See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2179



No. 1608 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Appropriating money from the Sunny Day Fund to the Department of
     2     Commerce for various projects throughout this Commonwealth
     3     for fiscal year 1990-1991.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The sums set forth in this act, or as much
     7  thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
     8  appropriated from the Sunny Day Fund to the Department of
     9  Commerce for the fiscal year July 1, 1990, to June 30, 1991, for
    10  projects listed to enhance economic development and the creation
    11  of jobs in this Commonwealth in accordance with the provisions
    12  of Chapter 1 of the act of July 1, 1985 (P.L.120, No.32), known
    13  as the Sunny Day Fund Act.
    14     Section 2.  The following amounts are appropriated to the
    15  Department of Commerce to induce companies to locate large
    16  industrial, manufacturing or research and development
    17  enterprises within this Commonwealth:
    18     (1)  For the purpose of making a loan to

     1  Centocor, Inc., to renovate and expand its
     2  pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Malvern,
     3  Chester County. It is estimated that this project
     4  will create 1,000 new jobs within three years of
     5  operation.                                            $8,500,000
     6     (2)  For the purpose of making a loan to
     7  Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, to establish
     8  a research and development center focusing on
     9  pediatric medicine, molecular biology, cell
    10  biology, cancer, neurology, immunobiology and
    11  hematology, among others, and state-of-the-art
    12  health care specialties in children's health. It
    13  is estimated that this project will create 600 new
    14  jobs within three years of operation.                  9,000,000
    15     (3)  For the purpose of making a loan to
    16  Enzymatics, Inc., to purchase machinery and
    17  equipment for its manufacturing facility located
    18  in Montgomery County. It is estimated that this
    19  project will create 332 new jobs within three
    20  years of operation.                                    3,000,000
    21     (4)  For the purpose of making a loan to
    22  Ambridge Marine, Inc., to establish a
    23  manufacturing facility in Ambridge Borough, Beaver
    24  County. It is estimated that this project will
    25  create 350 new jobs within three years of
    26  operation.                                             2,500,000
    27     (5)  For the purpose of making a loan to Sony
    28  Corporation of America, to establish a
    29  manufacturing facility in Westmoreland County. It
    30  is estimated that the project will create 1,000
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     1  new jobs within three years of operation.             10,000,000
     2     (6)  For the purpose of making a loan to the
     3  May Department Stores Company, to establish a
     4  regional distribution facility in Wilkes-Barre,
     5  Luzerne County. It is estimated that the project
     6  will create 350 new jobs within three years of
     7  operation.                                             5,000,000
     8     Section 3.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that the
     9  appropriations in section 2 shall be loaned at an annual
    10  interest rate that in no case shall be less than the
    11  Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority's rate for the
    12  area in which the project is located and for a term that shall
    13  be no greater than the term for an equivalent Pennsylvania
    14  Industrial Development Authority project. Private companies
    15  which receive Sunny Day Fund assistance but fail to make the
    16  investment in the enterprise development as specified in section
    17  2 shall be liable for the repayment of all Sunny Day Fund
    18  moneys, including any accrued interest thereon and any penalties
    19  as provided in the loan documents or as may be set by the
    20  Secretary of Commerce. Private companies which receive Sunny Day
    21  Fund assistance but fail to create the number of jobs specified
    22  in the approved loan or other agreements with the Commonwealth
    23  shall be liable for a penalty equal to an increase in the
    24  interest charged to 2% greater than the current prime interest
    25  rate for the remainder of the loan, unless the penalty is waived
    26  by the Secretary of Commerce because the failure is due to
    27  circumstances outside the control of the private company. The
    28  prime interest rate shall be the highest rate known or declared
    29  to be prime by those banking institutions located within this
    30  Commonwealth with assets in excess of $3,000,000,000 as of the
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     1  date the penalty is assessed. The Secretary of Commerce shall
     2  consult with the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees of
     3  the Senate and the House of Representatives prior to the
     4  establishment of waiver of penalties.
     5     Section 4.  For a period equal to the term of assistance
     6  provided each project approved under this act, the Department of
     7  Commerce shall provide a written report on the status of each
     8  project to the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of
     9  the House of Representatives by June 30 of each year. This
    10  report shall contain, at a minimum, information pertaining to
    11  the specific use of the Sunny Day Fund money, the interest rate
    12  and term of the Sunny Day Fund loan, the amount of principal
    13  outstanding and interest due on the loan and the number of jobs
    14  created by the project. All recipients of funds under this act
    15  shall be required to provide any and all information required by
    16  the Department of Commerce for the purpose of this act.
    17     Section 5.  No funds under this act shall be awarded by the
    18  Department of Commerce after June 30, 1991. Any funds from this
    19  appropriation remaining unexpended or unencumbered on June 30,
    20  1992, shall automatically lapse into the Sunny Day Fund.
    21     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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