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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1782                      PRINTER'S NO. 2019



No. 1372 Session of 1998


           JUNE 1, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the unlawful disposition of motor vehicles; and
     2     providing penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Motor Vehicle
     7  Chop Shop and Illegally Obtained and Altered Property Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Chop shop."  Any building, lot or other premises where one
    13  or more persons engage in altering, destroying, disassembling,
    14  dismantling, reassembling, storing or possessing any motor
    15  vehicle or motor vehicle part known by such persons or persons
    16  to be illegally obtained, in order to either:
    17         (1)  alter, counterfeit, deface, destroy, disguise,

     1     falsify, forge, obliterate or remove the identification,
     2     including the vehicle identification number of the motor
     3     vehicle or motor vehicle part in order to misrepresent the
     4     identity of the motor vehicle or motor vehicle part or to
     5     prevent the identification of the motor vehicle or motor
     6     vehicle part; or
     7         (2)  sell or dispose of the motor vehicle or motor
     8     vehicle part.
     9     "Motor vehicle."  A vehicle which is self-propelled except
    10  one which is propelled solely by human power or by electric
    11  power obtained from overhead trolley wires but not operated upon
    12  rails.
    13     "Person."  A natural person, firm, copartnership, association
    14  or corporation.
    15     "Vehicle identification number."  A combination of numerals
    16  or letters, or both, which the manufacturer assigns to a vehicle
    17  for identification purposes or, in the absence of a manufacturer
    18  assigned number, which the Department of Transportation assigns
    19  to a vehicle for identification purposes.
    20  Section 3.  Owning, operating or conducting a chop shop;
    21             penalty.
    22     Any person who knowingly:
    23         (1)  owns, operates or conducts a chop shop; or
    24         (2)  transports, sells, transfers, purchases or receives
    25     any motor vehicle or motor vehicle part that was illegally
    26     obtained either to or from a chop shop commits a felony of
    27     the second degree and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to
    28     imprisonment for not more than ten years or a fine of not
    29     more than $100,000, or both.
    30  Section 4.  Altered or illegally obtained property; penalty.
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     1     (a)  Alteration or destruction of vehicle identification
     2  number.--Any person who alters, counterfeits, defaces, destroys,
     3  disguises, falsifies, forges, obliterates or removes a vehicle
     4  identification number with the intent to conceal or misrepresent
     5  the identity or prevent the identification of a motor vehicle or
     6  motor vehicle part commits a felony of the third degree and,
     7  upon conviction, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more
     8  than seven years or a fine of not more than $50,000, or both.
     9     (b)  Disposition of vehicle.--Any person who purchases,
    10  receives, disposes, sells, transfers or possesses a motor
    11  vehicle or motor vehicle part with knowledge that the vehicle
    12  identification number of the motor vehicle or motor vehicle part
    13  has been altered, counterfeited, defaced, destroyed, disguised,
    14  falsified, forged, obliterated or removed with the intent to
    15  conceal or misrepresent the identity or prevent the
    16  identification of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle part commits
    17  a felony of the third degree and, upon conviction, shall be
    18  sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years or a
    19  fine of not more than $50,000, or both.
    20  Section 5.  Exceptions.
    21     (a)  Scrap processor.--The provisions of section 3 shall not
    22  apply to a motor vehicle scrap processor who, in the normal
    23  legal course of business and in good faith, processes a motor
    24  vehicle or motor vehicle part by crushing, compacting or other
    25  similar methods, provided that any vehicle identification number
    26  is not removed from the motor vehicle or motor vehicle part
    27  prior to or during any such processing.
    28     (b)  Repair of vehicle.--The provisions of section 3 do not
    29  prohibit the removal of a metal vehicle identification number     <--
    30  plate from a vehicle part that is damaged when such removal is
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     1  necessary for proper repair or matching identification of a
     2  replacement vehicle part, but such removal is only allowed if
     3  the proper matching metal vehicle identification number plate is  <--
     4  immediately and properly secured to the repaired or replacement
     5  part.
     6  Section 6.  Presumptions.
     7     (a)  Vehicles.--Any person or persons who transport, sell,
     8  transfer, purchase, possess or receive any motor vehicle or
     9  motor vehicle part upon which the vehicle identification number
    10  has been altered, counterfeited, defaced, destroyed, disguised,
    11  falsified, forged, obliterated or removed or who fails to keep,
    12  possess or produce the records required to be kept, possessed or
    13  produced for the motor vehicle or motor vehicle part pursuant to
    14  75 Pa. C.S. § 6308 (relating to investigation by police
    15  officers) shall be prima facie evidence under section 3 of that
    16  person's or persons' knowledge that the motor vehicle or motor
    17  vehicle part was illegally obtained.
    18     (b)  Vehicle identification numbers.--Possessing any motor     <--
    19  vehicle or motor vehicle part upon which the vehicle
    20  identification number has been altered, counterfeited, defaced,
    21  destroyed, disguised, falsified, forged, obliterated or removed
    22  shall be prima facie evidence of the intent of the possessor to
    23  conceal or misrepresent the identity or prevent the
    24  identification of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle part and that
    25  the possessor had knowledge of the condition.
    26     (c) (B)  Police report.--A police report which indicates that  <--
    27  a motor vehicle or motor vehicle part was reported to police to
    28  be in a stolen status at the time it was possessed shall be
    29  prima facie evidence that the motor vehicle or motor vehicle
    30  part was possessed without permission of the owner.
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     1  Section 7.  Loss of property rights to Commonwealth.
     2     (a)  Forfeitures generally.--The following shall be subject
     3  to forfeiture to the Commonwealth and no property right shall
     4  exist in them:
     5         (1)  Any tool, implement or instrumentality, including,
     6     but not limited to, a motor vehicle or motor vehicle part,
     7     used or possessed in connection with any violation of this
     8     act.
     9         (2)  All materials, products and equipment of any kind
    10     which are used, or intended for use, in violation of this
    11     act.
    12         (3)  All books, records, microfilm, tapes and data which
    13     are used or intended for use in violation of this act.
    14         (4)  All money, negotiable instruments, securities or
    15     other things of value used or intended to be used to
    16     facilitate any violation of this act and all proceeds
    17     traceable to any transactions in violation of this act.
    18         (5)  All real property used, or intended to be used, to
    19     facilitate any violation of this act, including structures or
    20     other improvements thereon, and including any right, title
    21     and interest in the whole or any lot or tract of land and any
    22     appurtenances or improvements, which are used, or intended to
    23     be used, in any manner or part, to commit or to facilitate
    24     the commission of a violation of this act.
    25     (b)  Exceptions.--
    26         (1)  No property shall be forfeited under this section,
    27     to the extent of the interest of an owner, by reason of any
    28     act or omission established by the owner to have been
    29     committed or omitted without the knowledge or consent of that
    30     owner.
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     1         (2)  No valid lien or encumbrance on real property shall
     2     be subject to forfeiture or impairment under this paragraph.
     3     A lien which is fraudulent or intended to avoid forfeiture
     4     under this section shall be invalid.
     5     (c)  Process and seizure.--Property subject to forfeiture
     6  under this act may be seized by the law enforcement authority
     7  upon process issued by a court of common pleas having
     8  jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without process may be
     9  made if:
    10         (1)  the seizure is incident to an arrest or a search
    11     warrant or inspection pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 6308 (relating
    12     to investigation of police officers) or any other
    13     administrative inspection;
    14         (2)  the property subject to seizure has been the subject
    15     of a proper judgment in favor of the Commonwealth in a
    16     criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding under this act;
    17         (3)  there is probable cause to believe that the property
    18     is dangerous to health or safety; or
    19         (4)  there is probable cause to believe that the property
    20     has been used, or is intended to be used, in violation of
    21     this act.
    22     (d)  Seizure without process.--In the event seizure without
    23  process occurs, as provided in this act, proceeding for the
    24  issuance thereof shall be instituted forthwith.
    25     (e)  Custody of property.--Property taken or detained under
    26  this section shall not be subject to replevin but is deemed to
    27  be in the custody of the law enforcement authority subject only
    28  to the orders and decrees of the court of common pleas having
    29  jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings and of the district
    30  attorney or the Office of Attorney General. When property is
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     1  seized under this act, the law enforcement authority shall place
     2  the property under seal and either:
     3         (1)  remove the property to a place designated by it; or
     4         (2)  require that the district attorney or the Office of
     5     Attorney General take custody of the property and remove it
     6     to an appropriate location for disposition in accordance with
     7     law.
     8     (f)  Use of property held in custody.--Whenever property is
     9  forfeited under this act, the property shall be transferred to
    10  the custody of the district attorney if the law enforcement
    11  authority seizing the property has local or county jurisdiction,
    12  or the Office of Attorney General if the law enforcement
    13  authority seizing the property has Statewide jurisdiction. The
    14  district attorney or the Office of Attorney General, where
    15  appropriate, may:
    16         (1)  Retain the property for official use.
    17         (2)  Sell any forfeited property which is not required to
    18     be destroyed by law and which is not harmful to the public,
    19     but the proceeds from any such sale shall be used to pay all
    20     proper expenses of the proceeding for forfeiture and sale,
    21     including expenses of seizure, maintenance of custody,
    22     advertising and court costs. The balance of the proceeds
    23     shall be dealt with in accordance with subsections (g) and
    24     (h).
    25     (g)  Use of cash, property or proceeds of property.--Cash or
    26  proceeds of forfeited property transferred to the custody of the
    27  district attorney pursuant to subsection (f) shall be placed in
    28  the operating fund of the county in which the district attorney
    29  is elected. The appropriate county authority shall immediately
    30  release from the operating fund, without restriction, a like
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     1  amount for the use of the district attorney in enforcing the
     2  criminal laws of this Commonwealth. The entity having budgetary
     3  control shall not anticipate future forfeitures or proceeds
     4  therefrom in adoption and approval of the budget for the
     5  district attorney.
     6     (h)  Distribution of property among law enforcement
     7  authorities.--If both State and municipal law enforcement
     8  authorities were substantially involved in effecting the
     9  seizure, the court having jurisdiction over the forfeiture
    10  proceedings shall equitably distribute the property between the
    11  district attorney and the Office of Attorney General.
    12     (i)  Annual audit of forfeited property.--It shall be the
    13  responsibility of every county in this Commonwealth to provide,
    14  through the controller, board of auditors or other appropriate
    15  auditor and the district attorney, an annual audit of all
    16  forfeited property and proceeds obtained under this section. The
    17  audit shall not be made public but shall be submitted to the
    18  Office of Attorney General. The county shall report all
    19  forfeited property and proceeds obtained under this section and
    20  the disposition thereof to the Office of Attorney General by
    21  September 30 of each year.
    22     (j)  Annual report; confidential information regarding
    23  property.--The Office of Attorney General shall annually submit
    24  a report to the Appropriations and Judiciary Committees of the
    25  Senate and to the Appropriations and Judiciary Committees of the
    26  House of Representatives, specifying the forfeited property or
    27  proceeds thereof obtained under this section. The report shall
    28  give an accounting of all proceeds derived from the sale of
    29  forfeited property and the use made of unsold forfeited
    30  property. The Office of Attorney General shall adopt procedures
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     1  and guidelines governing the release of information by the
     2  district attorney to protect the confidentiality of forfeited
     3  property or proceeds used in ongoing enforcement activities.
     4     (k)  Proceeds and appropriations.--The proceeds or future
     5  proceeds from forfeited property under this act shall be in
     6  addition to any appropriation made to the Office of Attorney
     7  General.
     8  Section 8.  Procedure with respect to seized property subject to
     9                 liens and rights of lienholders.
    10     (a)  General procedure.--The proceedings for the forfeiture
    11  or condemnation of property, the sale of which is provided for
    12  under this act, shall be in rem, in which the Commonwealth shall
    13  be the plaintiff and the property the defendant. The
    14  Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply to all
    15  forfeiture proceedings brought under this act. A petition shall
    16  be filed in the court of common pleas of the judicial district
    17  where the property is located, verified by oath or affirmation
    18  of an officer or citizen, containing the following:
    19         (1)  A description of the property seized.
    20         (2)  A statement of the time and place where seized.
    21         (3)  The owner, if known.
    22         (4)  The person or persons in possession, if known.
    23         (5)  An allegation that the property is subject to
    24     forfeiture pursuant to section 7 and an averment of material
    25     facts upon which the forfeiture action is based.
    26         (6)  A prayer for an order of forfeiture that the
    27     property be adjudged forfeited to the Commonwealth and
    28     condemned and be ordered sold according to law unless cause
    29     be shown to the contrary.
    30     (b)  Notice to property owners.--A copy of the petition
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     1  required under subsection (a) shall be served personally or by
     2  certified mail on the owner or upon the person or persons in
     3  possession at the time of the seizure. The copy shall have
     4  endorsed a notice, as follows:
     5         To the claimant of within described property:  You are
     6         required to file an answer to this petition, setting
     7         forth your title in and right to possession of, said
     8         property within 30 days from the service hereof, and
     9         you are also notified that if you fail to file said
    10         answer, a decree of forfeiture and condemnation will
    11         be entered against said property.
    12  The notice shall be signed by the Attorney General, Deputy
    13  Attorney General, district attorney, deputy district attorney or
    14  assistant district attorney.
    15     (c)  Substitute notice.--If the owner of the property is
    16  unknown or there was no person in possession of the property
    17  when seized or if the owner or such person or persons in
    18  possession at the time of the seizure cannot be personally
    19  served or located within the jurisdiction of the court, notice
    20  of the petition shall be given by the Commonwealth through an
    21  advertisement in only one newspaper of general circulation
    22  published in the county where the property was seized once a
    23  week for two successive weeks. No other advertisement of any
    24  sort shall be necessary, any other law to the contrary
    25  notwithstanding. The notice shall contain a statement of the
    26  seizure of the property with a description of the property and
    27  the place and date of seizure and shall direct any claimants to
    28  the property to file a claim on or before a date given in the
    29  notice, which date shall not be less than 30 days from the date
    30  of the first publication. If no claims are filed within 30 days
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     1  of publication, the property shall summarily forfeit to the
     2  Commonwealth.
     3     (d)  Property owners not in jurisdiction.--For purposes of
     4  this section, the owner or other such person cannot be found in
     5  the jurisdiction of the court if:
     6         (1)  A copy of the petition is mailed to the last known
     7     address by certified mail and is returned without a delivery.
     8         (2)  A personal service is attempted once, but cannot be
     9     made at the last known address.
    10         (3)  A copy of the petition is left at the last known
    11     address.
    12     (e)  Notice automatically waived.--The notice provisions of
    13  this section are automatically waived when the owner, without
    14  good cause, fails to appear in court in response to a subpoena
    15  on the underlying criminal charges. Forty-five days after such a
    16  failure to appear, if good cause has not been demonstrated, the
    17  property shall summarily forfeit to the Commonwealth.
    18     (f)  Preservation of the property subject for forfeiture.--
    19  Upon application of the Commonwealth, the court may enter a
    20  restraining order or injunction, require the execution of a
    21  satisfactory performance bond or take any other action to
    22  preserve the availability of property described in section 7 for
    23  forfeiture under this section either:
    24         (1)  upon the filing of an information or in indictment
    25     charging a violation of this act for which criminal
    26     forfeiture may be ordered under this act and alleging that
    27     the property with respect to which the order is sought would
    28     be subject to forfeiture; or
    29         (2)  prior to the filing of such an indictment or
    30     information, if, after notice to persons appearing to have an
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     1     interest in the property and an opportunity for a hearing,
     2     the court determines that:
     3             (i)  There is a substantial probability that the
     4         Commonwealth will prevail on the issue of forfeiture and
     5         that failure to enter the order will result in the
     6         property being destroyed, removed from the jurisdiction
     7         of the court or otherwise made unavailable for
     8         forfeiture.
     9             (ii)  The need to preserve the availability of the
    10         property through the entry of the requested order
    11         outweighs the hardship on any party against whom the
    12         order is to be entered.
    13  However, an order entered pursuant to this subsection shall be
    14  effective for not more than 90 days unless extended by the court
    15  for good cause shown or unless an indictment or information
    16  described in paragraph (1) has been filed.
    17     (g)  Temporary restraining order.--A temporary restraining
    18  order under subsection (f) may be entered upon application of
    19  the Commonwealth without notice or opportunity for a hearing
    20  when an information or indictment has not yet been filed with
    21  respect to the property if the Commonwealth demonstrates that
    22  there is probable cause to believe that the property with
    23  respect to which the order is sought would be subject to
    24  forfeiture under this act and that provision of notice will
    25  jeopardize the availability of the property for forfeiture. Such
    26  a temporary order shall expire not more than ten days after the
    27  date on which it is entered unless extended for good cause shown
    28  or unless the party against whom it is entered consents to an
    29  extension for a longer period. A hearing requested concerning an
    30  order entered under this subsection shall be held at the
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     1  earliest possible time and prior to the expiration of the
     2  temporary order.
     3     (h)  Hearing regarding property; rules of evidence.--The
     4  court may receive and consider at a hearing held pursuant to
     5  subsections (f) or (g) evidence and information that would be
     6  inadmissible under the rules of evidence.
     7     (i)  Hearing time set.--Upon the filing of a claim for the
     8  property setting forth a right of possession, the case shall be
     9  deemed at issue and a time shall be fixed for the hearing.
    10     (j)  Owner's burden of proof.--At the time of the hearing if
    11  the Commonwealth produces evidence that the property in question
    12  was unlawfully used, possessed or otherwise subject to
    13  forfeiture under section 6, the burden shall be upon the
    14  claimant to show:
    15         (1)  That the claimant is the owner of the property or
    16     the holder of a chattel mortgage or contract of conditional
    17     sale thereon.
    18         (2)  That the claimant lawfully acquired the property.
    19         (3)  That it was not unlawfully used or possessed by the
    20     claimant. In the event that it shall appear that the property
    21     was unlawfully used or possessed by a person other than the
    22     claimant, then the claimant shall show that the unlawful use
    23     or possession was without his knowledge or consent. Such
    24     absence of knowledge or consent must be reasonable under the
    25     circumstances presented.
    26     (k)  Court-ordered release of property.--If a person claiming
    27  the ownership of or right of possession to or claiming to be the
    28  holder of a chattel mortgage or contract of conditional sale
    29  upon the property, the disposition of which is provided for in
    30  this section, prior to the sale presents a petition to the court
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     1  alleging over the property lawful ownership, right of
     2  possession, a lien or reservation of title and if, upon public
     3  hearing, due notice of which having been given to the Office of
     4  Attorney General or the district attorney, the claimant shall
     5  prove by competent evidence to the satisfaction of the court
     6  that the property was lawfully acquired, possessed and used by
     7  him or, it appearing that the property was unlawfully used by a
     8  person other than the claimant, that the unlawful use was
     9  without the claimant's knowledge or consent, then the court may
    10  order the property returned or delivered to the claimant. Such
    11  absence of knowledge or consent must be reasonable under the
    12  circumstances presented. Otherwise, it shall be retained for
    13  official use or sold in accordance with section 7(f).
    14  Section 9.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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