
    22     red signal indication or a stop sign if the operator
    23     establishes that:
    24             (i)  he proceeded past a red signal or stop sign in
    25         reliance upon the act of the lead driver; and
    26             (ii)  he had reason to believe the lead driver is the
    27         owner, employee or agent of a licensed funeral
    28         establishment.
    29         (2)  It shall be a defense to any prosecution of the
    30     operator of the lead vehicle in a funeral procession for the
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     1     summary offense of proceeding past a red signal or stop sign
     2     if the operator establishes that:
     3             (i)  he was operating the lead vehicle in a funeral
     4         procession in his capacity as the owner or employee of a
     5         licensed funeral establishment;
     6             (ii)  if required by any regulation of the department
     7         adopted after the effective date of this section, the
     8         lead vehicle was equipped with an audible signal and
     9         visual signals which were operated in accordance with any
    10         regulation of the department; and
    11             (iii)  funeral flags were attached to the other
    12         vehicles participating from the outset of the funeral
    13         procession.
    14     (c)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall relieve any
    15  driver in a funeral procession from prosecution under section
    16  3714 (relating to reckless driving) if the conduct of the driver
    17  in proceeding past the red signal or stop sign constitutes
    18  reckless driving. This section does not relieve the driver of
    19  any vehicle in a funeral procession from the duty to drive with
    20  due regard for the safety of all persons.
    21     (d)  Regulations.--The department may promulgate any
    22  regulation authorized by this section.
    23  § 3327.  Interruption of a funeral procession.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding the fact that the
    25  operator of a vehicle may be otherwise entitled to the right-of-
    26  way, by virtue of a traffic signal or otherwise, it shall be
    27  unlawful for any operator, other than the operator of an
    28  emergency vehicle on an active emergency call, to fail to yield
    29  the right-of-way to a caravan or motorcade of motor vehicles in
    30  a funeral procession in cases where funeral flags are attached
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     1  to the vehicles in the procession.
     2     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates this section commits a
     3  summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
     4  a fine of $100.
     5     Section 3.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     6         (1)  Section 2 (section 3107(d)) shall take effect
     7     immediately.
     8         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 90
     9     days.

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