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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2384



No. 1707 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1842 (P.L.262, No.91), entitled "A
     2     supplement to an act, entitled 'An act authorizing the
     3     Governor to incorporate the Tioga Navigation Company,' passed
     4     the twenty-six day of February, one thousand eight hundred
     5     and twenty-six, and for other purposes," further providing
     6     for the recovery of the value of improvements to lands
     7     subject to tax sale.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 20 of the act of April 12, 1842 (P.L.262,
    11  No.91), entitled "A supplement to an act, entitled 'An act
    12  authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Tioga Navigation
    13  Company,' passed the twenty-six day of February, one thousand
    14  eight hundred and twenty-six, and for other purposes," is
    15  amended to read:
    16     Section 20.  That no law respecting the sale of land for
    17  taxes, shall be so construed by any court as to prevent a
    18  recovery of the value of the improvements made, in all cases
    19  whatsoever where a recovery is effected against a purchaser at a
    20  sale for taxes, or other person claiming under him; but the acts

     1  of assembly shall be so construed that a recovery for
     2  improvements as aforesaid, shall be an incident in all cases
     3  whatsoever, where there is a recovery against the tax title,
     4  without regard to the nature of the defects of said title, and
     5  wherever any person claiming under such tax title may be out of
     6  possession, and on account of defects in said title fail to
     7  recover the land, the jury under the direction of the court
     8  trying the cause, shall assess the value of the improvements
     9  made by such person, or those under whom he claims, and shall
    10  fix the time within which said assessment shall be paid by the
    11  defendant or defendants; and if the sum so assessed be not paid
    12  within the time specified by the said jury, the title of the
    13  plaintiff shall thenceforth be confirmed and rendered good and
    14  valid to the land in dispute, as against the defendant, and all
    15  claiming under him; and after a failure to pay such assessment,
    16  a writ of haberi facias possessionem may issue forthwith from
    17  said court, without any other proceeding, and in all cases where
    18  a recovery is had against the defendant or defendants, claiming
    19  under a tax title as aforesaid, the jury assessing the value of
    20  the improvements, shall under the direction of the court also
    21  find the time within which the same shall be paid by the
    22  plaintiff, and on failure to pay such assessment within the time
    23  so fixed by the said jury, the title of the said defendant or
    24  defendants shall thenceforth be confirmed and rendered good and
    25  valid as against plaintiff and all claiming title under him:
    26  Provided, That no improvements made within two years after the
    27  sale of said land for taxes, shall be paid for by the purchaser
    28  at a sale for taxes, or other person claiming under him, and
    29  that the value of such improvements shall be assessed by the
    30  jury against the party recovering [or purchasing] the same:
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     1  Provided also, That if the defects in the tax title shall be
     2  known to the purchaser at the time of the sale[, or if a tender
     3  of the redemption money be made within two years of sale,] he
     4  shall not be allowed for his improvement: And provided further,
     5  That nothing herein contained shall affect the interests of
     6  minors who shall claim the lands inherited by them within two
     7  years after they shall arrive at age.
     8     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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