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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2238



No. 1560 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 22, 1986 (P.L.1452, No.143),
     2     entitled "An act expanding the available adult basic
     3     education programs and the duties of the Department of
     4     Education; making an appropriation; and making a partial
     5     repeal," further providing for short title, for findings and
     6     purpose, for definitions, for grant program, for limitations
     7     on funding, for interagency coordinating council, for audits
     8     and records and for monitoring and reporting.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4.1 of the act of October
    12  22, 1986 (P.L.1452, No.143), known as the Pennsylvania Adult
    13  Basic and Literacy Education Act, amended May 16, 1996 (P.L.227,
    14  No.42), are amended to read:
    15  Section 1.  Short title.
    16     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
    17  Adult [Basic] and Family Literacy Education Act.
    18  Section 2.  Findings and purpose.
    19     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds and declares:
    20         (1)  This Commonwealth has 1,500,000 adults over 18 years
    21     of age who have not completed their high school education,

     1     which places Pennsylvania fifth in the nation with the
     2     greatest number of people without high school diplomas.
     3         (2)  This Commonwealth has 4,000,000 adults in need of
     4     adult literacy services, based on the State Adult Literacy
     5     Survey, demonstrating they lack the skills and knowledge
     6     essential to cope with daily demands and without the
     7     educational background to participate in occupational
     8     training or employment.
     9         (3)  Less than 2% of these 4,000,000 adults participate
    10     in adult [basic and] literacy education programs.
    11         (4)  In this Commonwealth, a system needs to exist to
    12     coordinate the hundreds of existing adult [basic] and family
    13     literacy education programs, State agencies funding programs
    14     with adult [basic] and family literacy education components,
    15     independent adult [basic] and family literacy data systems
    16     for each funding stream and training, technical assistance
    17     and information/research dissemination.
    18         (5)  If adult [basic] education needs are not more fully
    19     met, the Commonwealth could be forced to increase its support
    20     of these individuals through unemployment compensation,
    21     welfare payments and correctional institutions. A general
    22     decline of Statewide productivity may ensue. [Since the
    23     parental educational level is the number one indicator of how
    24     well children perform in school, intergenerational illiteracy
    25     may result if parents have low literacy levels. Children may
    26     not be ready for school.]
    27         (6)  Family literacy education is an opportunity for
    28     undereducated adults and their children to increase the
    29     child's readiness for school and chances for academic
    30     success, the parent's involvement in the child's education
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     1     and the parent's basic skills.
     2     (b)  Purpose.--It is the intent of this act to provide [for
     3  the] coordination and [to] broaden the scope of educational
     4  activities to [the] uneducated and undereducated adults in this
     5  Commonwealth and their families, including those who speak other
     6  languages, and to provide programs to those individuals who have
     7  previously been unserved. By providing for the coordination of
     8  funding streams and programs across State departments, increased
     9  and improved services will be provided to adult learners and
    10  their families. By encouraging and expanding the availability of
    11  [basic] adult and family literacy education programs [to adults]
    12  in this Commonwealth, [it is hoped] these adults and their
    13  families will be able to function more effectively in their
    14  personal lives and as citizens and be better prepared for work
    15  force training and employment that they may become more
    16  responsible and productive members of society.
    17  Section 3.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Adult literacy education."  An educational program designed
    22  to provide basic skills training in mathematics, reading and
    23  English, including English as a secondary language.
    24     "Eligible adult."  A person who meets the following criteria:
    25         (1)  Is at least 17 years of age.
    26         (2)  Is a resident of this Commonwealth.
    27         (3)  Is not currently enrolled in a public or private
    28     secondary or postsecondary school.
    29     ["Family literacy."  An educational program designed to
    30  provide literacy training for adults, educational services for
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     1  children and activities for parents and children together, at
     2  the same or at different sites.]
     3     "Eligible parent."  An eligible adult who has one or more
     4  children ages birth through third grade. The term includes a
     5  legal guardian, grandparent, stepparent, aunt, uncle, sibling or
     6  other person with whom the child lives or who has been
     7  designated by a parent, legal guardian or court to act in place
     8  of the parent.
     9     "Family literacy education."  Services that are of sufficient
    10  intensity and duration to make sustainable changes in a family
    11  and that integrate all of the following:
    12         (1)  Interactive literacy activities between parents and
    13     their children.
    14         (2)  Training of parents to be the primary teacher for
    15     their children and full partner in the education of their
    16     children.
    17         (3)  Parent literacy training that leads to economic
    18     self-sufficiency.
    19         (4)  Age appropriate education to prepare children for
    20     success in school.
    21     "Literacy."  An individual's ability to read, write and speak
    22  English and to compute and solve problems at levels of
    23  proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society in
    24  order to achieve one's goals and to develop one's knowledge and
    25  potential.
    26     "Local education provider."  An approved educational agency,
    27  institution or organization making use of either professional or
    28  voluntary personnel, which may be any of the following:
    29         (1)  School districts.
    30         (2)  Intermediate units.
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     1         (3)  Area vocational-technical schools.
     2         (4)  Community colleges.
     3         (5)  Literacy councils.
     4         (6)  Local libraries.
     5         (7)  Community-based organizations which are private,
     6     nonprofit organizations and are representative of communities
     7     or significant parts of communities and which provide adult
     8     [basic] or family literacy education programs.
     9         (8)  Any other educational entity recognized by the
    10     Secretary of Education for providing appropriate and
    11     effective adult [basic] or family literacy education
    12     [curriculum] programs.
    13     "Support services."  Those services necessary to enable
    14  eligible adults and their families to participate in and benefit
    15  from [an] adult or family literacy education [program] programs,
    16  including transportation, child care, counseling and referral
    17  services.
    18  Section 4.  Grant program.
    19     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
    20  Department of Education an adult and family literacy education
    21  grant program. Adult and family literacy education providers may
    22  apply to the Department of Education for grants to provide the
    23  following services:
    24         (1)  Adult literacy education programs for eligible
    25     adults, including salaries, wages, fringe benefits, books and
    26     other instructional materials.
    27         (1.1)  Family literacy education programs for eligible
    28     parents and their children.
    29         (2)  Training for volunteer adult literacy education
    30     instructors.
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     1         (3)  Administration of adult and family literacy
     2     education programs.
     3         (4)  Support services necessary to enable individuals to
     4     participate in and benefit from the program.
     5         (5)  Outreach activities to enroll eligible adults and to
     6     recruit volunteer tutors and instructors.
     7     (b)  Procedures, rules and forms.--The Secretary of Education
     8  shall adopt such procedures, rules and forms as may be necessary
     9  to implement this grant program. Applications shall be made to
    10  the Department of Education in such form and at such time as the
    11  Secretary of Education may prescribe. Funds received under this
    12  program may be used in conjunction with funds received from any
    13  other public or private source.
    14     (c)  Priorities for funding.--The Secretary of Education
    15  shall consider, but not be limited to, the following factors
    16  when evaluating proposals for adult and family literacy
    17  education programs:
    18         (1)  Percentage of eligible adults expected to be
    19     enrolled for instruction who are receiving either State or
    20     Federal public assistance, or who are unemployed workers or
    21     displaced homemakers.
    22         (2)  Percentage of eligible adults in any local area who
    23     do not have certificates of graduation from a secondary
    24     school and who are not currently enrolled in adult or family
    25     literacy education programs.
    26         (3)  Percentage of eligible adults expected to be
    27     enrolled who are members of minority groups.
    28         (4)  Percentage of eligible adults with less than a fifth
    29     grade reading level to be served.
    30  Section 4.1.  Duty of Department of Education.
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     1     The Department of Education shall provide client outreach and
     2  referral activities that are coordinated with other adult
     3  education and literacy programs, county assistance offices,
     4  social service agencies, offices of employment security, [Job
     5  Training Partnership Act] programs under the Workforce
     6  Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220, 112 Stat. 936) and
     7  other community groups or agencies that provide services and
     8  assistance to persons in need of basic literacy skills.
     9     Section 2.  Section 5 of the act is amended to read:
    10  Section 5.  Limitations on funding.
    11     (a)  Sectarian activities.--No funds provided by this act
    12  shall be used for programs, activities or services related to
    13  sectarian instruction or religious worship.
    14     (b)  Institutionalized adults.--No more than 20% of the
    15  annual appropriation shall be used to provide education to
    16  institutionalized adults.
    17     (c)  Graduation equivalency programs.--No more than 20% of
    18  the annual appropriation shall be used for programs of
    19  equivalency for certificate of graduation from a secondary
    20  school.
    21     (d)  Volunteer education instructors.--At least 20% of the
    22  annual appropriation shall be used for training volunteer adult
    23  literacy education instructors.
    24     (d.1)  Family literacy education.--At least 25% of the annual
    25  appropriation shall be used for family literacy education
    26  programs.
    27     (e)  Support services for adult literacy education
    28  programs.--No more than 10% of any grant may be used for support
    29  services for adult literacy education programs.
    30     (f)  Administrative costs.--No more than 10% of a grant may
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     1  be used for administrative costs incurred by [the] an adult or
     2  family literacy education provider.
     3     Section 3.  Sections 6, 8 and 9 of the act, added or amended
     4  May 16, 1996 (P.L.227, No.42), are amended to read:
     5  Section 6.  Interagency Coordinating Council.
     6     (a)  Membership.--The Interagency Coordinating Council is
     7  hereby established and shall be composed of, at a minimum, [21]
     8  23 voting members but shall not exceed 35 voting members
     9  appointed by the Governor, except for the four members of the
    10  General Assembly who shall be appointed and replaced under the
    11  provisions of subsection (b). The term of office of the voting
    12  members shall be three years, except for the cabinet officers or
    13  their designees, who shall serve as long as they are in office.
    14  The membership of the Interagency Coordinating Council shall
    15  consist of the following:
    16         (1)  The Secretary of [Commerce] Community and Economic
    17     Development or a designee.
    18         (2)  The Secretary of Education or a designee.
    19         (3)  The Secretary of Labor and Industry or a designee.
    20         (4)  The Secretary of Public Welfare or a designee.
    21         (4.1)  The Secretary of Aging or a designee.
    22         (4.2)  The Physician General or a designee.
    23         (5)  Five providers of adult literacy services
    24     representing school districts, intermediate units, area
    25     vocational-technical schools, colleges, literacy councils,
    26     local libraries and community-based organizations.
    27         (6)  Two representatives of the media, both print and
    28     electronic.
    29         (7)  Three representatives of business, industry and
    30     unions.
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     1         (8)  One representative of a local coalition.
     2         (9)  One representative of the Statewide adult education
     3     professional association.
     4         (10)  Members at large, not to exceed four, chosen to
     5     represent diverse interests, who have knowledge of or
     6     experience with the establishment, funding or operation of
     7     adult basic education programs, including a Statewide
     8     association.
     9  The designees of the cabinet officers must be deputy
    10  secretaries, commissioners or bureau directors.
    11     (b)  Legislative members of the council.--There shall be four
    12  members of the General Assembly appointed to the council. The
    13  President pro tempore and the Minority Leader of the Senate
    14  shall each appoint one member. The Speaker and the Minority
    15  Leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint one
    16  member. A legislative member's term on the council shall be at
    17  the discretion of the appointing leadership officer and
    18  replacement shall be at the discretion of the appointing
    19  leadership officer.
    20     (c)  Officers.--The chair of the council shall be appointed
    21  by the Governor from among the members who are neither
    22  Commonwealth employees nor elected officials. The offices of
    23  vice chair, secretary and treasurer shall be elected by the
    24  membership.
    25     (d)  Purpose.--The Interagency Coordinating Council is
    26  established to provide a broad-based Commonwealth council to
    27  advise in coordinating a Statewide system of adult [basic] and
    28  family literacy education services and to develop communications
    29  strategies to promote public awareness of literacy challenges
    30  and solutions.
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     1  Section 8.  Audits and records.
     2     The Department of Education may audit the records and
     3  accounts of [an] adult and family literacy education [provider]
     4  providers relating to a grant award pursuant to this act. [The
     5  adult literacy education] Each provider shall make the records
     6  and accounts available to the Department of Education upon its
     7  request.
     8  Section 9.  Monitoring and reporting.
     9     (a)  Report by adult and family literacy education [provider]
    10  providers.--Upon completion of the educational program funded,
    11  wholly or in part, by a grant awarded under this act, each
    12  [adult literacy education] provider shall report to the
    13  Department of Education [the same information on the State-
    14  funded program as is required to be reported by the Adult
    15  Education Act (Public Law 89-750, 20 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq.) for
    16  federally funded programs and] any [other] information that may
    17  be requested by the Secretary of Education.
    18     (b)  Annual report.--The Secretary of Education shall provide
    19  an annual report to the General Assembly, no later than January
    20  1 of each year, which describes State-administered adult [basic]
    21  and family literacy education [and literacy] activities for the
    22  prior fiscal year. Departments with programs with adult [basic
    23  and] and family literacy education components shall assist the
    24  Department of Education in the development of the report. The
    25  report shall address the responsibilities of State and local
    26  agencies and shall describe measures taken to provide a
    27  coordinated and comprehensive service delivery system.
    28     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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