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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2316



No. 1550 Session of 2002

           OCTOBER 15, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," providing for tax credits for redevelopment or
    11     investment of a brownfield.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 1902-A of the act of March 4, 1971
    15  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended
    16  by adding definitions to read:
    17     Section 1902-A.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    18  phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
    19  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
    20  clearly indicates a different meaning:
    21     "Brownfield."  A parcel of real property or a portion of that

     1  parcel that has an active potential for redevelopment and has
     2  been remediated pursuant to applicable cleanup standards as
     3  evidenced by written confirmation from the Department of
     4  Environmental Protection.
     5     "Brownfield investor."  Any person or entity authorized to do
     6  business in this Commonwealth and subject to taxes imposed by
     7  Article III, IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII, VIII-A, IX, X or XV of
     8  this act.
     9     * * *
    10     "Infrastructure investment."  Investment designated by the
    11  Secretary of Community and Economic Development in the
    12  demolition, construction, restoration, alteration, renovation or
    13  improvement of land or buildings on brownfields or the addition
    14  of machinery, equipment and fixtures to brownfields.
    15     * * *
    16     "Keystone opportunity zone."  A keystone opportunity zone or
    17  a keystone opportunity expansion zone established under the act
    18  of October 6, 1998 (P.L.705, No.92), known as the "Keystone
    19  Opportunity Zone and Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone Act."
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Section 1903-A of the act, added June 16, 1994
    22  (P.L.279, No.48), is amended to read:
    23     Section 1903-A.  Public Policy.--It is hereby declared to be
    24  public policy of this Commonwealth to [encourage]:
    25     (1)  Encourage investment by business firms in offering
    26  neighborhood assistance and providing job training, education,
    27  crime prevention and community services, to encourage
    28  contributions by business firms to neighborhood organizations
    29  which offer and provide such assistance and services and to
    30  promote qualified investments made by private companies to
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     1  rehabilitate, expand or improve buildings or land which promote
     2  community economic development and which occur in portions of
     3  impoverished areas which have been designated as enterprise or
     4  keystone opportunity zones.
     5     (2)  Promote redevelopment of brownfields by encouraging
     6  investments to improve the infrastructure of these sites.
     7     Section 3.  Section 1906-A of the act, amended May 7, 1997
     8  (P.L.85, No.7), is amended to read:
     9     Section 1906-A.  Decision in Writing.--The decision of the
    10  secretary to approve or disapprove a proposal pursuant to
    11  section 1904-A or 1907-A of this act shall be in writing, and,
    12  if it approves the proposal, it shall state the maximum credit
    13  allowable to the business firm or the brownfield investor. A
    14  copy of the decision of the secretary shall be transmitted to
    15  the Governor and to the Secretary of Revenue.
    16     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    17     Section 1907-A.  Brownfield Infrastructure Tax Credit.--(a)
    18  Any brownfield investor which makes infrastructure investment to
    19  a brownfield shall receive a tax credit as provided in section
    20  1908-A if the secretary annually approves the proposal of such
    21  brownfield investor. The proposal shall set forth the
    22  infrastructure work to be conducted, the brownfield selected,
    23  the estimated amount to be invested in the brownfield and the
    24  plans for implementing the proposed infrastructure work.
    25     (b)  The credit is not available to any brownfield investor
    26  if the brownfield investor, after January 1, 1990, intentionally
    27  or negligently caused or contributed to, in any material
    28  respect, a level of a regulated substance above the cleanup
    29  standards in the act of May 19, 1995 (P.L.4, No.2), known as the
    30  "Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act,"
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     1  on, in or under the brownfield.
     2     (c)  The secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations
     3  designating the types of infrastructure investment that qualify
     4  for a tax credit and the methods for approval or disapproval of
     5  proposals by brownfield investors.
     6     (d)  The secretary shall provide a listing of all proposals
     7  received and their disposition in each fiscal year to the
     8  General Assembly by October 1 of the following fiscal year.
     9     Section 1908-A.  Grant of Brownfield Infrastructure Tax
    10  Credit.--The Department of Revenue shall grant a brownfield
    11  infrastructure tax credit against any tax due under Article III,
    12  IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII, VIII-A, IX, X or XV of this act, or
    13  any tax substituted in lieu thereof in an amount which shall not
    14  exceed fifty per cent of the total amount invested during the
    15  taxable year by the brownfield investor in infrastructure
    16  investments approved pursuant to section 1907-A of this act
    17  except that a tax credit of up to seventy per cent of the total
    18  amount of infrastructure investment during the taxable year by a
    19  brownfield investor may be allowed where activities fall within
    20  the scope of special program priorities as defined with the
    21  approval of the Governor in regulations promulgated by the
    22  secretary or if the investment activity and proposed work meets
    23  the requirements of the strategic plan for development of the
    24  governmental entity in which the brownfield is located.
    25  Regulations establishing special program priorities are to be
    26  promulgated during the first month of each fiscal year and at
    27  such times during the year as the public interest dictates. Any
    28  credit awarded to a brownfield investor shall not exceed five
    29  hundred fifty thousand dollars ($550,000) annually. No tax
    30  credit shall be granted to any bank, bank and trust company,
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     1  insurance company, trust company, national bank, savings
     2  association, mutual savings bank or building and loan
     3  association for activities that are a part of its normal course
     4  of business. Any tax credit not used in the period the
     5  investment was made may be carried over for the next five
     6  succeeding calendar or fiscal years until the full credit has
     7  been allowed. The total amount of all tax credits allowed
     8  pursuant to this act shall not exceed eighteen million dollars
     9  ($18,000,000) in any one fiscal year.
    10     Section 1909-A.  Termination.--A brownfield investor is not
    11  entitled to a brownfield infrastructure tax credit for the cost
    12  of infrastructure investment incurred in taxable years ending
    13  after December 31, 2005. The secretary shall not approve a
    14  brownfield infrastructure tax credit under this article for
    15  taxable years ending after December 31, 2005.
    16     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    17                           Article XIX-B
    19     Section 1901-B.  Short Title.--This article shall be known
    20  and may be cited as the Brownfield Redevelopment Tax Credit Act.
    21     Section 1902-B.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    22  phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings
    23  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
    24  clearly indicates a different meaning:
    25     "Brownfield."  A parcel of real property, or a portion of
    26  that parcel, that has an active potential for redevelopment and
    27  that has been remediated pursuant to applicable cleanup
    28  standards as evidenced by written confirmation from the
    29  Department of Environmental Protection.
    30     "Brownfield redeveloper."  A person or entity subject to the
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     1  taxes imposed by Article III, IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII, VIII-A,
     2  IX, X or XV of this act, who owns, leases or invests in a
     3  brownfield and proposes or has begun to redevelop the site.
     4     "Brownfield redevelopment costs."  Unreimbursed costs
     5  designated by the secretary incurred in the demolition,
     6  construction, restoration, alteration, renovation or improvement
     7  of land or buildings on a brownfield or the addition of
     8  machinery, equipment and fixtures to the brownfields. The term
     9  shall also include the contribution of personal, real,
    10  intangible or tangible property toward the redevelopment of a
    11  brownfield.
    12     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    13  Development of the Commonwealth.
    14     Section 1903-B.  Brownfield Redevelopment Tax Credit.--(a)
    15  Any brownfield redeveloper which incurs brownfield redevelopment
    16  costs shall receive a tax credit as provided in section 1904-B
    17  if the secretary annually approves the proposal of such
    18  brownfield redeveloper. The proposal shall set forth the
    19  redevelopment work to be conducted, the brownfield selected, the
    20  estimated amount of costs to be incurred in the redevelopment
    21  work and the plans for implementing the redevelopment work.
    22     (b)  The credit is not available to any brownfield
    23  redeveloper if the brownfield redeveloper, after January 1,
    24  1990, intentionally or negligently caused or contributed to, in
    25  any material respect, a level of regulated substance above the
    26  cleanup standards in the act of May 19, 1995 (P.L.4, No.2),
    27  known as the "Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation
    28  Standards Act," on, in or under the brownfield.
    29     (c)  The secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations
    30  designating the types of redevelopment costs that qualify for a
    20020S1550B2316                  - 6 -

     1  tax credit and the methods for approval or disapproval of
     2  proposals by brownfield redevelopers.
     3     (d)  The secretary shall provide a listing of all proposals
     4  received and their disposition in each fiscal year to the
     5  General Assembly by October 1 of the following fiscal year.
     6     Section 1904-B.  Grant of Brownfield Redevelopment Tax
     7  Credit.--The Department of Revenue shall grant a tax credit
     8  against any tax due under Article III, IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII,
     9  VIII-A, IX, X or XV of this act, or any tax substituted in lieu
    10  thereof in an amount equal to ten per cent of the brownfield
    11  redevelopment costs incurred by the brownfield redeveloper in
    12  the tax year in redevelopment programs approved pursuant to
    13  section 1903-B of this act except that the maximum tax credits
    14  claimed by a brownfield redeveloper under this article for a
    15  redevelopment brownfield shall not exceed one million dollars
    16  ($1,000,000). No tax credit shall be granted to any bank, bank
    17  and trust company, insurance company, trust company, national
    18  bank, savings association, mutual savings bank or building and
    19  loan association for activities that are a part of its normal
    20  course of business. Any tax credit not used in the period the
    21  brownfield redevelopment costs are incurred may be carried over
    22  for the next five succeeding calendar or fiscal years until the
    23  full credit has been allowed. The total amount of all tax
    24  credits allowed pursuant to this act shall not exceed eighteen
    25  million dollars ($18,000,000) in any one fiscal year.
    26     Section 1905-B.  Decision in Writing.--The decision of the
    27  secretary to approve or disapprove a proposal pursuant to
    28  section 1903-B of this act shall be in writing, and, if it
    29  approves the proposal, it shall state the maximum credit
    30  allowable to the business firm. A copy of the decision of the
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     1  secretary shall be transmitted to the Governor and to the
     2  Secretary of Revenue.
     3     Section 1906-B.  Termination.--A brownfield redeveloper is
     4  not entitled to a brownfield redevelopment tax credit for the
     5  costs of brownfield redevelopment in taxable years ending after
     6  December 31, 2005. The secretary shall not approve a brownfield
     7  redevelopment tax credit under this article for taxable years
     8  ending after December 31, 2005.
     9     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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