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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2031



No. 1474 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     persons entitled, for persons not qualified, for revocation
     4     of letters and for grounds for removal; and providing for
     5     preadjudication rule.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 3155, 3156, 3181 and 3182 of Title 20 of
     9  the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
    10  § 3155.  Persons entitled.
    11     (a)  Letters testamentary.--Letters testamentary shall be
    12  granted by the register to the executor designated in the will,
    13  whether or not he has declined a trust under the will.
    14     (b)  Letters of administration.--Letters of administration
    15  shall be granted by the register, in such form as the case shall
    16  require, to one or more of those hereinafter mentioned and,
    17  except for good cause, in the following order:
    18         (1)  Those entitled to the residuary estate under the
    19     will.

     1         (2)  The surviving spouse.
     2         (3)  Those entitled under the intestate law as the
     3     register, in his discretion, shall judge will best administer
     4     the estate, giving preference, however, according to the
     5     sizes of the shares of those in this class.
     6         (4)  The principal creditors of the decedent at the time
     7     of his death.
     8         (5)  Other fit persons.
     9         (6)  [If] Except in the case of a person who is
    10     prohibited from the grant of letters under subsection (d), if
    11     anyone of the foregoing shall renounce his right to letters
    12     of administration, the register, in his discretion, may
    13     appoint a nominee of the person so renouncing in preference
    14     to the persons set forth in any succeeding paragraph.
    15         (7)  A guardianship support agency serving as guardian of
    16     an incapacitated person who dies during the guardianship
    17     administered pursuant to Subchapter F of Chapter 55 (relating
    18     to guardianship support).
    19     (c)  Time limitation.--Except with the consent of those
    20  enumerated in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), no letters shall be
    21  issued to those enumerated in paragraphs (4) and (5) of
    22  subsection (b) until seven days after the decedent's death.
    23     (d)  Persons charged in connection with decedent's death.--
    24  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the register shall not grant
    25  letters testamentary or of administration to a person formally
    26  charged, whether by indictment, information or otherwise, by the
    27  Commonwealth, the United States or any of the several states or
    28  territories, with homicide or manslaughter in connection with
    29  the decedent's death unless and until the charge is withdrawn or
    30  dismissed or a verdict of not guilty is returned.
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     1  § 3156.  Persons not qualified.
     2     No person shall be qualified to serve as a personal
     3  representative who is:
     4         (1)  Under 18 years of age.
     5         (2)  A corporation not authorized to act as fiduciary in
     6     the Commonwealth.
     7         (3)  A person, other than an executor designated by name
     8     or description in the will, found by the register to be unfit
     9     to be entrusted with the administration of the estate.
    10         (4)  The nominee of any beneficiary, legatee or person
    11     having any interest whatsoever, when such beneficiary,
    12     legatee or person is a citizen or resident of any country
    13     outside the territorial limits or possessions of the United
    14     States, when it shall appear doubtful to the register that in
    15     the distribution of the estate any such person will have the
    16     actual benefit, use, enjoyment or control of the money or
    17     other property representing his share or interest therein.
    18         (5)  Formally charged, whether by indictment, information
    19     or otherwise, by the Commonwealth, the United States or any
    20     of the several states or territories, with homicide or
    21     manslaughter in connection with the decedent's death unless
    22     and until the charge is withdrawn, dismissed or a verdict of
    23     not guilty is returned.
    24  § 3181.  Revocation of letters.
    25     (a)  When no will.--The register may revoke letters of
    26  administration granted by him whenever it appears that the
    27  person to whom the letters were granted is not entitled thereto.
    28     (b)  When a will.--The register may amend or revoke letters
    29  testamentary or of administration granted by him not in
    30  conformity with the provisions of a will admitted to probate.
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     1     (c)  When charges of murder or manslaughter.--Whether or not
     2  a will has been submitted or admitted, the register may revoke
     3  letters testamentary or of administration when it appears that
     4  the person to whom the letters were granted has been formally
     5  charged with homicide or manslaughter as described in sections
     6  3155 (relating to persons entitled) and 3156 (relating to
     7  persons not qualified), provided that revocation shall not be
     8  made on these grounds if the charge has been dismissed,
     9  withdrawn or terminated by a verdict of not guilty.
    10  § 3182.  Grounds for removal.
    11     The court shall have exclusive power to remove a personal
    12  representative when he:
    13         (1)  is wasting or mismanaging the estate, is or is
    14     likely to become insolvent, or has failed to perform any duty
    15     imposed by law; or
    16         (2)  (Deleted by amendment).
    17         (3)  has become incapacitated to discharge the duties of
    18     his office because of sickness or physical or mental
    19     incapacity and his incapacity is likely to continue to the
    20     injury of the estate; or
    21         (4)  has removed from the Commonwealth or has ceased to
    22     have a known place of residence therein, without furnishing
    23     such security or additional security as the court shall
    24     direct; [or]
    25         (4.1)  has been formally charged with homicide or
    26     manslaughter as described in sections 3155 (relating to
    27     persons entitled) and 3156 (relating to persons not
    28     qualified), provided that removal shall not be made on these
    29     grounds if the charge has been dismissed, withdrawn or
    30     terminated by a verdict of not guilty; or
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     1         (5)  when, for any other reason, the interests of the
     2     estate are likely to be jeopardized by his continuance in
     3     office.
     4     Section 2.  Title 20 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 8816.  Preadjudication rule.
     6     If a person has been formally charged, whether by indictment,
     7  information or otherwise, by the Commonwealth, the United States
     8  or any of the several states or territories, with homicide or
     9  manslaughter in connection with a decedent's death, any and all
    10  property or benefit that would otherwise pass to the person from
    11  the decedent's estate shall be placed and preserved in escrow by
    12  the personal representative appointed by the register. Upon
    13  dismissal or withdrawal of the charge or upon the return of a
    14  verdict of not guilty, the property or benefit held in escrow
    15  shall pass as if no charge had been filed or made. Upon
    16  conviction of the charge, the property or benefit held in escrow
    17  shall pass in accordance with the terms and provisions of
    18  section 8805 (relating to tenancies by the entirety).
    19  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the duly appointed personal
    20  representative shall be authorized, upon notice to all
    21  interested parties, including, but not limited to, the accused,
    22  to petition the orphans' court division of the court of common
    23  pleas in the county where the estate lies for payment from the
    24  escrowed funds of child support and related expenses and
    25  expenses of estate administration. Disposition of the petition
    26  shall lie in the sound discretion of the court.
    27     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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