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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2312



No. 1540 Session of 2002

           AND GREENLEAF, OCTOBER 15, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for definitions and for powers
    12     and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth; providing
    13     for emergency powers of the Governor; further providing for
    14     qualifications of election officers, for vacancies in
    15     election boards, for definitions of "political parties" and
    16     "political bodies," for manner of signing nomination
    17     petitions, for nominations by political bodies, for
    18     limitations on eligibility of candidates, for placing the
    19     question on the ballot, for installation of electronic voting
    20     systems, for examination and approval of electronic voting
    21     systems by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for
    22     experimental use of electronic voting systems, for
    23     requirements of electronic voting systems; providing for an
    24     advisory group; and further providing for applications for
    25     official absentee ballots, for date of application for
    26     absentee ballot, for manner of computing irregular ballots,
    27     for recanvassing voting machines upon petition of electors
    28     alleging fraud or error and for petition.

    29     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    30  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Sections 102 and 201 of the act of June 3, 1937
     2  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, are
     3  amended by adding clauses to read:
     4     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words, when used in
     5  this act, shall have the following meanings, unless otherwise
     6  clearly apparent from the context:
     7     * * *
     8     (c.1)  The word "day" shall mean a calendar day.
     9     * * *
    10     (g.1)  The words "election officer" shall include the judge
    11  of elections and the majority and minority inspectors elected or
    12  appointed by a county board of elections and the clerk or
    13  machine inspector appointed by a county board of elections.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 201.  Powers and Duties of the Secretary of the
    16  Commonwealth.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall exercise
    17  in the manner provided by this act all powers granted to him by
    18  this act, and shall perform all the duties imposed upon him by
    19  this act, which shall include the following:
    20     * * *
    21     (e.1)  To receive from county boards of elections information
    22  on voting system errors or difficulties or other election data
    23  pursuant to regulation.
    24     * * *
    25     (f.1)  To develop a voluntary professional certification
    26  program for county election officials in consultation with
    27  county boards of elections.
    28     (f.2)  To, at the discretion of the secretary, consult with
    29  voting system manufacturers and county boards of elections
    30  concerning the feasibility of making voting systems currently
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     1  approved under this act more accessible for disabled voters.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     4     Section 201.2.  Emergency Powers of the Governor.--In the
     5  event of the declaration of a disaster emergency by the Governor
     6  pursuant to 35 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating to general authority of
     7  Governor), the Governor may extend the time periods or dates
     8  required by this act for a time and in a manner as might be
     9  warranted.
    10     Section 3.  Section 402 of the act, amended May 5, 1982
    11  (P.L.374, No.108), is amended to read:
    12     Section 402.  Qualifications of Election Officers.--
    13  [Election] (a)  Except as provided in subsection (b), election
    14  officers shall be qualified registered electors of the district
    15  in which they are elected or appointed. No person shall be
    16  qualified to serve as an election officer who shall hold, or
    17  shall within two months have held, any office, appointment or
    18  employment in or under the Government of the United States or of
    19  this State or of any city or county or poor district, of any
    20  municipal board, commission or trust in any city, save only
    21  district justices, notaries public and persons in the militia
    22  service of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligible
    23  to any civil office to be voted for at a primary or election at
    24  which he shall serve, except that of an election officer.
    25     (b)  The county board may appoint students notwithstanding
    26  their eligibility to vote to serve as election officers pursuant
    27  to the following:
    28     (1)  The county board may appoint no more than two students
    29  per precinct.
    30     (2)  The county board shall designate an election board
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     1  member or members who shall have direct supervision of the
     2  student.
     3     (3)  The county board may compensate the student.
     4     (4)  The county board shall comply with all applicable
     5  Federal and State laws.
     6     (5)  The student must, at the time of the election for which
     7  the student shall serve as an election officer:
     8     (i)  be at least seventeen (17) years of age;
     9     (ii)  be a United States citizen and a resident of the county
    10  in which he was appointed to serve;
    11     (iii)  be enrolled in a secondary educational institution
    12  with an exemplary academic record, as determined by the
    13  educational institution;
    14     (iv)  be approved by the principal or director of the
    15  secondary educational institution; and
    16     (v)  have obtained the consent of their parent or guardian.
    17     (6)  The student may not serve as a judge or majority or
    18  minority inspector.
    19     Section 4.  Section 405 of the act is amended by adding a
    20  subsection to read:
    21     Section 405.  Vacancies in Election Boards; Appointment;
    22  Judge and Majority Inspector to Be Members of Majority Party;
    23  Minority Inspector to Be Member of Minority Party.--* * *
    24     (a.1)  Vacancies in county boards existing by reason of the
    25  disqualification, removal, resignation or death of a clerk or
    26  machine inspector appointed pursuant to section 404, or a
    27  vacancy of a clerk or machine inspector from any other cause
    28  occurring prior to the day of any primary or election, may be
    29  filled by a student pursuant to section 402(b).
    30     * * *
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     1     Section 5.  Section 801 of the act, amended July 28, 1941
     2  (P.L.526, No.213) and December 22, 1971 (P.L.613, No.165), is
     3  amended to read:
     4     Section 801.  Definition of Political Parties and Political
     5  Bodies.--
     6     (a) [Any] Except as provided in section 912.2, any party or
     7  political body, one of whose candidates at the general election
     8  next preceding the primary polled in each of at least ten
     9  counties of the State not less than two per centum of the
    10  largest entire vote cast in each of said counties for any
    11  elected candidate, and polled a total vote in the State equal to
    12  at least two per centum of the largest entire vote cast in the
    13  State for any elected candidate, is hereby declared to be a
    14  political party within the State, and shall nominate all its
    15  candidates for any of the offices provided for in this act, and
    16  shall elect its delegates and alternate delegates to the
    17  National convention as party rules provide. State committee
    18  members, and also such party officers, including members of the
    19  National committee, as its rules provide, shall be elected by a
    20  vote of the party electors, in accordance with the provisions of
    21  this act and party rules.
    22     (b) [Any] Except as provided in section 912.2, any party or
    23  political body, one of whose candidates at either the general or
    24  municipal election preceding the primary polled at least five
    25  per centum of the largest entire vote cast for any elected
    26  candidate in any county, is hereby declared to be a political
    27  party within said county; and shall nominate all its candidates
    28  for office in such county and in all political districts within
    29  said county, or of which said county forms a part, and shall
    30  elect such party officers as its rules provide shall be elected
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     1  therein, by a vote of the party electors, in accordance with the
     2  provisions of this act.
     3     (c) Any political body which is not a political party, as
     4  hereinabove defined, but which has nominated candidates for such
     5  general or municipal election by nomination papers in the manner
     6  provided by this act, shall be deemed to be a political body
     7  within the meaning of this act, but such political body shall
     8  not be entitled to nominate its candidates or elect its party
     9  officers at primaries held under the provisions of this act.
    10     (d) Provided, however, That the words "political party" and
    11  the words "political body", as hereinabove defined, shall not
    12  include any political party, political organization or political
    13  body composed of a group of electors, whose purposes or aims, or
    14  one of whose purposes or aims, is the establishment, control,
    15  conduct, seizure or overthrow of the Government of the
    16  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the United States of America by
    17  the use of force, violence, military measures, or threats of one
    18  or more of the foregoing.
    19     Section 6.  Section 908 of the act, amended August 13, 1963
    20  (P.L.707, No.379), is amended to read:
    21     Section 908.  Manner of Signing Nomination Petitions; Time of
    22  Circulating.--Each signer of a nomination petition shall sign
    23  but one such petition for each office to be filled, and shall
    24  declare therein that he is a registered and enrolled member of
    25  the party designated in such petition: Provided, however, That
    26  where there are to be elected two or more persons to the same
    27  office, each signer may sign petitions for as many candidates
    28  for such office as, and no more than, he could vote for at the
    29  succeeding election. He shall also declare therein that he is a
    30  qualified elector of the county therein named, and in case the
    20020S1540B2312                  - 6 -

     1  nomination is not to be made or candidates are not to be elected
     2  by the electors of the State at large, of the political district
     3  therein named, in which the nomination is to be made or the
     4  election is to be held. He shall add his [occupation and]
     5  residence, giving city, borough or township, with street and
     6  number, if any, and shall print his name and add the date of
     7  signing, expressed in words or numbers: Provided, however, That
     8  if the said political district named in the petition lies wholly
     9  within any city, borough or township, or is coextensive with
    10  same, it shall not be necessary for any signer of a nomination
    11  petition to state therein the city, borough or township of his
    12  residence. No nomination petition shall be circulated prior to
    13  the thirteenth Tuesday before the primary, and no signature
    14  shall be counted unless it bears a date affixed not earlier than
    15  the thirteenth Tuesday nor later than the tenth Tuesday prior to
    16  the primary.
    17     Section 7.  Section 951(c) and (e) of the act, amended
    18  February 13, 1998 (P.L.72, No.18), are amended to read:
    19     Section 951.  Nominations by Political Bodies.--* * *
    20     (c)  Each person signing a nomination paper shall declare
    21  therein that he is a qualified elector of the State or district,
    22  as the case may be, and shall add to his signature his
    23  [occupation] printed name and residence, giving city, borough or
    24  township, with street and number, if any, and shall also add the
    25  date of signing, expressed in words or numbers: Provided,
    26  however, That if said political district named in the papers
    27  lies wholly within any city, borough or township, or is
    28  coextensive with same, it shall not be necessary for any signer
    29  of a paper to state therein the city, borough or township of his
    30  residence. No elector shall sign more than one nomination paper
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     1  for each office to be filled, unless there are two or more
     2  persons to be elected to the same office, in which case he may
     3  sign nomination papers for as many candidates for such office
     4  as, and no more than, he could vote for at the succeeding
     5  election. More than one candidate may be nominated by one
     6  nomination paper and candidates for more than one office may be
     7  nominated by one nomination paper: Provided, That each political
     8  body nominating does not nominate more candidates than there are
     9  offices to be voted for at the ensuing election: And provided,
    10  That all the signers on each nomination paper are qualified to
    11  vote for all the candidates nominated therein.
    12     * * *
    13     (e)  There shall be appended to each nomination paper offered
    14  for filing an affidavit of each candidate nominated therein,
    15  stating--(1) the election district in which he resides; (2) the
    16  name of the office for which he consents to be a candidate; (3)
    17  that he is eligible for such office; (4) that he will not
    18  knowingly violate any provision of this act, or of any law
    19  regulating and limiting election expenses, and prohibiting
    20  corrupt practices in connection therewith; (5) that his name has
    21  not been presented as a candidate by nomination petitions for
    22  any public office, except that of judge of a court of common
    23  pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of
    24  Philadelphia, school director in a school district where that
    25  office is elected or justice of the peace, to be voted for at
    26  the ensuing primary election, nor has he been nominated by any
    27  other nomination papers filed for any such office; (6) that in
    28  the case where he is a candidate for election at a general or
    29  municipal election, he was not a registered and enrolled member
    30  of a party thirty (30) days before the primary held prior to the
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     1  general or municipal election in that same year; (7) that, in
     2  the case where he is a candidate for election at a special
     3  election, he is not a registered and enrolled member of a party.
     4     Section 8.  Sections 951.1 and 953(b) of the act, amended or
     5  added July 12, 1980 (P.L.649, No.134), are amended to read:
     6     Section 951.1.  Limitations on Eligibility of Candidates.--
     7  Any person who is a registered and enrolled member of a party
     8  during any period of time beginning with thirty (30) days before
     9  the primary and extending through the general or municipal
    10  election of that same year shall be ineligible to be the
    11  candidate of a political body in a general or municipal election
    12  held in that same year nor shall any person who is a registered
    13  and enrolled member of a party be eligible to be the candidate
    14  of a political body for a special election[.] unless the person
    15  is a candidate for judge of a court of common pleas, the
    16  Philadelphia Municipal Court or the Traffic Court of
    17  Philadelphia, school director in a school district where that
    18  office is elected or justice of the peace.
    19     Section 953.  Place and Time of Filing Nomination Papers.--
    20     * * *
    21     (b)  No nomination paper shall be circulated prior to the
    22  [tenth Wednesday prior to] day after the primary, and no
    23  signature shall be counted unless it bears a date affixed [not
    24  earlier than the tenth Wednesday prior to the primary nor later
    25  than the second Friday] not later than the August 1 subsequent
    26  to the primary.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 9.  Sections 1103-A(e) and 1104-A(b) and (d) of the
    29  act, added July 11, 1980 (P.L.600, No.128), are amended to read:
    30     Section 1103-A.  Placing the Question on the Ballot; Election
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     1  Thereon.--* * *
     2     (e)  If a majority of the electors of any county or
     3  municipality, voting on such question, shall vote against the
     4  adoption of an electronic voting system the question [shall not]
     5  may again be submitted to the voters of such county or
     6  municipality [within a period of one hundred three weeks].
     7     * * *
     8     Section 1104-A.  Installation of Electronic Voting Systems.--
     9  * * *
    10     (b)  The installation throughout the county or municipality
    11  of the electronic voting system adopted by the county board of
    12  elections may be accomplished either simultaneously in all
    13  election districts or in stages at the discretion of the county
    14  board, and the manner of implementation as among election
    15  districts shall also be at the discretion of the county board:
    16  Provided, however, That the electronic voting system adopted by
    17  the county board shall be fully implemented throughout the
    18  county or municipality within one hundred and three weeks after
    19  the approval of the adoption of an electronic voting system by
    20  the electors of the county or municipality. Upon the
    21  installation of an electronic voting system in any election
    22  district, the use therein of paper ballots and of voting
    23  machines shall be discontinued, except as otherwise provided
    24  herein[.], unless upon request of the county board the Secretary
    25  of the Commonwealth grants a time extension for good cause,
    26  which shall include an inability to implement the electronic
    27  voting system because of difficulty finding a qualified vendor,
    28  because a selected vendor is unable to meet the implementation
    29  deadline or any other reason that the Secretary of the
    30  Commonwealth in his discretion might deem sufficient.
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     1     * * *
     2     (d)  [If, upon the expiration of said thirty days, the county
     3  board of elections still shall not have made and executed a
     4  contract or contracts providing for the purchase, lease or other
     5  procurement of an electronic voting system as aforesaid, the
     6  Secretary of the Commonwealth, on behalf of the said county and
     7  upon the approval of the Attorney General as to form, shall
     8  thereupon award, make and execute a contract or contracts for
     9  the purchase, lease or other procurement of an electronic voting
    10  system, approved as required by this act, for each election
    11  district within such county or municipality, and the cost of
    12  such system, including the preparation and printing of
    13  specifications and all other necessary expenses incidental
    14  thereto, shall be the debt of the said county, and upon the
    15  certificate of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, it shall be
    16  the duty of the controller, if any, to allow, and of the
    17  treasurer of the county to pay, the sum out of any appropriation
    18  available therefore or out of the first unappropriated moneys
    19  that come into the treasury of the county.] If the Secretary of
    20  the Commonwealth shall find it impracticable to procure an
    21  electronic voting system for installation in each election
    22  district of the county or municipality for use at the election
    23  then next ensuing, he shall provide for the installation of such
    24  a system in as many election districts of the county or
    25  municipality as shall be practicable and, as soon thereafter as
    26  practicable, shall provide for the installation of such system
    27  in the remainder of the election districts of the county or
    28  municipality.
    29     * * *
    30     Section 10.  Section 1105-A(a), (b), (e) and (f) of the act,
    20020S1540B2312                 - 11 -

     1  added July 11, 1980 (P.L.600, No.128), are amended and the
     2  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     3     Section 1105-A.  Examination and Approval of Electronic
     4  Voting Systems by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.--(a)  Any
     5  person or corporation owning, manufacturing or selling, or being
     6  interested in the manufacture or sale of, any electronic voting
     7  system, may request the Secretary of the Commonwealth to examine
     8  such system[.] if the voting system has been examined and
     9  approved by a federally recognized independent testing authority
    10  and if it meets any voting system performance and test standards
    11  established by the Federal government. The costs of the
    12  examination shall be paid by the person requesting the
    13  examination in an amount set by the Secretary of the
    14  Commonwealth. Any ten or more persons, being qualified
    15  registered electors of this Commonwealth, may, at any time,
    16  request the Secretary of the Commonwealth to reexamine any
    17  electronic voting system theretofore examined and approved by
    18  him. Before any [such examination or] reexamination, the person,
    19  persons, or corporation, requesting such [examination or]
    20  reexamination, shall pay to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth
    21  [an examination] a reexamination fee of four hundred fifty
    22  dollars ($450). The Secretary of the Commonwealth may, at any
    23  time, in his discretion, reexamine any such system therefore
    24  examined and approved by him. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
    25  may issue directives or instructions for implementation of
    26  electronic voting procedures and for the operation of electronic
    27  voting systems.
    28     (b)  Upon receipt of a request for examination or
    29  reexamination of an electronic voting system as herein provided
    30  for or in the event he determines to reexamine any such system,
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     1  the Secretary of the Commonwealth [shall require such electronic
     2  voting system to be examined or reexamined by three examiners
     3  whom he shall appoint for that purpose, of whom one shall be an
     4  expert in patent law and the other two shall be experts in
     5  electronic computer systems, automatic tabulating equipment or
     6  such other fields as in the judgment of the Secretary of the
     7  Commonwealth shall be reasonably related to the operation of the
     8  electronic voting system under examination, and he shall require
     9  of them a written report on such system, attested by their
    10  signatures; and the Secretary of the Commonwealth himself] shall
    11  examine the electronic voting system and shall make and file in
    12  his office[, together with the reports of the examiners
    13  appointed by him, his own] his report, attested by his signature
    14  and the seal of his office, stating whether, in his opinion [and
    15  in consideration of the reports of the examiners aforesaid,] the
    16  system so examined can be safely used by voters at elections as
    17  provided in this act and meets all of the requirements
    18  hereinafter set forth. If his report states that the system can
    19  be so used and meets all such requirements, such system shall be
    20  deemed approved and may be adopted for use at elections, as
    21  herein provided. With respect to any electronic voting system
    22  approved for use in this Commonwealth by the secretary, the
    23  report of the secretary shall specify the capacity of the
    24  components of that system, the number of voters who may
    25  reasonably be accommodated by the voting devices and automatic
    26  tabulating equipment which comprise such system and the number
    27  of [additional] clerks and machine inspectors, if any, [that may
    28  be] required based on the number of registered electors in any
    29  election district in which the voting system is to be used, such
    30  specifications being based upon [the reports of the examiners
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     1  and] the secretary's [own] examination of the system. Any county
     2  which thereafter may adopt any such approved system shall
     3  provide the components of such system in a number no less than
     4  that sufficient to accommodate the voters of that county or
     5  municipality in accordance with the minimum capacity standards
     6  so prescribed by the secretary.
     7     * * *
     8     (e)  Neither the Secretary of the Commonwealth[, nor any
     9  examiner appointed by him for the purposes prescribed by this
    10  section], nor any member of a county board of elections shall
    11  have any pecuniary interest in any electronic voting system or
    12  in any of the components thereof, or in the design, manufacture
    13  or sale thereof.
    14     [(f)  Each examiner appointed hereunder shall receive a
    15  compensation of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) for each
    16  type of electronic voting system examined by him.]
    17     (g)  The county board shall comply with the requirements for
    18  the use of the electronic voting system as set forth in the
    19  report by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    20     Section 11.  Sections 1106-A and 1107-A(3) of the act, added
    21  July 11, 1980 (P.L.600, No.128), are amended to read:
    22     Section 1106-A.  Experimental Use of Electronic Voting
    23  Systems.--(a)  The county board of elections of any county may
    24  provide for experimental use at any primary or election in one
    25  or more election districts of said county, of an electronic
    26  voting system, and the use of such system shall be as valid for
    27  all purposes as if the electronic voting system had been adopted
    28  in accordance with the provisions of this act.
    29     (b)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth may approve the use of
    30  an experimental electronic voting system which complies with
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     1  section 1306(a) for absentee voters as provided for in the
     2  Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (Public Law
     3  99-410, 100 Stat. 924).
     4     Section 1107-A.  Requirements of Electronic Voting Systems.--
     5  No electronic voting system shall, upon any examination or
     6  reexamination, be approved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7  or by any examiner appointed by him, unless it shall be
     8  established that such system, at the time of such examination or
     9  reexamination:
    10     * * *
    11     (3)  Permits each voter, at other than primary elections, to
    12  vote a straight political party ticket by one mark or act and,
    13  by one mark or act, to vote for all the candidates of one
    14  political party for presidential electors and, by one mark or
    15  act, to vote for all the candidates of one political party for
    16  every office to be voted for, and every such mark or act shall
    17  be equivalent to and shall be counted as a vote for every
    18  candidate of the political party so marked including its
    19  candidates for presidential electors, except with respect to
    20  those offices as to which the voter has registered a vote for
    21  individual candidates of the same or another political party or
    22  political body, in which case [the automatic tabulating
    23  equipment shall credit the vote for that office only for the
    24  candidate individually so selected, notwithstanding the fact
    25  that the voter may not have individually voted for the full
    26  number of candidates for that office for which he was entitled
    27  to vote.] the voter must deselect one of the candidates for whom
    28  he cast his vote and may then select another candidate for that
    29  office. Vendors of electronic voting systems prior to the
    30  effective date of the amendment of this paragraph must
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     1  demonstrate compliance of the voting system with this section to
     2  the Secretary of the Commonwealth before the electronic voting
     3  system may be used in any primary or election.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 12.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     6     Section 1231.  Advisory Group.--In consultation with the
     7  county boards, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall form an
     8  advisory group prior to December 31, 2002, for the purpose of
     9  specifying the criteria for determining what constitutes a valid
    10  vote cast through an electronic voting system or paper ballot
    11  and for determining recount procedures. The secretary shall
    12  submit his findings to the Joint Select Committee to Examine
    13  Election Issues and the State Government Committee of the Senate
    14  and the State Government Committee of the House of
    15  Representatives.
    16     Section 13.  Sections 1302(c) and 1302.1 of the act, amended
    17  February 13, 1998 (P.L.72, No.18), are amended to read:
    18     Section 1302.  Applications for Official Absentee Ballots.--*
    19  * *
    20     (c)  The application of any qualified [military] elector, as
    21  defined in [preceding section 1301 subsection (a)] section
    22  1301(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), for an official
    23  absentee ballot in any primary or election may not be made over
    24  the signature of any person, other than the qualified elector or
    25  an adult member of his immediate family, as required in the
    26  preceding subsection. A qualified absentee military or overseas
    27  elector as defined by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens
    28  Absentee Voting Act (Public Law 99-410, 100 Stat. 924) may
    29  submit his application for an official absentee ballot, but not
    30  the official absentee ballot in any primary or election, by
    20020S1540B2312                 - 16 -

     1  facsimile method if the original application is received prior
     2  to the election by the county election office.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 1302.1.  Date of Application for Absentee Ballot.--
     5     Applications for absentee ballots unless otherwise specified
     6  shall be received in the office of the county board of elections
     7  not earlier than fifty (50) days before the primary or election
     8  and not later than five o'clock P.M. of the first Tuesday prior
     9  to the day of any primary or election: Provided, however, That
    10  in the event any elector otherwise qualified who is so
    11  physically disabled or ill on or before the first Tuesday prior
    12  to any primary or election that he is unable to file his
    13  application or who becomes physically disabled or ill after the
    14  first Tuesday prior to any primary or election and is unable to
    15  appear at his polling place or any elector otherwise qualified
    16  who because of the conduct of his business, duties or occupation
    17  will necessarily be absent from the municipality of his
    18  residence on the day of the primary or election, which fact was
    19  not and could not reasonably be known to said elector on or
    20  before the first Tuesday prior to any primary or election, shall
    21  be entitled to an absentee ballot at any time prior to five
    22  o'clock P.M. on the first [Friday] Monday preceding any primary
    23  or election upon execution of an Emergency Application in such
    24  form prescribed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    25     In the case of an elector who is physically disabled or ill
    26  on or before the first Tuesday prior to a primary or election or
    27  becomes physically disabled or ill after the first Tuesday prior
    28  to a primary or election, such Emergency Application shall
    29  contain a supporting affidavit from his attending physician
    30  stating that due to physical disability or illness said elector
    20020S1540B2312                 - 17 -

     1  was unable to apply for an absentee ballot on or before the
     2  first Tuesday prior to the primary or election or became
     3  physically disabled or ill after that period.
     4     In the case of an elector who is necessarily absent because
     5  of the conduct of his business, duties or occupation under the
     6  unforeseen circumstances specified in this subsection, such
     7  Emergency Application shall contain a supporting affidavit from
     8  such elector stating that because of the conduct of his
     9  business, duties or occupation said elector will necessarily be
    10  absent from the municipality of his residence on the day of the
    11  primary or election which fact was not and could not reasonably
    12  be known to said elector on or before the first Tuesday prior to
    13  the primary or election.
    14     Section 14.  Section 1405 of the act, amended December 22,
    15  1971 (P.L.613, No.165), is amended to read:
    16     Section 1405.  Manner of Computing Irregular Ballots.--The
    17  county board, in computing the votes cast at any primary or
    18  election, shall compute and certify votes cast on irregular
    19  ballots exactly as such names were written, stamped, affixed to
    20  the ballot by sticker, or deposited or affixed in or on
    21  receptacles for that purpose, and as they have been so returned
    22  by the election officers. In the primary the Secretary of the
    23  Commonwealth shall not certify the votes cast on irregular
    24  ballots for any person for a National office including that of
    25  the President of the United States, United States Senator and
    26  Representative in Congress; or for any State office including
    27  that of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General,
    28  Auditor General, State Treasurer, Senator and Representative in
    29  the General Assembly, justices and judges of courts of record or
    30  for any party office including that of delegate or alternate
    20020S1540B2312                 - 18 -

     1  delegate to National conventions and member of State committee
     2  unless the total number of votes cast for said person is equal
     3  to or greater than the number of signatures required on a
     4  nomination petition for the particular office. In the primary
     5  the county board shall not certify the votes cast on irregular
     6  ballots for any person for a justice of the peace, constable,
     7  National, State, county, city, borough, town, township, ward,
     8  school district, election [or], local party office or any
     9  candidate whose district is entirely within the county unless
    10  the total number of votes cast for said person is equal to or
    11  greater than the number of signatures required on a nomination
    12  petition for the particular office.
    13     Section 15.  Section 1702(a.1) of the act, amended December
    14  17, 1959 (P.L.1891, No.692), is amended to read:
    15     Section 1702.  Recanvassing Voting Machines upon Petition of
    16  Electors Alleging Fraud or Error.--* * *
    17     (a.1) Every petition for the recanvassing of votes cast in
    18  [the] each voting machine[, or voting machines of an] of each
    19  election district, under the provisions of this section, shall
    20  be filed in the office of the prothonotary of the proper county
    21  accompanied by a deposit of cash in the amount of fifty ($50)
    22  dollars, or by a bond signed by the petitioners as principals
    23  and by a corporate surety to be approved by the court in the
    24  amount of one hundred ($100) dollars, conditioned upon the
    25  payment to the county treasurer for the use of the county of the
    26  sum of fifty ($50) dollars, in the event that upon the
    27  recanvassing of the votes cast in a voting machine or voting
    28  machines, it does not appear that fraud or substantial error was
    29  committed in the canvassing of the votes cast on such machine or
    30  otherwise in connection with such voting machines.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 16.  Section 1756 of the act is amended to read:
     3     Section 1756.  Petition; Time of Filing; Amendment.--The
     4  commencement of proceedings in the case of contests of the
     5  second, third, fourth and fifth classes shall be by petition,
     6  which shall be made and filed, as herein required, within
     7  [twenty] five days after [the day] certification of the primary
     8  or election results, as the case may be. The petition shall
     9  concisely set forth the cause of complaint, showing wherein it
    10  is claimed that the primary or election is illegal, and after
    11  filing may be amended with leave of court, so as to include
    12  additional specifications of complaint. After any such
    13  amendment, a reasonable time shall be given to the other party
    14  to answer.
    15     Section 17.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    16         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect
    17     immediately:
    18             (i)  The amendment of sections 102, 402, 405, 801,
    19         908, 951(c) and (e), 951.1, 953(b), 1302(c), 1302.1,
    20         1405, 1702(a.1) and 1756 of the act.
    21             (ii)  The addition of sections 201.2 and 1231 of the
    22         act.
    23             (iii)  This section.
    24         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in one
    25     year.

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