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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2026



No. 1533 Session of 1990

           JONES, MARCH 20, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for cultural facilities; establishing the Cultural
     2     Facilities Board and providing for its powers and duties;
     3     providing for programs of loans and grants; establishing the
     4     Cultural Facilities Loan and Grant Fund; and providing for
     5     additional duties of the Department of Community Affairs and
     6     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

     7     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
     8         (1)  There are many cultural facilities throughout this
     9     Commonwealth which require extensive renovation and repair.
    10         (2)  Several communities throughout this Commonwealth
    11     would like to construct cultural facilities but lack adequate
    12     funding to do so.
    13         (3)  There is a need to make the arts and humanities and
    14     our rich historical legacy accessible to the residents of our
    15     Commonwealth and to tourists.
    16         (4)  It is essential that the Commonwealth promote
    17     cultural activities and one of the primary means to do that
    18     is through the proper financing of the construction and
    19     development of new cultural facilities and the restoration,

     1     repair, rehabilitation and preservation of existing cultural
     2     facilities.
     3         (5)  Cultural facilities provide regional meeting places
     4     for the residents of this Commonwealth to share with one
     5     another and residents from other states.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Cultural
    10  Facilities Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Board."  The Cultural Facilities Board.
    16     "Council."  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the
    17  Arts.
    18     "Cultural facility."  The building or physical location of a
    19  nonprofit organization or governmental agency whose primary
    20  purpose is the enlightenment and entertainment of the public
    21  through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement or
    22  preservation of art, music, theater, dance, history, natural
    23  history, history of science or technology and the disciplines of
    24  the humanities.
    25     "Department."  The Department of Community Affairs of the
    26  Commonwealth.
    27     "Fund."  The Cultural Facilities Loan and Grant Fund.
    28     "Project."  The costs associated with the acquisition,
    29  construction, improvement, expansion, extension, repair or
    30  rehabilitation of all or part of any cultural facility.
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     1  Section 3.  Powers and duties of department.
     2     The department shall:
     3         (1)  Review, in cooperation with the board, all grant and
     4     loan applications and cultural facility development plans or
     5     delegate the responsibility to the board to review all grant
     6     applications and cultural facility development plans.
     7         (2)  Give technical assistance and advice to the board in
     8     assessing the need for cultural facility projects in this
     9     Commonwealth.
    10         (3)  Allocate to the board the necessary moneys for
    11     grants, loans and day-to-day administrative responsibilities
    12     in carrying out this act and the rules and regulations
    13     promulgated under this act.
    14         (4)  Serve as the agency of the Commonwealth for the
    15     receipt of moneys which are available for cultural facilities
    16     or activities from the Federal Government or other public or
    17     private agencies or persons.
    18  Section 4.  Cultural Facilities Board.
    19     (a)  Establishment and membership.--There is hereby
    20  established the Cultural Facilities Board which shall consist of
    21  seven members. The Cultural Advisor to the Governor, the
    22  Chairman of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
    23  and the Chairman of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    24  Commission shall be ex officio members. Four members shall be
    25  appointed by the Governor. These four members shall be
    26  representatives of cultural institutions or organizations who
    27  have had at least five years' experience as board or staff
    28  members in the production, performance or management of
    29  artistic, cultural or historical activities in this
    30  Commonwealth.
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     1     (b)  Chairman.--The board shall select a chairman from its
     2  members every two years.
     3     (c)  Vacancies.--The Governor shall fill vacancies by
     4  appointment in the same manner as the original appointment.
     5  Members shall serve until their successors are appointed.
     6  Vacancies may occur through resignation or removal.
     7     (d)  Executive director.--The board shall appoint an
     8  executive director who shall attend to the administrative work
     9  of the board. The executive director shall serve at the pleasure
    10  of the board, which shall fix his compensation, subject to the
    11  approval of the Executive Board in accordance with section 709
    12  of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    13  Administrative Code of 1929. No member of the board or person
    14  who has served as a member of the board within one year shall be
    15  eligible for appointment as executive director.
    16     (e)  Attendance.--A member who fails to attend three
    17  consecutive meetings shall forfeit his seat unless the chairman
    18  of the board, upon request from the member, finds that the
    19  member should be excused from a meeting for good cause. All
    20  members of the board may designate a representative who will
    21  attend the meetings of the board. The name of the designated
    22  representative must be submitted to the board.
    23     (f)  Expenses.--Members shall receive reasonable travel,
    24  hotel and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance
    25  of their duties, in accordance with the rules of the Executive
    26  Board.
    27  Section 5.  Powers and duties of board.
    28     The board shall have and may exercise all powers necessary or
    29  appropriate to carry out and effectuate the purposes of this
    30  act, including, but not limited to, the following:
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     1         (1)  Conducting a survey prior to the issuance of any
     2     grants or loans under this act to assess the need for
     3     cultural facilities projects in this Commonwealth.
     4         (2)  Determining how these needs will be met before any
     5     grants or loans are issued.
     6         (3)  Establishing a grant and a loan application process.
     7         (4)  Consulting other State and Federal agencies that may
     8     be affected or involved in cultural facilities before a loan
     9     or grant is awarded.
    10         (5)  Awarding grants and making loans on a competitive
    11     basis for projects, based on the following criteria:
    12             (i)  Demonstration by the applicant of high-quality
    13         programming, administrative capabilities and long-term
    14         financial stability.
    15             (ii)  Submission of well-developed capital plans that
    16         indicate a significant level of local support.
    17             (iii)  Submission of plans for design review.
    18             (iv)  The ability to meet the eligibility standards
    19         for a project contained in section 6.
    20             (v)  Geographic considerations, including the amount
    21         of grant and loan moneys distributed in one area of this
    22         Commonwealth, the population, location, accessibility,
    23         need and attraction of the facility to the citizens of
    24         this Commonwealth and other states.
    25         (6)  Adopting rules and regulations for implementing and
    26     enforcing this act, including, but not limited to, grant and
    27     loan eligibility requirements and application procedures.
    28  Section 6.  Grant and loan programs.
    29     (a)  Eligibility.--To be eligible for a grant or a loan for a
    30  cultural facility project, the board of directors or governing
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     1  body of the applying organization shall:
     2         (1)  Maintain existing or propose to operate new
     3     facilities of sufficient State or regional significance. For
     4     a facility to be of sufficient State or regional
     5     significance, it shall have appropriate and requisite spaces,
     6     technical capabilities and professional management to present
     7     or produce programs, exhibitions and activities of artistic,
     8     cultural or historic significance; ensure that high-quality
     9     programs that serve broad and diverse regional audiences are
    10     presented; have the necessary display or seating capacity,
    11     staging, appurtenant production preparation spaces, auxiliary
    12     facilities, sound lighting and other technical features;
    13     management, marketing and maintenance support; convenient
    14     parking, to attract a wide variety of performing groups and
    15     to serve the citizens of this Commonwealth on a regional
    16     basis.
    17         (2)  Have in place a marketing feasibility study.
    18         (3)  Have in place a cultural facility development plan.
    19         (4)  Demonstrate the ability to match the grant or loan
    20     requested under this act in the following manner:
    21             (i)  generate $1 of nonpublic funds for every $1 of
    22         grant or loan money sought; and
    23             (ii)  generate $1 of non-State public funds for every
    24         $1 of grant or loan money sought.
    25     (b)  State assistance.--Moneys raised for project up to one
    26  year prior to the effective date of this act may be eligible for
    27  State assistance under the provisions of the matching grant and
    28  loan program. Under no circumstances will funds generated prior
    29  to that time qualify for a grant or a loan under this act.
    30     (c)  Limit on loans and grants.--No loan or grant amount
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     1  shall exceed $300,000 or 25% of the available grant or loan
     2  moneys each year. The board may establish a minimum grant
     3  amount.
     4     (d)  Allocation of grants.--A grant may be allocated over a
     5  three-year period but the cultural facility shall not receive
     6  more than 50% of the grant award in the first year.
     7     (e)  Loan period.--Loans made by the board shall be for a
     8  period of not more than five years, and any loan in the amount
     9  of $10,000 or less shall be for a period of not more than two
    10  years. Loans shall be subject to the payment of interest at 2%
    11  per annum and shall be subject to such security as the board
    12  determines is necessary. The total amount of interest earned by
    13  the investment or reinvestment of all or any part of the
    14  principal of any loan shall be returned to the department and
    15  transferred to the fund and shall not be credited as payment of
    16  principal or interest on the loan. The minimum amount of any
    17  loan shall be $5,000.
    18     (f)  Financial disclosure.--Every application for a loan or a
    19  grant under this act shall be accompanied by a notarized
    20  financial statement of the cultural facility and a financial
    21  plan to show the amount of assets and projected revenues for the
    22  repayment of the loan, the availability of the matching funds as
    23  required under this section, any other obligations of the
    24  cultural facility and the operating expense over the period of
    25  the grant or loan. In the case of a grant that is to be prorated
    26  over three years, the applying organization must certify each
    27  year that the matching grant moneys are available before the
    28  agreed-upon portion of the grant will be distributed.
    29  Section 7.  Cultural Facilities Loan and Grant Fund.
    30     (a)  Creation.--There is hereby created a special fund in the
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     1  State Treasury to be known as the Cultural Facilities Loan and
     2  Grant Fund to which shall be credited all appropriations made by
     3  the General Assembly and the repayment of principal and interest
     4  on loans made under this act.
     5     (b)  Procedure.--Upon approval of any loan or grant, the
     6  department shall routinely requisition from the fund such
     7  amounts as shall be allocated by the department for loans and
     8  grants to cultural facilities. When the loans are repaid to the
     9  department under the terms of the loan agreement entered into
    10  with the board, the department shall pay such amounts into the
    11  fund. This fund shall operate as a revolving fund whereby all
    12  appropriations and payments made may be applied and reapplied to
    13  the purposes of this act. All moneys in the fund are hereby
    14  appropriated to the department on a continuing basis.
    15  Section 8.  Severability.
    16     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    17  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    18  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    19  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    20  the invalid provision or application.
    21  Section 9.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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