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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2025



No. 1532 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Creating programs to provide loans and grants to renovate
     2     blighted buildings, to convert obsolete buildings, to build
     3     infill housing, to build low-cost rental housing and to
     4     modernize public housing; providing for the powers and duties
     5     of the Department of Community Affairs regarding the
     6     programs; and providing for the use of a portion of the
     7     realty transfer tax to fund the programs.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Housing
    12  Initiative Law.
    13  Section 2.  Findings and declaration of policy.
    14     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds and declares as
    15  follows:
    16         (1)  Many households live at the poverty income level or
    17     below, and such households need financial assistance to
    18     ensure their ability to pay for decent housing.
    19         (2)  Homelessness caused by inability to afford housing
    20     has been the experience of thousands of this Commonwealth's

     1     residents, and it is growing.
     2         (3)  Many households are living in overcrowded housing
     3     and need a larger housing unit to accommodate their families.
     4         (4)  Substandard housing units need to be rehabilitated
     5     or replaced.
     6         (5)  The median price of a home has increased
     7     substantially faster than the median household income,
     8     contributing to the growing problem of housing affordability.
     9         (6)  Median gross rents have increased at a greater rate
    10     than the increase in household income.
    11     (b)  Declaration of policy.--It is declared to be the policy
    12  of this Commonwealth to promote the health, safety and welfare
    13  of its inhabitants by providing for State assistance to provide
    14  affordable housing for the renovation of blighted buildings, the
    15  conversion of obsolete buildings, the construction of single-
    16  family and multifamily housing and the modernization of public
    17  housing.
    18  Section 3.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "DCA."  The Department of Community Affairs of the
    23  Commonwealth.
    24     "Deferred loan."  A loan secured by a mortgage, the payment
    25  of which is due only upon the sale, devise or other transfer of
    26  the property described in the mortgage.
    27     "Housing and redevelopment assistance program funds."  Funds
    28  distributed by DCA pursuant to the act of May 20, 1949
    29  (P.L.1633, No.493), known as the Housing and Redevelopment
    30  Assistance Law.
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     1     "Housing authority."  A housing authority created pursuant to
     2  the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265), known as the Housing
     3  Authorities Law.
     4     "Local governments and their instrumentalities."  A county,
     5  city, borough, incorporated town or township and a redevelopment
     6  authority created pursuant to the act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991,
     7  No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law.
     8     "Low-income and moderate-income households."  Families and
     9  persons who cannot afford to pay, without the assistance of this
    10  act, the costs charged by private enterprise, for decent, safe
    11  and sanitary housing. The income limits for admission of
    12  families and persons to the programs set forth in this act shall
    13  be the limits established pursuant to rules and regulations of
    14  DCA.
    15     "Median area income."  The median income for the locality as
    16  defined annually by the United States Department of Housing and
    17  Urban Development.
    18     "Total development costs."  The sum total of all costs
    19  incurred in the development of a project which are approved by
    20  DCA as reasonable and necessary. These costs shall include, but
    21  are not necessarily limited to the following:
    22         (1)  The cost of land acquisition and any buildings
    23     thereon.
    24         (2)  The cost of site preparation, demolition and
    25     development.
    26         (3)  Architect, engineer and legal fees paid or payable
    27     in connection with the planning, execution and financing of
    28     the project.
    29         (4)  The cost of necessary studies, surveys, plans and
    30     permits.
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     1         (5)  Insurance, interest, financing, tax and assessment
     2     costs and other operating and carrying costs during
     3     construction.
     4         (6)  The cost of construction, reconstruction, fixtures
     5     and equipment related to the real property.
     6         (7)  The cost of land improvements.
     7         (8)  Necessary expenses in connection with initial
     8     occupancy of the project.
     9         (9)  A reasonable profit or fee to the builder and
    10     developer.
    11         (10)  An allowance established by DCA for working capital
    12     and contingency reserves, and reserved for any anticipated
    13     operating deficits during the first two years of occupancy.
    14         (11)  The cost of such other items, including tenant
    15     relocation, as DCA determines to be reasonable and necessary
    16     for the development of the project, less any and all net
    17     rents and other net revenues received as a result of
    18     operating real and personal property on the project site
    19     during construction.
    20  All costs shall be subject to approval and audit by the agency.
    21  DCA may adopt rules and regulations specifying in detail the
    22  types and categories of costs which shall be allowable if
    23  actually incurred in the construction or reconstruction of a
    24  project.
    25  Section 4.  Affordable Homeownership Program.
    26     (a)  Purpose.--The Affordable Homeownership Program will deal
    27  directly with the problem facing many of this Commonwealth's
    28  residents who are attempting to buy their first home. This
    29  program will provide subsidies in the form of deferred mortgage
    30  loans to eligible households in approved areas and to projects.
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     1     (b)  Eligible properties.--An eligible property under this
     2  program must be a permanent structure used for year-round
     3  residential use. Eligible properties may include single units of
     4  newly constructed housing or newly rehabilitated units which
     5  have been previously unoccupied. For the purpose of this
     6  program, single-family units, cooperatives, townhomes and
     7  condominiums shall be considered as types of eligible units. All
     8  such units shall be eligible only if the owner establishes and
     9  maintains the unit as his principal residence.
    10     (c)  Eligible borrowers.--The determination of eligible
    11  households under this program shall be established by DCA based
    12  upon household incomes that are no greater than 115% of the
    13  median area income. Households with incomes of 80% of the median
    14  area income shall be eligible and receive a priority in the
    15  criteria of selection developed by DCA. DCA may exceed the 115%
    16  of median limit in areas of extreme economic distress or high
    17  cost, but only to the extent that these households comprise less
    18  than 50% of the application.
    19     (d)  Loan terms and conditions.--The subsidy limit under this
    20  program shall be 33% of total development cost, except in cases
    21  of low-income households, where the limit shall be 50%. The loan
    22  to the homebuyer shall be deferred and is due upon sale, devise
    23  or other transfer of the property. Grants of up to $5,000 per
    24  housing unit will be available to make handicapped accessibility
    25  improvements.
    26     (e)  Administration.--DCA shall be responsible for the
    27  overall administration of the program.
    28     (f)  Allocation of funds.--Funds appropriated for this
    29  program shall be distributed on a competitive basis to local
    30  governments and their instrumentalities, which shall administer
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     1  the program locally. Funds shall be available to localities
     2  based upon criteria developed by DCA. The application process
     3  and the distribution of funds shall be accomplished in the same
     4  manner that Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program Funds
     5  are distributed.
     6     (g)  Administration.--Up to 20% of the available program
     7  funding shall be administered directly by DCA. DCA, however, may
     8  delegate, assign or subcontract the implementation activity to
     9  another department, agency or instrumentality. The funds shall
    10  be awarded on a project-by-project basis, based upon an
    11  application, review and selection process established by DCA, or
    12  its designee.
    13     (h)  Repayment of program funds.--Any program funds repaid to
    14  the locality, or to DCA or its designee, shall be returned to
    15  the program account and shall be used to make additional loans.
    16  Section 5.  Home Improvement Loan Program.
    17     (a)  Purpose.--The Home Improvement Loan Program will provide
    18  home improvement loans at affordable interest rates to low-
    19  income and moderate-income homeowners. Loans or grants for
    20  emergency repairs is also a component of this program.
    21     (b)  Eligible activities.--Eligible costs for funds under
    22  this program include interest rate subsidies, front-end-write-
    23  down grants, emergency grants and administrative costs
    24  associated directly with program implementation.
    25     (c)  Eligible borrowers.--Eligibility under this program
    26  shall be limited to households whose incomes are 80% or less of
    27  median area income. DCA may waive this limitation if the
    28  applicant provides sufficient documentation that funds will be
    29  utilized for a targeted area of economic distress, and in such
    30  case, assistance may be provided to improve the units of
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     1  homeowners with incomes in excess of 80% of the median area
     2  income.
     3     (d)  Loan-terms and conditions.--
     4         (1)  Maximum home improvement loans or grants shall be
     5     $15,000.
     6         (2)  Maximum emergency loans or grants shall be $5,000.
     7     (e)  Administration.--DCA shall be responsible for the
     8  overall administration of this program.
     9     (f)  Allocation of funds.--The funds appropriated for the
    10  program shall be distributed on a competitive basis to local
    11  governments and their instrumentalities, which shall administer
    12  the program locally. The funds shall be available to localities
    13  based upon criteria developed by DCA. The application process
    14  and the distribution of the funds shall be accomplished in the
    15  same manner that Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program
    16  funds are distributed.
    17     (g)  Administration.--Up to 20% of the available program
    18  funding shall be administered directly by DCA. DCA, however, may
    19  delegate, assign or subcontract the implementation activity to
    20  another department, agency or instrumentality. The funds shall
    21  be awarded on a project-by-project basis, based upon an
    22  application, review and selection process established by DCA or
    23  its designee.
    24     (h)  Repayment of funds.--Any program funds repaid to the
    25  locality, or to DCA or its designee, shall be returned to the
    26  program account and shall be used to make additional loans or
    27  grants.
    28  Section 6.  Rental Housing Production Program.
    29     (a)  Purpose.--The Rental Housing Production Program is
    30  designed to stimulate the production of affordable housing and
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     1  to stimulate the rehabilitation of existing rental housing
     2  throughout this Commonwealth. The program provides a flexible
     3  source of funding for the acquisition, construction and
     4  rehabilitation of housing for low-income and moderate-income
     5  households.
     6     (b)  Eligible activities.--Funds available under this program
     7  can be used for the acquisition of property, site preparation
     8  and development, rehabilitation costs and new construction
     9  costs; architectural, engineering and other development-related
    10  costs. In addition, program funds can be used as matching funds
    11  for other Federal, State or local needs. The funds can also be
    12  used for capital write down or mortgage assistance, or for
    13  creation of sinking fund accounts or assisted rental payment
    14  accounts.
    15     (c)  Eligible borrowers.--Eligible borrowers shall include
    16  any for-profit developers, nonprofit housing organization and
    17  housing cooperatives.
    18     (d)  Loan terms and conditions.--Funds shall be provided to
    19  the borrowers in the form of grants, deferred loans or
    20  amortizing loans depending on the type and nature of the
    21  project. Grants shall be available to defray the costs of making
    22  units accessible to handicapped persons. Either deferred loans
    23  or amortizing loans shall be used, depending on the percentage
    24  of low-income or very-low-income households to be served. The
    25  loan rates and terms for program funds shall be tied to the
    26  number of low-income units to be provided. For each project, a
    27  minimum of 51% of a project's units must be served for
    28  households earning less than 80% of the median income in the
    29  project jurisdiction.
    30     (e)  Administration.--DCA shall be responsible for the
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     1  overall administration of this program.
     2     (f)  Allocation of funds.--Funds appropriated for this
     3  program shall be distributed on a competitive bases to local
     4  governments and their instrumentalities, which shall administer
     5  the program locally. The funds shall be available to localities
     6  based upon criteria developed by DCA. The funds may be used for
     7  total development costs. The application process and the
     8  distribution of funds shall be accomplished in the same manner
     9  that Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program funds are
    10  distributed. Up to 20% of the available program funding shall be
    11  administered directly by DCA. The department, however, may
    12  delegate, assign or subcontract implementation activity to
    13  another department, agency or instrumentality. The funds shall
    14  be awarded on a project-by-project basis, based upon an
    15  application, review and selection process established by DCA, or
    16  its designee.
    17     (g)  Repayment of funds.--Any program funds repaid to the
    18  locality, or to DCA or its designee, shall be returned to the
    19  program account and shall be used to make additional loans and
    20  grants.
    21  Section 7.  Public Housing Modernization Program.
    22     (a)  Purpose.--The Public Housing Modernization Program is
    23  designed to provide adequate funding to modernize and
    24  rehabilitate existing public housing facilities and to construct
    25  new public housing facilities.
    26     (b)  Eligible activities.--Fifty percent of the funds
    27  available under this program shall be used to finance the
    28  rehabilitation and modernization of existing public housing
    29  facilities, including energy conservation activities, and the
    30  correction of building code deficiencies. The remaining 50% of
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     1  funding shall be used to finance capital improvement programs.
     2  The project application shall be subject to review and
     3  concurrence by local tenant management organizations.
     4     (c)  Eligible borrowers.--All housing authorities in this
     5  Commonwealth are eligible to participate in this program. The
     6  application shall be subject to review and concurrence by the
     7  local municipality.
     8     (d)  Loan terms and conditions.--Funds provided to housing
     9  authorities under this program shall be in the form of a grant.
    10  Funds provided for modernization activities must be used in
    11  conjunction with matching Federal funds. The requirement for
    12  matching Federal funds may be waived for housing authorities
    13  with less than 5,000 units.
    14     (e)  Administration.--DCA shall be responsible for the
    15  overall administration of this program.
    16     (f)  Allocation of funds.--The funds for this program shall
    17  be awarded to housing authorities on a competitive basis after
    18  an application, review and selection process established by DCA.
    19  Section 8.  Nonprofit Organization Technical Assistance and
    20                 Operating Assistance Program.
    21     (a)  Purpose.--The Nonprofit Organization Technical
    22  Assistance and Operating Assistance Program is designed to
    23  increase the number and the capacity of nonprofit housing
    24  organizations. This program is targeted to organizations that
    25  are engaged in housing development and housing services which
    26  meet the needs of low-income and moderate-income households.
    27     (b)  Eligible activities.--Funds provided under this program
    28  may be used by nonprofit organizations for operating expenses
    29  and as working capital for project developments. Eligible
    30  operating expenses shall include such terms as staff salaries
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     1  and related costs, equipment purchase or leasing, office space
     2  rental and professional services. Working capital expenses shall
     3  include project development costs attributable to a particular
     4  housing development project.
     5     (c)  Eligible borrowers.--Organizations eligible to receive
     6  assistance under this program shall include any Pennsylvania-
     7  based nonprofit corporation or entity that is authorized to
     8  provide housing or housing-related services. Community-wide, or
     9  neighborhood-based organizations, as well as housing
    10  cooperatives, shall be eligible.
    11     (d)  Loan and grant terms and conditions.--Of the funds
    12  appropriated for this program, 50% of the available funds shall
    13  be allocated for operating expenses and 50% shall be allocated
    14  for use as working capital expenses. Funds provided for
    15  operating expenses shall be in the form of grants. Grants shall
    16  be limited to 50% of the total operating expenses of an
    17  organization. Working capital funds shall be provided in the
    18  form of loans to the nonprofit organizations. The loan shall be
    19  provided as an advance of funds for a particular housing
    20  development project. The loans shall be provided at no interest
    21  and shall be payable upon the closing or completion of the
    22  housing development.
    23     (e)  Administration.--DCA shall be responsible for the
    24  overall administration of this program.
    25     (f)  Allocation of funds.--Funds allocated for this program
    26  shall be awarded to nonprofit organizations on a competitive
    27  basis after an application, review and selection process
    28  established by DCA.
    29     (g)  Repayment of funds.--Any program funds repaid to the
    30  locality, or to DCA or its designee, shall be returned to the
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     1  program account and shall be used to make additional grants or
     2  loans.
     3  Section 9.  Housing Initiative Fund.
     4     Fifteen percent of the revenues generated by the tax imposed
     5  under Article XI-C of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2),
     6  known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, shall be placed in a
     7  separate fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Housing
     8  Initiative Fund. The moneys in the Housing Initiative Fund shall
     9  be used by the Department of Community Affairs to carry out the
    10  provisions of this act.
    11  Section 10.  Appropriation.
    12     The following sums from the House Initiative Fund are hereby
    13  appropriated to the Department of Community Affairs to carry out
    14  the provisions of this act:
    15     (1)  For the Affordable Homeownership Program..     9,500,000
    16     (2)  For the Home Improvement Loan Program.....     5,000,000
    17     (3)  For the Rental Housing Production Program.    10,000,000
    18     (4)  For the Public Housing Modernization
    19  Program...........................................     5,000,000
    20     (5)  For the Nonprofit Organization Technical
    21  Assistance and Operating Assistance Program.......     1,500,000
    22  Section 11.  Repeals.
    23     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    24  inconsistent with this act.
    25  Section 12.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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