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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2140



No. 1483 Session of 2002

           COSTA, SCHWARTZ AND O'PAKE, JUNE 25, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," providing for a training
     4     and education program for certain individuals eligible for
     5     public assistance.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Article IV of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
     9  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, is amended by adding a
    10  subarticle to read:
    11          (n)  Parents Achieving Self-Sufficiency Program
    12  Section 495.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this subarticle
    14  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Education program."  A two-year or four-year postsecondary
    17  undergraduate education program for which a degree is awarded.
    18     "Educational activity."  Includes, but is not limited to:
    19         (1)  Attendance at a class or activity conducted within

     1     an education program.
     2         (2)  An internship.
     3         (3)  A practicum.
     4         (4)  Student teaching.
     5         (5)  A work-study program.
     6         (6)  A clinical placement.
     7         (7)  Laboratory or field work directly related to the
     8     participant's employment goal.
     9         (8)  Any other work activities that will enhance the
    10     participant's employability in the participant's chosen
    11     field.
    12     "Eligible applicant."  A needy student who has dependent
    13  children and who is enrolled in an education or job training
    14  program. The term excludes an individual with a marketable
    15  bachelor degree.
    16     "Good cause."  Compelling personal or familial circumstances
    17  as set forth in departmental regulations, which make the
    18  required participation impracticable or which would cause the
    19  participant to seriously compromise academic performance. Good
    20  cause also exists where, considering the participant's abilities
    21  and the demands of the academic program, strict compliance with
    22  the work requirements would compromise academic performance and
    23  the fulfillment of the plan for self-sufficiency.
    24     "Job training."  A training program providing the skills
    25  necessary for a specific vocation or a field of employment.
    26     "Participant."  An eligible applicant who is admitted into
    27  the Parents Achieving Self-Sufficiency Program.
    28     "Program."  The Parents Achieving Self-Sufficiency Program.
    29     "TANF."  The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
    30  under the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et
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     1  seq.), which provides temporary assistance to needy, dependent
     2  children and their parents or caretaker relatives.
     3  Section 495.1.  Program established.
     4     (a)  Establishment and administration of program.--The
     5  department shall establish and administer a program, to be known
     6  as the Parents Achieving Self-Sufficiency Program, based upon
     7  the need to assist participants who wish to pursue training or
     8  education in order to enhance their employability.
     9     (b)  Assistance to participants.--The assistance provided to
    10  participants under the program shall include the type and level
    11  of:
    12         (1)  Cash assistance under TANF pursuant to subarticle
    13     (e).
    14         (2)  Medical assistance under TANF pursuant to subarticle
    15     (e).
    16         (3)  Services, including support services, provided under
    17     the RESET program, pursuant to section 405.1.
    18  Section 495.2.  Eligibility criteria.
    19     (a)  Eligibility.--Individuals who are eligible for
    20  assistance under TANF may apply to participate in the program.
    21  Eligibility for participation and the amount of assistance shall
    22  be determined pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by
    23  the department to implement and administer TANF.
    24     (b)  Assessment.--
    25         (1)  Each individual who is eligible for the program
    26     shall be assessed to determine:
    27             (i)  The individual's education, training and
    28         employment needs based on available program resources.
    29             (ii)  The individual's skills and aptitudes.
    30             (iii)  The individual's need for support services.
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     1             (iv)  Local employment opportunities.
     2             (v)  Any good cause circumstance.
     3             (vi)  To the maximum extent possible, the preferences
     4         of the participant.
     5         (2)  The findings shall be documented in the individual's
     6     case record indicating any barriers to participation,
     7     including, but not limited to, any physical or mental health
     8     problems or other good cause.
     9     (c)  Program enrollment.--The department shall grant
    10  enrollment in the program to the extent that program resources
    11  and space permit, if the assessment results indicate all of the
    12  following:
    13         (1)  The individual does not possess the necessary skills
    14     to obtain employment that will enable that individual to
    15     support a family at 85% of the median family income in this
    16     Commonwealth for a family of the same size.
    17         (2)  The postsecondary education or job training sought
    18     by the individual will significantly improve the ability of
    19     the family to be self-supporting, considering potential
    20     employment opportunities and local labor market conditions.
    21         (3)  The individual has the aptitude to successfully
    22     complete the proposed postsecondary education or job
    23     training.
    24     (d)  Limitation.--An education or job training plan may not
    25  be disapproved by the department based solely upon the length of
    26  the education or job training program.
    27  Section 495.3.  Program requirements.
    28     (a)  Satisfactory progress required.--A participant must make
    29  satisfactory progress in the participant's education or job
    30  training program in order to maintain program eligibility.
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     1     (b)  Crediting.--A participant who:
     2         (1)  Receives assistance under the program that begins
     3     during the first 24 months of TANF implementation shall have
     4     credited the amount of time involved in educational activity
     5     or job training activity toward the work-related activity
     6     requirement.
     7         (2)  Receives assistance under the program that begins or
     8     continues after the first 24 months of TANF implementation
     9     shall have educational activity or job training activity
    10     credited toward the 20 hours per week RESET work requirement.
    11     (c)  Department duties.--The department shall:
    12         (1)  Make reasonable adjustments in the work
    13     participation requirements for the program for good cause.
    14         (2)  Promulgate rules and regulations for the
    15     implementation and administration of the program, which shall
    16     include rules and regulations defining the term "satisfactory
    17     performance."
    18     (d)  Child support.--
    19         (1)  A family that participates in the program shall
    20     assign the right to child support to the department in the
    21     same manner as a family that receives TANF assistance.
    22         (2)  The department shall distribute to a participating
    23     family child support collected on behalf of the family in the
    24     same manner as if the family were receiving TANF assistance.
    25     (e)  Job search requirement.--A participant who is not exempt
    26  from the job search requirement under the RESET program shall
    27  not be required to conduct the eight-week job search until the
    28  participant has completed the participant's education or job
    29  training program.
    30  Section 495.4.  Transitional support services.
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     1     (a)  Extended medical coverage.--A family that no longer
     2  remains eligible for assistance under the program due to
     3  increased child support or increased hours of, or increased
     4  income from, employment is eligible to receive transitional
     5  extended medical coverage, on the same basis as a TANF family.
     6     (b)  Child care.--A participant who receives earnings from
     7  employment and whose family discontinues participation in TANF,
     8  whether or not the participant's earnings resulted in
     9  ineligibility for TANF and who requires child care, shall be
    10  automatically transferred to the Child Care Information Services
    11  (CCIS) Child Care program for continued child care assistance,
    12  pursuant to 55 Pa. Code Ch. 3040 (relating to subsidized child
    13  day care).
    14     (c)  Work requirement.--Any parent who is engaged in an
    15  educational or job training activity and who meets the hours
    16  requirement of section 495.3(b)(2) shall be deemed to satisfy
    17  any work requirement of the CCIS Child Care program.
    18  Section 495.5.  Funding.
    19     Any cash assistance paid to participants and their families
    20  shall be paid with State funds, which shall not be subject to
    21  Federal time limits for TANF and shall not be considered to
    22  apply toward any such time limit.
    23  Section 495.6.  Protection of income.
    24     (a)  Income exclusion.--To the extent permitted by Federal
    25  law, assistance received under the program shall be disregarded
    26  as income and excluded as a resource or asset to the same extent
    27  as assistance under TANF for the purposes of any Federal or
    28  State or municipal assistance program.
    29     (b)  Taxation of program assistance.--Assistance received
    30  under the program shall be treated in the same manner as
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     1  assistance received under TANF for all tax purposes.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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