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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2101



No. 1506 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 9, 1976 (P.L.817, No.143), entitled "An
     2     act relating to mental health procedures; providing for the
     3     treatment and rights of mentally disabled persons, for
     4     voluntary and involuntary examination and treatment and for
     5     determinations affecting those charged with crime or under
     6     sentence," adding provisions relating to assisted outpatient
     7     treatment programs.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The act of July 9, 1976 (P.L.817, No.143), known
    11  as the Mental Health Procedures Act, is amended by adding an
    12  article to read:
    13                           ARTICLE III-A
    14                   Assisted Outpatient Treatment
    15     Section 301-A.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    16  when used in this article shall have the meanings given to them
    17  in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Assisted outpatient" or "patient."  A person under a court
    19  order to receive assisted outpatient treatment.
    20     "Assisted outpatient treatment."  Any of the following

     1  categories of outpatient services which have been ordered by the
     2  court pursuant to section 305-A:
     3     (1)  Case management services or assertive community
     4  treatment team services to provide care coordination.
     5     (2)  Medication.
     6     (3)  Periodic blood tests or urinalysis to determine
     7  compliance with prescribed medications.
     8     (4)  Individual or group therapy.
     9     (5)  Day or partial programming activities.
    10     (6)  Educational and vocational training or activities.
    11     (7)  Alcohol or substance abuse treatment and counseling and
    12  periodic tests for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs for
    13  persons with a history of alcohol or substance abuse.
    14     (8)  Supervision of living arrangements.
    15     (9)  Any other services within an individualized treatment
    16  plan developed pursuant to Article I prescribed to treat the
    17  person's mental illness and to assist the person in living and
    18  functioning in the community, or to attempt to prevent a relapse
    19  or deterioration that may reasonably be predicted to result in
    20  suicide or the need for hospitalization.
    21     "Assisted outpatient treatment program" or "program."  A
    22  system to arrange for and coordinate the provision of assisted
    23  outpatient treatment, to monitor treatment compliance by
    24  assisted outpatients, to evaluate the condition or needs of
    25  assisted outpatients, to take appropriate steps to address the
    26  needs of assisted outpatients and to ensure compliance with
    27  court orders.
    28     "Director."  The director of a hospital licensed or operated
    29  by the Department of Public Welfare which operates, directs and
    30  supervises an assisted outpatient treatment program, or the
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     1  county administrator which operates, directs and supervises an
     2  assisted outpatient treatment program.
     3     "Program coordinator."  An individual appointed under section
     4  302-A(a), who is responsible for the oversight and monitoring of
     5  assisted outpatient treatment programs.
     6     "Subject of the petition" or "subject."  A person who is
     7  alleged in a petition, filed pursuant to the provisions of
     8  section 305-A, to meet the criteria for assisted outpatient
     9  treatment.
    10     Section 302-A.  Program Coordinators to be Appointed.--(a)
    11  Duty of Secretary.--The Secretary of Public Welfare shall
    12  appoint program coordinators of assisted outpatient treatment,
    13  who shall be responsible for the oversight and monitoring of
    14  assisted outpatient treatment programs established pursuant to
    15  section 305-A. County administrators shall work in conjunction
    16  with the program coordinators to coordinate the implementation
    17  of assisted outpatient treatment programs.
    18     (b)  Oversight and Monitoring Duties.--The oversight and
    19  monitoring role of the program coordinator of the assisted
    20  outpatient treatment program shall include each of the
    21  following:
    22     (1)  That each assisted outpatient receives the treatment
    23  provided for in the court order issued pursuant to section 305-
    24  A.
    25     (2)  That existing services located in the assisted
    26  outpatient's community are utilized whenever practicable.
    27     (3)  That a case manager or assertive community treatment
    28  team is designated for each assisted outpatient.
    29     (4)  That a mechanism exists for a case manager, or assertive
    30  community treatment team, to regularly report the assisted
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     1  outpatient's compliance, or lack of compliance with treatment,
     2  to the director of the assisted outpatient treatment program.
     3     (5)  That assisted outpatient treatment services are
     4  delivered in a timely manner.
     5     (c)  Standards to be Developed.--The Secretary of Public
     6  Welfare shall develop standards designed to ensure that case
     7  managers or assertive community treatment teams have appropriate
     8  training and have clinically manageable caseloads designed to
     9  provide effective case management or other care coordination
    10  services for persons subject to a court order under section 305-
    11  A.
    12     (d)  Corrective Action to be Taken.--Upon review or receiving
    13  notice that services are not being delivered in a timely manner,
    14  the program coordinator shall require the director of the
    15  assisted outpatient treatment program to immediately commence
    16  corrective action and inform the program coordinator of the
    17  corrective action taken. Failure of a director to take
    18  corrective action shall be reported by the program coordinator
    19  to the Secretary of Public Welfare as well as to the court which
    20  ordered the assisted outpatient treatment.
    21     Section 303-A.  Duties of County Administrators.--Each county
    22  administrator shall be responsible for the filing of petitions
    23  for assisted outpatient treatment pursuant to section 305-A, for
    24  the receipt and investigation of reports of persons who are
    25  alleged to be in need of that treatment and for coordinating the
    26  delivery of court ordered services with program coordinators,
    27  appointed by the Secretary of Public Welfare pursuant to section
    28  302-A(a). In discharge of the duties imposed by section 305-A,
    29  directors of community services may provide services directly,
    30  or may coordinate services with the offices of the Secretary of
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     1  Public Welfare or may contract with any public or private
     2  provider to provide services for assisted outpatient treatment
     3  programs as may be necessary to carry out the duties imposed
     4  pursuant to this article.
     5     Section 304-A.  Directors of Assisted Outpatient Treatment
     6  Programs.--(a)  General Duties.--(1)  Directors of assisted
     7  outpatient treatment programs established pursuant to section
     8  305-A shall provide a written report to the program
     9  coordinators, appointed by the Secretary of Public Welfare
    10  pursuant to section 302-A(a), within three days of the issuance
    11  of a court order. The report shall demonstrate that mechanisms
    12  are in place to ensure the delivery of services and medications
    13  as required by the court order and shall include, but not be
    14  limited to, the following:
    15     (i)  A copy of the court order.
    16     (ii)  A copy of the written treatment plan.
    17     (iii)  The identity of the case manager or assertive
    18  community treatment team, including the name and contact data of
    19  the organization which the case manager or assertive community
    20  treatment team member represents.
    21     (iv)  The identity of providers of services.
    22     (v)  The date on which services have commenced or will
    23  commence.
    24     (2)  The directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs
    25  shall ensure the timely delivery of services described in
    26  section 305-A pursuant to any court order issued thereunder.
    27  Directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs shall
    28  immediately commence corrective action upon receiving notice
    29  from program coordinators, that services are not being provided
    30  in a timely manner and the directors shall inform the program
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     1  coordinator of the corrective action taken.
     2     (b)  Quarterly Reports to Program Coordinators.--Directors of
     3  assisted outpatient treatment programs shall submit quarterly
     4  reports to the program coordinators regarding the assisted
     5  outpatient treatment program operated or administered by them.
     6  The report shall include the following information:
     7     (1)  The names of individuals served by the program.
     8     (2)  The percentage of petitions for assisted outpatient
     9  treatment that are granted by the court.
    10     (3)  Any change in status of assisted outpatients, including,
    11  but not limited to, the number of individuals who have failed to
    12  comply with court ordered assisted outpatient treatment.
    13     (4)  A description of material changes in written treatment
    14  plans of assisted outpatients.
    15     (5)  Any change in case managers.
    16     (6)  A description of the categories of services which have
    17  been ordered by the court.
    18     (7)  Living arrangements of individuals served by the program
    19  including the number, if any, who are homeless.
    20     (8)  Any other information as required by the Secretary of
    21  Public Welfare.
    22     (9)  Any recommendations to improve the program Statewide or
    23  locally.
    24     Section 305-A.  Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program.--(a)
    25  Director to Obtain Approval From Secretary.--A director may
    26  operate, direct and supervise an assisted outpatient treatment
    27  program as provided in this section, upon approval by the
    28  Secretary of Public Welfare. The county administrator shall
    29  operate, direct and supervise an assisted outpatient treatment
    30  program as provided in this section, upon approval by the
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     1  Secretary of Public Welfare. County Administrators shall be
     2  permitted to satisfy the provisions of this article through the
     3  operation of joint assisted outpatient treatment programs.
     4  Nothing in this article shall be construed to preclude the
     5  combination or coordination of efforts between and among
     6  counties and hospitals in providing and coordinating assisted
     7  outpatient treatment.
     8     (b)  Criteria for Assisted Outpatient Treatment.--A patient
     9  may be ordered to obtain assisted outpatient treatment if the
    10  court finds of the following:
    11     (1)  The patient is 18 years of age or older.
    12     (2)  The patient is suffering from a mental illness.
    13     (3)  The patient is unlikely to survive safely in the
    14  community without supervision, based on a clinical
    15  determination.
    16     (4)  The patient has a history of lack of compliance with
    17  treatment for mental illness that has:
    18     (i)  at least twice within the preceding 36 months been a
    19  significant factor in necessitating hospitalization in a
    20  hospital, or receipt of services in a forensic or other mental
    21  health unit of a correctional facility, not including any period
    22  during which the person was hospitalized or imprisoned
    23  immediately preceding the filing of the petition; or
    24     (ii)  resulted in one or more acts of serious violent
    25  behavior toward self or others or threats of, or attempts at,
    26  serious physical harm to self or others within the preceding 48
    27  months, not including any period in which the person was
    28  hospitalized or imprisoned immediately preceding the filing of
    29  the petition.
    30     (5)  The patient is, as a result of the patient's mental
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     1  illness, unlikely to voluntarily participate in the recommended
     2  treatment pursuant to the treatment plan.
     3     (6)  In view of the patient's treatment history and current
     4  behavior, the patient is in need of assisted outpatient
     5  treatment in order to prevent a relapse or deterioration which
     6  would be likely to pose a clear and present danger of harm to
     7  others or to himself as determined under section 301.
     8     (7)  It is likely that the patient will benefit from assisted
     9  outpatient treatment.
    10     (c)  Petition to the Court.--(1)  A petition for an order
    11  authorizing assisted outpatient treatment may be filed in the
    12  court of common pleas of the county in which the subject of the
    13  petition is present or reasonably believed to be present. A
    14  petition to obtain an order authorizing assisted outpatient
    15  treatment may be initiated only by the following persons:
    16     (i)  a person 18 years of age or older with whom the subject
    17  of the petition resides; or
    18     (ii)  the parent, spouse, sibling 18 years of age or older,
    19  or child 18 years of age or older of the subject of the
    20  petition; or
    21     (iii)  the director of the facility in which the subject of
    22  the petition is hospitalized; or
    23     (iv)  the director of any public or charitable organization,
    24  agency or home providing mental health services to the subject
    25  of the petition in whose institution the subject of the petition
    26  resides; or
    27     (v)  a qualified psychiatrist who is either supervising the
    28  treatment of or treating the subject of the petition for a
    29  mental illness; or
    30     (vi)  the county administrator, or his designee; or
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     1     (vii)  a parole officer or probation officer assigned to
     2  supervise the subject of the petition.
     3     (2)  The petition shall state:
     4     (i)  Each of the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment
     5  as set forth in subsection (b).
     6     (ii)  The facts which support the petitioner's belief that
     7  the person who is the subject of the petition meets each
     8  criterion, provided that the hearing on the petition need not be
     9  limited to the stated facts.
    10     (iii)  That the subject of the petition is present, or is
    11  reasonably believed to be present, within the county where the
    12  petition is filed.
    13     (3)  The petition shall be accompanied by an affirmation or
    14  affidavit of a physician, who shall not be the petitioner, and
    15  shall state either that:
    16     (i)  The physician has personally examined the person who is
    17  the subject of the petition not more than ten days prior to the
    18  submission of the petition, recommends assisted outpatient
    19  treatment for the subject of the petition, and is willing and
    20  able to testify at the hearing on the petition.
    21     (ii)  Not more than ten days prior to the filing of the
    22  petition, the physician or his designee has made appropriate
    23  attempts to elicit the cooperation of the subject of the
    24  petition but has not been successful in persuading the subject
    25  to submit to an examination, that the physician has reason to
    26  suspect that the subject of the petition meets the criteria for
    27  assisted outpatient treatment, and that the physician is willing
    28  and able to examine the subject of the petition and testify at
    29  the hearing on the petition.
    30     (d)  Right to Counsel.--The subject of the petition shall
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     1  have the right to be represented by counsel at the expense of
     2  the subject of the petition, at all stages of a proceeding
     3  commenced under this section.
     4     (e)  Hearing.--(1)  Upon receipt by the court of the petition
     5  submitted pursuant to subsection (c), the court shall fix the
     6  date for a hearing at a time not later than three days from the
     7  date the petition is received by the court, excluding Saturdays,
     8  Sundays and holidays. Adjournments shall be permitted only for
     9  good cause shown. In granting adjournments, the court shall
    10  consider the need for further examination by a physician or the
    11  potential need to provide assisted outpatient treatment
    12  expeditiously.
    13     (2)  The court shall cause the subject of the petition, the
    14  petitioner, the physician whose affirmation or affidavit
    15  accompanied the petition, the appropriate director, and such
    16  other persons as the court may determine to be advised of the
    17  date for the hearing.
    18     (3)  Upon the date for the hearing, or upon such other date
    19  to which the proceeding may be adjourned, the court shall hear
    20  testimony and, if it be deemed advisable and the subject of the
    21  petition is available, examine the subject alleged to be in need
    22  of assisted outpatient treatment in or out of court.
    23     (4)  If the subject of the petition does not appear at the
    24  hearing, and appropriate attempts to elicit the attendance of
    25  the subject have failed, the court may conduct the hearing in
    26  the subject's absence. If the hearing is conducted without the
    27  subject of the petition present, the court shall set forth the
    28  factual basis for conducting the hearing without the presence of
    29  the subject of the petition.
    30     (5)  The court may not order assisted outpatient treatment
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     1  unless an examining physician, who has personally examined the
     2  subject of the petition within the time period commencing ten
     3  days before the filing of the petition, testifies in person at
     4  the hearing.
     5     (6)  If the subject of the petition has refused to be
     6  examined by a physician, the court may request the subject to
     7  consent to an examination by a physician appointed by the court.
     8  If the subject of the petition does not consent and the court
     9  finds reasonable cause to believe that the allegations in the
    10  petition are true, the court may order law enforcement officers
    11  or of a sheriff's department to take the subject of the petition
    12  into custody and transport him to a hospital for examination by
    13  a physician. Retention of the subject of the petition under the
    14  order shall not exceed 24 hours.
    15     (7)  The examination of the subject of the petition may be
    16  performed by the physician whose affirmation or affidavit
    17  accompanied the petition, if the physician is privileged by the
    18  hospital or otherwise authorized by the hospital to do so. If
    19  the examination is performed by another physician of the
    20  hospital, the examining physician shall be authorized to consult
    21  with the physician whose affirmation or affidavit accompanied
    22  the petition regarding the issues of whether the allegations in
    23  the petition are true and whether the subject meets the criteria
    24  for assisted outpatient treatment.
    25     (8)  A physician who testifies pursuant to paragraph (5)
    26  shall state the facts which support the allegation that the
    27  subject meets each of the criteria for assisted outpatient
    28  treatment, and the treatment is the least restrictive
    29  alternative, the recommended assisted outpatient treatment, and
    30  the rationale for the recommended assisted outpatient treatment.
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     1  If the recommended assisted outpatient treatment includes
     2  medication, the physician's testimony shall describe the types
     3  or classes of medication which should be authorized, shall
     4  describe the beneficial and detrimental physical and mental
     5  effects of the medication, and shall recommend whether the
     6  medication should be self-administered or administered by
     7  authorized personnel.
     8     (9)  The subject of the petition shall be afforded an
     9  opportunity to present evidence, to call witnesses on behalf of
    10  the subject, and to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
    11     (f)  Written Individualized Treatment Plan.--(1) (i)  The
    12  court may not order assisted outpatient treatment unless an
    13  examining physician appointed by the appropriate director
    14  develops and provides to the court a proposed written
    15  individualized treatment plan. The written individualized
    16  treatment plan shall include case management services or
    17  assertive community treatment teams to provide care
    18  coordination, and all categories of services which the physician
    19  recommends that the subject of the petition should receive.
    20     (ii)  If the written individualized treatment plan includes
    21  medication, it shall state whether the medication should be
    22  self-administered or administered by authorized personnel, and
    23  shall specify type and dosage range of medication most likely to
    24  provide maximum benefit for the subject.
    25     (iii)  If the written individualized treatment plan includes
    26  alcohol or substance abuse counseling and treatment, the plan
    27  may include a provision requiring relevant testing for either
    28  alcohol or illegal substances provided the physician's clinical
    29  basis for recommending the plan provides sufficient facts for
    30  the court to find:
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     1     (A)  That the person has a history of alcohol or substance
     2  abuse that is clinically related to the mental illness.
     3     (B)  That the testing is necessary to prevent a relapse or
     4  deterioration which would be likely to result in serious harm to
     5  the person or others.
     6     (iv)  In developing the plan, the physician shall provide the
     7  following persons with an opportunity to actively participate in
     8  the development of the plan: the subject of the petition; the
     9  treating physician; and upon the request of the patient, an
    10  individual significant to the patient including any relative,
    11  close friend or individual otherwise concerned with the welfare
    12  of the patient. If the petitioner is a director, the plan shall
    13  be provided to the court no later than the date of the hearing
    14  on the petition.
    15     (2)  The court shall not order assisted outpatient treatment
    16  unless a physician testifies to explain the written proposed
    17  treatment plan. The testimony shall state:
    18     (i)  The categories of assisted outpatient treatment
    19  recommended.
    20     (ii)  The rationale for each category.
    21     (iii)  Facts which establish that the treatment is the least
    22  restrictive alternative.
    23     (iv)  If the recommended assisted outpatient treatment
    24  includes medication, the types or classes of medication
    25  recommended, the beneficial and detrimental physical and mental
    26  effects of the medication, and whether the medication should be
    27  self-administered or administered by an authorized professional.
    28  If the petitioner is a director the testimony shall be given at
    29  the hearing on the petition.
    30     (g)  Disposition.--(1)  If after hearing all relevant
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     1  evidence, the court finds that the subject of the petition does
     2  not meet the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment, the
     3  court shall dismiss the petition.
     4     (2)  If after hearing all relevant evidence, the court finds
     5  by clear and convincing evidence that the subject of the
     6  petition meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment,
     7  and there is no appropriate and feasible less restrictive
     8  alternative, the court shall be authorized to order the subject
     9  to receive assisted outpatient treatment for an initial period
    10  not to exceed six months. In fashioning the order, the court
    11  shall specifically make findings by clear and convincing
    12  evidence that the proposed treatment is the least restrictive
    13  treatment appropriate and feasible for the subject. The order
    14  shall state the categories of assisted outpatient treatment
    15  which the subject is to receive. The court may not order
    16  treatment that has not been recommended by the examining
    17  physician and included in the written treatment plan for
    18  assisted outpatient treatment as required by subsection (f).
    19     (3)  If after hearing all relevant evidence the court finds
    20  by clear and convincing evidence that the subject of the
    21  petition meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment,
    22  and the court has yet to be provided with a written
    23  individualized treatment plan and testimony pursuant to
    24  subsection (f), the court shall order the county administrator
    25  to provide the court with the plan and testimony no later than
    26  the third day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays,
    27  immediately following the date of the order. Upon receiving the
    28  plan and testimony, the court may order assisted outpatient
    29  treatment as provided in paragraph (2).
    30     (4)  A court may order the patient to self-administer
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     1  psychotropic drugs or accept the administration of the drugs by
     2  authorized personnel as part of an assisted outpatient treatment
     3  program. The order may specify the type and dosage range of
     4  psychotropic drugs and the order shall be effective for the
     5  duration of the assisted outpatient treatment.
     6     (5)  If the petitioner is the director of a hospital that
     7  operates an assisted outpatient treatment program, the court
     8  order shall direct the hospital director to provide or arrange
     9  for all categories of assisted outpatient treatment for the
    10  assisted outpatient throughout the period of the order. For all
    11  other persons, the order shall require the director of community
    12  services of the appropriate local governmental unit to provide
    13  or arrange for all categories of assisted outpatient treatment
    14  for the assisted outpatient throughout the period of the order.
    15     (6)  The director or his designee shall apply to the court
    16  for approval before instituting a proposed material change in
    17  the assisted outpatient treatment order unless the change is
    18  contemplated in the order. Nonmaterial changes may be instituted
    19  by the assisted outpatient treatment program without court
    20  approval. For the purposes of this paragraph, a material change
    21  shall mean an addition or deletion of a category of assisted
    22  outpatient treatment from the order of the court, or any
    23  deviation without the patient's consent from the terms of an
    24  existing order relating to the administration of psychotropic
    25  drugs.
    26     (h)  Applications for Additional Periods of Treatment.--If
    27  the director determines that the condition of the patient
    28  requires further assisted out patient treatment, the director
    29  shall apply prior to the expiration of the period of assisted
    30  outpatient treatment ordered by the court for a second or
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     1  subsequent order authorizing continued assisted outpatient
     2  treatment for a period not to exceed one year from the date of
     3  the order. The procedures for obtaining any order pursuant to
     4  this subsection shall be in accordance with this section,
     5  provided that the time period included in subsection (b)(4)(i)
     6  and (ii) shall not be applicable in determining the
     7  appropriateness of additional periods of assisted outpatient
     8  treatment. Any court order requiring periodic blood tests or
     9  urinalysis for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs shall be
    10  subject to review after six months by the physician who
    11  developed the written individualized treatment plan or another
    12  physician designated by the director, and the physician shall be
    13  authorized to terminate the blood tests or urinalysis without
    14  further action by the court.
    15     (i)  Application for an Order to Stay, Vacate or Modify.--In
    16  addition to any other right or remedy available by law with
    17  respect to the order for assisted outpatient treatment, the
    18  patient, the patient's counsel, or anyone acting on the
    19  patient's behalf may apply on notice to the appropriate director
    20  and the original petitioner, to the court to stay, vacate or
    21  modify the order.
    22     (j)  Appeals.--Review of an order issued pursuant to this
    23  section shall be had in like manner as specified in section 303.
    24     (k)  Failure to Comply with Assisted Outpatient Treatment.--
    25  (1)  Where in the clinical judgment of a physician, the patient
    26  has failed or has refused to comply with the treatment ordered
    27  by the court, and in the physician's clinical judgment, efforts
    28  were made to solicit compliance, and, in the clinical judgment
    29  of the physician, the patient may be in need of treatment under
    30  section 302 or 303, the physician may request the director, the
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     1  director's designee to direct the removal of the patient to an
     2  appropriate hospital for an examination to determine if the
     3  patient has a mental illness for which hospitalization is
     4  necessary.
     5     (2)  If the patient refuses to take medications as required
     6  by the court order, or he refuses to take, or fails a blood
     7  test, urinalysis, or alcohol or drug test as required by the
     8  court order, the physician may consider that refusal or failure
     9  when determining whether the assisted outpatient is in need of
    10  an examination to determine whether he has a mental illness for
    11  which hospitalization is necessary.
    12     (3)  Upon the request of the physician, the director or the
    13  director's designee may direct law enforcement officers or the
    14  sheriff's department to take into custody and transport the
    15  patient to the hospital operating the assisted outpatient
    16  treatment program or to any hospital authorized by the director
    17  of community services to receive such patients. The law
    18  enforcement officials shall carry out the directive.
    19     (4)  Upon the request of the physician, the director, or the
    20  director's designee, the court may authorize the patient to be
    21  taken into custody and transported to the hospital operating the
    22  assisted outpatient treatment program, or to any other hospital
    23  authorized by the county administrator to receive such patients
    24  in accordance with section 306. The patient may be retained for
    25  observation, care and treatment and further examination in the
    26  hospital for up to 72 hours to permit a physician to determine
    27  whether the patient has a mental illness and is in need of
    28  involuntary care and treatment in a hospital pursuant to this
    29  act. Any continued involuntary retention in the hospital beyond
    30  the initial 72-hour period shall be in accordance with this act
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     1  relating to the involuntary admission and retention of a person.
     2  If at any time during the 72-hour period the person is
     3  determined not to meet the involuntary admission and retention
     4  provisions of this act, and does not agree to stay in the
     5  hospital as a voluntary or informal patient, he shall be
     6  released. Failure to comply with an order of assisted outpatient
     7  treatment shall not be grounds for involuntary civil commitment
     8  or a finding of contempt of court.
     9     (l)  False Petition.--A person making a false statement or
    10  providing false information or false testimony in a petition or
    11  hearing under this section is subject to criminal prosecution
    12  pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 4903 (relating to false swearing).
    13     (m)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
    14  construed to affect the ability of the director of a hospital to
    15  receive, admit, or retain patients who otherwise meet the
    16  provisions of this act regarding receipt, retention or
    17  admission.
    18     (n)  Educational Materials.--The Department of Public
    19  Welfare, in consultation with the county administrator, shall
    20  prepare educational and training materials on the use of this
    21  section, which shall be made available to county providers of
    22  services, judges, court personnel, law enforcement officials and
    23  the general public.
    24     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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