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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2166



No. 1600 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment, membership, powers and
     2     operation of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic
     3     Development Authority; granting the authority the limited
     4     power to assess, levy and collect additional taxes on liquid
     5     fuels and local sales; and providing for the expenditure of
     6     revenues raised by the authority.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     9  Section 101.  Short title.
    10  Section 102.  Definitions.
    11  Chapter 3.  Organization of Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic
    12                 Development Authority
    13  Section 301.  Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development
    14                 Authority.
    15  Section 302.  Administration of authority.
    16  Section 303.  Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development
    17                 Authority Board.
    18  Section 304.  Resignation and removal of members; vacancies.
    19  Section 305.  Meetings, quorum, approval of resolution;

     1                 election of chairman.
     2  Chapter 5.  Operation of Authority
     3  Section 501.  Powers and duties.
     4  Section 502.  Public hearings.
     5  Chapter 7.  Fiscal Provisions
     6  Subchapter A.  Preliminary Fiscal Provisions
     7  Section 701.  Effective date for taxes.
     8  Subchapter B.  Tax Measures
     9  Section 721.  Imposition of liquid fuel tax.
    10  Section 722.  Additional sales and use tax.
    11  Section 723.  Optional sales and use tax.
    12  Section 724.  Situs for imposition of tax.
    13  Section 725.  Application of State law for sales and use tax.
    14  Section 726.  State preemption waiver.
    15  Subchapter C.  Expenditure of revenues
    16  Section 731.  Authority revenue utilization.
    17  Section 732.  Expenditures of optional sales and use tax
    18                 revenues.
    19  Chapter 9.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    20  Section 901.  Effective date.
    21     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    22  hereby enacts as follows:
    23                             CHAPTER 1
    24                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    25  Section 101.  Short title.
    26     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Southeastern
    27  Pennsylvania Economic Development Authority Act.
    28  Section 102.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    30  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
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     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Authority."  The Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic
     3  Development Authority. The body corporate and politic created
     4  pursuant to section 301.
     5     "Board."  The governing and policymaking body of the
     6  Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development Authority.
     7     "Commonwealth."  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     8     "County commissioners."  The members of the board of county
     9  commissioners in each of the counties in the metropolitan area,
    10  except counties of the first class.
    11     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    12     "Federal agency."  The United States of America, the
    13  President of the United States and any department or
    14  corporation, agency or instrumentality, heretofore or hereafter
    15  created, designated or established by the United States of
    16  America.
    17     "Governor."  The Governor of the Commonwealth of
    18  Pennsylvania.
    19     "Legislative body."  The term shall mean, in counties of the
    20  first class, the city council; in the other counties the board
    21  of county commissioners or the county council; and in the other
    22  municipalities, that body authorized by law to enact ordinances.
    23     "Majority."  The whole number constituting more than half of
    24  the total number, e.g., a majority of five equals three or more;
    25  a majority of six equals four or more.
    26     "Mayor."  The chief executive officer of any first class city
    27  in any first class county.
    28     "Metropolitan area."  All of the territory within the
    29  boundaries of any county of the first class and all other
    30  counties located in whole or in part within twenty miles of such
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     1  first class county.
     2     "Municipality."  Any city, county, borough or township of the
     3  first or second class within any metropolitan area.
     4     "Persons."  The term shall mean and include corporations,
     5  associations and other legal entities, as well as natural
     6  persons.
     7     "SPEDA."  The Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development
     8  Authority.
     9                             CHAPTER 3
    12  Section 301. Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development
    13                 Authority.
    14     (a)  Authorization.--There is hereby authorized the creation
    15  of a separate body corporate and politic in each metropolitan
    16  area to be known as the Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic
    17  Development Authority.
    18     (b)  Establishment.--The Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic
    19  Development Authority shall be created when, within a
    20  metropolitan area, a city of the first class and not less than
    21  two of the adjoining counties, by ordinance or resolution
    22  approving the establishment of the authority. The requirements
    23  of this subsection shall occur no later than two years after the
    24  effective date of this act.
    25     (c)  Boundaries.--The authority shall cover an area extending
    26  to and including all of the territory in the cities and counties
    27  which have approved the establishment of the authority.
    28     (d)  Status.--The authority shall in no way be deemed to be
    29  an instrumentality of any city or county or other municipality
    30  or engaged in the performance of a municipal function. The
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     1  authority shall exercise the public powers of the Commonwealth
     2  as an agency and instrumentality thereof.
     3  Section 302.  Administration of authority.
     4     (a)  Governing board.--The governing and policymaking body of
     5  the authority shall be a board, to be known as the Southeastern
     6  Pennsylvania Economic Development Authority Board, consisting of
     7  members to be appointed as provided in section 303. All
     8  appointees, except for the appointees of the Governor, must be
     9  residents of the city or county from which they are appointed.
    10  No board member shall be allowed any fees, perquisites or
    11  emoluments, reward or compensation for services as a member or
    12  officer of the authority, but shall be reimbursed for actual
    13  expenses incurred by him in the performance of board duties.
    14     (b)  Policies.--The board may involve itself in the day-to-
    15  day administration of the authority's business. It shall limit
    16  its exercise of powers to such areas of discretion or policy as
    17  the functions and programs of the authority, the authority's
    18  operating and capital budgets, utilization of technology, the
    19  organizational structure and the selection of personnel and the
    20  establishment of salaries for such personnel.
    21  Section 303.  Southeastern Pennsylvania Economic Development
    22                 Authority Board.
    23     (a)  Appointment.--The board of the authority shall be
    24  composed of at least seven members and no more than nine
    25  members. The board members shall be appointed as follows:
    26         (1)  The mayor of any city of the first class within a
    27     county of the first class shall, with the approval of the
    28     city council, appoint three persons to serve as board
    29     members.
    30         (2)  The county commissioners or the county council in
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     1     each county which approves the establishment of the
     2     authority, other than a county of the first class, may each
     3     appoint one person to serve as a board member. The initial
     4     term of such appointee shall expire on December 31 next
     5     following the election of the county commissioners or county
     6     council.
     7         (3)  The Governor shall appoint two persons, not of the
     8     same political party, as members of the board. One person
     9     appointed by the Governor may be from among the various
    10     officials in the government of the Commonwealth, and whose
    11     term as a board member shall run concurrently with that of
    12     his Commonwealth position, if any, or the term of the
    13     appointing Governor, whichever is shorter.
    14     (b)  Subsequent appointments.--At the expiration of the term
    15  of any board member, a successor shall be appointed by the
    16  appropriate appointing power, for a term of four years from such
    17  expiration date.
    18     (c)  Certification.--The appointing powers shall certify
    19  their respective appointments to the Secretary of the
    20  Commonwealth. Within 30 days after certification of appointment
    21  and before entering upon the duties of the office, each member
    22  of the board shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of
    23  office and file it in the Office of the Secretary of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25  Section 304.  Resignation and removal of members; vacancies.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Members of the board shall hold office
    27  for a term of four years and until their respective successors
    28  have been appointed and have qualified.
    29     (b)  Removal.--An appointing power may remove any member of
    30  the board appointed by that power only for incompetency, neglect
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     1  of duty or malfeasance in office. No member shall be removed
     2  prior to receiving a copy of the charges against him and an
     3  opportunity of a public hearing, at a place in the metropolitan
     4  area. The member subject to removal may appear in person or by
     5  counsel, in his own defense upon not less than ten days' written
     6  notice of the public hearing. A member removed for incompetency,
     7  neglect of duty or malfeasance in office shall have the right to
     8  appeal such removal to the court of common pleas of the county
     9  for which he was appointed. Any appeal shall be limited to
    10  errors of law or manifest and flagrant abuse of discretion.
    11     (c)  Vacancies.--
    12         (1) In case an appointee fails to qualify within the time
    13     required or abandons the office or in case of a member's
    14     death, conviction of a felony or removal from office, the
    15     office shall become vacant.
    16         (2)  A member shall be deemed to have abandoned the
    17     office upon failure to attend any regular or special meeting
    18     of the board, without excuse approved by resolution of the
    19     board, for a period of four months, or upon removal of his
    20     residence from the appointing city or county.
    21         (3)  Each vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term
    22     by appointment in like manner and with like regard as to the
    23     place of residence of the appointee as in case of expiration
    24     of the term of a member of the board.
    25  Section 305.  Meetings, quorum, approval of resolutions;
    26                 election of chairman.
    27     (a)  Meetings.--Regular meetings of the board shall be held
    28  in the metropolitan area at least once in each calendar month
    29  except July or August, at a time and place to be fixed by the
    30  board. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the
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     1  transaction of business. All action of the board shall be by
     2  resolution and the affirmative vote of a majority of all members
     3  appointed to the board shall be necessary for the adoption of
     4  any resolution.
     5     (b)  Officers.--The board shall elect from among its members
     6  a chairman and a vice chairman, who shall serve for a term of
     7  two years and until their successors shall have been elected and
     8  qualified. The chairman and vice chairman shall perform such
     9  duties as the board shall, by resolution, determine.
    10     (c)  Public records.--All resolutions and all proceedings of
    11  the authority and all documents and records in its possession
    12  shall be public records and open to public inspection. Documents
    13  and records kept or prepared by the board for use in
    14  negotiations or actions or proceedings to which the authority is
    15  or may become a party shall be closed to the public.
    16                             CHAPTER 5
    17                       OPERATION OF AUTHORITY
    18  Section 501.  Powers and duties.
    19     The authority shall have and may exercise all powers
    20  necessary or convenient for the carrying out of it's purposes,
    21  including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
    22  the following rights or powers:
    23         (1)  To have perpetual existence.
    24         (2)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
    25     complain and defend in all courts, to petition any regulatory
    26     body, or join in any proceeding before any such bodies or
    27     courts in any matter affecting the operation of any project
    28     of the authority.
    29         (3)  To adopt and use and alter at will a corporate seal.
    30         (4)  To establish a principal office within the
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     1     metropolitan area and such other office or offices as may be
     2     necessary for the carrying on of its duties.
     3         (5)  To acquire, purchase, hold, lease as lessee and use
     4     any property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or
     5     intangible, or any interest therein necessary, or desirable
     6     for carrying out the purposes of the authority, and to sell,
     7     lease as lessor, transfer and dispose of any property, or
     8     interest therein, at any time acquired by it.
     9         (6)  To make and from time to time to amend and repeal
    10     bylaws, rules, regulations and resolutions.
    11         (7)  To appoint officers, agents, employees and servants,
    12     to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation,
    13     subject, however, to specific provisions of this act.
    14         (8)  To fix, alter, charge and collect rentals and other
    15     charges for its facilities at reasonable rates to be
    16     determined exclusively by it for the purpose of providing for
    17     the payment of all expenses and obligations of the authority,
    18     including the acquisition, construction, improvement, repair,
    19     maintenance and operation of its facilities and properties.
    20     The authority shall determine by itself, exclusively, the
    21     facilities to be operated by it, the services to be available
    22     and the rates to be charged therefor.
    23         (9)  To borrow money from private lenders, or from the
    24     Federal or State Government, or from any municipality in the
    25     metropolitan area, in such amounts as may be necessary or
    26     desirable for the operation and work of the authority.
    27         (10)  To make and execute all contracts and other
    28     instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the
    29     powers of the authority.
    30         (11)  To pledge, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber, all
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     1     or any of the revenues or receipts of the authority not
     2     dedicated by this act for a specific purpose as security for
     3     all or any of the obligations of the authority.
     4         (12)  To enter into contracts with the Commonwealth, its
     5     agencies and instrumentalities, municipalities or
     6     corporations, on such terms as the authority shall deem
     7     proper for the use of any facility of the authority, and
     8     fixing the amount to be paid therefor.
     9         (13)  To enter into contracts of group insurance for the
    10     benefit of its employees and to set up a retirement or
    11     pension fund for such employees.
    12         (14)  To make available to the government of a
    13     municipality or any appropriate agency, board or commission
    14     thereof, the recommendations of the authority affecting any
    15     area in the authority's field of operation or property
    16     therein, which it may deem likely to promote the public
    17     health, morals, safety and welfare.
    18         (15)  To form plans for the improvement of mass
    19     transportation in order to promote the economic development
    20     of the metropolitan area in which the authority operates; to
    21     make recommendations concerning mass transportation
    22     facilities which the authority does not own or operate; to
    23     make recommendations concerning throughways and arterial
    24     highway connections to the Department of Transportation and
    25     to other appropriate governmental bodies; and otherwise to
    26     cooperate with all such governmental bodies.
    27         (16)  The authority shall levy taxes on the subjects and
    28     rates specified in sections 721 and 722.
    29         (17)  To adopt, consistent with the policies of this act
    30     and from time to time amend, a comprehensive transit plan. A
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     1     public hearing shall be conducted prior to adoption or
     2     amendment. Notice of the public hearing shall be published in
     3     two newspapers of general circulation and a publication
     4     specifically designed to reach minorities not less than 30
     5     days prior to such hearing.
     6         (18)  To do all acts and things necessary for the
     7     promotion of its business, and the general welfare of the
     8     authority to carry out the powers granted to it by this act
     9     or any other statute.
    10  Section 502.  Public hearings.
    11     All public hearings required by this act shall be conducted
    12  so as to insure that:
    13         (1)  Members of the public are afforded a reasonable
    14     opportunity to comment orally or in writing or both orally
    15     and in writing concerning actions the authority proposes to
    16     take.
    17         (2)  The site of the hearing is a convenient, accessible
    18     location.
    19         (3)  Members of the public are adequately informed at the
    20     outset regarding the purposes of the hearing and the matters
    21     on the agenda.
    22         (4)  Reasonable and legitimate questions from members of
    23     the public are answered.
    24                             CHAPTER 7
    25                         FISCAL PROVISIONS
    26                            SUBCHAPTER A
    27                   PRELIMINARY FISCAL PROVISIONS
    28  Section 701.  Effective date for taxes.
    29     The taxes levied under sections 721 and 722 shall be first
    30  collected on the first day of the month occurring at least 60
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     1  days following the establishment of the authority.
     2                            SUBCHAPTER B
     3                            TAX MEASURES
     4  Section 721.  Imposition of liquid fuel tax.
     5     (a)  Subjects of tax.--In addition to the tax imposed upon
     6  liquid fuels and fuels by the act of May 21, 1931 (P.L.149,
     7  No.105), known as The Liquid Fuels Tax Act, the act of January
     8  14, 1952 (1951 P.L.1965, No.550), known as the Fuel Use Tax Act,
     9  sections 1101-B and 1121-B of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    10  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and the act of July
    11  12, 1974 (P.L.458, No.161), referred to as the Liquid Fuels
    12  Additional Tax Act, an additional tax in an amount of 4¢ per
    13  gallon, or fractional part thereof, is hereby imposed and
    14  assessed by the authority within the boundaries of it's member
    15  municipalities, except as provided in subsections (b) and (c)
    16  and except as otherwise provided by law, upon all:
    17         (1)  Liquid fuels used or sold and delivered by
    18     distributors within the boundaries of the authority except
    19     liquid fuels used as fuel in aircraft or aircraft engines
    20     that are taxable under The Liquid Fuels Tax Act.
    21         (2)  Fuels used by dealer-users except the use of fuel in
    22     aircraft or aircraft engines that are taxable under the Fuel
    23     Use Tax Act.
    24     (b)  Liquid fuels tax exemptions.--The tax imposed on liquid
    25  fuels by subsection (a) shall not be imposed upon liquid fuels
    26  that are:
    27         (1)  Delivered to the Federal Government on presentation
    28     of a duly authorized Federal Government exemption certificate
    29     or other evidence that is satisfactory to the department.
    30         (2)  Used or sold and delivered which are not within the
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     1     taxing power of this Commonwealth under the Commerce Clause
     2     of the Constitution of the United States.
     3         (3)  Delivered to the Commonwealth, every political
     4     subdivision, any volunteer fire company, any volunteer
     5     ambulance service, any volunteer rescue squad and any
     6     nonpublic school not operated for profit on presentation of
     7     evidence that is satisfactory to the department.
     8     (c)  Fuel use tax exemptions.--The tax imposed by subsection
     9  (a) shall not be imposed upon:
    10         (1)  Any fuel that is used by or sold and delivered to
    11     the Federal Government, when such sales and deliveries are
    12     supported by documentary evidence that is satisfactory to the
    13     department.
    14         (2)  Any fuel not in excess of 50 gallons that is brought
    15     into this Commonwealth in the fuel supply tanks or other
    16     fueling receptacles or devices of a motor vehicle.
    17         (3)  Any fuel used by or sold or delivered for use in
    18     farm machinery or equipment, engaged in the production or
    19     harvesting of farm or agricultural products involving the use
    20     of the public highways within a ten-mile radius or the
    21     domicile of the owner of the machinery or equipment, when
    22     such sales and deliveries are supported by documentary
    23     evidence that is satisfactory to the department.
    24         (4)  Any fuel used by or sold or delivered to the
    25     Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, any volunteer fire
    26     company, any volunteer ambulance service, any volunteer
    27     rescue squad and any nonpublic school not operated for
    28     profit, when such sales and deliveries are supported by
    29     documentary evidence that is satisfactory to the department.
    30  Section 722.  Additional sales and use tax.
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     1     (a)  Sales tax.--The authority, within the boundaries of its
     2  member municipalities, shall levy, assess and collect upon each
     3  separate sale at retail of tangible personal property or
     4  services a tax on the purchase price. The tax shall be collected
     5  by the vendor from the purchaser and shall be paid over to the
     6  Commonwealth as provided in regulations.
     7     (b)  Use tax.--In addition to the tax authorized in
     8  subsection (a), the authority shall levy, assess and collect,
     9  within the boundaries of its member municipalities, upon the use
    10  of tangible personal property purchased at retail and on
    11  services purchased at retail a tax at the same rate as imposed
    12  pursuant to subsection (a) on the purchase price. The tax shall
    13  be paid to the Commonwealth by the person who makes such use as
    14  provided in regulations. The use tax shall not be paid to the
    15  Commonwealth by any person who has paid any authority tax
    16  imposed under this section that is equal to or greater than the
    17  tax imposed pursuant to either subsection (a) or this
    18  subsection.
    19     (c)  Hotel occupancy tax.--In addition to the tax authorized
    20  in subsection (a), the authority shall levy, assess and collect
    21  an excise tax at the same rate as imposed pursuant to subsection
    22  (a) on the rent upon every occupancy of a room or rooms in a
    23  hotel within the boundaries of a member municipality. The tax
    24  shall be collected by the operator or owner from the occupant
    25  and shall be paid to the Commonwealth as provided in
    26  regulations.
    27     (d)  Rate of tax.--
    28         (1)  The tax authorized by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
    29     shall be imposed only at a rate of 0.5%.
    30         (2)  The rate imposed by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
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     1     shall be uniform.
     2     (e)  Computation of tax.--The amount of tax imposed by this
     3  section shall be computed as follows:
     4         (1)  If the purchase price is 99¢ or less, no tax shall
     5     be collected.
     6         (2)  If the purchase price is $1 or more but less than
     7     $3, 1¢ shall be collected.
     8         (3)  If the purchase price is $3 or more but less than
     9     $5, 2¢ shall be collected.
    10         (4)  If the purchase price is $5 or more but less than
    11     $7, 3¢ shall be collected.
    12         (5)  If the purchase price is $7 or more but less than
    13     $9, 4¢ shall be collected.
    14         (6)  If the purchase price is $9 or more but less than
    15     $10.01, 5¢ shall be collected.
    16         (7)  If the purchase price is more than $10, 0.5% of each
    17     $10 of purchase price plus the above bracket charges upon any
    18     fractional part of a $10 increment shall be collected.
    19     (f)  Discounts.--There shall be no discount allowed for any
    20  taxes collected and reported under this section.
    21  Section 723.  Optional sales and use tax.
    22     (a)  Sales tax.--The board of commissioners in any county,
    23  and the city council in a city of the first class which are
    24  members of the authority, may levy, assess and collect upon each
    25  separate sale at retail of tangible personal property or
    26  services a tax on the purchase price. The tax shall be collected
    27  by the vendor from the purchaser and shall be paid to the
    28  Commonwealth as provided in regulations.
    29     (b)  Use tax.--In any county which imposes a tax authorized
    30  in subsection (a), there shall be levied, assessed and collected
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     1  upon the use within the county of tangible personal property
     2  purchased at retail and on services purchased at retail a tax at
     3  the same rate as imposed pursuant to subsection (a) on the
     4  purchase price. The tax shall be paid to the Commonwealth by the
     5  person who makes such use as provided in regulations. The use
     6  tax shall not be paid to the Commonwealth by any person who has
     7  paid any tax imposed under this section that is equal to or
     8  greater than the tax imposed pursuant to either subsection (a)
     9  or this subsection.
    10     (c)  Hotel occupancy tax.--In any county which imposes a tax
    11  authorized in subsection (a), there shall be levied, assessed
    12  and collected an excise tax at the same rate as imposed pursuant
    13  to subsection (a) on the rent upon every occupancy of a room or
    14  rooms in a hotel in the county. The tax shall be collected by
    15  the operator or owner from the occupant and shall be paid to the
    16  Commonwealth as provided in regulations.
    17     (d)  Rate of tax.--
    18         (1)  The tax authorized by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
    19     may be imposed only at a rate of 0.5%.
    20         (2)  The rate imposed by subsections (a), (b) and (c)
    21     shall be uniform.
    22     (e)  Computation of tax.--The amount of tax imposed by this
    23  section shall be computed as follows:
    24         (1)  If the purchase price is 99¢ or less, no tax shall
    25     be collected.
    26         (2)  If the purchase price is $1 or more but less than
    27     $3, 1¢ shall be collected.
    28         (3)  If the purchase price is $3 or more but less than
    29     $5, 2¢ shall be collected.
    30         (4)  If the purchase price is $5 or more but less than
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     1     $7, 3¢ shall be collected.
     2         (5)  If the purchase price is $7 or more but less than
     3     $9, 4¢ shall be collected.
     4         (6)  If the purchase price is $9 or more but less than
     5     $10.01, 5¢ shall be collected.
     6         (7)  If the purchase price is more than $10, 0.5% of each
     7     $10 of purchase price plus the above bracket charges upon any
     8     fractional part of a $10 increment shall be collected.
     9     (f)  Discounts.--There shall be no discount allowed for any
    10  taxes collected and reported under this section.
    11  Section 724.  Situs for imposition of tax.
    12     (a)  Situs for retail sales.--For purposes of sections 722
    13  and 723 and except as otherwise provided in this section, a sale
    14  at retail shall be deemed to be consummated at the place where
    15  the vendor delivers or otherwise transfers physical possession
    16  of the tangible personal property to the customer or its agent.
    17     (b)  Situs for interstate transactions.--If the tangible
    18  personal property is shipped from outside this Commonwealth to a
    19  customer within this Commonwealth, the tangible personal
    20  property is subject to the use tax imposed by section 722(b) or
    21  723(b) unless the vendor is licensed to collect the tax
    22  authorized under section 722(a) or 723(a).
    23     (c)  Situs for vehicle, aircraft and motorcraft sales.--
    24         (1)  The sale at retail or use of a motor vehicle,
    25     trailer or semitrailer, as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    26     vehicles), shall be deemed to have been completed or used at
    27     the address of the purchaser or user. The tax due shall be
    28     paid by the purchaser or user directly to the Department of
    29     Transportation at the time of making application for the
    30     issuance of a certificate of title or directly to the
    19900S1600B2166                 - 17 -

     1     department if a certificate of title is not obtained.
     2         (2)  The sale at retail or use of a motorboat, aircraft,
     3     mobile home or similar tangible personal property that is
     4     required under Federal law or the laws of this Commonwealth
     5     to be registered or licensed and is purchased from a person
     6     that is not engaged in the business of selling such property
     7     shall be deemed to have been completed or used at the address
     8     of the purchaser or user. The tax due shall be paid by the
     9     purchaser or user at the time of registration or licensing or
    10     directly to the department if registration or licensing is
    11     not obtained.
    12     (d)  Situs for utility services.--The sale or use of steam,
    13  natural and manufactured gas, electricity and intrastate
    14  telephone and telegraph service shall be deemed to occur in the
    15  county where the telephone number under which the service is
    16  furnished is located or in the county where the telegraph
    17  originated or in the county where the meter which registers the
    18  service is located, without regard to where the services are
    19  rendered.
    20  Section 725.  Application of State law for sales and use tax.
    21     (a)  General rule.--
    22         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in section 721, the
    23     provisions of the act of May 21, 1931 (P.L.149, No.105),
    24     known as The Liquid Fuels Tax Act, and the act of January 14,
    25     1952 (1951 P.L.1965, No.550), known as the Fuel Use Tax Act,
    26     shall apply to the tax imposed by section 721.
    27         (2)  Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the
    28     provisions of Article II of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    29     No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, shall apply to
    30     the taxes imposed by sections 722 and 723 insofar as they are
    19900S1600B2166                 - 18 -

     1     applicable to such taxes.
     2     (b)  Licenses.--The license issued pursuant to Art. II of the
     3  Tax Reform Code of 1971 or a separate license may be issued by
     4  the department for the collection and reporting of the tax
     5  imposed by sections 722 and 723. The license or licenses shall
     6  be nonassignable and subject to renewal periodically at such
     7  times as may be required by the department in regulations but in
     8  no event more frequently than once in a five-year period. No fee
     9  shall be charged for either a license or any renewal. Failure of
    10  any person to obtain a license shall not relieve that person of
    11  liability to pay the taxes imposed by this subchapter.
    12     (c)  Rules and regulations.--
    13         (1)  The rules and regulations promulgated under section
    14     270 of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 shall be applicable to the
    15     tax imposed by section 722 or 723 insofar as such rules and
    16     regulations are consistent with sections 722 and 723.
    17         (2)  The department shall administer and enforce the
    18     provisions of this subchapter and is authorized to promulgate
    19     and enforce rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the
    20     provisions of this subchapter, relating to any matter or
    21     thing pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the
    22     provisions of this subchapter. The department may prescribe
    23     the extent to which any of such rules and regulations shall
    24     be applied without retroactive effect.
    25     (d)  Exclusion from rate limitations.--The sales and use tax
    26  under section 722 which is imposed by the authority and the
    27  optional sales and use tax under section 723 which may be
    28  imposed by a county of the first class coterminous with a city
    29  of the first class shall not apply to the overall rate
    30  limitations set forth in section 23(c) of the act of June 27,
    19900S1600B2166                 - 19 -

     1  1986 (P.L.267, No.70), known as the Pennsylvania Convention
     2  Center Authority Act.
     3     (e)  Procedure and administration.--Part VI of Article II of
     4  the Tax Reform Code of 1971 is incorporated by reference into
     5  this subchapter insofar as applicable.
     6  Section 726.  State preemption waiver.
     7     The Commonwealth specifically waives its right of preemption
     8  over the subject matter and the rates of taxation specified in
     9  sections 721, 722 and 723.
    10                            SUBCHAPTER C
    11                      EXPENDITURE OF REVENUES
    12  Section 731.  Authority revenue utilization.
    13     (a)  Liquid fuel revenues.--All revenues raised by the
    14  authority under section 721 shall be used to provide capital
    15  funding for mass transit. Prior to the transfer of any of these
    16  funds the authority and the recipient shall enter into a written
    17  agreement setting forth all of the following:
    18         (1)  The specific capital projects and their locations.
    19         (2)  The time frame for their initiation and completion.
    20         (3)  Any penalties to be incurred for failure to comply
    21     with the agreement.
    22     (b)  Sales and use tax revenues.--The authority shall provide
    23  for the following expenditures from the revenues raised under
    24  section 722:
    25         (1)  Thirty-three and one-third percent of the revenues
    26     shall be used by the authority for the support of mass
    27     transit operating or capital expenses.
    28         (2)  The balance of revenues shall be used by the
    29     authority in support of activities in the following areas
    30     only:
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     1             (i)  Criminal justice programs, including prisons.
     2             (ii)  Human services programs.
     3             (iii)  Environmental programs.
     4             (iv)  Cultural institutions, subject to the
     5         limitation that no more than 2% of the remaining revenues
     6         shall be expended for this purpose.
     7             (v)  Administrative cost, subject to the limitation
     8         that no more than 2% of the remaining revenues shall be
     9         expended for this purpose.
    10         (3)  Eighty percent of the funding provided by each of
    11     the members of the authority will be expended on capital
    12     projects within the boundaries of that authority member.
    13  Section 732.  Expenditures of optional sales and use tax
    14                 revenues.
    15     Revenues raised from the tax imposed under section 723 shall
    16  be expended in the following manner:
    17         (1)  Twenty-five percent of the revenue shall be
    18     transferred to the authority for use pursuant to section
    19     731(b)(2) and (3).
    20         (2)  The remaining balance may be used for the general
    21     government operations of the county or city.
    22                             CHAPTER 9
    23                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    24  Section 901.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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