See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2249



No. 1567 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor and the Department of
     3     Transportation, to convey to the Grand Canyon Airport
     4     Authority certain lands situate in Shippen and Delmar
     5     Townships, Tioga County.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, with the
     9  approval of the Governor and the Department of Transportation,
    10  is authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth to convey to the
    11  Grand Canyon Airport Authority for the sum of $1 all property
    12  used in the operation of the Grand Canyon Airport and the land
    13  described in section 2.
    14     Section 2.  The land to be conveyed under authority of
    15  section 1 is as follows:
    16     (1)  All of that certain piece, parcel, lot, or tract of land
    17  situate in the Townships of Delmar and Shippen, bounded and
    18  described as follows, to wit:
    19     Beginning at a point (stake) in what is known as the Stagaman

     1  Road, where the same is intersected by the east line of land now
     2  or formerly of Bernard and Thelma Mengee, husband and wife, and
     3  the west line of the land herein conveyed; thence by the same
     4  line of land now or formerly of Bernard and Thelma Mengee north
     5  7 degrees 30 minutes west 620 feet, more or less, to a stake,
     6  the northwest corner of the land herein conveyed and the
     7  southwest corner of lands now or formerly of Walter Spencer;
     8  thence north 83 degrees 0 minutes east 1608 feet, more or less,
     9  to a pin on line between Shippen and Delmar Townships, the same
    10  being beginning of lands now or formerly known as the Wayne
    11  Knowlton lands; thence north 75 degrees 54 minutes east 1208.65
    12  feet, more or less, to a point on the western right-of-way line
    13  of what is known as the Dexter or Austin Road (State Highway
    14  Route S8017, TR468); thence south 32 degrees 25 minutes east 861
    15  feet, more or less, along the westerly right-of-way line of said
    16  road to a point where said westerly right-of-way line intersects
    17  the northerly right-of-way line of the Stagaman Road; thence
    18  east along the northerly right-of-way line of the Stagaman Road
    19  south 82 degrees 30 minutes west 953.5 feet, more or less, to a
    20  pin; thence along the same south 83 degrees 0 minutes west
    21  2,218.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
    22  containing 49.25 acres, more or less, and being the same land
    23  described as two tracts or parcels in the deed dated April 20,
    24  1948, from Dominick Valentine and Esther Valentine, husband and
    25  wife, to Evert I. Gillett and Edna Gillett, husband and wife,
    26  and Hazel L. Gillet, the named grantors herein, as recorded
    27  April 21, 1948, in Tioga County Deed Book, Volume 245, at page
    28  588.
    29     (2)  All that certain piece, tract, parcel, or lot of land
    30  situate in the Township of Delmar, County of Tioga and
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     1  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
     2  to wit:
     3     Beginning at the corner (iron pin), the northwest corner
     4  hereof between the line of land of Theodore Darling and Evert
     5  Gillett; thence by what is known as the Stagaman Road north 82
     6  degrees 30 minutes east 720 feet, more or less, to a corner
     7  (stake) to what is now or was formerly known as the Campbell
     8  Hangar Lot; thence south 18 degrees 0 minutes east 114 feet,
     9  more or less, to a pin; thence south 7 degrees 0 minutes east
    10  112 feet, more or less, to an iron pin; thence by line of land
    11  now or formerly of Theodore Darling south 83 degrees west 673.6
    12  feet, more or less, to an iron pin; thence north 20 degrees 45
    13  minutes west 255 feet, more or less, to the point or place of
    14  beginning and containing 4 acres, more or less.
    15     And being the same land conveyed to Evert Gillett, a named
    16  grantor herein, by deed of Walter B. Campbell and Elizabeth R.
    17  Campbell, husband and wife, dated December 30, 1949, and
    18  recorded February 28, 1950, in Tioga County Deed Book, Volume
    19  256, at page 153, and from Lyle W. Bockus, in Deed Book No. 253
    20  page 164.
    21     Both of the above tracts of land numbered (1) and (2), as
    22  above recited and described, were made the subject of a survey
    23  by Joseph H. Knisely on May 5, 1953.
    24     (3)  All that certain portion of an original tract, piece, or
    25  parcel of land situate in the Township of Shippen, County of
    26  Tioga and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
    27  follows, to wit:
    28     Beginning at an iron pin on the center line of proposed or
    29  existing airport runway on the property line between land now or
    30  formerly of Evert Gillett and Bernard and Thelma Mengee (station
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     1  40 plus 00); thence north 6 degrees 30 minutes east 192.744 feet
     2  to an iron pin; thence south 85 degrees 30 minutes west 565 feet
     3  to an iron pipe, said iron pipe marking the northwest corner of
     4  the land herein conveyed; thence south 10 degrees 30 minutes
     5  west 192.744 feet to an iron pipe; thence south 4 degrees 30
     6  minutes west 192.744 feet to an iron pipe marking the southwest
     7  corner of the land herein conveyed; thence north 85 degrees 30
     8  minutes east 565 feet to an iron pin marking the southeast
     9  corner of the land herein conveyed; thence north 6 degrees 30
    10  minutes east 192.744 feet to an iron pin marking the center line
    11  of the land herein conveyed; thence north 6 degrees 30 minutes
    12  east 192.744 feet to an iron pin marking the place of beginning
    13  and also marking the northeast corner of the land herein
    14  conveyed.
    15     The above land is a part of the same area conveyed to Thelma
    16  Mengee, a party grantor herein, by deed of Arthur Hackett and
    17  Ina Hackett, his wife, dated March 12, 1945, and recorded July
    18  10, 1945, in Tioga County Deed Book, Volume 238, at page 476, as
    19  well as being the same land which was made the subject of a
    20  survey on May 5, 1953, by Joseph H. Knisley.
    21     (4)  All that lot of land situate in Shippen Township, Tioga
    22  County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
    23     Beginning at an iron pin located at the southeast corner of
    24  the lot of land conveyed by Growth Resources of Wellsboro
    25  Foundation, Inc., to Parvin Stryker by deed of even date and
    26  being the northwest corner of the lot herein described:
    27     Thence along remaining lands of Parvin Stryker, south 83
    28  degrees 58' and 52" East a distance of 584.29 feet to an iron
    29  pin located in the line of lands now or formerly of Donald
    30  Johnson the northeast corner of the lot herein described;
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     1     Thence along lands of Donald Johnson, South 05 degrees 53'
     2  11" West a distance of 299.69 feet to a found Penndot monument
     3  the Southeast corner of the lot herein described.
     4     Thence along lands now of the Grand Canyon State Airport,
     5  North 85 degrees, 24' 10" West a distance of 590.64 feet to an
     6  iron pin located in the eastern line of lands of Growth
     7  Resources of Wellsboro Foundation, Inc., the southwest corner of
     8  the lot herein described.
     9     Thence along lands of Growth Resources of Wellsboro
    10  Foundation, Inc. North 07 degrees 01' and 00" East a distance of
    11  314.39 feet to an iron pin, the point and place of beginning.
    12     Containing 4.14 acres, more or less, and designated as Lot 2
    13  on survey number A 74-93-418, dated December 17, 1993, prepared
    14  by Boyer Kantz, P.L.S. A copy of said survey was to be filed in
    15  the Registers Office in the year of 1994.
    16     Being a part of the same lands conveyed by John F.
    17  Worthington and Martha C. Worthington, his wife, to Parvin R.
    18  Stryker, Jr. and Elizabeth A. Stryker, his wife, by deed dated
    19  October 17, 1977, and recorded October 18, 1977, in Tioga county
    20  Deed Book 380 at page 168.
    21     (5)  All that lot of land situate in Shippen Township, County
    22  of Tioga, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed
    23  by Growth Resources Of Wellsboro, Inc., hereinafter, whether
    24  singular or plural, called the GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of
    25  Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation by deed dated June 8,
    26  1994, recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 623 at
    27  page 124, of Tioga County.
    28     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    29  devised to the GRANTOR by DEED of Martha F. Kelly, dated
    30  11/21/91 and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office of Tioga
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     1  County, Deed Book 552, page 381, together with all improvements,
     2  hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
     3     (6) All that lot of land situate in Shippen Township, County
     4  of Tioga, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed
     5  by Donald V. & Carol L. Johnson, hereinafter, whether singular
     6  or plural, called the GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of
     7  Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation by deed dated May 27,
     8  1994, recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 622,
     9  page 13, of Tioga County.
    10     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    11  devised to the GRANTOR by Deed of Enoch & Wyma Johnson, dated
    12  6/26/59, and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office of Tioga
    13  County, Deed Book 298, page 361, together with all improvements,
    14  hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
    15     (7)  All that lot or parcel of land situate in Delmar
    16  Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed by
    17  Richard C. and Ada Johnston, hereinafter, whether singular or
    18  plural, called the GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    19  Department of Transportation by deed dated June 30, 1994,
    20  recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 622, page 5,
    21  of Tioga County.
    22     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    23  devised to the grantor by DEED of Lyle W. Bockus, dated 6/2/80
    24  recorded in Deed Book 399, page 166 of Tioga County, together
    25  with all improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
    26     (8) All that certain lot of land situate in Shippen Township,
    27  County of Tioga, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, granted and
    28  conveyed by Stanley F. & Marjorie A. Shabloski, hereinafter,
    29  whether singular or plural, called the GRANTOR, to the
    30  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation by
    20000S1567B2249                  - 6 -

     1  deed dated June 28, 1994, and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds
     2  Office, Deed Book 622, page 21, of Tioga County.
     3     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
     4  devised to the GRANTOR by DEED of Doris E. Darl, dated 3/14/83,
     5  and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office of Tioga County,
     6  Deed Book 420, page 329, together with all improvements,
     7  hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
     8     (9)  All that lot or parcel of land situate in Delmar
     9  Township, County of Tioga, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    10  granted and conveyed by Mary E. Knowlton, Mary Kay Knowlton and
    11  Jack Spaulding, hereinafter, whether singular or plural, called
    12  the GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of
    13  Transportation by deed dated May 6, 1994, and recorded in the
    14  Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 622, page 1 of Tioga County.
    15     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    16  devised to the GRANTOR by DEED of Mary E. Knowlton, widow, dated
    17  6/1/90 recorded in Deed Book 519, page 362 of Tioga County,
    18  together with all improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances
    19  thereto.
    20     (10)  All that lot, piece and parcel of land situate and
    21  being in the Township of Shippen, County of Tioga, Pennsylvania,
    22  granted and conveyed by John W. and Grace Stagaman and Mary S.
    23  Walbridge, NKA Mary Shokey and Josephine Garris, NKA Josephine
    24  Zurowski, hereinafter, whether by singular or plural, called the
    25  GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of
    26  Transportation by deed dated May 25, 1994, and recorded in the
    27  Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 622, page 17, in Tioga
    28  County.
    29     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    30  devised to the GRANTOR by DEED of James Walbridge dated 8/31/73
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     1  recorded in Deed Book 378, page 754, together with all
     2  improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
     3     (11)  All that lot of land situate in the Township of
     4  Shippen, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed by
     5  Donald V. & Carol L. Johnson, hereinafter, whether singular or
     6  plural, called the GRANTOR, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
     7  Department of Transportation by deed dated May 27, 1994, and
     8  recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office, Deed Book 622, page 9
     9  of Tioga County.
    10     Being all or a portion of the same property conveyed or
    11  devised to the GRANTOR by DEED of Walter B. Kennedy, dated
    12  4/5/67, and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office of Tioga
    13  County, Deed Book 327, page 622, together with all improvements,
    14  hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.
    15     (12)  All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate
    16  in Shippen Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, bounded and
    17  described as follows:
    18     Beginning at a point, said point being the Southwest corner
    19  of the lands herein described, said point being the point of
    20  intersection of an old abandoned road traveling along the
    21  western edge of the lot herein described and an old road
    22  traveling along the southern boundary line of the land herein
    23  described, said point being further designated as being located
    24  South 07 degrees 01' 00" West, 2375.15 feet from that point
    25  where the western boundary line of other lands of Parvin R.
    26  Stryker, Jr., et ux and the eastern boundary line of lands now
    27  or formerly of Gary Kelly intersects with the centerline of Pa.
    28  T.R. 362; thence from said point of beginning North 07 degrees
    29  01 East a distance of 498.37 feet to a point, said point being
    30  the Northwest corner hereof and the southern boundary line of a
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     1  50 ft. Right-of-Way leading to the centerline of Pa. T.R. 362
     2  and also being along the eastern boundary line of lands now or
     3  formerly of Gary Kelly; thence along the southern boundary line
     4  of the 50 ft. Right-of-Way leading to the centerline of T.R.
     5  362, South 85 degrees 20' 27" East a distance of 26.17 feet to
     6  an iron rod, said point being the Northwest corner of lands now
     7  or formerly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Grand Canyon
     8  State Airport; thence along the western boundary line of the
     9  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Grand Canyon State Airport South 06
    10  degrees 39' 33" West, a distance of 385.49 feet to an iron rod;
    11  thence along the southern boundary line of the Commonwealth of
    12  Pennsylvania Grand Canyon State Airport, south 85 degrees 20'
    13  27" East, a distance of 565 feet to an iron rod, said point
    14  being the Northeast corner hereof and being in the western
    15  boundary line of lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of
    16  Pennsylvania Grand Canyon State Airport; thence along the
    17  western boundary line of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Grand
    18  Canyon State Airport, South 6 degrees 39' 33" West a distance of
    19  131.25 feet to a point in the old road, said point being the
    20  Southeast corner hereof; thence along the old road the following
    21  three (3) courses and distances:  North 83 degrees 43' 42" West,
    22  72.94 feet; North 82 degrees 55' 11" West, 232.71 feet and North
    23  84 degrees 01' 50" West, 288.30 feet to the point and place of
    24  beginning.
    25     Containing 1.891 acres, more or less in accordance with a
    26  survey by Bruce Mainus, under the direction of Boyer Kantz,
    27  R.S., dated May 31, 1979 and revised November 15, 1979, and
    28  approved by the Tioga County Planning commission on February 13,
    29  1980. A copy of said survey map being filed in Tioga County Map
    30  File No. 6823.
    20000S1567B2249                  - 9 -

     1     Also granting and conveying unto the Grantees herein, their
     2  successors and assigns a Right-of-Way 50 ft. in width leading
     3  from Pa. T.R. 362 to the Northwest portion of the lands above
     4  described, the centerline of said Right-of-Way being bounded and
     5  described as follows:
     6     Beginning at a point in the centerline of Pa. T.R. 362, said
     7  point being North 08 degrees 01' 52" East, 26.14 feet from that
     8  point where the western boundary line of lands of Parvin R.
     9  Stryker, Jr. et ux and the eastern boundary line of lands now or
    10  formerly of Gary Kelly intersects with the centerline of said
    11  road; thence North 07 degrees 01' East a distance of 1386.02
    12  feet to a point on the northern boundary of lands above
    13  described. Said Right-of-Way to be used for the purposes of
    14  ingress, egress and regress for the above described premises to
    15  Pa. T.R. 362. Said Right-of-Way to be used in common by the
    16  Grantors herein, their successors and assigns and by the
    17  Grantees herein, their successors and assigns. Said Right-of-Way
    18  being more specifically set forth on the above referred to
    19  survey map.
    20     Being a portion of the same premises conveyed by John F.
    21  Worthington and Martha C. Worthington, his wife, to Parvin
    22  R.Stryker, Jr. and Elizabeth A. Stryker, his wife, by deed dated
    23  October 17th, 1977, and recorded in Tioga County Deed Book 380
    24  at page 168.
    25     Section 3.  Costs incidental to this conveyance shall be
    26  borne by the grantee.
    27     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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