See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2079



No. 1488 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Department of Transportation and the
     3     Governor, to grant and convey to the Heritage Conservancy
     4     Inc., certain lands in the Borough of Doylestown.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, with the
     8  approval of the Department of Transportation and the Governor,
     9  is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of
    10  Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Heritage Conservancy
    11  Inc., the Department of Transportation's Bucks County
    12  Maintenance Facility, land and buildings described in section 2
    13  for fair market value, as determined by independent appraisal.
    14     Section 2.  The property to be conveyed pursuant to section 1
    15  consists of the Department of Transportation's Bucks County
    16  Maintenance Facility, bounded and more particularly described as
    17  all that certain piece or parcel of land in the Borough of
    18  Doylestown, County of Bucks, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and

     1  described as follows:
     2                              PARCEL 1
     3     All that certain lot, or tract of land, situated in the
     4  Second Ward of the Borough of Doylestown, County of Bucks,
     5  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania described according to survey and
     6  plan dated March 15, 1946, by the Department of Highways,
     7  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     8     BEGINNING on the north side of Broad Street, forty feet wide
     9  (40' wide) at a point fourteen and sixty-two hundredths feet
    10  east of the center line of Doyle Street, fifty feet wide (50'
    11  wide); thence extending north forty-nine degrees 00 minutes west
    12  four hundred forty-nine feet three and seven-eighths inches to a
    13  point, said point being the intersection of the north line of
    14  the said Broad Street with east line of proposed street fifty
    15  feet wide (50' wide) as shown on above mentioned plan; thence
    16  north thirty-nine degrees forty-five minutes east three hundred
    17  twenty-three feet two and seven-eighths inches on the line of
    18  east side of the said proposed street to a point; thence south
    19  forty-nine degrees 00 minutes east four hundred seventy-three
    20  feet eleven and one-quarter inches to a point on the dividing
    21  line between this lot and partly by ground of Raymond Buck, Jr.,
    22  partly by ground of Clear Spring Worsted Company, and partly
    23  ground of Raymond Buck to a point on the dividing line of ground
    24  adjacent to this lot owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
    25  thence south forty-five degrees ten minutes west three hundred
    26  twenty-four feet one and three-eighths inches along the last
    27  mentioned line to the first mentioned point and place of
    28  beginning.
    29  (Containing three and four hundred two thousandths acres.)
    30                              PARCEL 2
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     1     BEGINNING at an iron pin set for a corner of James R.
     2  Cotton's lands and in the center of Broad Street, said iron pin
     3  being north 48 degrees and 40 minutes west of and at a distance
     4  of one hundred and eighty four feet from a point set for the
     5  intersection of Broad and Union Streets; thence from said iron
     6  pin north 48 degrees 40 minutes west-three hundred fifty five
     7  feet along center line of said Broad Street to an iron pin set
     8  for a corner; thence north 45 degrees 32 minutes east- three
     9  hundred and eighty seven and nine tenths feet by lands of Abe
    10  and Sam Margolis to an iron pin set for a corner; thence south
    11  48 degrees 08 minutes east- three hundred and forty one and five
    12  tenths feet, by lands of Arthur A. Fretz to an iron pin set for
    13  a corner; thence south 02 degrees 06 minutes east seventy and
    14  nine tenths feet, still by lands of said Fretz to an iron pin
    15  set for a corner; thence north 48 degrees 40 minutes west-
    16  eighty six and seven tenths feet by lands of the Real Estate
    17  Holdings Company to an iron pin set as a corner; thence south 40
    18  degrees 07 minutes west-one hundred and forty six and eight
    19  tenths feet by lands of said Real Estate Holding Company and
    20  George Sommers to an iron pin set for a corner; thence south 48
    21  degrees 40 minutes east- sixteen feet, by lands of said Sommers
    22  to an iron pin set for a corner; thence south 40 degrees 07
    23  minutes west- one hundred and eighty five and five tenths feet
    24  by lands of Cotton aforesaid to be the place of beginning,
    25  containing in all 2.981 acres of land, by the same more or less.
    26     Section 3.  The conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    27  all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of
    28  others, including but not confined to streets, roadways and
    29  right of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or
    30  pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful
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     1  and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third person
     2  appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements
     3  erected thereon.
     4     Section 4.  The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
     5  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
     6  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     7     Section 5.  Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
     8  shall be borne by the Grantee.
     9     Section 6.  The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited in
    10  the Motor License Fund of the Department of Transportation to
    11  pay for costs and fees incurred for the lease, purchase or
    12  construction of a new Bucks County Maintenance Facility as well
    13  as the costs and fees incurred by the Department of General
    14  Services as authorized under section 2406-A of the act of April
    15  9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of
    16  1929.
    17     Section 7.  In the event that this conveyance is not executed
    18  within 12 months of the Department of Transportation vacating
    19  the premises, the property may be disposed of, with the approval
    20  of the Department of Transportation, in accordance with section
    21  2406-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as
    22  The Administrative Code of 1929. The proceeds from the sale
    23  shall be deposited in accordance with section 6.
    24     Section 8.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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