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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2008



No. 1434 Session of 2002

           AND KASUNIC, MAY 14, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for learners' permits.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Sections 1505 and 1951 of the Title 75 of the
     6  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     7  § 1505.  Learners' permits.
     8     (a)  General rule.--
     9         (1)  A person who desires to obtain a driver's license or
    10     who desires to be licensed in a class for which the person is
    11     not already licensed shall apply to the department for the
    12     class or classes of license in which the person desires to be
    13     licensed.
    14         (2)  The department shall issue to each applicant [a] the
    15     following:
    16             (i)  A learner's permit which shall clearly identify
    17         the class of license applied for as provided in section

     1         1504 (relating to classes of licenses).
     2             (ii)  A yellow placard which is three inches in
     3         height and 12 inches in length, with black lettering in
     4         all capital letters one inch in height that spells the
     5         phrase "learner's permit." This placard may be displayed
     6         on the back of any vehicle operated by a driver with a
     7         learner's permit and in such a manner as to provide
     8         adequate notice to drivers of other vehicles that the
     9         placarded vehicle contains a learning driver but without
    10         obstructing the learning driver's view or otherwise
    11         violating this title.
    12     (b)  Learner must be accompanied.--A learner's permit
    13  entitles the person to whom it was issued to drive vehicles and
    14  combinations of vehicles of the class or classes specified, but
    15  only while the holder of the learner's permit is accompanied by
    16  and under the immediate supervision of a person who:
    17         (1)  is at least 21 years of age or, if the spouse of the
    18     learner's permit holder, is at least 18 years of age; or, if
    19     a parent, guardian or person in loco parentis of the
    20     learner's permit holder, is at least 18 years of age;
    21         (2)  is licensed in this Commonwealth to drive vehicles
    22     of the class then being driven by the holder of the learner's
    23     permit; and
    24         (3)  is actually occupying a seat beside the holder of
    25     the learner's permit unless the vehicle is a motorcycle.
    26     (c)  Operation of motorcycle.--A motorcycle learner's permit
    27  entitles the person to whom it is issued to operate a motorcycle
    28  only between sunrise and sunset and, except for a driver
    29  licensed to drive another class of vehicle, only while under the
    30  instruction and immediate supervision of a licensed motorcycle
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     1  operator. Motorcycle learners shall not carry any passenger
     2  other than an instructor properly licensed to operate a
     3  motorcycle.
     4     (d)  Duration of permit.--A learner's permit shall be valid
     5  for a period of one year after date of issue, or until the
     6  holder of the permit has failed the examination as authorized in
     7  section 1508 (relating to examination of applicant for driver's
     8  license) three times within the one-year period.
     9     (e)  Authorization to test for driver's license and junior
    10  driver's license.--A person with a learner's permit is
    11  authorized to take the examination for a regular or junior
    12  driver's license for the class of vehicle for which a permit is
    13  held. Before a person under the age of 18 years may take the
    14  examination for a junior driver's license, the minor must:
    15         (1)  Have held a learner's permit for that class of
    16     vehicle for a period of six months.
    17         (2)  Present to the department a certification form
    18     signed by the father, mother, guardian, person in loco
    19     parentis or spouse of a married minor stating that the minor
    20     applicant has completed 50 hours of practical driving
    21     experience accompanied as required under subsection (b).
    22     Submission of a certification shall not subject the parent,
    23     guardian, person in loco parentis or spouse of a married
    24     minor to any liability based upon the certification.
    25         (3)  Have the certification form completed when the minor
    26     is ready for the licensing examination. The certification
    27     form shall be developed by the department and will be
    28     provided by the department when the original application for
    29     a learner's permit is processed. The department will make
    30     this form readily available through the mail or electronic
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     1     means.
     2     (f)  Filing a false certification.--Any person who knowingly
     3  files a false certification commits a summary offense under
     4  section 6502 (relating to summary offenses).
     5  § 1951.  Driver's license and learner's permit.
     6     (a)  Driver's license.--The annual fee for a driver's license
     7  shall be $5 plus the cost of the photograph required in section
     8  1510(a) (relating to issuance and content of driver's license).
     9     (b)  Learner's permit.--The fee for a learner's permit shall
    10  be $5, plus the cost of the placard required to be issued under
    11  section 1505(a)(2)(ii) (relating to learners' permits).
    12     (c)  Identification card.--The fee for an identification card
    13  shall be $5 plus the cost of the photograph.
    14     (d)  Replacement license or card.--The fee for a replacement
    15  driver's license or identification card shall be $5 plus the
    16  cost of the photograph.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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