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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2073



No. 1420 Session of 2008

           MELLOW AND O'PAKE, MAY 22, 2008

           MAY 22, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 35 (Health and Safety) and 75 (Vehicles) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, regulating emergency
     3     medical services systems; providing for licensure; conferring
     4     powers and duties on the Department of Health; further
     5     defining "emergency vehicle"; providing for penalties;
     6     providing for Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund
     7     distributions; and making a related repeal.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Title 35 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    11  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    12                             CHAPTER 72
    14  Subchapter
    15  A.  Preliminary Provisions
    16  B.  Program
    17  C.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    18                            SUBCHAPTER A
    19                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS

     1  Sec.
     2  7201.  Short title of chapter.
     3  7202.  Declaration of policy.
     4  7203.  Definitions.
     5  7204.  Emergency medical services system programs.
     6  7205.  Duties of department.
     7  7206.  Emergency medical services patient care reports.
     8  7207.  Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.
     9  7208.  State Advisory Board.
    10  7209.  Regional emergency medical services councils.
    11  § 7201.  Short title of chapter.
    12     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Emergency
    13  Medical Services System Act.
    14  § 7202.  Declaration of policy.
    15     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    16         (1)  Emergency medical services is an essential public
    17     service and frequently the health care safety net for many
    18     Commonwealth residents.
    19         (2)  It is in the public interest to assure that there
    20     are high quality and coordinated emergency and urgent medical
    21     services readily available to the residents of this
    22     Commonwealth to prevent premature death and reduce suffering
    23     and disability which arise from severe illness and injury.
    24         (3)  The public interest under paragraph (2) is best
    25     achieved through a regulated and coordinated emergency
    26     medical services system.
    27         (4)  Transportation of both emergency and nonemergency
    28     patients is an integral part of the health care delivery
    29     system in this Commonwealth, and it is in the public interest
    30     that the emergency medical services system serve all persons
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     1     in this Commonwealth who:
     2             (i)  require medical care to address illness or
     3         injury;
     4             (ii)  need transport to a hospital or other health
     5         care facility to receive that care; and
     6             (iii)  require medical assessment, monitoring,
     7         assistance, treatment or observation during any
     8         transport.
     9         (5)  It serves the public interest if the emergency
    10     medical services system is able to quickly adapt and evolve
    11     to meet the needs of the residents of this Commonwealth for
    12     emergency and urgent medical care and to reduce their illness
    13     and injury risks.
    14         (6)  It serves the public interest if the emergency
    15     medical services system provides community-based health
    16     promotion services that are integrated with the overall
    17     health care system.
    18         (7)  Emergency medical services should be acknowledged,
    19     promoted and supported as an essential public service.
    20         (8)  This chapter shall be liberally construed to
    21     establish and maintain an effective and efficient emergency
    22     medical services system which is accessible on a uniform
    23     basis to residents of this Commonwealth and to visitors to
    24     this Commonwealth.
    25         (9)  Residents of this Commonwealth and visitors to this
    26     Commonwealth should have prompt and unimpeded access to
    27     urgent and emergency medical care throughout this
    28     Commonwealth.
    29         (10)  The Department of Health should continually assess
    30     and, as needed, revise the functions of emergency medical
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     1     services agencies and providers and other components of the
     2     emergency medical services system that it regulates under
     3     this chapter, to:
     4             (i)  improve the quality of emergency medical
     5         services provided in this Commonwealth;
     6             (ii)  have the emergency medical services system
     7         adapt to changing needs of the residents of this
     8         Commonwealth; and
     9             (iii)  promote the recruitment and retention of
    10         persons willing and qualified to serve as emergency
    11         medical services providers in this Commonwealth.
    12         (11)  The emergency medical services system should be
    13     fully integrated with the overall health care system, and in
    14     particular with the public health system, to identify, modify
    15     and manage illness and injury and illness and injury risks.
    16  § 7203.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    18  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Advanced emergency medical services."  Emergency medical
    21  services exceeding the scope of practice of an emergency medical
    22  technician.
    23     "Advanced emergency medical technician."  An individual who
    24  is certified by the Department of Health as an advanced
    25  emergency medical technician.
    26     "Advanced life support squad vehicle."  A vehicle which:
    27         (1)  is maintained or operated to transport emergency
    28     medical service providers above the advanced emergency
    29     medical technician level, equipment and supplies to
    30     rendezvous with the crew of an ambulance for the purpose of
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     1     providing advanced emergency medical services to patients;
     2     and
     3         (2)  is not used in the transport of patients.
     4     "ALS."  Advanced life support.
     5     "Ambulance."  A ground, water or air vehicle which is
     6  maintained or operated for the purpose of providing emergency
     7  medical services to and transportation of patients.
     8     "Ambulance attendant."  An individual who is 16 years of age
     9  or older and satisfies one of the following:
    10         (1)  Possesses a certificate evidencing successful
    11     completion of an advanced first aid course sponsored by the
    12     American Red Cross and a current certificate evidencing
    13     successful completion of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    14     course acceptable to the Department of Health.
    15         (2)  Possesses a current certificate evidencing
    16     successful completion of a course determined by the
    17     Department of Health to be equivalent to the requirements in
    18     paragraph (1).
    19     "Basic emergency medical services."  Emergency medical
    20  services included within but not exceeding the scope of practice
    21  of an emergency medical technician.
    22     "Basic life support squad vehicle."  A vehicle which:
    23         (1)  is maintained or operated to transport emergency
    24     medical services providers, equipment and supplies to
    25     rendezvous with the crew of an ambulance for the purpose of
    26     providing emergency medical services at or below the advanced
    27     emergency medical technician level to patients; and
    28         (2)  is not used in the transport of patients.
    29     "BLS."  Basic life support.
    30     "Board."  The State Advisory Board, which is the Board of
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     1  Directors of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council.
     2     "Commonwealth emergency medical services medical director."
     3  A physician who is approved and employed by the Department of
     4  Health to advise and formulate policy on matters pertaining to
     5  emergency medical services.
     6     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
     7     "Emergency."  A physiological or psychological illness or
     8  injury of an individual such that a prudent layperson who
     9  possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine could
    10  reasonably expect the absence of immediate emergency medical
    11  services to result in:
    12         (1)  placing the health of the individual or, with
    13     respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her
    14     unborn child, in serious jeopardy;
    15         (2)  serious impairment of bodily functions; or
    16         (3)  serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.
    17     "Emergency medical responder" or "EMR."  An individual who is
    18  certified by the Department of Health as an emergency medical
    19  responder.
    20     "Emergency medical services" or "EMS."  Any of the following:
    21         (1)  The medical care, including medical assessment,
    22     monitoring, treatment, transportation and observation, which
    23     may be provided to a person in responding to an actual or
    24     reported emergency to:
    25             (i)  prevent or protect against loss of life or a
    26         deterioration in physiological or psychological
    27         condition; or
    28             (ii)  address pain or morbidity associated with the
    29         person's condition.
    30         (2)  The transport of an individual with medical
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     1     assessment, monitoring, treatment or observation of the
     2     individual who, due to the individual's condition, requires
     3     medical assessment, monitoring, treatment or observation
     4     during the transport.
     5     "Emergency medical services agency."  An entity that engages
     6  in the business or service of providing emergency medical
     7  services to patients within this Commonwealth by operating any
     8  of the following:
     9         (1)  An ambulance.
    10         (2)  An advanced life support squad vehicle.
    11         (3)  A basic life support squad vehicle.
    12         (4)  A quick response service.
    13         (5)  A special operations EMS service. This paragraph
    14     includes, but is not limited to:
    15             (i)  a tactical EMS service;
    16             (ii)  a wilderness EMS service;
    17             (iii)  a mass-gathering EMS service; and
    18             (iv)  an urban search and rescue EMS service.
    19         (6)  A vehicle or service which provides emergency
    20     medical services outside of a health care facility, as
    21     prescribed by the Department of Health by regulation.
    22     "Emergency medical services agency medical director."  A
    23  physician who is employed by, contracts with or volunteers with
    24  an emergency medical services agency either directly or through
    25  an intermediary to:
    26         (1)  evaluate the quality of patient care provided by the
    27     emergency medical services providers utilized by the
    28     emergency medical services agency; and
    29         (2)  provide medical guidance and advice to the emergency
    30     medical services agency.
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     1     "Emergency medical services provider."  Any of the following:
     2         (1)  An emergency medical responder.
     3         (2)  An emergency medical technician.
     4         (3)  An advanced emergency medical technician.
     5         (4)  A paramedic.
     6         (5)  A prehospital registered nurse.
     7         (6)  A prehospital physician extender.
     8         (7)  A prehospital emergency medical services physician.
     9         (8)  An individual prescribed by regulation of the
    10     Department of Health to provide specialized emergency medical
    11     services.
    12     "Emergency medical services system."  The arrangement of
    13  personnel, facilities and equipment to prevent and manage
    14  emergencies in a geographic area.
    15     "Emergency medical services vehicle operator."  An individual
    16  certified by the Department of Health to operate a ground
    17  emergency medical services vehicle.
    18     "Emergency medical technician" or "EMT."  An individual who
    19  is certified by the Department of Health as an emergency medical
    20  technician.
    21     "Facility."  A physical location at which an entity operates
    22  a health care facility licensed under Federal or State law.
    23     "Foundation."  The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, a
    24  nonprofit Pennsylvania corporation whose function is to accredit
    25  trauma centers in this Commonwealth.
    26     "Hospital."  An institution having an organized medical staff
    27  that is primarily engaged in providing to inpatients, by or
    28  under the supervision of physicians, diagnostic and therapeutic
    29  services or rehabilitation services for the care or
    30  rehabilitation of injured, disabled, pregnant, diseased, sick or
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     1  mentally ill persons. The term includes a facility for the
     2  diagnosis and treatment of disorders within the scope of
     3  specific medical specialties. The term does not include a
     4  facility caring exclusively for the mentally ill.
     5     "Medical command facility."  A distinct unit which contains
     6  the necessary equipment and personnel for providing medical
     7  command to and control over emergency medical services
     8  providers.
     9     "Medical command order."  An order issued by a medical
    10  command physician to an emergency medical services provider who
    11  is functioning on behalf of an emergency medical services
    12  agency.
    13     "Medical command physician."  A physician certified by the
    14  Department of Health to give medical command orders to emergency
    15  medical services providers.
    16     "Medical monitoring."  Performing continuous or periodic
    17  observations of an individual's condition or continuation of an
    18  ordered treatment plan for an individual to prevent pain,
    19  suffering or the exacerbation of a preexisting condition.
    20     "Medical observation."  Performing continuous or periodic
    21  observations of an individual's stable condition to determine
    22  whether there is a change in that condition.
    23     "Paramedic."  An individual who is certified by the
    24  Department of Health as a paramedic.
    25     "Patient."  An individual for whom an emergency medical
    26  services provider is:
    27         (1)  providing emergency medical services on behalf of an
    28     EMS agency; or
    29         (2)  required to provide emergency medical services on
    30     behalf of an EMS agency because the individual's condition
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     1     requires or may require medical observation, monitoring,
     2     assessment or treatment for an illness, disease, injury or
     3     other disability.
     4     "Peer review."  The evaluation by health care providers of
     5  the quality and efficiency of services ordered or performed by
     6  emergency medical services providers and physicians who direct
     7  or supervise EMS providers under this chapter and the
     8  regulations of the Department of Health.
     9     "Physician."  A person who has a currently registered license
    10  to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in this
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     "Prehospital emergency medical services physician."  A
    13  physician who is certified by the Department of Health as a
    14  prehospital emergency medical services physician.
    15     "Prehospital physician extender" or "PHPE."  A physician
    16  assistant who is certified by the Department of Health as a
    17  prehospital physician extender.
    18     "Prehospital registered nurse" or "PHRN."  A registered nurse
    19  who is certified by the Department of Health as a prehospital
    20  registered nurse.
    21     "Quick response service" or "QRS."  An operation in which
    22  emergency medical services providers of an EMS agency:
    23         (1)  respond to an actual, reported or perceived
    24     emergency; and
    25         (2)  provide emergency medical services to patients
    26     pending the arrival of an ambulance.
    27     "Regional emergency medical services council."  A nonprofit
    28  incorporated entity or appropriate equivalent that is assigned
    29  by the Department of Health to:
    30         (1)  plan, develop, maintain, expand and improve
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     1     emergency medical services systems within a specific
     2     geographic area of this Commonwealth; and
     3         (2)  coordinate those systems into a regional emergency
     4     medical services system.
     5     "Regional emergency medical services medical director."  The
     6  medical director of a regional emergency medical services
     7  council.
     8     "Review organization."  A committee which engages in peer
     9  review as authorized by the regulations of the Department of
    10  Health.
    11     "Rural area."  An area outside urbanized areas as defined by
    12  the United States Bureau of the Census.
    13     "Special care unit."  An appropriately equipped area of a
    14  hospital where provision has been made for a concentration of
    15  physicians, nurses and others who have special skills and
    16  experiences to provide medical care for critically ill patients.
    17     "Trauma center."  A facility accredited as a trauma center by
    18  the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.
    19  § 7204.  Emergency medical services system programs.
    20     (a)  Planning and coordination.--The department shall plan,
    21  guide and coordinate programs on the following matters to
    22  promote effective and efficient operation of Statewide and
    23  regional EMS systems:
    24         (1)  The number and distribution of EMS providers and
    25     other persons integral to an EMS system, such as medical
    26     command physicians and EMS agency medical directors, with
    27     appropriate training and experience.
    28         (2)  Reasonably accessible training for EMS providers and
    29     other persons integral to an EMS system, including clinical
    30     training and continuing education programs coordinated with
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     1     other programs providing similar, complementary and
     2     supplemental training and education.
     3         (3)  The joining of personnel, facilities and equipment
     4     coordinated through a communication system to ensure that EMS
     5     requests will be handled by communications facilities that:
     6             (i)  utilize emergency medical telecommunications
     7         screening to determine the appropriate emergency agency
     8         response;
     9             (ii)  are accessible to the general public through a
    10         common telephone number and, where feasible, through the
    11         universal emergency telephone number 911; and
    12             (iii)  will have direct communications with
    13         appropriate personnel facilities and equipment resources.
    14         (4)  The number and distribution of ambulances and other
    15     EMS vehicles in which:
    16             (i)  ambulances and other vehicles meet appropriate
    17         criteria relating to location, design, performance and
    18         equipment; and
    19             (ii)  operators and other personnel staffing vehicles
    20         meet appropriate training and experience requirements.
    21         (5)  The number and accessibility of facilities that:
    22             (i)  are collectively capable of providing EMS on a
    23         continuous basis;
    24             (ii)  have appropriate specialty capabilities;
    25             (iii)  meet appropriate standards relating to
    26         capacity, location, personnel and equipment; and
    27             (iv)  are coordinated with other health care
    28         facilities and resource centers.
    29         (6)  Access and transportation to trauma centers and
    30     specialty care receiving facilities.
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     1         (7)  Transfer of patients between facilities or to
     2     programs offering necessary follow-up care and
     3     rehabilitation.
     4         (8)  Utilization of appropriate personnel, facilities and
     5     equipment of each entity providing EMS.
     6         (9)  Regional EMS councils that provide persons residing
     7     in an EMS region, and who have no professional or financial
     8     interest in the provision of health care, with an adequate
     9     opportunity to participate in the making of policy for the
    10     regional EMS system.
    11         (10)  The provision of EMS to all persons requiring those
    12     services.
    13         (11)  A standardized data collection system that covers
    14     all phases of the EMS incident, including, but not limited
    15     to, the dispatch report and contact, treatment and transport
    16     of a patient in the EMS system.
    17         (12)  Programs of public education, information and
    18     prevention, integrated with public health education and
    19     taking into account needs of visitors and residents,
    20     concerning methods for accessing EMS and stressing
    21     dissemination of information as to first aid and
    22     cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
    23         (13)  The provision of periodic comprehensive review and
    24     evaluation of the extent and quality of the EMS provided in
    25     each regional EMS system and reports to the department of
    26     each review or evaluation.
    27         (14)  Plans to assure that each regional EMS system will
    28     be able to provide or secure EMS during mass casualty
    29     situations, natural disasters and declared states of
    30     emergency in accordance with Chapter 71 (relating to general
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     1     provisions) and the instructions of the Pennsylvania
     2     Emergency Management Agency.
     3         (15)  Appropriate intrastate and interstate arrangements
     4     for the provision of EMS as needed.
     5     (b)  Limitations.--This section is intended to identify EMS
     6  objectives to be pursued and achieved by the department in its
     7  role as lead agency for EMS. Nothing herein shall be construed
     8  to confer regulatory powers upon the department beyond those
     9  conferred elsewhere in this chapter.
    10  § 7205.  Duties of department.
    11     (a)  Duty.--It shall be the duty of the department to assist
    12  in the development of local EMS systems; plan, guide and
    13  coordinate development of regional EMS systems into a unified
    14  Statewide system; and coordinate systems in this Commonwealth
    15  with similar systems in neighboring states.
    16     (b)  Authority.--The department shall be the lead agency for
    17  EMS in this Commonwealth. The department is authorized to:
    18         (1)  Coordinate a program for planning, developing,
    19     maintaining, expanding, improving and upgrading EMS systems
    20     in this Commonwealth.
    21         (2)  Establish, by regulation, standards and criteria
    22     governing the awarding and administration of contracts and
    23     grants under this chapter for initiation, maintenance and
    24     improvement of regional EMS systems.
    25         (3)  Require collection and maintenance of patient data
    26     and information in EMS patient care reports by EMS agencies.
    27         (4)  Collect, as deemed necessary and appropriate, data
    28     and information regarding patients who utilize emergency
    29     departments without being admitted to the facility and
    30     patients admitted through emergency departments, trauma
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     1     centers or directly to special care units, in a manner that
     2     protects and maintains the confidential nature of patient
     3     records. The data and information shall be reasonable in
     4     detail and shall be collected pursuant to regulations issued
     5     by the department. Data and information shall be limited to
     6     that which may be used for specific planning, research and
     7     quality improvement purposes and shall not be duplicative of
     8     data and information already available to the department.
     9         (5)  Prepare and revise a Statewide EMS system plan under
    10     section 7211 (relating to comprehensive plan).
    11         (6)  Define and approve training programs and accredit
    12     educational institutions for EMS training of EMS providers.
    13         (7)  Provide technical assistance to local governments,
    14     EMS agencies and other entities for the purpose of assuring
    15     effective planning and execution of EMS.
    16         (8)  Administer contracts and grants authorized under
    17     this chapter and other grants pertaining to EMS.
    18         (9)  Establish standards for the licensing, registration
    19     and operation of EMS agencies, and inspect EMS agencies for
    20     compliance with this chapter and regulations adopted under
    21     this chapter.
    22         (10)  Maintain a quality improvement program for the
    23     purpose of monitoring and improving the delivery of EMS.
    24         (11)  Promulgate regulations to establish standards and
    25     criteria for EMS systems.
    26         (12)  Integrate all trauma centers accredited pursuant to
    27     section 7207 (relating to Pennsylvania Trauma Systems
    28     Foundation) into the Statewide EMS system.
    29         (13)  Recommend to 911 and other EMS agency dispatchers
    30     protocols with respect to the type and quantity of EMS
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     1     resources to dispatch to emergencies.
     2         (14)  Investigate, based upon complaints and information
     3     received, possible violations of this chapter and regulations
     4     under this chapter and take disciplinary actions, seek
     5     injunctions and refer matters for criminal prosecution.
     6         (15)  Investigate complaints concerning delivery of
     7     services by trauma centers and forward investigation results
     8     to the appropriate accrediting entity with a recommendation
     9     for action.
    10         (16)  Enter into agreements with other states which may
    11     include, as appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
    12     chapter, the acceptance of EMS resources of other states that
    13     do not fully satisfy the requirements of this chapter or
    14     regulations adopted under this chapter.
    15     (c)  EMS protocols.--The department shall establish criteria
    16  and protocols, including bypass protocols, for evaluation,
    17  triage, treatment, transport, transfer and referral of patients
    18  to ensure that they receive appropriate EMS and are transported
    19  to the most appropriate facility. Regional EMS councils shall
    20  not be eligible for contracts or grant funds or State EMS
    21  Operating Fund disbursements unless they assist in ensuring
    22  regional implementation of the criteria and protocols. Protocols
    23  under this subsection are not subject to the rulemaking process.
    24  § 7206.  Emergency medical services patient care reports.
    25     (a)  Preparation.--An EMS agency shall ensure that its
    26  responding EMS providers complete an EMS patient care report for
    27  each response made in which it encounters a patient or a person
    28  who has been identified as a patient to the EMS agency, unless
    29  the department by regulation exempts certain types of patient
    30  contact from the reporting requirement. The department shall
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     1  employ an electronic EMS patient care reporting process that
     2  shall solicit standardized data and patient information. The
     3  department may require an EMS agency to complete a different
     4  standardized report or different fields in a standardized report
     5  based upon the type of resources the EMS agency uses in
     6  responding. The department shall permit an EMS agency to file a
     7  paper report for extraordinary reasons as determined by the
     8  department on a case-by-case basis.
     9     (b)  Content.--The report shall contain information as
    10  solicited on the form or other reporting process developed by
    11  the department. The reporting process shall solicit essential
    12  information in reasonable detail. The department may also use
    13  the reporting process to collect data to enhance its ability to
    14  carry out its responsibilities under sections 7204 (relating to
    15  emergency medical services system programs) and 7205 (relating
    16  to duties of department).
    17     (c)  Patient medical record.--If a patient is transported to
    18  a hospital or from a hospital to another health care facility,
    19  information about the patient and EMS performed on the patient
    20  that is solicited through the reporting process shall be
    21  provided by the EMS agency to the hospital or other health care
    22  facility and become part of the patient's medical record.
    23     (d)  Reporting.--An EMS agency shall report to the department
    24  or a regional EMS council, as determined by department
    25  regulation, data that is solicited through the reporting
    26  process.
    27     (e)  Confidentiality.--
    28         (1)  Patient information collected by an EMS agency shall
    29     be confidential and shall not be released by the EMS agency
    30     or a health care facility except as follows:
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     1             (i)  To the patient who is the subject of the report
     2         or to a person who is authorized to exercise the rights
     3         of the patient with respect to securing the report.
     4             (ii)  Pursuant to an order of a court of competent
     5         jurisdiction, including a subpoena when it constitutes a
     6         court order, except that disclosure pursuant to a
     7         subpoena shall not be permitted as to information in the
     8         report that is of such nature that disclosure pursuant to
     9         a subpoena is not otherwise authorized by law.
    10             (iii)  To a health care provider to whom a patient's
    11         medical record may be released under the law.
    12             (iv)  For billing purposes.
    13             (v)  For quality improvement activities.
    14             (vi)  To the department or a regional EMS council for
    15         the purpose of investigating possible violations of this
    16         chapter or related regulations.
    17             (vii)  To a government agency or its agent, as
    18         authorized by the department, for the purpose of the
    19         agency performing official government duties.
    20         (2)  Notwithstanding the duty of confidentiality
    21     applicable to department and regional EMS councils concerning
    22     reports under paragraph (1), the report may be released for
    23     specific research or EMS planning purposes approved by the
    24     department, subject to department approval and supervision to
    25     ensure that use of the report is strictly limited to the
    26     purposes of the research.
    27     (f)  Vendors.--A vendor may not sell or otherwise provide or
    28  offer reporting forms or software marketed as appropriate for
    29  use in making reports required under this section unless the
    30  vendor submits the product to the department for review and
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     1  receives department approval. Thereafter, the vendor shall
     2  submit any modification of the product to the department for
     3  review and approval if the vendor intends to offer the modified
     4  product for use in the EMS patient care reporting process. If
     5  the department makes changes to the EMS patient care report, it
     6  shall publish a notice of the changes in the Pennsylvania
     7  Bulletin. The effective date for the changes shall be no fewer
     8  than 60 days following publication. After publication of
     9  changes, a vendor may not market a product as one appropriate
    10  for use in making an EMS patient care report, any reporting
    11  forms or software approved by the department prior to
    12  publication of the changes unless the vendor clearly discloses
    13  that the forms or software were approved prior to publication of
    14  the changes. The department may assess a vendor a $5,000 civil
    15  penalty for each day a vendor violates the provisions of this
    16  subsection.
    17  § 7207.  Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.
    18     (a)  Trauma center accreditation.--The foundation shall
    19  develop a private voluntary accreditation program to:
    20         (1)  Establish standards for the operation of trauma
    21     centers in this Commonwealth, adopting, at a minimum, current
    22     guidelines for trauma centers defined by the American College
    23     of Surgeons for Level I, Level II and Level III trauma
    24     centers. Additionally, Level III trauma centers shall meet
    25     accreditation criteria for Level III trauma centers imposed
    26     by the act of March 24, 2004, (P.L.148, No.15), known as the
    27     Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Stabilization Act. For the
    28     purpose of reaccreditation, the standards shall require, at a
    29     minimum, that each Level I trauma center establish that 600
    30     severe and urgent injury cases have been treated per year and
    20080S1420B2073                 - 19 -     

     1     each Level II trauma center establish that 350 severe and
     2     urgent injury cases have been treated per year.
     3         (2)  Evaluate a hospital making application to the
     4     foundation to determine if the hospital meets the
     5     foundation's standards. Evaluation shall include hospital
     6     site visits by accreditation survey teams composed of
     7     independent, qualified persons selected by the foundation.
     8         (3)  Issue certificates of accreditation to hospitals
     9     that meet the accreditation standards. Certificates of
    10     accreditation shall be valid for a period not to exceed three
    11     years. Certificates of accreditation may be revoked by the
    12     foundation if it is determined that the trauma center no
    13     longer meets accreditation standards as set forth in this
    14     chapter.
    15         (4)  Establish an appeal mechanism for reconsideration of
    16     accreditation decisions.
    17     (b)  Judicial review.--A person aggrieved by a determination
    18  of the foundation under this section may file a petition for
    19  review within 30 days in an appropriate court of common pleas.
    20     (c)  Prohibition.--No hospital shall hold itself out as a
    21  trauma center unless it has a current certificate of
    22  accreditation issued under this section.
    23     (d)  Board of directors.--The board of directors of the
    24  foundation shall consist of the following voting members: five
    25  representatives of State organizations representing physicians;
    26  five representatives of State organizations representing
    27  hospitals; two representatives of State organizations
    28  representing registered professional nurses; two representatives
    29  of other Statewide EMS organizations having expertise in
    30  delivery of trauma services; the chairman and minority chairman
    20080S1420B2073                 - 20 -     

     1  of the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the Senate, or
     2  designees chosen from among the members of the committee; the
     3  chairman and minority chairman of the Health and Human Services
     4  Committee of the House of Representatives, or designees chosen
     5  from among the members of the committee; and the Secretary of
     6  Health or a designee. The bylaws of the foundation shall
     7  identify a method to select members to achieve professional and
     8  geographic balance on the board of directors. Terms of office
     9  shall be limited to three years.
    10     (e)  Data collection.--The foundation shall compile and
    11  maintain statistics on mortality and morbidity on multisystem
    12  trauma victims. The data collection shall be coordinated and
    13  performed in conjunction with State data collection activities.
    14  § 7208.  State Advisory Board.
    15     (a)  Designation and composition.--The board shall be
    16  composed of volunteer, professional and paraprofessional
    17  organizations involved in EMS. The board shall be geographically
    18  representative of the provider organizations that represent EMS
    19  providers, firefighters, regional EMS councils, physicians,
    20  hospital administrators and other health care providers
    21  concerned with EMS. The board may be composed of up to 30
    22  organizations. Each organization that is a member of the
    23  Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council, and elected to
    24  serve as a member on the board, shall have one vote on the
    25  board.
    26     (b)  Duties.--The duties of the board shall be to:
    27         (1)  Elect officers.
    28         (2)  Advise the department concerning manpower and
    29     training, communications, EMS agencies, content of
    30     regulations, standards and policies promulgated by the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 21 -     

     1     department under this chapter and other subjects deemed
     2     appropriate by the department.
     3         (3)  Serve as the forum for discussion on the content of
     4     the Statewide EMS system plan, or any proposed revisions
     5     thereto, and advise the department as to the content of the
     6     plan.
     7     (c)  Open meetings.--Meetings of the board shall be held in
     8  accordance with 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
     9     (d)  Terms.--A voting member of the board shall serve a
    10  three-year term. A voting member shall not serve more than two
    11  consecutive terms.
    12     (e)  Quorum.--A simple majority of the voting members of the
    13  board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
    14     (f)  Compensation.--Members of the board shall serve without
    15  compensation, except the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services
    16  Council, through its contract or grant with the department, may
    17  pay necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by members of the
    18  board while performing their official duties.
    19     (g)  Contracts and grants.--The department shall contract
    20  with or provide a grant to the board for performance of its work
    21  under subsection (b). Contracts and grants between the
    22  department and the board for the performance of work other than
    23  under subsection (b) shall be subject to section 7212 (relating
    24  to contracts and grants) where applicable.
    25  § 7209.  Regional emergency medical services councils.
    26     (a)  Purpose.--Regional EMS councils shall assist the
    27  department in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Each
    28  regional EMS council shall adhere to policy direction from the
    29  department.
    30     (b)  Organization.--For purposes of this chapter, the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 22 -     

     1  organizational structure of a regional EMS council shall be
     2  representative of the public, health professions and major
     3  private and public voluntary agencies, organizations and
     4  institutions concerned with providing EMS in the region and
     5  shall be one of the following:
     6         (1)  A unit of general local government, with an advisory
     7     council, meeting requirements for representation.
     8         (2)  A representative public entity administering a
     9     compact or other area-wide arrangement or consortium.
    10         (3)  Any other public or private nonprofit entity that
    11     meets requirements for representation as determined by the
    12     department.
    13     (c)  Duties.--Each regional EMS council shall, if directed by
    14  the department:
    15         (1)  Assist the department in achieving the Statewide and
    16     regional EMS system components and goals described in section
    17     7204 (relating to emergency medical services system
    18     programs).
    19         (2)  Assist the department in the collection and
    20     maintenance of standardized data and information as provided
    21     in section 7206 (relating to emergency medical services
    22     patient care reports).
    23         (3)  Prepare, annually review and revise as needed a
    24     regional EMS system plan for the EMS region the department
    25     has designated and for which the department has contracted or
    26     provided a grant to it to serve.
    27         (4)  Carry out, to the extent feasible, the Statewide and
    28     regional EMS system plans.
    29         (5)  Assure the reasonable availability of training and
    30     continuing education programs for EMS providers.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 23 -     

     1         (6)  Provide necessary and reasonable staff services and
     2     appropriate and convenient office facilities that can serve
     3     as the EMS region's location for the planning, maintenance
     4     and coordinative and evaluative functions of the council.
     5         (7)  Establish a mechanism to provide for input from
     6     facilities and EMS agencies in the EMS region in decisions
     7     that include, but are not limited to, membership on its
     8     governing body.
     9         (8)  Establish, subject to department approval, regional
    10     EMS triage, treatment and transport protocols consistent with
    11     Statewide protocols adopted by the department. A regional EMS
    12     council may also establish, subject to department approval,
    13     additional triage, treatment and transport protocols. No
    14     regional protocol shall be subject to the rulemaking process.
    15         (9)  Advise public safety answering points and municipal
    16     and county governments as to the EMS resources available for
    17     dispatching and recommend dispatch criteria that may be
    18     developed by the department or the council as approved by the
    19     department.
    20         (10)  Assist the department in achieving a unified
    21     Statewide EMS system.
    22         (11)  Designate a regional EMS medical director and
    23     establish a medical advisory committee and a quality
    24     improvement committee.
    25         (12)  Develop a conflict of interest policy, subject to
    26     department approval, and require its board or advisory
    27     council members, officials and employees to agree to the
    28     policy in writing.
    29         (13)  Perform other duties assigned by the department to
    30     assist the department in carrying out the requirements of
    20080S1420B2073                 - 24 -     

     1     this chapter.
     2     (d)  Regional EMS medical directors.--The department shall
     3  consult with the regional EMS medical directors in developing
     4  and adopting EMS protocols and may consult with them on any
     5  matter involved in the department's administration of this
     6  chapter.
     7                            SUBCHAPTER B
     8                              PROGRAM
     9  Sec.
    10  7211.  Comprehensive plan.
    11  7212.  Contracts and grants.
    12  7213.  Emergency medical services providers.
    13  7214.  Emergency medical responders.
    14  7215.  Emergency medical technicians.
    15  7216.  Advanced emergency medical technicians.
    16  7217.  Paramedics.
    17  7218.  Prehospital registered nurses.
    18  7219.  Prehospital physician extenders.
    19  7220.  Prehospital emergency medical services physicians.
    20  7221.  Certification sanctions.
    21  7222.  Emergency medical services vehicle operators.
    22  7223.  Suspension of certification.
    23  7224.  Emergency medical services instructors.
    24  7225.  Medical director of emergency medical services agency.
    25  7226.  Medical command physicians and facility medical
    26             directors.
    27  7227.  Medical command facilities.
    28  7228.  Receiving facilities.
    29  7229.  Emergency medical services agencies.
    30  7230.  Advanced life support ambulances.
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     1  7231.  Air ambulances.
     2  7232.  Advanced life support squad vehicles.
     3  7233.  Basic life support ambulances.
     4  7234.  Basic life support squad vehicles.
     5  7235.  Quick response services.
     6  7236.  Special operations emergency medical services.
     7  7237.  First aid and other safety services.
     8  7238.  Other vehicles and services.
     9  7239.  Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles.
    10  7240.  Conditional temporary licenses.
    11  7241.  Plans of correction.
    12  7242.  Emergency medical services agency license sanctions.
    13  § 7211.  Comprehensive plan.
    14     (a)  Preparation.--
    15         (1)  The department, with the assistance of the board,
    16     shall prepare a Statewide EMS system plan, which plan shall
    17     include both short-range and long-range goals and objectives,
    18     and shall make the plan available to the General Assembly and
    19     all concerned agencies, entities and individuals.
    20         (2)  A regional EMS system plan, upon approval of the
    21     department, shall:
    22             (i)  Become part of the Statewide EMS system plan.
    23             (ii)  Include for the EMS region the same types of
    24         information that subsection (b) requires for the
    25         Statewide plan.
    26     (b)  Contents.--At a minimum, the Statewide plan shall
    27  contain:
    28         (1)  An inventory of EMS resources available within this
    29     Commonwealth.
    30         (2)  An assessment of the effectiveness of the existing
    20080S1420B2073                 - 26 -     

     1     EMS system and a determination of the need for changes to the
     2     EMS system.
     3         (3)  Performance measures for delivery of EMS to all
     4     persons in this Commonwealth.
     5         (4)  Methods to be used in achieving the stated
     6     performance measures.
     7         (5)  A schedule for achievement of the stated performance
     8     measures.
     9         (6)  A method for monitoring and evaluating whether the
    10     stated performance measures are being achieved.
    11         (7)  Estimated costs for achieving the stated performance
    12     measures.
    13     (c)  Revisions.--
    14         (1)  The department shall collect and analyze EMS data
    15     for the purpose of:
    16             (i)  Revising the Statewide EMS system plan,
    17         including determining the status of the Statewide EMS
    18         system, the degree of compliance with the requirements of
    19         this chapter and the effectiveness of EMS systems in
    20         reducing morbidity and mortality associated with medical
    21         emergencies.
    22             (ii)  Planning future EMS system initiatives.
    23         (2)  Persons regulated by the department under this
    24     chapter and dispatchers of EMS agencies shall provide data,
    25     without charge, as reasonably requested by the department and
    26     regional EMS councils, to aid them in developing and revising
    27     Statewide and regional EMS system plans and in conducting
    28     investigations under this chapter as authorized by the
    29     department.
    30     (d)  Annual reports.--The department shall annually publish
    20080S1420B2073                 - 27 -     

     1  comprehensive and specific reports of activity and plan
     2  implementation.
     3     (e)  Use of Statewide plan.--
     4         (1)  The department shall use the Statewide plan for
     5     contract and grant purposes as set forth in section 7212(a)
     6     (relating to contract and grants).
     7         (2)  Nothing in the Statewide plan shall be construed to
     8     vest the department with any regulatory authority.
     9  § 7212.  Contracts and grants.
    10     (a)  General power.--The department may enter into contracts
    11  or grants with entities to serve as regional EMS councils
    12  responsible for the initiation, expansion, maintenance and
    13  improvement of regional EMS systems that are in accordance with
    14  the Statewide EMS system plan.
    15     (b)  Limitation.--An entity with which the department enters
    16  into a contract or grant under this section to serve as a
    17  regional EMS council shall carry out the duties assigned by the
    18  department under section 7209(c) (relating to regional emergency
    19  medical services councils).
    20     (c)  Purposes.--In contracting with or giving a grant to
    21  regional EMS councils, the department may allocate Emergency
    22  Medical Services Operating Fund moneys appropriated to the
    23  department only for the following purposes:
    24         (1)  Providing programs of public education, information,
    25     health promotion and prevention regarding EMS.
    26         (2)  Purchasing ambulances, other EMS vehicles, medical
    27     equipment and rescue equipment.
    28         (3)  Applying to costs associated with conducting
    29     training and testing programs for EMS providers.
    30         (4)  Applying to costs associated with inspections and
    20080S1420B2073                 - 28 -     

     1     investigations conducted to assist the department to carry
     2     out its regulatory authority under this chapter.
     3         (5)  Purchasing communications equipment and services,
     4     including alerting equipment, provided that the purchases are
     5     in accordance with the Statewide EMS system plan.
     6         (6)  Assisting with the merger of EMS agencies or
     7     assisting an EMS agency to acquire another EMS agency, when
     8     the department determines circumstances exist such that the
     9     transaction and financial assistance are needed to serve the
    10     public interest.
    11         (7)  Applying to costs associated with the maintenance
    12     and operation of regional EMS councils. Those costs may
    13     include, but shall not be limited to, salaries, wages and
    14     benefits of staff; travel; equipment and supplies; leasing of
    15     office space; and other costs incidental to the conduct of
    16     business which are deemed by the department to be necessary
    17     and appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this
    18     chapter.
    19         (8)  Applying to costs associated with collection and
    20     analysis of data necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of
    21     EMS systems in providing EMS and to administer quality
    22     improvement programs.
    23         (9)  Applying to costs associated with assisting EMS
    24     agencies to recruit and retain EMS providers.
    25     (d)  Restriction.--In contracting with or providing grants to
    26  regional EMS councils, the department may not allocate Emergency
    27  Medical Services Operating Fund moneys appropriated to the
    28  department for the following purposes:
    29         (1)  Acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of
    30     facilities or buildings, except renovation as may be
    20080S1420B2073                 - 29 -     

     1     necessary for the implementation or modification of EMS
     2     communication systems.
     3         (2)  Purchasing hospital equipment, other than
     4     communications equipment for medical command and receiving
     5     facilities, unless the equipment is used or intended to be
     6     used in an equipment exchange program with EMS agencies.
     7         (3)  Maintenance of ambulances, other EMS vehicles and
     8     equipment.
     9         (4)  Applying to costs deemed by the department as
    10     inappropriate for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
    11         (5)  Applying to costs which are normally borne by
    12     patients, except for extraordinary costs as determined by the
    13     department.
    14     (e)  Reports.--The recipient of a contract or grant under
    15  this chapter shall make reports to the department as may be
    16  required by the department.
    17     (f)  Contract and grant prerequisites.--The department shall
    18  not contract with or provide a grant to an entity for that
    19  entity to serve as a regional EMS council unless:
    20         (1)  The entity has submitted a contract or grant
    21     application to the department in a form and format prescribed
    22     by the department that is consistent with the Statewide and
    23     regional EMS system plans.
    24         (2)  The application addresses planning, maintenance and
    25     improvement of the regional EMS system.
    26         (3)  The entity demonstrates to the department's
    27     satisfaction the qualifications and commitment to plan,
    28     maintain and improve a regional EMS system, and that the
    29     entity has the required organizational structure and
    30     provision for representation of appropriate entities.
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     1     (g)  Technical assistance.--The department shall provide
     2  technical assistance, as appropriate, to regional EMS councils
     3  and to such other eligible entities as necessary for the purpose
     4  of their carrying out the provisions of contracts and grants
     5  under this section, with special consideration for contractors
     6  and grantees representing rural areas.
     7     (h)  Payments.--Payments pursuant to a contract or grant
     8  under this section may be made in advance or by way of
     9  reimbursement and in installments and on conditions as the
    10  department determines will most effectively carry out the
    11  provisions of this chapter.
    12     (i)  Other funds considered.--
    13         (1)  In determining the amount of a contract or grant
    14     under this section, the amount of funds available to the
    15     contractor or grantee from non-State contributions and
    16     Federal grant or contract programs pertaining to EMS shall be
    17     taken into consideration.
    18         (2)  For purposes of this subsection, "non-State
    19     contributions" include the outlay of cash and in-kind
    20     services to the contractor or grantee or toward the operation
    21     of a regional EMS system by private, public or government
    22     third parties, including the Federal Government.
    23     (j)  Other contracts and grants.--The department may enter
    24  into contracts and grants with organizations other than regional
    25  EMS councils in order to assist the department in complying with
    26  the provisions of this section and chapter.
    27     (k)  Public disclosure.--
    28         (1)  Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2),
    29     finalized contracts and grants shall be deemed public records
    30     subject to disclosure.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 31 -     

     1         (2)  The department may not disclose information in
     2     contracts or grants that could be used by persons to
     3     undermine measures to combat, respond to or recover from
     4     terrorist attacks.
     5     (l)  Sole source contract or grant.--Upon expiration of a
     6  contract or grant with an entity to carry out the duties of a
     7  regional EMS council as set forth in subsection (c), the
     8  department, without undertaking a competitive bidding process,
     9  may enter into a new contract or grant with the same entity for
    10  that entity to continue to serve as a regional EMS council and
    11  perform the duties set forth in subsection (c), as determined by
    12  the department, if that entity in carrying out the prior
    13  contract or grant demonstrated its ability and commitment to the
    14  department's satisfaction to plan, maintain and improve the
    15  regional EMS system consistent with the terms of the prior
    16  contract or grant.
    17  § 7213.  Emergency medical services providers.
    18     (a)  Certification.--The department shall issue
    19  certifications for the following types of EMS providers, which
    20  shall be permanent, subject to disciplinary action pursuant to
    21  section 7221 (relating to certification sanctions):
    22         (1)  Emergency medical responder.
    23         (2)  Emergency medical technician.
    24         (3)  Advanced emergency medical technician.
    25         (4)  Paramedic.
    26         (5)  Prehospital registered nurse.
    27         (6)  Prehospital physician extender.
    28         (7)  Prehospital EMS physician.
    29         (8)  Any other class of EMS provider the department
    30     establishes by regulation.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 32 -     

     1     (b)  Other emergency medical services providers.--The
     2  department may establish by regulation as the need arises
     3  classes of EMS providers to provide specialized EMS. The
     4  regulations shall establish certification, practice,
     5  disciplinary and other provider standards consistent with the
     6  purposes of this chapter, and the statutory regulatory schemes
     7  applicable to paramedics except as necessary to meet the special
     8  EMS needs for which the class of EMS provider is created.
     9     (c)  Application.--An applicant for EMS provider
    10  certification shall complete an application for certification on
    11  a form or through an electronic application process prescribed
    12  by the department.
    13     (d)  Education.--The department shall assist, encourage and
    14  coordinate the education of EMS providers.
    15         (1)  The department shall develop standards through
    16     regulations for the accreditation, reaccreditation and
    17     operation of educational institutes to provide the training
    18     persons must successfully complete to be certified as EMS
    19     providers.
    20         (2)  The department shall develop standards through
    21     regulations for the approval of continuing education courses
    22     for EMS providers and the accreditation of persons and
    23     Commonwealth agencies that provide continuing education EMS
    24     providers may take to secure renewal of registration.
    25         (3)  The department, in consultation with the board,
    26     shall review and update the permitted scope of continuing
    27     education programs not less than biennially.
    28         (4)  If the educational institute or provider of
    29     continuing education courses fails to satisfy the operational
    30     standards or continue to meet the accreditation standards,
    20080S1420B2073                 - 33 -     

     1     the department may take one or more of the following actions:
     2             (i)  Deny the application for reaccreditation.
     3             (ii)  Impose terms of probation.
     4             (iii)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict
     5         the accreditation.
     6             (iv)  Impose a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 for
     7         each infraction.
     8     (e)  Examinations.--
     9         (1)  A person who intends to secure EMS provider
    10     certification shall take the required certification
    11     examinations within one year after completing the EMS
    12     provider training required for certification.
    13         (2)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a
    14     person who fails a written or practical skills examination
    15     for an EMS provider certification may repeat the failed
    16     examination without retaking the examination the person
    17     passed.
    18         (3)  A person who fails the written examination three
    19     times shall complete a refresher course approved by the
    20     department or repeat the EMS provider training program before
    21     taking the examination again.
    22         (4)  A person who fails the practical skills examination
    23     three time shall complete a remedial course approved by the
    24     department or repeat the EMS provider training program before
    25     again taking the examination.
    26         (5)  A person who fails either examination six times or
    27     who does not pass the required examinations within two years
    28     after completing the EMS provider training program shall
    29     receive no credit for an examination previously passed and
    30     shall repeat the training program for the EMS provider
    20080S1420B2073                 - 34 -     

     1     certification before the person may take the certification
     2     examinations again.
     3         (6)  If the standards a person needs to satisfy to take a
     4     certification examination change after the person has failed
     5     the examination, the person may not retake the examination
     6     unless the person meets the new standards.
     7         (7)  The department may, by regulation, change the
     8     standards in this subsection.
     9     (f)  Reciprocity and endorsement.--The department may issue
    10  EMS provider certifications by reciprocity or endorsement as
    11  follows:
    12         (1)  If the department, upon review of the criteria for
    13     certification of a type of EMS provider in another state,
    14     determines that the criteria is substantially equivalent to
    15     the criteria for a similar certification in this
    16     Commonwealth, the department may enter into a reciprocity
    17     agreement with its counterpart certifying agency in the other
    18     state to certify that type of EMS provider based solely on
    19     the other state's certification of the provider. No
    20     reciprocity agreement may deprive the department from denying
    21     a certification based on disciplinary considerations.
    22         (2)  If the department, upon review of a course or an
    23     examination approved by another state for EMS provider
    24     certification or continuing education, or upon review of a
    25     national course or examination, determines that the course or
    26     examination meets or exceeds the standards for such a course
    27     or examination for a similar type of certification in this
    28     Commonwealth, or for registration of the certification, the
    29     department may endorse the course or examination as meeting
    30     the course or examination requirements for that type of EMS
    20080S1420B2073                 - 35 -     

     1     provider certification in acting upon an applicant's
     2     application for certification or registration of the
     3     certification in this Commonwealth.
     4     (g)  Skills.--The department shall publish in the
     5  Pennsylvania Bulletin a list of skills within the scope of
     6  practice of each type of EMS provider. The list shall be updated
     7  by publication as necessary.
     8     (h)  Medical command orders and protocols.--
     9         (1)  An EMS provider, other than a prehospital EMS
    10     physician, shall provide EMS pursuant to department-approved
    11     protocols and medical command orders.
    12         (2)  The protocols shall identify circumstances in which
    13     an EMS provider shall seek direction from a medical command
    14     physician, which direction may be given by the physician in
    15     person or through an authorized agent or via radio or other
    16     telecommunications device approved by the department, and
    17     shall address the responsibilities of an EMS provider when
    18     medical command cannot be secured or is disrupted.
    19     (i)  Reports of convictions, discipline and exclusions.--
    20         (1)  An applicant for an EMS provider certification shall
    21     report to the department all misdemeanor, felony and other
    22     criminal convictions that are not summary or equivalent
    23     offenses, and all disciplinary sanctions that have been
    24     imposed upon a license, certification or other authorization
    25     of the applicant to practice an occupation or profession, and
    26     any exclusion from a Federal or State health care program of
    27     the applicant or an entity in which the applicant had equity
    28     or capital, stock or profits of the entity equal to at least
    29     5% of the value of the property or assets of the entity at
    30     the time of the exclusion.
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     1         (2)  The applicant shall also provide the department with
     2     a certified copy of the criminal charging, judgment and
     3     sentencing documents for each conviction and a certified copy
     4     of an adjudication or other document imposing discipline
     5     against the applicant.
     6         (3)  The department may not certify an applicant until
     7     the department receives the documents, unless the applicant
     8     establishes that the documents from which certified copies
     9     are to be made no longer exist.
    10         (4)  An EMS provider shall report the same type of
    11     convictions, disciplinary sanctions and exclusions and
    12     provide the same documents to the department within 30 days
    13     after each conviction, discipline and exclusion.
    14     (j)  Identification.--
    15         (1)  An EMS provider shall provide proof of authority to
    16     practice as an EMS provider if requested when providing
    17     services as an EMS provider.
    18         (2)  For purposes of this subsection, "proof of authority
    19     to practice" means a card or certificate issued by the
    20     department that shows current registration of the EMS
    21     provider's certification.
    22     (k)  Change of address.--
    23         (1)  An EMS provider and an applicant for EMS provider
    24     certification shall ensure that the department has the
    25     current address at which the person can be reached by mail at
    26     all times.
    27         (2)  Neither an EMS provider's home address, telephone
    28     number nor any other residential contact information provided
    29     to the department shall be deemed a public record.
    30     (l)  Current registration.--To provide EMS, an EMS provider
    20080S1420B2073                 - 37 -     

     1  shall maintain current registration of his certification as an
     2  EMS provider.
     3     (m)  Downgrading certification or practice.--
     4         (1)  An EMS provider who has a currently registered
     5     certification as an advanced EMT or higher-level EMS provider
     6     and is not permitted to practice at that level by an EMS
     7     agency pursuant to sections 7225(b)(2) (relating to medical
     8     director of emergency medical services agency) and 7229(k)
     9     (relating to emergency medical services agencies), may
    10     function as a lower-level EMS provider for that EMS agency,
    11     as authorized by the EMS agency medical director, if the EMS
    12     agency permits.
    13         (2)  Upon expiration of the biennial registration period,
    14     an EMS provider who is at or above the advanced EMT level and
    15     whose practice for an EMS agency has been downgraded pursuant
    16     to sections 7225(b)(2) and 7229(k) may choose to maintain
    17     current registration of the EMS provider's certification by
    18     meeting the biennial registration requirements for that
    19     certification.
    20         (3)  An EMS provider who has a currently registered
    21     certification as an advanced EMT or higher-level EMS provider
    22     and does not meet the requirements for biennial registration
    23     of that certification may apply to and secure from the
    24     department registration of a lower-level EMS provider
    25     certification if the EMS provider meets the registration
    26     requirements for that certification.
    27         (4)  Instead of a registration certificate, the
    28     department shall issue a lower-level certification to an EMS
    29     provider who does not already have that certification and
    30     applies for a registration of that certification under this
    20080S1420B2073                 - 38 -     

     1     subsection.
     2         (5)  An EMS provider whose practice level has been
     3     downgraded under this section and who does not maintain
     4     current registration of the higher-level certification may
     5     not display an insignia, patch or any other indicia of the
     6     higher-level certification when providing EMS.
     7     (n)  Biennial registrations.--
     8         (1)  The biennial registration of each EMS provider
     9     certification subject to a biennial registration requirement
    10     shall expire on January 1 of the next even-numbered year.
    11         (2)  The continuing education requirements for the
    12     biennial registration following the initial registration of a
    13     certification shall be prorated based upon the month in which
    14     the EMS provider became certified, with any fractional
    15     requirement rounded down.
    16  § 7214.  Emergency medical responders.
    17     (a)  Scope of practice.--An EMR performs for an EMS agency
    18  BLS skills involving basic interventions with minimum EMS
    19  equipment as follows:
    20         (1)  As a member of a QRS to stabilize and improve a
    21     patient's condition in an out-of-hospital emergency until a
    22     higher-level EMS provider arrives at the scene and then may
    23     assist that EMS provider.
    24         (2)  As a member of the crew of an ambulance.
    25         (3)  In another capacity as authorized by the department
    26     by regulation.
    27     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as an EMR
    28  an individual who meets all of the following:
    29         (1)  Is at least 16 years of age.
    30         (2)  Has successfully completed an EMR training course
    20080S1420B2073                 - 39 -     

     1     approved by the department.
     2         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
     3     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
     4         (4)  Has passed an EMR skills practical examination
     5     approved by the department.
     6         (5)  Has passed a written EMR certification examination
     7     approved by the department.
     8     (c)  Triennial registration.--An EMR's certification is
     9  deemed registered for three years after issuance. An EMR must
    10  register the EMR certification at three-year intervals by
    11  completing an application for triennial registration on a form
    12  or through an electronic process, as prescribed by the
    13  department. The following shall apply:
    14         (1)  The department shall issue a triennial registration
    15     of an EMR certification to an EMR who meets all of the
    16     following:
    17             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
    18         registration no later than:
    19                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
    20             to expire; or
    21                 (B)  a lesser time established by regulation of
    22             the department.
    23             (ii)  Successfully:
    24                 (A)  completes EMR triennial registration
    25             practical skills and written knowledge examinations
    26             approved by the department; or
    27                 (B)  secures continuing education credits for EMR
    28             triennial registration as required by the department
    29             in continuing education programs approved by the
    30             department.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 40 -     

     1         (2)  An EMR whose registration of an EMR certification
     2     has expired must qualify for a triennial registration of the
     3     certification as prescribed by regulation of the department.
     4     (d)  Transition for first responders.--An individual who is
     5  certified as a first responder on the effective date of this
     6  section shall be considered to be an EMR with a current
     7  registration and shall be subject to the triennial registration
     8  requirements of an EMR. The registration of the EMR
     9  certification shall expire on the same date the first responder
    10  certification would have expired if the first responder
    11  certification remained in effect.
    12     (e)  Transition for ambulance attendants.--An individual who
    13  is an ambulance attendant on the effective date of this section
    14  shall be considered to be an EMR with a current registration and
    15  shall be subject to the triennial registration requirements of
    16  an EMR. The registration of the EMR certification shall expire
    17  on the same date that the person's qualifications as an
    18  ambulance attendant expire and would have needed to be renewed.
    19  § 7215.  Emergency medical technicians.
    20     (a)  Scope of practice.--An EMT performs basic EMS skills
    21  involving basic interventions and equipment found on an EMS
    22  vehicle as follows:
    23         (1)  For an EMS agency as a member of the crew of an
    24     ambulance.
    25         (2)  For an EMS agency as a member of a QRS to stabilize
    26     and improve a patient's condition in an out-of-hospital
    27     setting until an ambulance arrives, and then may assist the
    28     ambulance crew.
    29         (3)  As a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
    30     capacity, for or independent of an EMS agency, as prescribed
    20080S1420B2073                 - 41 -     

     1     by regulation of the department.
     2         (4)  For an EMS agency in another capacity authorized by
     3     regulation of the department.
     4     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as an EMT
     5  an individual who meets all of the following:
     6         (1)  Is at least 16 years of age.
     7         (2)  Has successfully completed an EMT training course
     8     which:
     9             (i)  teaches basic EMS; and
    10             (ii)  is approved by the department.
    11         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
    12     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    13         (4)  Has passed an EMT skills practical examination
    14     approved by the department.
    15         (5)  Has passed a written EMT certification examination
    16     approved by the department.
    17     (c)  Triennial registration.--An EMT's certification is
    18  deemed registered for three years after issuance. An EMT must
    19  register the EMT certification at three-year intervals by
    20  completing an application for triennial registration on a form
    21  or through an electronic process, as prescribed by the
    22  department. The following shall apply:
    23         (1)  The department shall issue a triennial registration
    24     of an EMT certification to an EMT who meets all of the
    25     following:
    26             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
    27         registration no later than:
    28                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
    29             to expire; or
    30                 (B)  a lesser time established by regulation of
    20080S1420B2073                 - 42 -     

     1             the department.
     2             (ii)  Successfully:
     3                 (A)  completes EMT triennial registration
     4             practical skills and written knowledge examinations
     5             approved by the department; or
     6                 (B)  secures continuing education credits for EMT
     7             triennial registration as required by the department
     8             in continuing education programs approved by the
     9             department.
    10         (2)  An EMT whose registration of an EMT certification
    11     has expired must qualify for a triennial registration of the
    12     certification as prescribed by regulation of the department.
    13  § 7216.  Advanced emergency medical technicians.
    14     (a)  Scope of practice.--An advanced EMT performs basic EMS
    15  and ALS skills which include interventions and administration of
    16  medications with basic and advanced equipment found on an EMS
    17  vehicle as follows:
    18         (1)  For an EMS agency as a member of the crew of an
    19     ambulance.
    20         (2)  For an EMS agency as a member of a QRS to stabilize
    21     and improve a patient's condition in an out-of-hospital
    22     emergency until an ambulance arrives at the scene and then
    23     may assist the ambulance crew.
    24         (3)  An a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
    25     capacity, for or independent of an EMS agency, as prescribed
    26     by regulation of the department.
    27         (4)  For an EMS agency in another capacity as authorized
    28     by regulation of the department.
    29     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as an
    30  advanced EMT an individual who meets all of the following:
    20080S1420B2073                 - 43 -     

     1         (1)  Is at least 18 years of age.
     2         (2)  Has successfully completed a course under
     3     subparagraph (i) or (ii):
     4             (i)  An advanced EMT training course which:
     5                 (A)  teaches basic life support skills;
     6                 (B)  teaches advanced life support skills deemed
     7             appropriate by regulation of the department; and
     8                 (C)  is approved by the department.
     9             (ii)  An EMT course and secured training and
    10         education, through continuing education courses, in
    11         skills included in the scope of practice for an advanced
    12         EMT for which the applicant did not receive training in
    13         the EMT course.
    14         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
    15     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    16         (4)  Has passed an advanced EMT skills practical
    17     examination approved by the department.
    18         (5)  Has passed a written advanced EMT certification
    19     examination approved by the department.
    20     (c)  Biennial registration.--An advanced EMT's certification
    21  is deemed registered when the certification is issued. The
    22  initial registration shall expire as set forth in section
    23  7213(n) (relating to emergency medical services providers).
    24  Except for the initial registration period, an advanced EMT must
    25  register the advanced EMT certification at two-year intervals by
    26  completing an application for biennial registration on a form or
    27  through an electronic process, as prescribed by regulation of
    28  the department. The following shall apply:
    29         (1)  The department shall issue a biennial registration
    30     of an advanced EMT certification to an advanced EMT who meets
    20080S1420B2073                 - 44 -     

     1     all of the following:
     2             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
     3         registration no later than:
     4                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
     5             to expire; or
     6                 (B)  a lesser time established by regulation of
     7             the department.
     8             (ii)  Successfully:
     9                 (A)  completes advanced EMT biennial registration
    10             practical skills and written knowledge examinations
    11             approved by the department; or
    12                 (B)  secures continuing education credits for
    13             advanced EMT biennial registration as required by the
    14             department in continuing education programs approved
    15             by the department.
    16         (2)  An advanced EMT whose registration of an advanced
    17     EMT certification has expired must qualify for a biennial
    18     registration of the certification as prescribed by regulation
    19     of the department.
    20  § 7217.  Paramedics.
    21     (a)  Scope of practice.--A paramedic is a higher level EMS
    22  provider than an advanced EMT. A paramedic performs basic and
    23  advanced EMS skills which include interventions and
    24  administration of medications with basic and advanced equipment
    25  found on an EMS vehicle as follows:
    26         (1)  For an EMS agency as a member of the crew of an
    27     ambulance.
    28         (2)  For an EMS agency as a member of a QRS to stabilize
    29     and improve a patient's condition in an out-of-hospital
    30     emergency until an ambulance arrives at the scene and then
    20080S1420B2073                 - 45 -     

     1     may assist the ambulance crew.
     2         (3)  As a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
     3     capacity, for or independent of an EMS agency, as prescribed
     4     by regulation of the department.
     5         (4)  For an EMS agency in another capacity authorized by
     6     regulation of the department.
     7     (b)  Paramedic training.--To be eligible to enroll in a
     8  paramedic training course required for certification as a
     9  paramedic, an individual must satisfy all of the following:
    10         (1)  Be at least 18 years of age when the course
    11     commences.
    12         (2)  Have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
    13         (3)  Be currently certified by the department as an EMT
    14     or advanced EMT.
    15     (c)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a
    16  paramedic an EMT or advanced EMT who meets all of the following:
    17         (1)  Is at least 18 years of age.
    18         (2)  Has successfully completed a paramedic training
    19     course which:
    20             (i)  teaches basic life support skills;
    21             (ii)  teaches advanced life support skills deemed
    22         appropriate by regulation of the department; and
    23             (iii)  is approved by the department.
    24         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
    25     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    26         (4)  Has passed a paramedic skills practical examination
    27     approved by the department.
    28         (5)  Has passed a written paramedic certification
    29     examination approved by the department.
    30     (d)  Biennial registration.--A paramedic's certification is
    20080S1420B2073                 - 46 -     

     1  deemed registered when the certification is issued. The initial
     2  registration shall expire as set forth in section 7213(n)
     3  (relating to emergency medical services providers). Except for
     4  the initial registration period, a paramedic must register the
     5  paramedic certification at two-year intervals by completing an
     6  application for biennial registration on a form or through an
     7  electronic process as prescribed by regulation of the
     8  department. The following shall apply:
     9         (1)  The department shall issue a biennial registration
    10     of a paramedic certification to a paramedic who meets all of
    11     the following:
    12             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
    13         registration no later than:
    14                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
    15             to expire; or
    16                 (B)  a lesser time established by regulation of
    17             the department.
    18             (ii)  Successfully secures continuing education
    19         credits for paramedic biennial registration as required
    20         by the department in continuing education programs
    21         approved by the department.
    22         (2)  A paramedic whose registration of a paramedic
    23     certification has expired must qualify for a biennial
    24     registration of the certification as prescribed by regulation
    25     of the department.
    26  § 7218.  Prehospital registered nurses.
    27     (a)  Scope of practice.--A PHRN is a higher level EMS
    28  provider than an advanced EMT. A PHRN performs for an EMS agency
    29  basic and advanced EMS skills and as authorized by the
    30  department additional nursing skills within the scope of
    20080S1420B2073                 - 47 -     

     1  practice of a registered nurse under the act of May 22, 1951
     2  (P.L.317, No.69), known as The Professional Nursing Law, or a
     3  successor act, as follows:
     4         (1)  As a member of the crew of an ambulance.
     5         (2)  As a member of a QRS to stabilize and improve a
     6     patient's condition in an out-of-hospital emergency until an
     7     ambulance arrives at the scene and then may assist the
     8     ambulance crew.
     9         (3)  As a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
    10     capacity, as prescribed by regulation of the department.
    11         (4)  In another capacity as authorized by regulation of
    12     the department.
    13     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a PHRN
    14  an individual who meets all of the following:
    15         (1)  Has a current license as a registered nurse with the
    16     State Board of Nursing.
    17         (2)  Is at least 18 years of age.
    18         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
    19     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    20         (4)  Has passed a PHRN skills practical examination
    21     approved by the department.
    22         (5)  Has passed a written PHRN certification examination
    23     approved by the department.
    24     (c)  Biennial registration.--A PHRN's certification is deemed
    25  registered when the certification is issued. The initial
    26  registration shall expire as set forth in section 7213(n)
    27  (relating to emergency medical services providers). Except for
    28  the initial registration period, a PHRN must register the PHRN
    29  certification at two-year intervals by completing an application
    30  for biennial registration on a form or through an electronic
    20080S1420B2073                 - 48 -     

     1  process, as prescribed by regulation of the department. The
     2  following shall apply:
     3         (1)  The department shall issue a biennial registration
     4     of a PHRN certification to a PHRN who meets all of the
     5     following:
     6             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
     7         registration no later than:
     8                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
     9             to expire; or
    10                 (B)  a lesser time established by regulation of
    11             the department.
    12             (ii)  Has current registration of a registered nurse
    13         license.
    14             (iii)  Successfully secures continuing education
    15         credits for PHRN biennial registration as required by the
    16         department in continuing education programs approved by
    17         the department.
    18         (2)  A PHRN whose registration of a PHRN certification
    19     has expired must qualify for a biennial registration of the
    20     certification as prescribed by regulation of the department.
    21  § 7219.  Prehospital physician extenders.
    22     (a)  Scope of practice.--A PHPE is a higher level EMS
    23  provider than an advanced EMT. A PHPE performs for an EMS agency
    24  basic and advanced EMS skills and as authorized by regulation of
    25  the department additional physician assistant skills within the
    26  scope of practice of a physician assistant under the act of
    27  December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the Medical
    28  Practice Act of 1985, or the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L.1109,
    29  No.261), known as the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, or a
    30  successor act, as follows, but supervision of a PHPE shall be
    20080S1420B2073                 - 49 -     

     1  conducted as set forth in this chapter:
     2         (1)  As a member of the crew of an ambulance.
     3         (2)  As a member of a QRS to stabilize and improve a
     4     patient's condition in an out-of-hospital emergency until an
     5     ambulance arrives at the scene and then may assist the
     6     ambulance crew.
     7         (3)  As a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
     8     capacity, for an EMS agency as prescribed by regulation of
     9     the department.
    10         (4)  In another capacity as authorized by regulation of
    11     the department.
    12     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a PHPE a
    13  physician assistant who meets all of the following:
    14         (1)  Has a currently registered license as a physician
    15     assistant with the State Board of Medicine or the State Board
    16     of Osteopathic Medicine.
    17         (2)  Is at least 18 years of age.
    18         (3)  Has a current certificate evidencing successful
    19     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    20         (4)  Has passed a PHPE skills practical examination
    21     approved by the department.
    22         (5)  Has passed a written PHPE certification examination
    23     approved by the department.
    24     (c)  Biennial registration.--A PHPE's certification is deemed
    25  registered when the certification is issued. The initial
    26  registration shall expire as set forth in section 7213(n)
    27  (relating to emergency medical services providers). Except for
    28  the initial registration period, a PHPE must register the PHPE
    29  certification at two-year intervals by completing an application
    30  for biennial registration on a form or through an electronic
    20080S1420B2073                 - 50 -     

     1  process as prescribed by regulation of the department. The
     2  following shall apply:
     3         (1)  The department shall issue a biennial registration
     4     of a PHPE certification to a PHPE who:
     5             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
     6         registration no later than:
     7                 (A)  30 days before the current registration is
     8             to expire; or
     9                 (B)  a lesser time as established by regulation
    10             of the department.
    11             (ii)  Has current registration of a physician
    12         assistant license.
    13             (iii)  Successfully secures continuing education
    14         credits for PHPE biennial registration as required by the
    15         department in continuing education programs approved by
    16         the department.
    17         (2)  A PHPE whose registration of a PHPE certification
    18     has expired must qualify for a biennial registration of the
    19     certification as prescribed by regulation of the department.
    20  § 7220.  Prehospital emergency medical services physicians.
    21     (a)  Scope of practice.--A prehospital EMS physician is a
    22  higher level EMS provider than an advanced EMT. A prehospital
    23  EMS physician performs for an EMS agency basic and advanced EMS
    24  skills within the scope of practice of a physician under the act
    25  of December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the Medical
    26  Practice Act of 1985 or the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L.1109,
    27  No.261), known as the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, as
    28  applicable, or a successor act, as follows:
    29         (1)  As a member of the crew of an ambulance.
    30         (2)  As a member of a QRS to stabilize and improve a
    20080S1420B2073                 - 51 -     

     1     patient's condition in an out-of-hospital emergency.
     2         (3)  As a first aid or safety officer, or in a similar
     3     capacity, as prescribed by regulation of the department.
     4         (4)  In another capacity authorized by regulation of the
     5     department.
     6     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a
     7  prehospital EMS physician a physician who has:
     8         (1)  Successfully completed one or more of the following:
     9             (i)  An emergency medicine residency program that is
    10         accredited by a residency program accrediting body
    11         recognized by the State Board of Medicine or the State
    12         Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    13             (ii)  The first year of an emergency medicine
    14         residency program that satisfies the requirements of
    15         subparagraph (i) and has successfully completed programs
    16         approved by the department in advanced cardiac life
    17         support, advanced trauma life support and advanced
    18         pediatric life support.
    19             (iii)  An anesthesia, family practice, internal
    20         medicine or general surgery residency program that is
    21         accepted by either the State Board of Medicine or the
    22         State Board of Osteopathic Medicine as providing the
    23         graduate medical training the board requires for issuance
    24         of a physician license without restriction and has
    25         successfully completed programs approved by the
    26         department in advanced cardiac life support, advanced
    27         trauma life support and advanced pediatric life support.
    28         (2)  A current certificate evidencing successful
    29     completion of a CPR course acceptable to the department.
    30         (3)  Passed an EMS skills practical examination approved
    20080S1420B2073                 - 52 -     

     1     by the department or served as a prehospital health
     2     professional physician prior to the effective date of this
     3     section.
     4     (c)  Biennial registration.--A prehospital EMS physician's
     5  certification is deemed registered when the certification is
     6  issued. The initial registration shall expire under section
     7  7213(n) (relating to emergency medical services providers).
     8  Except for the initial registration period, a prehospital EMS
     9  physician shall register the prehospital EMS physician
    10  certification at two-year intervals by completing an application
    11  for biennial registration on a form or through an electronic
    12  process as prescribed by the department. The following shall
    13  apply:
    14         (1)  The department shall issue a biennial registration
    15     of a prehospital EMS physician certification to a prehospital
    16     EMS physician who meets all of the following:
    17             (i)  Has a current registration and applies for a new
    18         registration no later than 30 days before the current
    19         registration is to expire or within a lesser time period
    20         as the department may establish by regulation.
    21             (ii)  Has current registration of a physician
    22         license.
    23             (iii)  Successfully secures continuing education
    24         credits for prehospital EMS physician biennial
    25         registration as required by the department in continuing
    26         education programs approved by the department.
    27         (2)  A prehospital EMS physician whose registration of a
    28     prehospital EMS physician certification has expired shall
    29     qualify for a biennial registration of the certification as
    30     prescribed by regulation of the department.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 53 -     

     1     (d)  Transition for prehospital health professional
     2  physicians.--A physician who served as a prehospital health
     3  professional physician prior to the effective date of this
     4  section and who satisfies the certification requirements under
     5  subsection (b)(1) may serve as a prehospital EMS physician for
     6  90 days after the effective date of this section without having
     7  secured a certification as a prehospital EMS physician.
     8  § 7221.  Certification sanctions.
     9     (a)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may discipline
    10  an EMS provider or applicant for EMS provider certification for
    11  any of the following reasons:
    12         (1)  Lack of physical or mental ability to provide
    13     adequate services.
    14         (2)  Deceptive or fraudulent procurement or
    15     representation of certification or registration credentials,
    16     or for making misleading, deceptive or untrue representations
    17     to secure or aid or abet another person to secure a
    18     certification, license, registration or any other
    19     authorization issued by the department under this chapter.
    20         (3)  Willful or negligent misconduct in providing EMS or
    21     practicing beyond the scope of certification authorization
    22     without legal authority to do so.
    23         (4)  Abuse or abandonment of a patient.
    24         (5)  The rendering of services while under the influence
    25     of alcohol, illegal drugs or the knowing abuse of legal
    26     drugs.
    27         (6)  The operation of an emergency vehicle in a reckless
    28     manner or while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs
    29     or the knowing abuse of legal drugs.
    30         (7)  Disclosure of medical or other information about a
    20080S1420B2073                 - 54 -     

     1     patient where prohibited by Federal or State law.
     2         (8)  Willful preparation or filing of a false medical
     3     report or record or the inducement of others to do so.
     4         (9)  Destruction of a medical report or record required
     5     to be maintained.
     6         (10)  Refusal to render emergency medical care because of
     7     a patient's race, sex, creed, national origin, sexual
     8     preference, age, handicap, medical problem or financial
     9     inability to pay.
    10         (11)  Failure to comply with department-approved
    11     protocols.
    12         (12)  Failure to comply with reporting requirements
    13     imposed under this chapter or as established by the
    14     department.
    15         (13)  Practicing without the current registration of a
    16     certification.
    17         (14)  Conviction of a felony, a crime related to the
    18     practice of the EMS provider or a crime involving moral
    19     turpitude. For the purposes of this paragraph a conviction
    20     includes a judgment of guilt, a plea of guilty or a plea of
    21     nolo contendere.
    22         (15)  Willful falsification of or a failure to complete
    23     details on an EMS patient care report.
    24         (16)  Misappropriation of drugs or EMS agency property.
    25         (17)  Having a certification or other authorization to
    26     practice a profession or occupation revoked, suspended or
    27     subjected to other disciplinary sanction.
    28         (18)  Violating, or aiding or abetting another person to
    29     violate, a duty imposed under this chapter, a regulation
    30     promulgated under this chapter or an order of the department
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     1     previously entered in a disciplinary proceeding.
     2         (19)  Based upon a finding of misconduct by the relevant
     3     Federal or State agency, having been excluded from a Federal
     4     or State health care program or having had equity or capital,
     5     stock or profits of an entity equal to 5% or more of the
     6     value of the property or assets of the entity when it was
     7     excluded from a Federal or State health care program.
     8         (20)  Any other reason as determined by the department
     9     which poses a threat to the health and safety of the public.
    10     (b)  Disciplinary options.--If the department is empowered to
    11  take disciplinary action against an individual under this
    12  section, the department may do one or more of the following:
    13         (1)  Deny the application for certification.
    14         (2)  Issue a public reprimand.
    15         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict the
    16     certification.
    17         (4)  Require the person to take refresher educational
    18     courses.
    19         (5)  Impose a civil money penalty not exceeding $1,000
    20     for each incident in which the EMS provider engages in
    21     conduct that constitutes a basis for discipline.
    22         (6)  Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or
    23     other discipline and place the individual on probation with
    24     the right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
    25     (c)  Registration of certification.--The department shall not
    26  deny a registration of an EMS provider certification without
    27  giving the applicant prior notice of the reason for the denial
    28  and providing an opportunity for a hearing.
    29     (d)  Reinstatement.--A person whose certification has been
    30  revoked may not apply for reinstatement of that certification. A
    20080S1420B2073                 - 56 -     

     1  person may petition the department for allowance to apply for a
     2  new certification five years from the effective date of the
     3  revocation by filing with the department a petition that avers
     4  facts to establish that the person has been rehabilitated to an
     5  extent that issuing the person a certification would not be
     6  detrimental to the public interest. The department may grant or
     7  deny the petition, without conducting a hearing, if it accepts
     8  as true all facts averred, other than the conclusory averments,
     9  such as that the person has been rehabilitated. If the
    10  department grants the person allowance to apply for a new
    11  certification, the person shall repeat the training program and
    12  the certification examinations for the level of certification
    13  for which the person is applying and satisfy all other
    14  requirements for the certification that exist at the time of
    15  reapplication. If the department does not grant the person
    16  allowance to apply for a new certification, the person may not
    17  again petition the department for allowance to apply for a new
    18  certification until another year from the date of denial.
    19  § 7222.  Emergency medical services vehicle operators.
    20     (a)  Certification.--An EMS vehicle operator certification
    21  shall be permanent, subject to disciplinary action under this
    22  section. The department shall certify as an EMS vehicle operator
    23  a person who meets all of the following:
    24         (1)  Completes an application for an EMS vehicle operator
    25     certification on a form or through an electronic application
    26     process, as prescribed by the department.
    27         (2)  Is at least 18 years of age.
    28         (3)  Has a current license to operate the vehicle.
    29         (4)  Is not addicted to alcohol or drugs.
    30         (5)  Is free from physical or mental defect or disease
    20080S1420B2073                 - 57 -     

     1     that may impair the person's ability to drive an EMS vehicle.
     2         (6)  Has successfully completed an emergency vehicle
     3     operator's course of instruction approved by the department.
     4         (7)  Has not:
     5             (i)  Been convicted within the last four years prior
     6         to the date of application of driving under the influence
     7         of alcohol or drugs.
     8             (ii)  Within the last two years prior to the date of
     9         application, been convicted of reckless driving or had a
    10         driver's license suspended due to use of drugs or alcohol
    11         or a moving traffic violation.
    12         (8)  Has successfully completed an emergency vehicle
    13     operator's course of instruction approved by the department
    14     following a disqualification from certification under
    15     paragraph (7), regardless of whether the person successfully
    16     completed the course previously.
    17     (b)  Registration.--An EMS vehicle operator shall register
    18  the EMS vehicle operator's certification. Except as otherwise
    19  provided in this subsection, an EMS vehicle operator's
    20  certification shall be deemed registered for three years after
    21  issuance. An EMS vehicle operator may not operate a ground EMS
    22  vehicle unless the certification is currently registered. The
    23  following shall apply:
    24         (1)  The department shall issue a registration of an EMS
    25     vehicle operator certification to an EMS vehicle operator who
    26     meets all of the following:
    27             (i)  Completes an application for registration on a
    28         form or through an electronic application process, as
    29         prescribed by the department.
    30             (ii)  Has a current registration and applies for a
    20080S1420B2073                 - 58 -     

     1         new registration no later than 30 days before the current
     2         registration is to expire, or within a lesser time period
     3         as the department may establish by regulation.
     4             (iii)  Has a current license to operate the vehicle.
     5             (iv)  Successfully completes continuing education
     6         credits for EMS vehicle operators as required by the
     7         department in continuing education programs approved by
     8         the department.
     9         (2)  If a person who is issued an EMS vehicle operator
    10     certification also has an EMS provider certification, the
    11     registration of the EMS vehicle operator certification shall
    12     expire at the same time as the registration of the EMS
    13     provider certification. If the person does not maintain
    14     current registration of the EMS provider certification, the
    15     registration of the EMS vehicle operator certification shall
    16     continue on the same renewal cycle. If an EMS vehicle
    17     operator who is an EMS provider becomes certified as a
    18     higher-level EMS provider, the registration of the EMS
    19     vehicle operator certification shall expire at the same time
    20     as the registration of the higher-level EMS provider
    21     certification.
    22         (3)  If an EMS provider certification is subject to a
    23     biennial registration cycle, the continuing education
    24     requirements for the registration of the EMS vehicle operator
    25     certification following the initial registration of the
    26     certification shall be prorated based upon the month in which
    27     the EMS provider became certified, with any fractional
    28     requirement rounded down.
    29         (4)  An EMS vehicle operator whose registration of an EMS
    30     vehicle operator certification has expired shall qualify for
    20080S1420B2073                 - 59 -     

     1     a biennial registration of the certification as prescribed by
     2     regulation of the department.
     3     (c)  Transition for EMS vehicle operators.--An individual who
     4  served as an EMS vehicle operator prior to the effective date of
     5  this section and who satisfies the EMS vehicle operator
     6  certification requirements under subsection (a) may serve as an
     7  EMS vehicle operator for 90 days after the effective date of
     8  this section without having secured a certification as an EMS
     9  vehicle operator.
    10     (d)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may suspend or
    11  revoke, or, as applicable, refuse to issue an EMS vehicle
    12  operator certification for any of the following reasons:
    13         (1)  Lack of physical or mental ability to operate an EMS
    14     vehicle.
    15         (2)  Deceptive or fraudulent procurement or
    16     representation of certification or registration credentials,
    17     or making misleading, deceptive or untrue representations to
    18     secure a certification or registration.
    19         (3)  The operation of an emergency vehicle in a reckless
    20     manner or while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs
    21     or the knowing abuse of legal drugs.
    22         (4)  Having a driver's license suspended due to use of
    23     alcohol or drugs or a moving traffic violation.
    24         (5)  Conviction of a felony or crime involving moral
    25     turpitude. For the purposes of this paragraph a conviction
    26     includes a judgment of guilt, a plea of guilty or a plea of
    27     nolo contendere.
    28         (6)  Failing to perform a duty imposed upon an EMS
    29     vehicle operator under this chapter or a related regulation.
    30         (7)  Other reasons as determined by the department which
    20080S1420B2073                 - 60 -     

     1     pose a threat to the health and safety of the public.
     2     (e)  Suspension of certification.--If the department suspends
     3  a certification it may also impose conditions for the lifting of
     4  the suspension including requiring the person to successfully
     5  repeat an emergency vehicle operator's course approved by the
     6  department.
     7     (f)  Reporting responsibilities and automatic suspension.--An
     8  EMS vehicle operator shall report to the department within 30
     9  days a suspension of that person's driver's license or a
    10  conviction of reckless driving, a felony, a misdemeanor or any
    11  other crime that is not a summary offense or equivalent. For a
    12  conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or
    13  reckless driving, or for suspension of a driver's license, the
    14  certification shall automatically be suspended for the periods
    15  of time specified in subsection (a)(7).
    16     (g)  Change of address.--
    17         (1)  An EMS vehicle operator and an applicant for an EMS
    18     vehicle operator certification shall ensure that the
    19     department has the current address at which the person can be
    20     reached by mail at all times.
    21         (2)  Neither an EMS vehicle operator's home address,
    22     telephone number nor any other residential contact
    23     information provided to the department shall be deemed a
    24     public record.
    25  § 7223.  Suspension of certification.
    26     (a)  Temporary suspensions.--The department may temporarily
    27  suspend the certification of an EMS provider or EMS vehicle
    28  operator without a hearing if the department determines that the
    29  person is a clear and immediate danger to the public health and
    30  safety. Notice to a provider or operator of a temporary
    20080S1420B2073                 - 61 -     

     1  suspension shall include a written statement of the underlying
     2  factual allegations. After issuance of the notice, the
     3  department shall commence formal disciplinary action against the
     4  person under section 7221 (relating to certification sanctions)
     5  or 7222 (relating to emergency medical services vehicle
     6  operators). Within 30 days following the issuance of an order
     7  temporarily suspending the certification, the department shall
     8  conduct a preliminary hearing to determine if there is a prima
     9  facie case supporting the temporary suspension. The person may
    10  be present at the preliminary hearing and may be represented by
    11  counsel, cross-examine witnesses, inspect physical evidence,
    12  call witnesses and offer testimony and other evidence. If the
    13  department determines that there is not a prima facie case, the
    14  suspension shall be lifted immediately. If the department
    15  determines that there is a prima facie case, the temporary
    16  suspension shall remain in effect until vacated by the
    17  department, but not longer than 180 days unless agreed upon by
    18  the parties.
    19     (b)  Automatic suspensions.--The department shall
    20  automatically suspend a certification issued under this chapter
    21  upon receiving a certified copy of court records establishing
    22  that the person has been adjudicated as incapacitated under 20
    23  Pa.C.S. § 5511 (relating to petition and hearing; independent
    24  evaluation) or an equivalent statutory provision. The department
    25  shall lift the suspension upon the person establishing to the
    26  department that the person has been adjudicated to have regained
    27  capacity under 20 Pa.C.S. § 5517 (relating to adjudication of
    28  capacity and modification of existing orders) or an equivalent
    29  statutory provision.
    30  § 7224.  Emergency medical services instructors.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 62 -     

     1     (a)  Certification.--An EMS instructor certification is
     2  permanent subject to disciplinary action under this section. The
     3  department shall certify as an EMS instructor a person who:
     4         (1)  Completes an application for an EMS instructor
     5     certification on a form or through an electronic application
     6     process, as prescribed by the department.
     7         (2)  Is at least 18 years of age.
     8         (3)  Has successfully completed an EMS instructor course
     9     approved by the department, or possesses a bachelor's degree
    10     in education, a teacher's certification in education, or a
    11     doctorate or master's degree.
    12         (4)  Is certified and currently registered as an EMT or
    13     higher-level EMS provider.
    14         (5)  Possesses current certification in a CPR course
    15     acceptable to the department or current certification as a
    16     CPR instructor.
    17         (6)  Has at least one year's experience working as an EMT
    18     or higher-level EMS provider.
    19         (7)  Has provided at least 20 hours of monitored
    20     instruction time in an EMS provider certification program.
    21     (b)  Triennial registration.--
    22         (1)  An EMS instructor's certification is deemed
    23     registered for three years after issuance. An EMS instructor
    24     shall register the EMS instructor's certification at three-
    25     year intervals by completing an application for triennial
    26     registration on a form or through an electronic process, as
    27     prescribed by the department. An EMS instructor may not teach
    28     in an accredited EMS institute, pursuant to an EMS instructor
    29     certification, unless the certification is currently
    30     registered. The department shall issue a triennial
    20080S1420B2073                 - 63 -     

     1     registration of an EMS instructor certification to an EMS
     2     instructor who:
     3             (i)  Has completed an application for triennial
     4         registration on a form or through an electronic
     5         application process, as prescribed by the department.
     6             (ii)  Has a current registration and applies for a
     7         new registration no later than 30 days before the current
     8         registration is to expire, or within lesser time as the
     9         department may establish by regulation.
    10             (iii)  Has taught at least 60 hours of EMS provider
    11         certification or rescue courses approved by the
    12         department during the previous three years.
    13             (iv)  Is certified and currently registered as an EMT
    14         or higher-level EMS provider.
    15             (v)  Possesses current certification in a CPR course
    16         acceptable to the department or current certification as
    17         a CPR instructor.
    18         (2)  An EMS instructor whose registration as an EMS
    19     instructor certification has expired shall qualify for a
    20     triennial registration of the certification as prescribed by
    21     regulation of the department.
    22     (c)  Regulations.--The department may adopt regulations to
    23  set standards for EMS instructors in providing instruction in
    24  EMS institutions.
    25     (d)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may impose
    26  discipline against an EMS instructor for the following reasons:
    27         (1)  Any reason an EMS provider may be disciplined under
    28     section 7221 (relating to certification sanctions).
    29         (2)  Providing instruction while under the influence of
    30     alcohol, illegal drugs or the knowing abuse of legal drugs.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 64 -     

     1         (3)  Failing to perform a duty imposed upon an EMS
     2     instructor by this chapter or a related regulation.
     3         (4)  Other reasons as determined by the department that
     4     pose a threat to the health, safety or welfare of students.
     5     (e)  Disciplinary options.--If the department is empowered to
     6  impose discipline against an individual under this section, the
     7  department may do one or more of the following:
     8         (1)  Deny the application for certification.
     9         (2)  Issue a public reprimand.
    10         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict the
    11     certification.
    12         (4)  Impose a civil money penalty not exceeding $1,000
    13     for each incident in which the EMS instructor engages in
    14     conduct that constitutes a basis for discipline.
    15         (5)  Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or
    16     other discipline and place the individual on probation with
    17     the right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
    18     (f)  Construction.--This section shall not be construed to
    19  require the certification as EMS instructors of all instructors
    20  of EMS courses accepted toward educational requirements for EMS
    21  provider certification or toward continuing education
    22  requirements for the registration of EMS provider
    23  certifications.
    24  § 7225.  Medical director of emergency medical services agency.
    25     (a)  Qualifications.--To qualify and continue to function as
    26  an EMS agency medical director, an individual shall:
    27         (1)  Be a physician.
    28         (2)  Satisfy one of the following:
    29             (i)  Have successfully completed an emergency
    30         medicine residency program accredited by a residency
    20080S1420B2073                 - 65 -     

     1         program accrediting body recognized by the State Board of
     2         Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
     3             (ii)  Have successfully completed a residency program
     4         in surgery, internal medicine, family medicine,
     5         pediatrics or anesthesiology, accredited by a residency
     6         program accrediting body recognized by the State Board of
     7         Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine. The
     8         physician shall also have successfully completed or
     9         taught an advanced cardiac life support course acceptable
    10         to the department within the preceding two years and have
    11         completed, at least once, an advanced trauma life support
    12         course acceptable to the department and an advanced
    13         pediatric life support course acceptable to the
    14         department, or other programs determined by the
    15         department to meet or exceed the standards of these
    16         programs.
    17             (iii)  Have served as an advanced life support
    18         service medical director under the act of July 3, 1985
    19         (P.L.164, No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services
    20         Act, prior to the effective date of this chapter.
    21         (3)  Have a valid Drug Enforcement Agency number.
    22         (4)  Have completed the EMS agency medical director
    23     course, an EMS fellowship or other EMS training program that
    24     is determined by the department to be equivalent. This
    25     training shall assure that the EMS agency medical director
    26     has knowledge of:
    27             (i)  The scope of practice of EMS providers.
    28             (ii)  The provision of EMS pursuant to department-
    29         approved protocols.
    30             (iii)  The interface between EMS providers and
    20080S1420B2073                 - 66 -     

     1         medical command physicians.
     2             (iv)  Quality improvement principles.
     3             (v)  Emergency medical dispatch principles and EMS
     4         agency communication capabilities.
     5             (vi)  EMS system design and operation.
     6             (vii)  Federal and State laws and regulations
     7         regarding EMS.
     8             (viii)  Regional and State mass casualty and disaster
     9         plans.
    10     (b)  Roles and responsibilities.--An EMS agency medical
    11  director is responsible for the following:
    12         (1)  Reviewing department-approved EMS protocols that are
    13     applicable to the EMS agency and ensuring that its EMS
    14     providers and other relevant personnel are familiar with the
    15     protocols applicable to them.
    16         (2)  Conducting for and reporting to the EMS agency the
    17     following:
    18             (i)  An initial assessment of an EMS provider at or
    19         above the advanced EMT level to determine whether the EMS
    20         provider has demonstrated competency in the knowledge and
    21         skills one must have to competently perform the skills
    22         within the scope of practice of the EMS provider at that
    23         level, and a commitment to adequately perform other
    24         functions relevant to the EMS provider providing EMS at
    25         that level. This subparagraph does not apply if the EMS
    26         provider was working for the EMS agency, at the same
    27         level, prior to the physician becoming the medical
    28         director for the EMS agency and the EMS provider was
    29         credentialed at that EMS agency within the last year as
    30         being able to perform at the EMS provider's certification
    20080S1420B2073                 - 67 -     

     1         level.
     2             (ii)  At least annually, an assessment of each EMS
     3         provider at or above the advanced EMT level as to whether
     4         the EMS provider has demonstrated competency in the
     5         knowledge and skills an EMS provider must have to
     6         competently perform the skills within the scope of
     7         practice of the EMS provider at that level, and a
     8         commitment to adequately perform other functions relevant
     9         to the EMS provider providing EMS at that level.
    10         (3)  Participating in and reviewing quality improvement
    11     reviews of patient care provided by the EMS agency and
    12     participating in the Statewide and regional quality
    13     improvement program.
    14         (4)  Providing medical guidance and advice to the EMS
    15     agency.
    16         (5)  Providing guidance with respect to the ordering,
    17     stocking and replacement of drugs, and compliance with laws
    18     and regulations impacting upon the EMS agency's acquisition,
    19     storage and use of those drugs.
    20         (6)  Maintaining a liaison with the regional EMS medical
    21     director.
    22         (7)  Recommending to the department suspension,
    23     revocation or restriction of EMS provider certifications.
    24         (8)  Reviewing regional mass casualty and disaster plans.
    25         (9)  Performing other functions as the department may
    26     impose by regulation.
    27  § 7226.  Medical command physicians and facility medical
    28             directors.
    29     (a)  Role of medical command physician.--A medical command
    30  physician communicates with and issues medical command orders to
    20080S1420B2073                 - 68 -     

     1  EMS providers when they seek direction. A medical command
     2  physician shall have an arrangement with a medical command
     3  facility to provide medical command on its behalf, and shall
     4  function under the direction of a medical command facility
     5  medical director and under the policies and procedures of the
     6  medical command facility. A medical command physician shall
     7  provide medical command to EMS providers consistent with
     8  Statewide protocols and protocols that are in effect in either
     9  the region in which treatment originates or the region from
    10  which the EMS providers begin receiving medical command from a
    11  medical command physician. A medical command physician may give
    12  medical command orders that are inconsistent with these
    13  protocols only when extraordinary circumstances justify a
    14  departure from the protocols to protect the patient's well-
    15  being.
    16     (b)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a
    17  medical command physician a physician who was approved as a
    18  medical command physician in this Commonwealth immediately prior
    19  to the effective date of this section. The department shall also
    20  certify as a medical command physician a physician who:
    21         (1)  Completes an application for medical command
    22     physician certification on a form or through an electronic
    23     application process, as prescribed by the department.
    24         (2)  Satisfies one of the following:
    25             (i)  Has successfully completed an emergency medicine
    26         residency program accredited by a residency program
    27         accrediting body recognized by the State Board of
    28         Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    29             (ii)  Has successfully completed or taught an
    30         advanced cardiac life support course acceptable to the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 69 -     

     1         department within the preceding two years and has
     2         successfully completed or taught an advanced trauma life
     3         support course acceptable to the department and an
     4         advanced pediatric life support course acceptable to the
     5         department, or other programs determined by the
     6         department to meet or exceed the standards of these
     7         programs.
     8             (iii)  Has had an emergency medicine practice in
     9         another jurisdiction and establishes to the department
    10         that the physician has a combination of training,
    11         education and emergency medicine practice that makes the
    12         physician qualified to serve as a medical command
    13         physician.
    14         (3)  Has completed a medical command course offered or
    15     approved by the department.
    16         (4)  Is practicing as an emergency medicine physician or
    17     is participating as a resident in a second or subsequent year
    18     in an emergency medicine residency program, or has had at
    19     least three years' experience as a full-time emergency
    20     medicine physician.
    21         (5)  Has a current Drug Enforcement Agency number, except
    22     for an emergency medicine resident who is authorized to use a
    23     hospital's Drug Enforcement Agency number for practice within
    24     the emergency medicine residency program.
    25         (6)  Has an arrangement with a medical command facility
    26     to serve as a medical command physician for that facility
    27     after receiving certification as a medical command physician.
    28     (c)  Triennial registration.--A medical command physician's
    29  certification is deemed registered for three years after
    30  issuance. A medical command physician shall triennially register
    20080S1420B2073                 - 70 -     

     1  the physician's certification with the department, on a form or
     2  through an electronic application process, as prescribed by the
     3  department, as a condition for continued practice as a medical
     4  command physician. The department shall issue a triennial
     5  registration of a medical command physician certification to a
     6  medical command physician within 30 days after the physician
     7  applies for a new registration if the physician demonstrates
     8  that the physician continues to meet the requirements for the
     9  certification, except the requirements of  subsection (b)(2),
    10  and satisfies such other requirements as the department may
    11  impose by regulation.
    12     (d)  Residents.--A physician who is in a second year in an
    13  emergency medicine residency program may issue medical command
    14  orders only to the extent that performance of that function is a
    15  component of and within the framework of the emergency medicine
    16  residency program, and may do so only with supervision by a
    17  medical command physician who has served as a medical command
    18  physician for at least two years, has completed two years in an
    19  emergency medicine residency program, or has secured medical
    20  command certification by satisfying subsection (b)(2)(iii).
    21     (e)  Role of medical command facility medical director.--A
    22  medical command facility medical director shall be responsible
    23  for the following in a medical command facility:
    24         (1)  Medical command.
    25         (2)  Quality improvement.
    26         (3)  Serving as a liaison with the regional EMS council
    27     medical director.
    28         (4)  Participating in prehospital training activities.
    29         (5)  Verifying to the department that a physician seeking
    30     medical command physician certification, based upon the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 71 -     

     1     physician's arrangement with the medical command facility,
     2     meets all certification requirements.
     3         (6)  Ensuring that the medical command facility satisfies
     4     statutory and regulatory requirements.
     5     (f)  Certification.--The department shall certify as a
     6  medical command facility medical director a physician who was
     7  approved as a medical command facility medical director in this
     8  Commonwealth immediately prior to the effective date of this
     9  section. The department shall also certify as a medical command
    10  facility medical director a physician who:
    11         (1)  Completes an application for medical command
    12     facility medical director certification on a form or through
    13     an electronic application process, as prescribed by the
    14     department.
    15         (2)  Is currently serving as a medical command physician.
    16         (3)  Satisfies one of the following:
    17             (i)  Has successfully completed a residency program
    18         in emergency medicine accredited by a residency program
    19         accrediting body recognized by the State Board of
    20         Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    21             (ii)  Has successfully:
    22                 (A)  completed a residency program in surgery,
    23             internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics or
    24             anesthesiology accredited by a residency program
    25             accrediting body recognized by the State Board of
    26             Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine;
    27             and
    28                 (B)  completed or taught:
    29                     (I)  an advanced cardiac life support course
    30                 acceptable to the department within the preceding
    20080S1420B2073                 - 72 -     

     1                 two years;
     2                     (II)  an advanced trauma life support course
     3                 acceptable to the department; and
     4                     (III)  an advanced pediatric life support
     5                 course acceptable to the department.
     6         (4)  Has experience in prehospital and emergency
     7     department care of acutely ill or injured patients.
     8         (5)  Has experience in providing medical command
     9     direction to EMS providers.
    10         (6)  Has experience in the training of EMS providers both
    11     below and above the advanced EMT level.
    12         (7)  Has experience in the medical audit, review and
    13     critique of EMS providers below and above the advanced EMT
    14     level.
    15         (8)  Has an arrangement with a medical command facility
    16     to serve as its medical director after receiving
    17     certification as a medical command facility medical director.
    18     (g)  Triennial registration.--A medical command facility
    19  medical director's certification is deemed registered for three
    20  years after issuance. A medical command facility medical
    21  director shall triennially register the physician's
    22  certification with the department on a form or through an
    23  electronic application process, as prescribed by the department,
    24  as a condition for continued practice as a medical command
    25  facility medical director. The department shall issue a
    26  triennial registration of a medical command facility medical
    27  director certification to a medical command facility medical
    28  director within 30 days after the physician applies for a new
    29  registration, if the physician demonstrates that the physician
    30  continues to meet the requirements for the certification, except
    20080S1420B2073                 - 73 -     

     1  the requirements of subsection (f)(3), and satisfies such other
     2  requirements as the department may impose by regulation.
     3     (h)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may discipline a
     4  medical command physician or medical command facility medical
     5  director for the following reasons:
     6         (1)  Violating a responsibility imposed on the physician
     7     by this chapter or the related regulations.
     8         (2)  Without good cause, failing to comply with a medical
     9     treatment, transport or transfer protocol established or
    10     approved by the department.
    11     (i)  Types of discipline authorized.--When the department is
    12  empowered to discipline a medical command physician or medical
    13  command facility medical director under subsection (h), the
    14  department may do one or more of the following:
    15         (1)  Deny the application for a certification.
    16         (2)  Issue a public reprimand.
    17         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict or
    18     condition the certification.
    19         (4)  Impose a civil money penalty not exceeding $1,000
    20     for each incident in which the physician engages in conduct
    21     that constitutes a basis for discipline.
    22         (5)  Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or
    23     other discipline and place the individual on probation with
    24     the right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
    25  § 7227.  Medical command facilities.
    26     (a)  Certification required.--To operate as a medical command
    27  facility, a medical unit must be certified by the department as
    28  a medical command facility. The department shall issue a
    29  certification to each medical unit that operated as a medical
    30  command facility immediately prior to the effective date of this
    20080S1420B2073                 - 74 -     

     1  section.
     2     (b)  Application.--Application for certification shall be on
     3  a form or through an electronic application process prescribed
     4  by the department. The application shall solicit information
     5  necessary to determine that the applicant meets the
     6  certification requirements of this chapter.
     7     (c)  Requirements.--An applicant shall establish that the
     8  applicant:
     9         (1)  Is a distinct medical unit operated by a hospital or
    10     consortium of hospitals.
    11         (2)  Possesses the necessary equipment and personnel for
    12     providing medical command to and control over EMS providers.
    13         (3)  Employs a medical command facility medical director.
    14         (4)  Has taken measures necessary to ensure that a
    15     medical command physician is available to provide medical
    16     command at all times.
    17         (5)  Meets the communication, recordkeeping and other
    18     requirements of the department.
    19     (d)  Additional requirements.--In addition to the
    20  requirements of subsection (c), the department may establish by
    21  regulation requirements for a medical command facility to ensure
    22  that it operates in an effective and efficient manner to achieve
    23  the purposes for which it is certified.
    24     (e)  Triennial registration.--A medical command facility's
    25  certification is deemed registered for three years after
    26  issuance. A medical command facility must register its
    27  certification at three-year intervals by completing an
    28  application for triennial registration on a form or through an
    29  electronic application process prescribed by the department. The
    30  department shall grant or deny recertification within 30 days of
    20080S1420B2073                 - 75 -     

     1  receipt of the application.
     2     (f)  Inspections and inquiries.--The department shall conduct
     3  an inspection of the medical unit of each applicant and also
     4  inspect existing medical command facilities from time to time as
     5  appropriate, but not less than once every three years. The
     6  department shall have full and free access to examine the
     7  medical command facility and its records relating to its
     8  operation as a medical command facility. The medical command
     9  facility shall fully respond to any inquiry by the department
    10  relevant to the determination of whether the facility meets
    11  certification and operational requirements.
    12     (g)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may discipline a
    13  medical command facility for the following reasons:
    14         (1)  Violating a requirement of this section.
    15         (2)  Violating a certification requirement or an
    16     operational requirement imposed under subsection (d).
    17         (3)  Refusing to permit an inspection or respond to an
    18     inquiry under subsection (f).
    19         (4)  Failing to comply, without just cause, with a
    20     medical treatment, transport or transfer protocol approved by
    21     the department.
    22     (h)  Types of discipline.--When the department is empowered
    23  to discipline a medical command facility, the department may do
    24  one or more of the following:
    25         (1)  Deny the application for a certification.
    26         (2)  Issue a public reprimand.
    27         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict or
    28     condition the certification.
    29         (4)  Impose a civil money penalty of up to $5,000 for
    30     each act that presents a basis for discipline.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 76 -     

     1         (5)  Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or
     2     other discipline and place the facility on probation with the
     3     right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
     4  § 7228.  Receiving facilities.
     5     (a)  Purpose.--A receiving facility is a facility to which an
     6  ambulance may transport a patient who requires prompt medical
     7  care in addition to that provided by the ambulance crew after
     8  the crew responds to an emergency.
     9     (b)  Requirements.--A receiving facility shall include, but
    10  need not be limited to, a fixed location having an organized
    11  emergency department, including a physician trained to manage
    12  cardiac, trauma, pediatric, medical, behavioral and all-hazards
    13  emergencies, who is present in the facility and available to the
    14  emergency department 24 hours per day and seven days per week.
    15  By regulation, the department may authorize other types of
    16  facilities to serve as receiving facilities for purposes of
    17  serving patients who have special medical needs.
    18     (c)  Patient transports.--Unless directed otherwise by a
    19  medical command physician, the initial transport of a patient
    20  following an ambulance response to a reported emergency shall be
    21  to a receiving facility pursuant to a protocol under section
    22  7205(c) (relating to duties of department) or 7209(c)(8)
    23  (relating to regional emergency medical services councils) or
    24  such other location as the department designated by protocol.
    25  § 7229.  Emergency medical services agencies.
    26     (a)  License required.--A person may not, as an owner, agent
    27  or otherwise, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise
    28  engage in or profess to be engaged in operating or providing an
    29  ambulance, advanced life support squad vehicle, basic life
    30  support squad vehicle, quick response service, special
    20080S1420B2073                 - 77 -     

     1  operations EMS service or other vehicle or service as prescribed
     2  by the department by regulation to provide EMS outside a health
     3  care facility or on roadways, airways or waterways of this
     4  Commonwealth unless the person holds a current EMS agency
     5  license authorizing the particular service or operation.
     6     (b)  Application.--An application for an EMS agency license
     7  shall be submitted on a form or through an electronic
     8  application process prescribed by the department.
     9     (c)  Issuance of license.--The department shall issue a
    10  license to an applicant when it is satisfied that:
    11         (1)  The applicant and persons having substantial
    12     ownership interests in the applicant are responsible persons
    13     and the EMS agency will be staffed by and conduct its
    14     activities utilizing responsible persons. For purposes of
    15     this paragraph:
    16             (i)  a responsible person is a person who has not
    17         engaged in any act contrary to justice, honesty or good
    18         morals which indicates that the person is likely to
    19         betray the public trust in carrying out the activities of
    20         an EMS agency, or a person who has engaged in such
    21         conduct but has been rehabilitated and establishes that
    22         he or she is not likely to again betray the public trust;
    23             (ii)  a person has a substantial ownership interest
    24         if the person has equity in the capital, stock or the
    25         profits of the EMS agency equal to 5% or more of the
    26         value of the property or assets of the EMS agency; and
    27             (iii)  a person staffs an EMS agency if the person
    28         engages in an activity integral to operation of the EMS
    29         agency, including, but not limited to, making or
    30         participating in the making or execution of management
    20080S1420B2073                 - 78 -     

     1         decisions, providing EMS, billing, call-taking and
     2         dispatching.
     3         (2)  The applicant meets supply and equipment
     4     requirements and each ambulance or other vehicle that will be
     5     used in providing EMS is adequately constructed and equipped
     6     and will be maintained and operated to safely and efficiently
     7     render the services offered.
     8         (3)  The applicant will meet the staffing standards for
     9     its vehicles and services.
    10         (4)  The applicant will provide safe and efficient
    11     services that are adequate for the emergency medical care,
    12     the treatment and comfort and, when appropriate, the
    13     transportation of patients.
    14         (5)  The applicant will have an EMS agency medical
    15     director who, in addition to satisfying the criteria of
    16     section 7225(a) (relating to medical director of emergency
    17     medical services agency), satisfies other criteria the
    18     department may establish by regulation based on the types of
    19     vehicles and services the applicant intends to provide under
    20     the EMS agency license.
    21         (6)  The applicant is in compliance with the rules and
    22     regulations promulgated under this chapter.
    23     (d)  Persons under 18 years of age.--An EMS agency shall
    24  ensure that a person under 18 years of age, when providing EMS
    25  on behalf of the EMS agency, is directly supervised by an EMS
    26  provider who is at least 21 years of age who has the same or
    27  higher level of EMS provider certification and at least one year
    28  of active practice as an EMS provider.
    29     (e)  Triennial registration.--An EMS agency's license is
    30  deemed registered for three years after the issuance. An EMS
    20080S1420B2073                 - 79 -     

     1  agency must register its license at three-year intervals by
     2  completing an application on a form or through an electronic
     3  application process prescribed by the department. The department
     4  shall act on the application within 90 days of receipt of a
     5  complete and accurate application. The department shall not deny
     6  a registration of a license without giving the applicant prior
     7  notice of the reason for denial and providing an opportunity for
     8  a hearing.
     9     (f)  Nontransferability of license.--An EMS agency may not
    10  transfer its license. An EMS agency may enter into a contract
    11  with another entity for that entity to manage the EMS agency if
    12  that entity has been approved by the department to manage an EMS
    13  agency. The department may deny approval to an entity to provide
    14  management services for an EMS agency if:
    15         (1)  the entity is not in compliance with this chapter or
    16     applicable regulations;
    17         (2)  the entity is not a responsible person as defined in
    18     subsection (c)(1)(i);
    19         (3)  a person having a substantial ownership interest in
    20     the entity is not a responsible person;
    21         (4)  the entity will not be staffed by or conduct its
    22     activities through responsible persons; or
    23         (5)  the entity refuses to provide the department with
    24     records or information reasonably requested to enable the
    25     department to make a determination.
    26     (g)  Display.--As prescribed by department regulation, a
    27  current department-issued inspection sticker shall be displayed
    28  on each ambulance, advanced life support squad vehicle, basic
    29  life support squad vehicle and, as required by regulation, any
    30  other EMS vehicle authorized by the department.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 80 -     

     1     (h)  Inspection.--The department or its agent shall inspect
     2  an applicant's vehicles, equipment and personnel qualifications
     3  prior to granting an EMS agency license and shall inspect an EMS
     4  agency from time to time, as deemed appropriate and necessary,
     5  but not less than once every three years.
     6     (i)  Dispatching.--
     7         (1)  An EMS agency that operates a communications center
     8     dispatching EMS resources shall use call-takers and
     9     dispatchers who satisfy the requirements of the Pennsylvania
    10     Emergency Management Agency under section 3(a)(6) of the act
    11     of July 9, 1990 (P.L.340, No.78), known as the Public Safety
    12     Emergency Telephone Act, and shall use an emergency medical
    13     dispatch program approved by the department. An emergency
    14     medical dispatch program is a system or program that enables
    15     patients to be assessed and treated via telecommunication by
    16     using accepted medical dispatch standards.
    17         (2)  Operation by an EMS agency of a communications
    18     center that dispatches EMS resources shall be considered part
    19     of the EMS agency's licensed operation and shall be subject
    20     to the requirements of this chapter and the department's
    21     regulations.
    22     (j)  Construction, equipment and supplies.--Within two years
    23  after the effective date of this chapter, the department shall
    24  publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, and update as necessary,
    25  vehicle construction and equipment and supply requirements for
    26  EMS agencies in this Commonwealth based upon the types of EMS
    27  vehicles operated and the services provided.
    28     (k)  Implementation of credentialing decisions.--An EMS
    29  agency may not permit an EMS provider at or above the advanced
    30  EMT level to provide EMS at that level unless its EMS agency
    20080S1420B2073                 - 81 -     

     1  medical director apprises that the EMS provider satisfies the
     2  criteria of section 7225(b)(2). An EMS agency may permit an EMS
     3  provider who does not satisfy the section 7225(b)(2) criteria to
     4  continue to work for the EMS agency at a lower EMS provider
     5  level if the EMS provider is authorized to do so by the EMS
     6  agency medical director. The EMS agency shall notify the
     7  department of that decision within ten days after it is made. If
     8  the EMS agency medical director has determined that the EMS
     9  provider has not demonstrated competency in the knowledge and
    10  skills necessary to competently perform the skills within the
    11  scope of practice of the EMS provider at that level or has not
    12  demonstrated a commitment to adequately perform other functions
    13  relevant to the EMS provider providing EMS at that level, and
    14  the EMS agency medical director chooses to impose restrictions
    15  on the EMS provider's practice, such as requiring the EMS
    16  provider to function under the supervision of another EMS
    17  provider or requiring the EMS provider to contact a medical
    18  command physician prior to providing EMS, then the EMS agency
    19  may permit the EMS provider to provide EMS only with the
    20  restrictions directed by the EMS agency medical director.
    21     (l)  Staffing.--The department may by regulation revise the
    22  staffing standards for ambulances, squad vehicles and quick
    23  response services set forth in sections 7230 (relating to
    24  advanced life support ambulances), 7231 (relating to air
    25  ambulances), 7232 (relating to advanced life support squad
    26  vehicles), 7233 (relating to basic life support ambulances),
    27  7234 (relating to basic life support squad vehicles) and 7235
    28  (relating to quick response services).
    29     (m)  Custody or control of patient.--If a law enforcement
    30  officer is at the scene of a police incident when an EMS
    20080S1420B2073                 - 82 -     

     1  provider arrives, the law enforcement officer may preclude the
     2  EMS provider from entering the scene to provide EMS until the
     3  law enforcement officer determines that it is safe for the EMS
     4  provider to enter. Under such circumstances, the law enforcement
     5  officer shall permit the EMS provider access to the patient
     6  before the officer transports the patient. If, pursuant to a
     7  medical treatment protocol or medical command order, an EMS
     8  agency is required to transport to a receiving facility a
     9  patient whom a law enforcement officer has taken or wants to
    10  take into custody or whom the law enforcement officer believes
    11  needs to be spoken with immediately, the EMS agency shall
    12  transport the patient to a receiving facility and the law
    13  enforcement officer shall have discretion to accompany the
    14  patient in the EMS vehicle and authority to employ security
    15  precautions deemed necessary by the law enforcement officer to
    16  ensure the safety of the officer and others, except that the
    17  security precautions shall not unreasonably interfere with the
    18  provision of EMS to the patient.
    19     (n)  Cessation of operations.--Upon suspension or revocation
    20  of a license, the EMS agency shall cease operations and no
    21  person shall permit or cause the EMS agency to continue.
    22     (o)  Discontinuance or reduction of service.--An EMS agency
    23  shall not discontinue providing service it is licensed to
    24  provide or reduce the hours when it provides service until a
    25  minimum of 90 days after notifying the department in writing of
    26  the change. Notice shall include a statement that the licensee
    27  has notified the chief executive officer of each political
    28  subdivision in the licensee's service area of the intent to
    29  discontinue providing the service or reduce the hours it
    30  provides the service and that the intent to discontinue or
    20080S1420B2073                 - 83 -     

     1  reduce hours has been advertised in a newspaper of general
     2  circulation in the licensee's service area.
     3     (p)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate
     4  regulations setting forth requirements for EMS agencies in this
     5  Commonwealth based upon the types of EMS vehicles they operate
     6  and the services they provide.
     7     (q)  Transition for ambulance services and quick response
     8  services.--Upon the effective date of this section, an entity
     9  that is licensed as an ambulance service or recognized as a QRS
    10  immediately prior to the effective date of this section may
    11  continue to operate as an EMS agency if it meets the staffing
    12  and other operational requirements of this chapter, and it shall
    13  be considered to be an EMS agency with a current registration of
    14  its license. The initial registration of the EMS agency license
    15  shall expire on the same date that the entity's license as an
    16  ambulance service or recognition as a QRS would have expired if
    17  it had remained in effect.
    18     (r)  Exemptions.--The following are exempt from the licensing
    19  provisions of this chapter:
    20         (1)  Privately owned vehicles not ordinarily used to
    21     transport patients.
    22         (2)  An EMS agency licensed in another state and not
    23     under this chapter that is dispatched to respond to an
    24     emergency within this Commonwealth when an EMS vehicle or
    25     service licensed under this chapter is unable to respond
    26     within a reasonable time or its response is not sufficient to
    27     deal with the emergency.
    28         (3)  An EMS agency licensed in another state that limits
    29     its operations in this Commonwealth to the transportation,
    30     and provision of medical care incidental to transportation,
    20080S1420B2073                 - 84 -     

     1     of patients and other persons requiring transport by EMS
     2     vehicles from locations outside this Commonwealth to
     3     locations within this Commonwealth.
     4         (4)  EMS vehicles owned and operated by an agency of the
     5     Federal Government.
     6  § 7230.  Advanced life support ambulances.
     7     (a)  Purpose.--An ALS ambulance crew provides medical
     8  assessment, triage, monitoring, treatment, transportation and
     9  observation of patients who require EMS above the skill level of
    10  an advanced EMT.
    11     (b)  Staffing requirements.--
    12         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this section,
    13     minimum staffing requirements for an ALS ambulance when
    14     responding to a call to provide EMS for a patient requiring
    15     EMS above the skill level of an advanced EMT is one EMS
    16     provider at or above the EMT level, one EMS provider above
    17     the advanced EMT level and one EMS vehicle operator. Only the
    18     two EMS providers need to respond if one of them is also the
    19     EMS vehicle operator. When present, an EMS provider qualified
    20     to provide the type and level of EMS required by the patient
    21     must attend to the patient at the scene and during the
    22     transport. If a member of the ambulance crew arrives at the
    23     scene before another crew member, that person shall begin
    24     providing EMS to the patient at that person's skill level.
    25         (2)  Minimum staffing requirements for an ALS ambulance
    26     is the same as for a BLS ambulance when the ALS ambulance
    27     responds to a call to provide EMS for a patient requiring EMS
    28     at or below the skill level of an advanced EMT.
    29  § 7231.  Air ambulances.
    30     (a)  Purpose.--An air ambulance is a rotorcraft staffed by a
    20080S1420B2073                 - 85 -     

     1  crew that provides medical assessment, treatment, monitoring,
     2  observation and transportation of patients who require EMS where
     3  time to administer definitive care is of the essence and
     4  transportation by air ambulance to a facility able to provide
     5  the care is faster than transportation by ground ambulance, or
     6  require EMS provided by specialized equipment or providers not
     7  available on a ground ambulance and the air ambulance can
     8  provide this faster than the patient would receive such care at
     9  a receiving facility if transported by ground ambulance.
    10     (b)  Staffing requirements.--Minimum staffing standards for
    11  an air ambulance when dispatched to provide or when providing
    12  medical assessment, treatment, monitoring, observation or
    13  transportation of a patient is one pilot and two EMS providers
    14  other than the pilot who are above the advanced EMT level, with
    15  at least one of those two EMS providers specially trained in air
    16  medical transport.
    17  § 7232.  Advanced life support squad vehicles.
    18     (a)  Purpose.--An ALS squad vehicle transports EMS providers
    19  above the advanced EMT level, along with equipment and supplies,
    20  to rendezvous with an ambulance crew, or to respond prior to
    21  arrival of an ambulance, in order to provide medical assessment,
    22  monitoring, treatment and observation of a patient who requires
    23  EMS at or above the skill level of an advanced EMT. An ALS squad
    24  vehicle does not transport patients.
    25     (b)  Staffing requirements.--Minimum staffing for an ALS
    26  squad unit responding to a call to provide EMS for a patient who
    27  requires EMS above the skill level of an advanced EMT shall be
    28  one EMS provider above the advanced EMT level and one EMS
    29  vehicle operator, except that the EMS provider may staff the
    30  vehicle alone if the EMS provider is also an EMS vehicle
    20080S1420B2073                 - 86 -     

     1  operator.
     2  § 7233.  Basic life support ambulances.
     3     (a)  Purpose.--A BLS ambulance crew provides medical
     4  assessment, triage, monitoring, treatment, transportation and
     5  observation of patients who require EMS at or below the skill
     6  level of an advanced EMT and also transports patients who
     7  require EMS above the skill level of an advanced EMT when an EMS
     8  provider above the level of an advanced EMT rendezvous with the
     9  BLS ambulance before or during transport of the patient and
    10  accompanies the patient during the transport after arrival.
    11     (b)  Staffing requirements.--
    12         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), minimum
    13     staffing for a BLS ambulance when responding to a call to
    14     provide EMS is an ambulance attendant, EMR or EMT, a second
    15     EMS provider at or above the EMT level, and an EMS vehicle
    16     operator, except that only the two EMS providers need to
    17     respond if one of them is also the EMS vehicle operator. When
    18     present, an EMS provider above the EMR level must attend to
    19     the patient at the scene and during patient transport.
    20         (2)  Two years after the effective date of this section,
    21     the minimum staffing for a BLS ambulance when responding to a
    22     call to provide EMS is an EMS provider at or above the EMR
    23     level, an EMS provider at or above the EMT level, and an EMS
    24     vehicle operator, except that only two EMS providers need to
    25     respond if one of them is also the EMS vehicle operator. When
    26     present, an EMS provider above the EMR level must attend to
    27     the patient at the scene and during patient transport.
    28         (3)  If dispatched to provide EMS for a patient who
    29     requires EMS above the skill level of an advanced EMT, the
    30     BLS ambulance shall respond as set forth in this subsection.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 87 -     

     1     If the BLS ambulance crew members arrive at the scene before
     2     a higher-level EMS provider of an ALS ambulance or ALS squad
     3     vehicle, the BLS crew members shall provide EMS to the
     4     patient at their skill level, including transport of the
     5     patient to a receiving facility if needed, until higher-level
     6     EMS is afforded by the arrival of a higher-level EMS
     7     provider, after which the BLS ambulance crew shall relinquish
     8     primary responsibility for the patient to the higher-level
     9     EMS provider.
    10         (4)  When transporting from a sending hospital a patient
    11     who requires EMS above the skill level of an advanced EMT, if
    12     a registered nurse, physician assistant or physician from the
    13     sending or receiving hospital joins the ambulance crew,
    14     brings on board the ambulance all equipment and supplies to
    15     provide the patient with reasonably anticipated EMS above the
    16     skill level of an advanced EMT and attends to the patient
    17     during the patient transport, the minimum staffing
    18     requirements for the BLS ambulance are as set forth in
    19     paragraphs (1) and (2).
    20  § 7234.  Basic life support squad vehicles.
    21     (a)  Purpose.--A BLS squad vehicle transports an EMS
    22  provider, along with basic EMS equipment and supplies, to
    23  respond prior to arrival of an ambulance in order to provide EMS
    24  at or below the advanced EMT level of care. A BLS squad vehicle
    25  is not utilized to transport patients.
    26     (b)  Staffing requirements.--Minimum staffing for a BLS squad
    27  vehicle when responding to a call to provide EMS for a patient
    28  is one EMS provider at or above the EMT level and an EMS vehicle
    29  operator, except that an EMS provider who is also an EMS vehicle
    30  operator may staff the vehicle alone.
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     1  § 7235.  Quick response services.
     2     (a)  Purpose.--A QRS uses EMS providers to respond to calls
     3  for EMS and provide EMS to patients before an ambulance arrives.
     4     (b)  Staffing requirements.--The minimum staffing requirement
     5  for a QRS is one EMS provider.
     6  § 7236.  Special operations emergency medical services.
     7     (a)  Purpose.--A special operations EMS service provides EMS
     8  in situations or austere environments that require specialized
     9  knowledge, equipment or vehicles to access a patient or address
    10  the patient's emergency medical needs. The department shall by
    11  regulation provide for specific types of special operations EMS
    12  teams.
    13     (b)  Personnel requirements.--By regulation, the department
    14  may establish additional training or expertise requirements for
    15  the EMS agency medical director and the EMS providers who staff
    16  a special operations EMS service.
    17     (c)  Other requirements.--By regulation, the department may
    18  establish staffing, equipment, supply and any other requirement
    19  for a special operations EMS service.
    20     (d)  Extraordinary applications.--An entity may propose to
    21  provide a special operations EMS need that has not been
    22  addressed by applying to the department for an EMS agency
    23  license to carry out the special operations EMS or, if it is
    24  licensed as an EMS agency, the entity may apply to the
    25  department to be authorized to provide the special operations
    26  EMS under its license. The department shall address each
    27  application on an individual basis and may conditionally deny or
    28  grant an application as appropriate to protect the public health
    29  and safety. The grant of an application shall be subject to
    30  compliance with any later-adopted regulations addressing the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 89 -     

     1  type of special operations EMS being provided by the entity.
     2     (e)  Protocols.--The department may include in its Statewide
     3  EMS protocols special operations EMS protocols.
     4  § 7237.  First aid and other safety services.
     5     (a)  Purpose.--An EMS agency may provide EMS at industrial
     6  sites, amusement parks or other locations in need of the
     7  service. No ambulance or other EMS vehicle shall be required for
     8  this purpose.
     9     (b)  Staffing.--The minimum staffing requirement is one EMS
    10  provider.
    11     (c)  Other requirements.--As assigned by the EMS agency, the
    12  EMS provider may provide EMS and other medical safety services
    13  up to the level for which the EMS provider has the credentials
    14  to provide EMS for the EMS agency.
    15     (d)  Protocols.--An EMS provider shall follow protocols
    16  approved by the department when providing EMS under this
    17  section.
    18  § 7238.  Other vehicles and services.
    19     The department may by regulation prescribe EMS vehicle and
    20  service standards for EMS vehicles and services not specified in
    21  this chapter. If the department establishes standards under this
    22  section, an EMS agency license shall be required to operate the
    23  EMS vehicle or provide the service, and an EMS agency may not
    24  operate the vehicle or provide the service unless approved to do
    25  so by the department.
    26  § 7239.  Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles.
    27     (a)  Stretcher vehicle.--A stretcher vehicle is a ground
    28  vehicle other than an ambulance that is utilized to transport by
    29  stretcher persons who do not receive and cannot reasonably be
    30  anticipated to require medical assessment, monitoring, treatment
    20080S1420B2073                 - 90 -     

     1  or observation during transport, but who, due to their physical
     2  condition, require vehicle transport while on a stretcher or in
     3  a wheelchair.
     4     (b)  Wheelchair vehicle.--A wheelchair vehicle is a ground
     5  vehicle other than an ambulance that is used to transport by
     6  wheelchair persons who do not receive and cannot reasonably be
     7  anticipated to require medical assessment, monitoring, treatment
     8  or observation during transport, but who, due to their physical
     9  condition, require vehicle transport while on a stretcher or in
    10  a wheelchair.
    11     (c)  Prohibition.--Operation by an entity of a stretcher
    12  vehicle or wheelchair vehicle to transport a person who is known
    13  or reasonably should be known by the entity to require medical
    14  assessment, monitoring, treatment or observation during
    15  transport shall constitute unlawful operation of an ambulance
    16  for purposes of section 7256(a) and (c) (relating to penalties),
    17  and if used as an ambulance by an EMS agency shall constitute
    18  misconduct in operating an EMS agency under section 7242(a)(7)
    19  (relating to emergency medical services agency license
    20  sanctions). For purposes of this section, unlawful operation
    21  includes, but is not limited to, the transport of the person to
    22  or from a facility, a physician's office or any other location
    23  to receive or from which the person received health care
    24  services.
    25  § 7240.  Conditional temporary licenses.
    26     When an EMS agency or an applicant for a license to operate
    27  as an EMS agency does not provide service 24 hours per day and
    28  seven days per week or is unable to participate in a county-
    29  level or broader-level emergency medical response plan approved
    30  by the department, the department shall issue a conditional
    20080S1420B2073                 - 91 -     

     1  temporary license for operation of the EMS agency when the
     2  department determines that it is in the public interest, subject
     3  to such terms as the department deems appropriate. A conditional
     4  temporary license shall be valid for one year and may be renewed
     5  as many times as the department determines that it is in the
     6  public interest to do so.
     7  § 7241.  Plans of correction.
     8     (a)  Correction of violation.--Upon determining that an EMS
     9  agency has violated this chapter or regulations promulgated
    10  under this chapter, the department may issue a written notice to
    11  the EMS agency specifying the violation or violations that have
    12  been found. The notice shall require the EMS agency to take
    13  immediate action to discontinue the violation or submit a plan
    14  of correction to the department, or both, to bring the EMS
    15  agency into compliance with applicable requirements. If the
    16  nature of the violation is such that the EMS agency cannot
    17  remedy the problem immediately, and a plan of correction is
    18  therefore required, the department may direct that the violation
    19  be remedied within a specified period of time. The EMS agency
    20  shall submit a plan of correction within 30 days of the
    21  department's issuance of the written notice. If immediate
    22  corrective action is required, the notice from the department
    23  shall request, and the EMS agency shall provide, prompt
    24  confirmation that the corrective action has been taken.
    25     (b)  Discretion.--The department shall not afford the EMS
    26  agency an opportunity to correct a violation without facing
    27  disciplinary charges if the department determines that it is not
    28  in the public interest to do so.
    29  § 7242.  Emergency medical services agency license sanctions.
    30     (a)  Grounds for discipline.--The department may discipline
    20080S1420B2073                 - 92 -     

     1  an EMS agency or, as applicable, refuse to issue an EMS agency
     2  license for any of the following reasons:
     3         (1)  Violating the requirements of this chapter or
     4     regulation adopted under this chapter.
     5         (2)  Failing to submit a plan of correction acceptable to
     6     the department or correct a deficiency as required under
     7     section 7241 (relating to plans of correction) or failing to
     8     comply with the plan of correction.
     9         (3)  Refusing to accept a conditional temporary license
    10     properly sought by the department or to abide by its terms.
    11         (4)  Fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to obtain
    12     a license.
    13         (5)  Lending its license or, except as permitted under
    14     section 7229(f) (relating to emergency medical services
    15     agencies), enabling another person to manage or operate the
    16     EMS agency or any service covered by the license.
    17         (6)  Using the license of another or in any way knowingly
    18     aiding or abetting the improper granting of a license,
    19     certification, accreditation or other authorization issued
    20     under this chapter.
    21         (7)  Incompetence, negligence or misconduct in operating
    22     the EMS agency or in providing EMS to patients.
    23         (8)  The licensee is not a responsible person or is not
    24     staffed by responsible persons and refuses to remove from its
    25     staff the irresponsible person or persons when directed to do
    26     so by the department. For purposes of this paragraph, "staff"
    27     and "responsible person" shall have the meanings set forth in
    28     section 7229(c)(1).
    29         (9)  Refusing to respond to an emergency and render EMS
    30     because of a patient's race, sex, creed, national origin,
    20080S1420B2073                 - 93 -     

     1     sexual preference, age, handicap, medical problem or
     2     financial inability to pay.
     3         (10)  Conviction of a felony, or a crime involving moral
     4     turpitude or related to the practice of the EMS agency.
     5         (11)  Making misrepresentations in seeking funds made
     6     available through the department.
     7         (12)  Failing to continue to meet applicable licensure
     8     requirements.
     9         (13)  Violating an order previously issued by the
    10     department in a disciplinary matter.
    11     (b)  Disciplinary options.--If the department is empowered to
    12  impose discipline against an EMS agency under this section, the
    13  department may do one or more of the following:
    14         (1)  Deny the application for a license.
    15         (2)  Administer a written reprimand with or without
    16     probation.
    17         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict the
    18     license.
    19         (4)  Impose a civil penalty not exceeding $5,000 for each
    20     incident in which the EMS agency engages in conduct that
    21     constitutes a basis for discipline.
    22         (5)  Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or
    23     other discipline and place the facility on probation with the
    24     right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
    25                            SUBCHAPTER C
    26                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    27  Sec.
    28  7251.  Limitations on liability.
    29  7252.  Peer review.
    30  7253.  Support of emergency medical services.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 94 -     

     1  7254.  Prohibited acts.
     2  7255.  Surrender of license, accreditation or certification.
     3  7256.  Penalties.
     4  7257.  Adjudications and judicial review.
     5  § 7251.  Limitations on liability.
     6     The following shall apply:
     7         (1)  No medical command physician, medical command
     8     facility medical director or medical command facility, which
     9     in good faith provides a medical command to an EMS provider
    10     or student enrolled in an EMS course of instruction approved
    11     by the department, shall be liable for civil damages as a
    12     result of issuing the instruction, absent a showing of gross
    13     negligence or willful misconduct.
    14         (2)  No EMS agency, EMS agency medical director or EMS
    15     provider who in good faith attempts to render or facilitate
    16     emergency medical care authorized by this chapter shall be
    17     liable for civil damages as a result of an act or omission,
    18     absent a showing of gross negligence or willful misconduct.
    19     This paragraph shall also apply to students enrolled in
    20     approved courses of instruction and supervised pursuant to
    21     rules and regulations.
    22         (3)  No approved EMS training institute nor any entity
    23     participating as part of any approved educational program
    24     offered by the institute as authorized by this chapter shall
    25     be liable for any civil damages as a result of primary and
    26     continuing educational practice by duly enrolled students
    27     under proper supervision, absent a showing of gross
    28     negligence or willful misconduct.
    29         (4)  No EMS provider who in good faith attempts to render
    30     emergency care authorized by this chapter at an emergency
    20080S1420B2073                 - 95 -     

     1     scene while en route to a place of employment shall receive
     2     any form of reprimand or penalty by an employer as a result
     3     of late arrival at the place of employment. An employer may
     4     require written verification from the EMS provider, who shall
     5     obtain the written verification from either the police
     6     officer or other person who is in charge at the emergency
     7     scene.
     8         (5)  No EMS agency medical director or regional medical
     9     director who in good faith gives instructions to or provides
    10     primary and continuing educational training to an EMS
    11     provider shall be liable for civil damages for issuing the
    12     instructions, education or training, absent a showing of
    13     gross negligence or willful misconduct.
    14         (6)  Neither the department, the Commonwealth EMS Medical
    15     Director, a regional EMS council medical director nor any
    16     other official or employee of the department or a regional
    17     EMS council shall be liable for civil damages arising out of
    18     an EMS provider or a student enrolled in an EMS course of
    19     instruction approved by the department following protocols
    20     approved under this chapter.
    21         (7)  No EMS provider or EMS agency may be subject to
    22     civil liability based solely on failure to obtain consent in
    23     rendering EMS to any person, regardless of age, where the
    24     person is unable to give consent for any reason, including
    25     minority, and where there is no other person reasonably
    26     available who is legally authorized to give or refuse to give
    27     consent, if the EMS provider has acted in good faith and
    28     without knowledge of facts negating consent.
    29         (8)  No EMS provider or EMS agency may be subject to
    30     civil liability based solely on refusal to provide treatment
    20080S1420B2073                 - 96 -     

     1     or services requested by the patient or the person
     2     responsible for making medical care decisions for the patient
     3     if the treatment or services requested are not prescribed or
     4     authorized by Statewide or regional protocols established
     5     under this chapter and the EMS provider has:
     6             (i)  contacted a medical command physician who
     7         refused to authorize the requested treatment or service;
     8         or
     9             (ii)  made a good faith effort to contact a medical
    10         command physician and was unable to do so.
    11         (9)  No dispatcher of EMS who in good faith collects
    12     information about a patient from a caller or makes dispatch
    13     assignments based upon the information collected may be
    14     subject to civil liability based upon the information
    15     collected or a dispatch assignment, absent a showing of gross
    16     negligence or willful misconduct.
    17  § 7252.  Peer review.
    18     (a)  Immunity from liability.--
    19         (1)  A person who provides information to a review
    20     organization shall have the same protections from civil and
    21     criminal liability as a person who provides information to a
    22     review organization under the act of July 20, 1974 (P.L.564,
    23     No.193), known as the Peer Review Protection Act.
    24         (2)  An individual who is a member or employee of a
    25     review organization, or who furnishes professional counsel or
    26     services to the organization, shall have the same protections
    27     from civil and criminal liability for the performance of any
    28     duty, function or activity authorized or required of the
    29     review organization as a person who performs the duty,
    30     function or activity under the Peer Review Protection Act.
    20080S1420B2073                 - 97 -     

     1     (b)  Confidentiality of review organization's records.--The
     2  proceedings and records of a review organization shall be held
     3  in confidence and shall have the same protections from discovery
     4  and introduction into evidence in civil proceedings as they
     5  would under the Peer Review Protection Act. A person who was in
     6  attendance at a meeting of a review organization shall be
     7  subject to the same testimony restrictions as a person who was
     8  in attendance at a meeting of a review organization under the
     9  Peer Review Protection Act.
    10  § 7253.  Support of emergency medical services.
    11     (a)  Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund.--There is
    12  established a special fund to be known as the Emergency Medical
    13  Services Operating Fund, which shall be administered by the
    14  department.
    15     (b)  Source.--The following are the sources of the Emergency
    16  Medical Services Operating Fund:
    17         (1)  Money collected under 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 3121 (relating
    18     to EMS costs) and 3807(b)(1)(ix) (relating to Accelerated
    19     Rehabilitative Disposition).
    20         (2)  All fees, fines and civil penalties collected by the
    21     department under this chapter.
    22         (3)  Appropriations.
    23         (4)  Contributions.
    24     (c)  Purpose of fund.--Except as provided under subsection
    25  (d), 75% of the money from the Emergency Medical Services
    26  Operating Fund shall be disbursed by the department for only the
    27  following uses:
    28         (1)  To eligible EMS agencies for applicable purposes
    29     stated under section 7212(c) (relating to contracts and
    30     grants), with at least 10% of these funds to be allocated to
    20080S1420B2073                 - 98 -     

     1     provide additional financial assistance for those EMS systems
     2     serving rural areas.
     3         (2)  To the board for the performance of duties imposed
     4     upon it under this chapter.
     5         (3)  To regional EMS councils for the development,
     6     maintenance and improvement of EMS systems, including
     7     ambulance and communications equipment and for training,
     8     education and EMS agency licensure purposes.
     9         (4)  To other contractors and grantees as authorized
    10     under section 7212(j).
    11     (d)  Allocation to Catastrophic Medical and Rehabilitation
    12  Fund.--Twenty-five percent of the money in the Emergency Medical
    13  Services Operating Fund shall be allocated to a Catastrophic
    14  Medical and Rehabilitation Fund for victims of trauma. After the
    15  exhaustion of all alternative financial resources, other than
    16  those excluded by the department from consideration, the
    17  catastrophic fund shall be available for the purchase of
    18  medical, rehabilitation and attendant care services for trauma
    19  victims and may be made available for the purchase of supportive
    20  services such as respite care and counseling services for the
    21  family or household members of trauma victims. The department
    22  may, by regulation, prioritize the distribution of funds by and
    23  within classification of traumatic injury.
    24     (e)  Audit.--The Auditor General shall review collections and
    25  expenditures made under this section and report its findings to
    26  the General Assembly annually. The audit shall include a review
    27  of the collections and expenditures of the regional EMS
    28  councils.
    29  § 7254.  Prohibited acts.
    30     (a)  Making false ambulance requests.--It shall be unlawful
    20080S1420B2073                 - 99 -     

     1  for any person to intentionally report a medical emergency and
     2  summon an EMS response if the person does not have good cause to
     3  believe that there is a medical emergency for which an EMS
     4  response is needed. A person violating this subsection commits a
     5  summary offense.
     6     (b)  Obstruction.--It is unlawful for any person to
     7  intentionally impede or obstruct any EMS provider in the
     8  performance of official duties, if the EMS provider displays
     9  accepted department insignia or credentials. A person violating
    10  this subsection commits a summary offense.
    11     (c)  Impersonating an emergency medical services provider.--
    12  It is unlawful for any person to display an insignia or
    13  credentials or act in any manner that would lead reasonable
    14  persons to conclude that the person is an EMS provider if that
    15  person is not an EMS provider with a current registration to
    16  practice or that the person is a higher-level EMS provider than
    17  the level at which the person is certified and currently
    18  registered to practice. A person violating this subsection
    19  commits a summary offense.
    20     (d)  Misrepresentation of license.--It is unlawful for any
    21  person who does not possess an EMS agency license issued by the
    22  department under this chapter to advertise, display vehicle
    23  markings or exhibit any other means that would lead a reasonable
    24  person to conclude that the person is a licensed EMS agency or
    25  provides a type or level of emergency care other than that for
    26  which the person is licensed to provide. A person violating this
    27  subsection commits a summary offense.
    28  § 7255.  Surrender of license, accreditation or certification.
    29     The department shall require a person whose license,
    30  accreditation or certification has been suspended or revoked
    20080S1420B2073                 - 100 -    

     1  under this chapter to return to the department in the manner the
     2  department directs the license, accreditation document or
     3  certificate. A person who fails to do so commits a misdemeanor
     4  of the third degree.
     5  § 7256.  Penalties.
     6     (a)  Unlicensed agency.--A person who operates a service or
     7  vehicle for which a license is required under section 7229
     8  (relating to emergency medical services agencies) and who does
     9  not have a license to operate the service or vehicle commits a
    10  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    11     (b)  Unauthorized practice.--A person who provides EMS
    12  without an EMS provider certification or other legal authority
    13  to provide EMS commits a misdemeanor of the third degree. A
    14  provider who provides EMS without a current registration of the
    15  EMS provider's certification and without other legal authority
    16  to provide EMS commits a summary offense.
    17     (c)  Fine.--In addition to any other civil remedy or criminal
    18  penalty provided for under this chapter, the department may levy
    19  a civil penalty of up to $5,000 per day upon a person who owns
    20  or operates an EMS agency in this Commonwealth, without having a
    21  license to operate that agency in this Commonwealth and a fine
    22  of up to $1,000 per day upon a person who provides EMS without
    23  an EMS provider certification or other legal authority to
    24  provide EMS.
    25  § 7257.  Adjudications and judicial review.
    26     Except as provided under this chapter for an emergency
    27  suspension, the department shall hold hearings and issue
    28  adjudications in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    29  administrative law and procedure). The adjudications may be
    30  appealed to the Commonwealth Court under 42 Pa.C.S. § 763
    20080S1420B2073                 - 101 -    

     1  (relating to direct appeals from government agencies).
     2     Section 2.  The definition of "emergency vehicle" in section
     3  102 of Title 75 is amended to read:
     4  § 102.  Definitions.
     5     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
     6  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
     7  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
     8  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
     9  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    10  * * *
    11     "Emergency vehicle."  A fire department vehicle, police
    12  vehicle, sheriff vehicle, ambulance, advanced life support squad
    13  vehicle, basic life support squad vehicle, blood delivery
    14  vehicle, human organ delivery vehicle, hazardous material
    15  response vehicle, armed forces emergency vehicle, one vehicle
    16  operated by a coroner or chief county medical examiner and one
    17  vehicle operated by a chief deputy coroner or deputy chief
    18  county medical examiner used for answering emergency calls, a
    19  vehicle owned by or leased to a regional emergency medical
    20  services council that is used as authorized by the Department of
    21  Health to respond to an actual or potential disaster, mass
    22  casualty situation or substantial threat to the public health,
    23  any vehicle owned and operated by the Philadelphia Parking
    24  Authority established in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 55
    25  (relating to parking authorities) and used in the enforcement of
    26  53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 57 (relating to taxicabs and limousines in first
    27  class cities), or any other vehicle designated by the State
    28  Police under section 6106 (relating to designation of emergency
    29  vehicles by Pennsylvania State Police), or a privately owned
    30  vehicle used in answering an emergency call when used by any of
    20080S1420B2073                 - 102 -    

     1  the following:
     2         (1)  A police chief and assistant chief.
     3         (2)  A fire chief, assistant chief and, when a fire
     4     company has three or more fire vehicles, a second or third
     5     assistant chief.
     6         (3)  A fire police captain and fire police lieutenant.
     7         (4)  An ambulance corps commander and assistant
     8     commander.
     9         (5)  A river rescue commander and assistant commander.
    10         (6)  A county emergency management coordinator.
    11         (7)  A fire marshal.
    12         (8)  A rescue service chief and assistant chief.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 3.  Chapter 31 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
    15  subchapter to read:
    16                            SUBCHAPTER C
    17                               FINES
    18  Sec.
    19  3121.  EMS costs.
    20  § 3121.  EMS costs.
    21     In addition to any other costs that may be imposed under this
    22  part for a traffic violation, except for a parking violation, a
    23  cost of $10 shall be imposed. Money collected shall be forwarded
    24  to the State Treasurer for deposit in the Emergency Medical
    25  Services Operating Fund.
    26     Section 4.  Section 3807(b)(1)(vii) of Title 75 is amended
    27  and the paragraph is amended by adding a subparagraph to read:
    28  § 3807.  Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition.
    29     * * *
    30     (b)  Evaluation and treatment.--
    20080S1420B2073                 - 103 -    

     1         (1)  A defendant offered Accelerated Rehabilitative
     2     Disposition for a violation of section 3802 is, as a
     3     condition of participation in the program, subject to the
     4     following requirements in addition to any other conditions of
     5     participation imposed by the court:
     6             * * *
     7             (vii)  The defendant must pay any other fee,
     8         surcharge or cost required by law. Except as set forth in
     9         subparagraph (vi) [or], (viii) or (ix), a fee or
    10         financial condition imposed by a judge as a condition of
    11         Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or any other
    12         preliminary disposition of any charge under this chapter
    13         shall be distributed as provided for in 42 Pa.C.S. §§
    14         3571 (relating to Commonwealth portion of fines, etc.)
    15         and 3573 (relating to municipal corporation portion of
    16         fines, etc.).
    17             * * *
    18             (ix)  The defendant shall pay a cost of $25 which
    19         shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer for deposit in
    20         the Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund.
    21         * * *
    22     Section 5.  The addition of 35 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 is a
    23  continuation of the former act of July 3, 1985, (P.L.164,
    24  No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services Act. Except as
    25  otherwise provided in 35 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72, all activities
    26  initiated under the Emergency Medical Services Act shall
    27  continue and remain in full force and effect and may be
    28  completed under 35 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72. Resolutions, orders,
    29  regulations, rules and decisions which were made under the
    30  Emergency Medical Services Act and which are in effect on the
    20080S1420B2073                 - 104 -    

     1  effective date of this section shall remain in full force and
     2  effect until revoked, vacated or modified under 35 Pa.C.S. Ch.
     3  72. Contracts, obligations and agreements entered into under the
     4  Emergency Medical Services Act are not affected nor impaired by
     5  the repeal of the Emergency Medical Services Act.
     6     Section 6.  Repeals are as follows:
     7         (1)  The General Assembly declares that the repeal under
     8     paragraph (2) is necessary to effectuate the addition of 35
     9     Pa.C.S. Ch. 72.
    10         (2)  The act of July 3, 1985, (P.L.164, No.45), known as
    11     the Emergency Medical Services Act, is repealed.
    12     Section 7.  The Department of Health, in consultation with
    13  the board, shall promulgate all regulations needed to implement
    14  this act within two years after the effective date of this
    15  section. This act shall be liberally construed for that purpose,
    16  and the absence of express authority to adopt regulations in any
    17  provision of this act shall not be construed to preclude the
    18  authority to adopt regulations to carry out that provision. Upon
    19  promulgation of all regulations under this section, the
    20  Secretary of Health shall transmit notice to the Legislative
    21  Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    22     Section 8.  Any reference in a statute or regulation to an
    23  ambulance service shall be interpreted as referencing an
    24  emergency medical services agency and any reference to the act
    25  of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), known as the Emergency Medical
    26  Services Act, shall be construed as a reference to 72 Pa.C.S.
    27  Ch. 72.
    28     Section 9.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    29         (1)  The addition of the following provisions of 35
    30     Pa.C.S. shall take effect 180 days after publication of the
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     1     notice under section 7 of this act:
     2             (i)  Section 7213(a), (c), (d) and (n).
     3             (ii)  Section 7214.
     4             (iii)  Section 7215.
     5             (iv)  Section 7216.
     6             (v)  Section 7217.
     7             (vi)  Section 7218.
     8             (vii)  Section 7219.
     9             (viii)  Section 7220.
    10             (ix)  Section 7222.
    11             (x)  Section 7229.
    12             (xi)  Section 7230.
    13             (xii)  Section 7231.
    14             (xiii)  Section 7232.
    15             (xiv)  Section 7233.
    16             (xv)  Section 7234.
    17             (xvi)  Section 7235.
    18             (xvii)  Section 7236.
    19             (xviii)  Section 7237.
    20             (xix)Section 7238.
    21             (xx)  Section 7240.
    22             (xxi)  Section 7241.
    23             (xxii)  Section 7242.
    24         (2)  The following provisions shall take effect
    25     immediately:
    26             (i)  The amendment of the definition of "emergency
    27         vehicle" in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102.
    28             (ii)  Section 5 of this act.
    29             (iii)  Section 6 of this act.
    30             (iv)  Section 7 of this act.
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     1             (v)  This section.
     2         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 180
     3     days.

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