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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2099



No. 1563 Session of 1990

           APRIL 6, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 31, 1956 (1955 P.L.1911, No.635),
     2     entitled "An act to promote the welfare of the people of the
     3     Commonwealth by rendering financial assistance to industrial
     4     development agencies engaged in promoting the development and
     5     expansion of business, industry and commerce in the
     6     respective counties of the Commonwealth; prescribing
     7     procedures for the rendering of such assistance and
     8     empowering the Department of Commerce of the Commonwealth to
     9     administer the same; and making an appropriation," providing
    10     for matching economic development grants; and making an
    11     appropriation.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of May 31, 1956 (1955
    15  P.L.1911, No.635), known as the Industrial Development
    16  Assistance Law, is amended to read:
    17     Section 2.  Declaration of Policy.--It is hereby determined
    18  and declared as a matter of legislative finding:
    19     (a)  That the health, safety[, morals] and general welfare of
    20  the people of the Commonwealth are directly dependent upon the
    21  continual encouragement, development, growth and expansion of
    22  business, industry and commerce within the Commonwealth.

     1     (b)  That unemployment[,] and the spread of indigency[, the
     2  heavy burden of public assistance and unemployment compensation]
     3  can best be avoided by the promotion, [attraction, stimulation,]
     4  development and expansion of business, industry and commerce in
     5  the Commonwealth.
     6     Therefore, it is declared to be the policy of the
     7  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to promote the health, safety[,
     8  morals] and general welfare of its inhabitants through its
     9  Department of Commerce by means of grants to be made to
    10  industrial development agencies which are or may be engaged in
    11  economic development activities or in planning and promoting
    12  programs designed to stimulate the establishment of new or
    13  enlarged industrial, commercial and manufacturing enterprises
    14  within the counties served by such agencies.
    15     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act is amended by adding
    16  definitions to read:
    17     Section 3.  Definitions.--The term "department" shall mean
    18  the Department of Commerce of the Commonwealth.
    19     The term "economic development activities" shall mean day-to-
    20  day activities of the agency designed to encourage and create
    21  opportunities for economic growth and expansion, including but
    22  not limited to, out-reach, promotion, business visitation, staff
    23  salaries and creation of new programs, but it shall not include
    24  the actual financing of loans or grants or the retirement of
    25  existing loans.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    28     Section 5.1.  Matching Economic Development Grant Program.--
    29  (a)  The department is hereby authorized to make matching
    30  economic development grants to the designated industrial
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     1  development agency of each county of the fourth, fifth, sixth,
     2  seventh or eighth class, for economic development activities.
     3     (b)  The applicant shall be the duly designated industrial
     4  development agency:
     5     (1)  in a county of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or
     6  eighth class; and
     7     (2)  in a county with an average unemployment rate for the
     8  previous 12-month period of not less than one point above the
     9  State unemployment rate for the same 12-month period.
    10     (c)  The grant shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars
    11  ($50,000). The local match shall be:
    12     (1)  One hundred per centum of the grant amount for counties
    13  of the fourth, fifth or sixth class.
    14     (2)  Fifty per centum of the grant amount for counties of the
    15  seventh or eighth class.
    16     (d)  (1)  The designated industrial development agency shall
    17  make an annual application to the department for such grant. The
    18  application shall set forth the economic development activities
    19  proposed to be undertaken, such as outreach, promotion, business
    20  visitation, research, staff salaries, creation of new activities
    21  programs or other day-to-day activities. The application shall
    22  further state, with evidence satisfactory to the department, the
    23  amounts of funds held by or committed or subscribed to the
    24  designated industrial development agency for application to the
    25  purposes therein described and the amount of the grant for which
    26  application is made.
    27     (2)  If, after review of the application, the department is 
    28  satisfied that the program of the designated industrial
    29  development agency is in accord with the purposes and
    30  requirements of this section, it shall authorize the making of a
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     1  matching grant to such industrial development agency.
     2     (e)  In the event the county's unemployment rate subsequently
     3  becomes less than one point above the State unemployment rate
     4  average, the grant shall be phased out over a three-year period
     5  provided an application for such a phase-out is submitted
     6  detailing the grant recipient's activities and accomplishments.
     7     (f)  The grant recipient shall make an annual report to the
     8  department concerning the utilization of the matching grant,
     9  specifically including:
    10     (1)  the amount of the grant; and
    11     (2)  the breakdown of expenditures from the grant for each
    12  economic development activity.
    13  In the event a grant recipient fails to make such a report, its
    14  eligibility for the matching grant under this section shall
    15  cease.
    16     Section 4.  Sections 6 and 8 of the act are amended to read:
    17     Section 6.  Payment of Grants to Industrial Development
    18  Agencies.--Upon approval of each application and the making of a
    19  grant by the department in accordance therewith, the department
    20  shall give notice to the particular industrial development
    21  agency of such approval and grant, and shall direct the
    22  industrial development agency to proceed with its proposed
    23  [promotional] program as described in its application and to use
    24  [therefor] funds allocated by the industrial development agency
    25  for such purpose. Upon the furnishing of satisfactory evidence
    26  to the department, on [a quarterly] an annual basis, that the
    27  particular industrial development agency has so proceeded, the
    28  grant allocated to such industrial development agency shall be
    29  paid over on such basis to the industrial development agency by
    30  the department.
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     1     Section 8.  Cooperation with Other Agencies.--The [Department
     2  of Commerce] department is directed to administer [this
     3  industrial development assistance program] the programs as
     4  provided in this act with such flexibility as to permit full
     5  cooperation between the State and Federal governments, or any
     6  subdivision, agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise,
     7  of either of them, so as to bring about as effective and
     8  economical an industrial development or economic development
     9  program as possible.
    10     Section 5.  The sum of $1,000,000, or as much thereof as may
    11  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of
    12  Commerce to be used for matching economic grants as provided by
    13  this act. The appropriation shall be continuing and shall not
    14  lapse.
    15     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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