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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2191



No. 1611 Session of 1990

           MAY 23, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), entitled
     2     "An act relating to counties of the third, fourth, fifth,
     3     sixth, seventh and eighth classes; amending, revising,
     4     consolidating and changing the laws relating thereto,"
     5     authorizing the imposition of a tax on hotel room rentals;
     6     and providing for use of the proceeds.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130),
    10  known as The County Code, is amended by adding a section to
    11  read:
    12     Section 1770.2.  Hotel Room Rental.--(a)  The following words
    13  and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings
    14  given to them in this subsection unless the context clearly
    15  indicates otherwise:
    16     "Consideration."  Receipts, fees, charges, rentals, leases,
    17  cash, credits, property of any kind or nature, or other payment
    18  received by operators in exchange for or in consideration of the
    19  use or occupancy by a transient of a room or rooms in a hotel

     1  for any temporary period.
     2     "Hotel."  A hotel, motel, inn, guest house or other building
     3  located within the taxing jurisdiction which holds itself out by
     4  any means including advertising, license, registration with any
     5  innkeepers' groups, convention listing association, travel
     6  publication or similar association or with any government agency
     7  as being available to provide overnight lodging or use of
     8  facility space for consideration to persons seeking temporary
     9  accommodation; any place which advertises to the public-at-large
    10  or any segment thereof that it will provide beds, sanitary
    11  facilities or other space for a temporary period to members of
    12  the public-at-large; any place recognized as a hostelry:
    13  Provided, That portions of such facility which are devoted to
    14  persons who have established permanent residence shall not be
    15  included in this definition.
    16     "Occupancy."  The use or possession or the right to the use
    17  or possession by any person other than a permanent resident of
    18  any room in a hotel for any purpose or the right to the use or
    19  possession of the furnishings or to the services accompanying
    20  the use and possession of the room.
    21     "Operator."  Any individual, partnership, nonprofit or
    22  profit-making association or corporation or other person or
    23  group of persons who maintain, operate, manage, own, have
    24  custody of, or otherwise possess the right to rent or lease
    25  overnight accommodations in any hotel to the public for
    26  consideration.
    27     "Patron."  Any person who pays the consideration for the
    28  occupancy of a room or rooms in a hotel.
    29     "Permanent resident."  Any person who has occupied or has the
    30  right to occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel as a patron
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     1  or otherwise for a period exceeding thirty consecutive days.
     2     "Recognized tourist promotion agency."  The nonprofit
     3  corporation, organization, association or agency which is and
     4  has been engaged in planning and promoting programs designed to
     5  stimulate and increase the volume of tourist, visitor and
     6  vacation business within counties served by such agencies as
     7  that term is defined in the act of April 28, 1961 (P.L.111,
     8  No.50), known as the "Tourist Promotion Law," and which
     9  particular nonprofit corporation, organization, association or
    10  agency heretofore has been recognized by the Department of
    11  Commerce all in accordance with the terms of the "Tourist
    12  Promotion Law."
    13     "Room."  A space in a hotel set aside for use and occupancy
    14  by patrons, or otherwise, for consideration, having at least one
    15  bed or other sleeping accommodation provided therein.
    16     "Temporary."  A period of time not exceeding thirty
    17  consecutive days.
    18     "Transaction."  The activity involving the obtaining by a
    19  transient or patron of the use or occupancy of a hotel room from
    20  which consideration emanates to the operator under an express or
    21  an implied contract.
    22     "Transient."  Any individual who obtains accommodation in any
    23  hotel for himself by means of registering at the facility for
    24  the temporary occupancy of any room for the personal use of that
    25  individual by paying to the operator of the facility a fee in
    26  consideration therefor.
    27     (b)  The county commissioners in any county may impose an
    28  excise tax not to exceed five per centum on the consideration
    29  received by each operator of a hotel within the county from each
    30  transaction of renting a room or rooms to accommodate
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     1  transients. The tax shall be collected by the operator from the
     2  patron of the room and paid over to the county as herein
     3  provided.
     4     (c)  The commissioners of each county electing to impose the
     5  tax authorized under this section are hereby directed to collect
     6  the tax and to deposit the revenues received from the tax in the
     7  county general fund. Each county may deduct from the revenues
     8  received from the tax any direct or indirect costs attributable
     9  to collection of the tax. A county may invest the revenues for a
    10  period not exceeding one year before making a distribution or
    11  appropriation of the revenues.
    12     (d)  Revenues derived from the tax shall be used at the
    13  discretion of the county commissioners, for payments to
    14  recognized tourist promotion agencies, for economic development,
    15  for historic preservation programs or for programs designed to
    16  preserve open space and agricultural land.
    17     (e)  In any county electing to impose the tax authorized
    18  under this section, the designated tourist promotion agency
    19  shall, prior to receiving any funds, submit a written proposal
    20  and annual budget to the Pennsylvania Department of Commerce for
    21  matching grants under the act of April 28, 1961 (P.L.111,
    22  No.50), known as the "Tourist Promotion Law," and to the
    23  commissioners describing how any funds received from the room
    24  tax would be spent by the agency.
    25     (f)  Each tax year for any tax imposed under this section
    26  shall run concurrently with the calendar year.
    27     (g)  An audited report on the income and expenditures
    28  incurred by a tourist promotion agency receiving any funds from
    29  the excise tax on hotel room rentals shall be submitted annually
    30  by the tourist promotion agency to the Board of County
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     1  Commissioners.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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