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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2076



No. 1485 Session of 2000

           JUNE 15, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for violation detection devices
     3     authorized for local authorities.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 102 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a definition to read:
     8  § 102.  Definitions.
     9     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    10  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    11  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
    12  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
    13  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    14     * * *
    15     "Traffic-control signal violation-monitoring system."  A
    16  vehicle sensor installed to work in conjunction with a traffic-
    17  control signal which automatically produces one or more
    18  photographs or microphotographs of any vehicle at the time the

     1  vehicle is used or operated in a manner which is a violation
     2  under this title.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 3112.1.  Violation detection devices authorized for local
     6             authorities.
     7     (a)  General rule.--A local authority is authorized to
     8  enforce section 3112(a)(3) (relating to traffic-control signals)
     9  by recording violations using a traffic-control signal
    10  violation-monitoring system approved by the department.
    11     (b)  Owner liability.--For each violation pursuant to this
    12  section, the owner of the vehicle shall be liable for the
    13  penalty imposed, unless the owner is convicted of the same
    14  violation under another section of this title or has a valid
    15  defense under subsection (f).
    16     (c)  Certificate as evidence.--A certificate, or a facsimile
    17  thereof, based upon inspection of photographs or
    18  microphotographs produced by a traffic-control signal violation-
    19  monitoring system and sworn to or affirmed by a police officer
    20  or technician employed by the local authority shall be prima
    21  facie evidence of the facts contained therein. Any photographs
    22  or microphotographs evidencing a violation of section 3112(a)(3)
    23  shall be admissible in any judicial or administrative proceeding
    24  to adjudicate the liability for the violation.
    25     (d)  Penalty.--The penalty for a violation under subsection
    26  (a) shall be a fine of $150, unless a lesser amount is set by
    27  local ordinance. The fine shall be payable to the local
    28  authority. Penalties imposed under this section shall not be
    29  deemed a criminal conviction, and shall not be made part of the
    30  operating record under section 1535 (relating to schedule of
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     1  convictions and points) of the person upon whom the penalty is
     2  imposed, nor shall the imposition of the penalty be subject to
     3  merit rating for insurance purposes. No surcharge points shall
     4  be imposed in the provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage.
     5  Fines collected under this section shall not be subject to 42
     6  Pa.C.S. § 3571 (relating to Commonwealth portion of fines, etc.)
     7  or 3573 (relating to municipal corporation portion of fines,
     8  etc.).
     9     (e)  Limitation.--No traffic-control signal violation-
    10  monitoring system shall be utilized in such a manner as to take
    11  a frontal view photograph of the vehicle as evidence of having
    12  committed a violation.
    13     (f)  Defense.--
    14         (1)  If an owner receives a notice of violation pursuant
    15     to this section for any time period during which the vehicle
    16     was reported to a police department of any state or
    17     municipality as having been stolen, it shall be a valid
    18     defense to a violation pursuant to this section that the
    19     vehicle has been reported to a police department as stolen
    20     prior to the time the violation occurred and had not been
    21     recovered prior to that time.
    22         (2)  It shall be a valid defense to a violation under
    23     this section that the person receiving the notice of
    24     violation was not the owner of the vehicle at the time of the
    25     offense.
    26     (g)  Department approval.--No traffic-control signal
    27  violation-monitoring system may be used without the approval of
    28  the department, which shall have the authority to promulgate
    29  regulations for the certification and use of such systems.
    30     (h)  Power of local authority.--A local authority may hire
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     1  and designate personnel as may be necessary or contract for
     2  services to implement this section.
     3     (i)  Duty of local authority.--When a local authority elects
     4  to implement this section, the following provisions shall apply:
     5         (1)  The local authority shall designate or appoint a
     6     system administrator to supervise and coordinate the
     7     administration of notices of violation issued pursuant to
     8     this section.
     9         (2)  It shall be the duty of the system administrator to
    10     issue a notice of violation to the registered owner of any
    11     vehicle identified in any photographs or microphotographs
    12     produced by a traffic-control signal violation-monitoring
    13     system as evidence of a violation of section 3112(a)(3). The
    14     notice of violation shall have attached to it a copy of the
    15     recorded image showing the vehicle, the registration number
    16     and state of issuance of the vehicle registration, the date,
    17     time and place of the alleged violation, that the violation
    18     charged is of section 3112(a)(3), and instructions for return
    19     of the notice of violation. The text of the notice shall be
    20     as follows:
    21             This notice may be returned personally, by mail, or
    22             by agent duly authorized in writing. A hearing may be
    23             obtained upon the written request of the registered
    24             owner in writing. Failure to obey this notice within
    25             30 days of issue may result in the nonrenewal or
    26             suspension of your license to operate a motor vehicle
    27             and your certificate of registration.
    28     (j)  Notice to owner.--In the case of a violation involving a
    29  motor vehicle registered under the laws of this Commonwealth,
    30  the notice of violation shall be mailed within 14 days of the
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     1  violation, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, to the address of
     2  the registered owner as listed in the records of the department.
     3  In the case of motor vehicles registered in jurisdictions other
     4  than this Commonwealth, the notice of violation shall be mailed
     5  within 21 days of the violation, exclusive of Sundays and
     6  holidays, to the address of the registered owner as listed in
     7  the records of the official in the jurisdiction having charge of
     8  the registration of the vehicle.
     9     (k)  Mailing of notice; records.--Notices of violation shall
    10  be sent by first class mail. A manual or automatic record of
    11  mailing prepared by the system administrator in the ordinary
    12  course of business shall be prima facie evidence thereof, and
    13  shall be admissible in any judicial or administrative proceeding
    14  as to the facts contained therein.
    15     (l)  Payment of fine.--An owner to whom a notice of violation
    16  has been issued may admit responsibility for the violation and
    17  pay the fine provided therein. Payment shall be make personally,
    18  or through an authorized agent, or by mailing both payment and
    19  the notice of violation to the system administrator. Payment by
    20  mail shall be made only by money order, credit card or check
    21  made payable to the local authority. Payment of the established
    22  fine and any applicable penalties shall operate as a final
    23  disposition of the case.
    24     (m)  Hearing.--An owner to whom a notice of violation has
    25  been issued may, within 30 days of the mailing of the notice,
    26  request a hearing to contest the liability alleged in the
    27  notice. A hearing request shall be made by appearing before the
    28  system administrator during regular office hours, either
    29  personally or by duly authorized agent, or by mailing a request
    30  in writing. Upon receipt of a hearing request, the system
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     1  administrator shall schedule in a timely manner the matter
     2  before a hearing officer. The hearing officer shall be
     3  designated by the local authority. Written notice of the date,
     4  time and place of hearing shall be sent by first class mail to
     5  the owner. The hearing shall be informal, the rules of evidence
     6  shall not apply and the decision of the hearing officer shall be
     7  final, subject to the right of the owner to appeal the decision
     8  to the appropriate district justice or traffic court. If the
     9  owner requests in writing that the decision of the hearing
    10  officer be appealed to the district justice or traffic court,
    11  the system administrator shall file the notice of violation and
    12  supporting documents with the district justice or traffic court,
    13  which shall hear and decide the matter de novo.
    14     (n)  Failure to act; adjudication.--If the owner to whom a
    15  notice of violation has been issued fails to pay a fine due
    16  under this section, the system administrator shall notify the
    17  department. Upon receipt of two or more notices under this
    18  subsection, the department shall not issue or renew or may
    19  suspend the owner's operator's license or vehicle registration
    20  until after notification from the system administrator that all
    21  fines and penalties owed by the owner pursuant to this section
    22  have been paid. Upon notification to the department, an
    23  additional charge of $20 payable to the department, but
    24  collected by the local authority, and an additional charge of
    25  $20 payable to the local authority shall be assessed against the
    26  owner. It shall be the duty of the system administrator to
    27  notify the department in a timely manner that a case has been
    28  disposed. A certified receipt of full and final payment from the
    29  local authority issuing the violation shall serve as notice to
    30  the department that the violation has been disposed of in
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     1  accordance with law. The certified receipt shall be printed in
     2  such form as the department may approve.
     3     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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