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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2205



No. 1623 Session of 1990

           MAY 23, 1990

        REFERRED TO FINANCE, MAY 23, 1990

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," providing for a tax credit for manufacturing
    11     consumption.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    15  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by adding an article to
    16  read:
    17                            ARTICLE XXI
    19     Section 2101.  Statement of Public Policy.--It is declared to
    20  be public policy of this Commonwealth to encourage Pennsylvania
    21  manufacturers to use postconsumer materials, recovered and used
    22  within this Commonwealth, in manufacturing to complement the act

     1  of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste
     2  Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act. The General
     3  Assembly has determined that the stated public policy can best
     4  be achieved by providing for a consumption tax credit that would
     5  offset a portion of a manufacturer's loss of purchasing the
     6  following postconsumer materials for manufacturing: waste tires,
     7  paper, used oil and plastics.
     8     Section 2102.  Definitions.--Subject to additional
     9  definitions contained in subsequent provisions of this article
    10  which are applicable to specific provisions of this article, the
    11  following words and phrases when used in this article shall have
    12  the meanings given to them in this section unless the context
    13  clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Corporation."  As defined in section 401(1).
    15     "Paper." 
    16     (1)  Corrugated paper.
    17     (2)  High-grade office paper.
    18     (3)  Old newsprint.
    19     (4)  Mixed paper.
    20     "Plastics."  Organic synthetic or processed materials that
    21  are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high
    22  molecular weight and that can be molded, cast, extruded, drawn
    23  or laminated into objects, films or filaments.
    24     "Postconsumer material."  A product generated by a business
    25  or consumer which has served its intended end use and which has
    26  been separated or diverted from solid waste for the purposes of
    27  collection and recycling. The term does not include internally
    28  generated scrap that is commonly returned to industrial or
    29  manufacturing processes.
    30     "Used oil."  A petroleum-based or synthetic oil which is used
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     1  in an internal combustion engine as an engine lubricant, or as a
     2  product used for lubricating motor vehicle transmissions, gears
     3  or axles which through use, storage or handling has become
     4  unsuitable for its original purpose due to the presence of
     5  chemical or physical impurities or loss of original properties.
     6     "Waste tires."  A tire no longer suitable for its intended
     7  purpose because of wear, damage or defect.
     8     Section 2103.  Authorization of Credit.--A corporation
     9  engaged in the field of manufacturing shall be eligible to
    10  receive a tax credit, as provided in section 2104, against a tax
    11  due under Article IV.
    12     Section 2104.  Calculation of Tax Credit.--The amount of the
    13  tax credit available to a corporation which uses postconsumer
    14  materials, recovered and used within this Commonwealth, in
    15  manufacturing shall be calculated as fifty per cent of the
    16  difference in price between the following postconsumer materials
    17  and their respective competitive raw materials: waste tires,
    18  paper, used oil and plastics. The varying credit amount shall be
    19  established by the Secretary of Labor and Industry on a
    20  quarterly basis, according to estimates of the price advantage
    21  held by the competitive raw materials. In all cases, the
    22  Secretary of Labor and Industry shall verify for the Secretary
    23  of Revenue the estimates used in the determination of the price
    24  advantage held by the competitive raw materials. The size of the
    25  tax credit cannot be larger in any year than the corporation's
    26  tax liability under Article IV.
    27     Section 2105.  Procedures.--Applications for tax credits must
    28  be filed by January 31 for credits due during the immediately
    29  previous tax year.
    30     Section 2106.  Expiration of Tax Credit.--This article shall
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     1  expire on January 1, 1994.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall apply to tax years beginning after
     3  January 1, 1990.
     4     Section 3.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1991.

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