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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2306



No. 1679 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Office for Children; providing for licensing
     2     and certification of child day-care providers; establishing a
     3     child care resource and referral program; creating a Board of
     4     Review to monitor the functioning of the Office for Children;
     5     imposing a penalty for noncompliance with licensing and
     6     registration requirements; and making a repeal.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Office for
    11  Children Act.
    12  Section 2.  Purpose.
    13     The purpose of this act is to establish the Office for
    14  Children which shall be responsible for all aspects of licensing
    15  and registration of child day-care programs. The Office for
    16  Children shall assume the licensing responsibilities presently
    17  vested in the Department of Public Welfare, Department of
    18  Environmental Resources, Department of Health and Department of
    19  Labor and Industry. The Office for Children shall administer all
    20  funds for child day care and be responsible for all services

     1  related to child day care. These services shall include: child
     2  day-care subsidy (currently administered by the Department of
     3  Public Welfare), the Child Care Feeding Program (currently
     4  administered by the Department of Education); AFDC child day-
     5  care subsidy (currently funded by the Department of Public
     6  Welfare and administered through the County Boards of
     7  Assistance). The Office for Children shall operate a
     8  comprehensive resource and referral network for all persons
     9  interested in child day care.
    10  Section 3.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Approval."  Certification of compliance with this act and
    15  all regulations issued by the office.
    16     "Child."  A person under 16 years of age.
    17     "Child day care."  Care in lieu of parental care given for
    18  part of a 24-hour day to children under 16 years of age. The
    19  term does not include child day care in places of worship during
    20  religious services.
    21     "Children with disabilities."  Children who do not function
    22  according to age-appropriate expectations in the areas of
    23  affective, cognitive, communicative, perceptual-motor, physical
    24  or social development to such an extent that they require
    25  special health, program adjustment, or related services on a
    26  regular basis in order to function in an adaptive manner.
    27     "Day-care center."  A facility in which care is provided for
    28  seven or more children at any one time and in which the child-
    29  care areas are not being used as a family residence.
    30     "Direct-care giving staff."  Those persons who are, at a
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     1  given time, providing direct-care and supervision to children,
     2  implementing daily program activities and interacting with
     3  children.
     4     "Drop-in care."  A day-care center, group day-care home or
     5  family day-care home which provides care for fewer than four
     6  consecutive hours on an intermittent basis for a child that is
     7  not a relative of the caregiver.
     8     "Facility."  A day-care center, group day-care home or family
     9  day-care home in which child day-care services are provided.
    10     "Family day-care home."  A location, other than the child's
    11  own home, operated for profit or not-for-profit, in which child
    12  care is provided at any one time to four, five or six children
    13  who are not relatives of the caregiver and in which the child-
    14  care areas are being used as a family residence.
    15     "Group day-care home."  A facility, other than the child's
    16  own home, operated for profit or not-for-profit, in which care
    17  is provided for more than six but fewer than 12 children at any
    18  one time and in which the child-care areas are being used as a
    19  family residence.
    20     "Night-care program."  A day-care center, group day-care home
    21  or family day-care home providing care for any child between the
    22  hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.
    23     "Office."  The Office for Children, located in the Department
    24  of Commerce.
    25     "Provider."  A public or private organization or individual
    26  who, for profit or not-for-profit, delivers day-care services
    27  for children either directly or through contract.
    28     "Relative."  A parent, child, stepparent, stepchild,
    29  grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, half-brother, half-
    30  sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.
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     1     "Resource and referral network."  A system to identify the
     2  full range of child day-care services, and to distribute
     3  information to parents and providers.
     4     "Subsidized child day care."  A child day-care service for
     5  eligible children, paid for in part or in full with Federal or
     6  State money or Federal and State money.
     7  Section 4.  General requirements for license or registration
     8                 certificate to operate a child day-care program.
     9     (a)  License or certificate required.--A provider who
    10  operates a day-care center or group day-care home shall have a
    11  current, valid license from the office. A provider who operates
    12  a family day-care home shall have a current, valid registration
    13  certificate from the office. No provider may operate a day-care
    14  center or group day-care home without a license or a family day-
    15  care home without a registration certificate.
    16     (b)  Application for license or registration certificate.--
    17         (1)  A provider shall submit an application to the
    18     office. The application shall be on forms prepared and
    19     furnished by the office.
    20         (2)  Application for renewal of a license or registration
    21     certificate shall be made every year.
    22         (3)  Fees for application or renewal shall be:
    23             (i)  Day-care center - $50 per year.
    24             (ii)  Group day-care home - $20 per year.
    25             (iii)  Family day-care home - $10 per year.
    26     (c)  Determination of compliance.--Upon receipt of an
    27  application the office shall determine whether the applicant has
    28  complied with all applicable regulations. Compliance for day-
    29  care centers and group day-care homes shall be determined
    30  through an on-site compliance inspection. Compliance for family
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     1  day-care homes may be determined through an on-site compliance
     2  inspection or through provider self-certification.
     3  Section 5.  Rules and regulations.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The office shall have the power to adopt
     5  rules and regulations establishing minimum licensing and
     6  certification standards. The rules and regulations shall
     7  include, but not be limited to, requirements for the following:
     8         (1)  Physical site.
     9         (2)  Equipment.
    10         (3)  Fire safety.
    11         (4)  Nutrition
    12         (5)  Staff child ratio.
    13         (6)  Staff qualifications.
    14         (7)  Group size.
    15         (8)  Health and sanitation.
    16     (b)  Enforcement.--The rules and regulations shall be
    17  enforced through licensing and registration.
    18  Section 6.  Types of licenses and registration certificates.
    19     (a)  Regular license or registration certificate.--A regular
    20  license or registration certificate shall be issued if the
    21  provider is in full or substantial compliance with applicable
    22  rules and regulations. Substantial compliance shall be
    23  determined by the office. A regular license or registration
    24  certificate shall be issued for a period of one year.
    25     (b)  Provisional license or registration certificate.--A
    26  provisional license or registration certificate shall be issued
    27  if the provider is in reasonable compliance with applicable
    28  rules and regulations. Reasonable compliance shall be determined
    29  by the office. A provisional license shall be issued for the
    30  period of time the office has allowed for corrections to be
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     1  made. In no event, however, shall a provisional license be
     2  issued for more than six months. No more than two provisional
     3  licenses or registration certificates may be issued to a
     4  provider in any consecutive period.
     5  Section 7.  Denial, nonrenewal or revocation of license or
     6                 registration certificate.
     7     (a)  Grounds for denial, nonrenewal or revocation.--The
     8  office shall deny, refuse to renew or revoke a license or
     9  registration certificate for any of the following reasons:
    10         (1)  Noncompliance with rules and regulations.
    11         (2)  Fraud or deceit in the licensing or registration
    12     process.
    13         (3)  Lending, borrowing or using the license or
    14     registration certificate of another provider, or in any way
    15     knowingly aiding the improper issuance of a license or
    16     registration certificate.
    17         (4)  Gross incompetence, negligence or misconduct in
    18     operating a facility.
    19         (5)  Mistreating or abusing children cared for in the
    20     facility.
    21     (b)  Notice.--If the office denies, refuses to renew or
    22  revokes a license or registration certificate, it shall give
    23  written notice of its decision by certified mail.
    24     (c)  Appeal.--Denial, nonrenewal or revocation of a license
    25  or registration certificate or assessment of a fine may be
    26  appealed under the provisions of Title 2 of the Pennsylvania
    27  Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative law and
    28  procedure).
    29  Section 8.  General requirements for subsidized child day care.
    30     (a)  Availability of affordable child care.--The office shall
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     1  assure that safe, affordable child care is available to low and
     2  moderate income families.
     3     (b)  Administration of funds.--The office shall administer
     4  all funds for subsidized child day care, AFDC child day care,
     5  and the Child Care Feeding Program. The office shall establish
     6  fees for providers and a sliding fee scale for parents. All fees
     7  shall be reviewed and published each year.
     8     (c)  Eligibility guidelines for families.--The office shall
     9  establish eligibility guidelines for all families. Eligibility
    10  guidelines shall be reviewed and published each year. A copy of
    11  the guidelines shall be made available to all providers and
    12  caretakers. A family's eligibility for subsidized child day care
    13  shall include, but not be limited to, the following criteria:
    14         (1)  Income guidelines established by the office.
    15         (2)  Need of the caretaker, based on employment or
    16     participation in an approved training program.
    17         (3)  Age of the child.
    18     (d)  Eligibility guidelines for providers.--The office shall
    19  establish eligibility guidelines for all providers. These
    20  guidelines shall include, but not be limited to, the following
    21  criteria:
    22         (1)  A provider shall have a current, valid child day-
    23     care license or registration certificate.
    24         (2)  A provider shall comply with all rules and
    25     regulations and complete all forms required by the office.
    26         (3)  A provider shall not charge a fee other than the fee
    27     required by the office.
    28  Section 9.  Child-care resource and referral program.
    29     (a)  Establishment.--The office shall be responsible for
    30  establishing a resource and referral program to serve all
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     1  families and providers in this Commonwealth. Each resource and
     2  referral office shall serve a specific, local geographical area.
     3     (b)  Components of program.--The child-care resource and
     4  referral program shall provide, but not be limited to, the
     5  following:
     6         (1)  Identification of the full range of licensed or
     7     registered child day-care program. The office shall include
     8     all public and private providers and list all providers
     9     receiving Federal, State or local subsidies.
    10         (2)  Establishment of a referral process which responds
    11     to parents' and caretakers' need for information. Referrals
    12     shall be made only to licensed or registered child day-care
    13     programs.
    14         (3)  Maintenance on ongoing documentation of requests for
    15     referral services.
    16         (4)  Provision for technical assistance to existing and
    17     potential providers of child day-care programs.
    18  Section 10.  Phase in of Office for Children.
    19     There is established the Office for Children within the
    20  Department of Commerce. The office shall be phased in over a
    21  three-year period and shall be monitored every six months by a
    22  Board of Review. This Board of Review shall be made up of the
    23  following:
    24         (1)  One member appointed by the Governor.
    25         (2)  Two members of the Senate; the members shall be from
    26     different political parties.
    27         (3)  Two members of the House of Representatives; the
    28     members shall be from different political parties.
    29         (4)  Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
    30         (5)  Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare.
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     1         (6)  Secretary of the Department of Health.
     2         (7)  Secretary of the Department of Labor and Industry.
     3         (8)  Secretary of the Department of Environmental
     4     Resources.
     5         (9)  Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs.
     6         (10)  Secretary of the Department of Education.
     7     (b)  Pilot program.--The three-year phase in shall be
     8  operated as a pilot program - one component of the pilot program
     9  shall be established in the western part of the Commonwealth and
    10  another component of the pilot program shall be established in
    11  the eastern part of the Commonwealth. All aspects of the pilot
    12  program shall be studied by the Board of Review. A pilot program
    13  is an efficient, cost-effective means of administering a complex
    14  system and working out the problems on a small scale.
    15     (c)  Purpose of pilot program.--The purpose of the pilot
    16  program is three fold:
    17         (1)  To bring together the various departments now
    18     concerned with the delivery of child day care.
    19         (2)  To address changes and consolidate the child day-
    20     care licensing regulations.
    21         (3)  To review ways of expending the economic base for
    22     subsidizing child day-care programs.
    23     (d)  Rules and regulations.--The office shall promulgate
    24  rules and regulations by the end of the three year pilot
    25  program. During this period, there shall be no disruption in
    26  service in the child day-care program. Licensing rules and
    27  regulations shall be revised to include current, applicable
    28  rules and regulations of the Department of Public Welfare, the
    29  Department of Labor and Industry, the Department of
    30  Environmental Resources, the Department of Education and the
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     1  Department of Health. The result of the revision shall be one
     2  comprehensive set of rules and regulations which shall be
     3  administered by the office. Any recommended changes in the rules
     4  and regulations shall be implemented by the pilot program for at
     5  least six months. Recommended changes shall be reviewed by a
     6  committee of recognized experts in the field, State officials,
     7  providers and consumers of child day-care services. The
     8  committee shall report findings and recommendations to the Board
     9  of Review.
    10  Section 11.  Funding for the pilot program.
    11     Revenue from the annual licensing and registration fees shall
    12  be used to fund the pilot program. There shall be no additional
    13  cost to the Commonwealth.
    14  Section 12.  Penalty.
    15     A provider who operates a facility without the license or
    16  registration certificate required by this act shall be assessed
    17  a fine of not less than $20 nor more than $300 for each day that
    18  the provider is in violation of this act.
    19  Section 13.  Repeals.
    20     Articles IX and X of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    21  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, are repealed insofar
    22  as they relate to licensing of child day-care programs.
    23  Section 14.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect immediately.

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