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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1924



No. 1438 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, to enhance assistance to veterans in
     3     this Commonwealth by establishing the Governor's Veterans
     4     Outreach and Assistance Center program in the Department of
     5     Military and Veterans Affairs; restructuring certain
     6     administrative functions and responsibilities; transferring
     7     functions of the Department of Labor and Industry into the
     8     Department of Military and Veterans Affairs; and making an
     9     appropriation.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Title 51 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    13  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    14                             CHAPTER 86
    16  Sec.
    17  8601.  Definitions.
    18  8602.  Declaration of findings and purpose.
    19  8603.  Program established.
    20  8604.  Transfers of functions and responsibilities.

     1  8605.  Subjects of transfer.
     2  8606.  Regulations.
     3  § 8601.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     5  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Bureau."  The Bureau for Veterans' Affairs in the Department
     8  of Military and Veterans Affairs.
     9     "Entity."  a general reference to one or more departments,
    10  divisions, boards, agencies, commissions or organizations
    11  involved in the performance of the executive or administrative
    12  work of the Commonwealth.
    13     "Program."  The Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance
    14  Center program established by this chapter.
    15     "Subjects of transfer."  Powers, duties, personnel,
    16  appropriations, allocations, documents, files, records,
    17  contracts, agreements, equipment, material, orders, rights and
    18  obligations utilized or accruing in connection with functions
    19  transferred from one entity to another under this chapter.
    20  § 8602.  Declaration of findings and purpose.
    21     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    22         (1)  The five Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance
    23     Centers currently in existence are, despite lacking any
    24     specific statutory authorization, providing a variety of
    25     valuable services to this Commonwealth's veterans.
    26         (2)  The program should be formally established in law to
    27     guarantee continuity in the provision of such services.
    28         (3)  It is the purpose of this chapter to more
    29     effectively address the problems of this Commonwealth's
    30     veterans by establishing a program, providing for the more
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     1     efficient delivery of services and effecting an improvement
     2     in the coordination of resources available to this
     3     Commonwealth's military veterans.
     4  § 8608.  Program established.
     5     There is hereby established in the department a program to be
     6  known as the Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance Center
     7  program. The program shall be administered by the Bureau for
     8  Veterans' Affairs, which shall determine the proper scope and
     9  extent of the program consistent with this chapter.
    10  8604.  Transfers of functions and responsibilities.
    11     (a)  Transfer to department.--On October 1, 2000, as part of
    12  the program, the bureau shall assume responsibility for the
    13  programs currently administered by the five existing Governor's
    14  Veterans Outreach and Assistance Centers. On that date, the
    15  bureau shall assume direct operational control and ownership of
    16  the subjects of transfer possessed by the five existing
    17  Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance Centers. The
    18  following functions of the Department of Labor and Industry are
    19  transferred to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs:
    20         (1)  All powers and duties, not otherwise expressly
    21     transferred elsewhere by this chapter, and currently
    22     performed by the five existing Governor's Veterans Outreach
    23     and Assistance Centers.
    24         (2)  Any related functions under the act of April 9, 1929
    25     (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    26         (3)  All other acts or parts of acts, reorganization
    27     plans and executive orders that imposed powers and duties
    28     upon the existing Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance
    29     Centers.
    30     (b)  Duties of Department of Labor and Industry.--The
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     1  Department of Labor and Industry shall:
     2         (1)  Keep in force all current approved contracts
     3     pertaining to the Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance
     4     Centers, including, but not limited to, those under any
     5     Governor's special grant program.
     6         (2)  Continue to function, until October 1, 2000, as the
     7     Commonwealth agency responsible for insuring that existing
     8     contracts are executed in compliance with Federal laws and
     9     regulations.
    10     (c)  Coordination of functions.--the Department of Labor and
    11  Industry and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
    12  shall cooperate and coordinate, pursuant to section 501 of The
    13  Administrative Code of 1929, with regard to:
    14         (1)  Receiving, processing and sharing all reports as may
    15     be required under the terms of current contracts pertaining
    16     to the existing Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance
    17     Centers or by Federal or state law or regulation.
    18         (2)  Technical assistance with regard to the development
    19     of all contracts starting on October 1, 2000.
    20         (3)  Obtaining and allocating any future funding that may
    21     be available from the Federal government for the continued
    22     operation of the program.
    23  § 8605.  Subjects of transfer.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Any subjects of transfer from the
    25  Department of Labor and Industry and the existing Governor's
    26  Veteran Outreach and Assistance Centers under this chapter are
    27  transferred to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
    28  with the same force and effect as if those subjects of transfer
    29  had originally belonged to or had been incurred or entered into
    30  by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
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     1     (b)  Employees.--The department shall employ those
     2  individuals currently staffing the existing Governor's Veterans
     3  Outreach and Assistance Centers, irrespective of whether the
     4  individuals have heretofore been considered employees of the
     5  centers or independent contractors. The employees shall be
     6  granted civil service status in the same manner as other
     7  similarly situated employees of the department.
     8  § 8606.  Regulations.
     9     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of Military and Veterans
    10  Affairs shall have the power and duty to promulgate regulations
    11  to administer the respective functions transferred to it under
    12  this chapter.
    13     (b)  Continuation.--The regulations of the Department of
    14  Labor and Industry for the administration of the functions
    15  transferred under this chapter shall remain in effect until such
    16  time as new regulations are promulgated under subsection (a).
    17     Section 2.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    18  as they are inconsistent with this act.
    19     Section 3.  The sum of $1,250,000, or as much thereof as may
    20  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of
    21  Military and Veterans Affairs for the fiscal year July 1, 2000,
    22  to June 30, 2001, to carry out the provisions of this act.
    23     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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