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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2233



No. 1564 Session of 1998

           HART, OCTOBER 6, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  An act providing for residential dwelling smoke detectors and
     2     for enforcement and penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Residential
     7  Dwelling Smoke Detector Law.
     8  Section 2.  Smoke detector alarm devices required.
     9     (a)  New construction of residential dwellings.--The new
    10  construction of residential dwellings, including apartment
    11  dwellings, shall have smoke detectors on each level of the
    12  structure and outside each separate sleeping area in the
    13  immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. The device shall be located
    14  on or near the ceiling and shall be installed, maintained and
    15  used in accordance with The National Fire Alarm Code. The
    16  installation of battery-operated smoke detectors shall satisfy
    17  the requirements of this section. A certificate of inspection

     1  shall be issued to the owner of the residential dwelling or
     2  apartment dwelling upon inspection by the municipal zoning or
     3  code enforcement officer of the municipality, or if there is no
     4  such officer, then by an official designated by the local
     5  governing body of the municipality. No such certificate shall be
     6  issued until the local official has determined that the
     7  residential dwelling is equipped with the alarm device or
     8  devices required by this act. The local governing body of the
     9  municipality may set a reasonable fee for conducting the
    10  inspection. The fees collected under this act shall be used by
    11  the municipality for fire prevention activities, fire prevention
    12  equipment or other similar fire prevention needs.
    13     (b)  Change of occupancy in existing residential dwellings.--
    14  In any case where a change of occupancy of a residential
    15  dwelling, including an apartment dwelling, exists, the sale or
    16  lease of property shall be conditional on the existence and
    17  proper installation of smoke detectors in the residential and
    18  apartment dwellings in accordance with The National Fire Alarm
    19  Code. A certificate of inspection shall be issued to the owner
    20  of the residential or apartment dwelling upon inspection by the
    21  municipal zoning or code enforcement officer of the
    22  municipality, or if there is no such officer, then by an
    23  official designated by the local governing body of the
    24  municipality. No such certificate shall be issued until the
    25  local official has determined that the residential dwelling is
    26  equipped with the alarm device or devices required by this act.
    27  The local governing body of the municipality may set a
    28  reasonable fee for conducting the inspection. The fees collected
    29  under this act shall be used by the municipality for fire
    30  prevention activities, fire prevention equipment or other
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     1  similar fire prevention needs.
     2  Section 3.  Penalty; enforcement.
     3     (a)  Penalty.--A person who violates this act commits a
     4  summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
     5  a fine of not more than $300. Upon a second or subsequent
     6  conviction, the violator shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not
     7  more than $1,000.
     8     (b)  Enforcement.--An action to enforce this act or to charge
     9  a violation of this act shall be brought by the municipal zoning
    10  officer or code enforcement officer of the municipality, or if
    11  there is no such officer, then by an official designated by the
    12  local governing body of the municipality. Fines collected under
    13  this act shall be used by the local governing body for fire
    14  prevention activities, fire prevention equipment or other
    15  similar fire prevention needs.
    16  Section 4.  Regulations.
    17     The Department of Labor and Industry shall promulgate
    18  regulations to administer and enforce this act.
    19  Section 5.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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