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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2404



No. 1721 Session of 1990

           SALVATORE AND WILLIAMS, JUNE 29, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring the Department of Health to provide services to
     2     improve maternal, infant and family health.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Comprehensive
     7  Health Initiative to Improve Health Outcome for Pregnant Women
     8  and Their Families Act, otherwise known as the "CHILD" Program
     9  Act.
    10  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    11     The General Assembly hereby finds and declares that:
    12         (1)  All pregnant women should be provided access to
    13     prenatal care, labor and delivery and postpartum services
    14     appropriate to their need.
    15         (2)  The maternity care system must be designed and
    16     dedicated to drawing all women into prenatal care and
    17     providing them with an appropriate array of health and social

     1     services throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum
     2     period.
     3         (3)  The provision of prenatal care services is not only
     4     strongly and clearly associated with improved pregnancy
     5     outcomes, but is also cost-effective, having been estimated
     6     to save $3.38 in direct medical care during the first year of
     7     an infant's life for each $1 in prenatal care.
     8         (4)  Outreach services to increase the use of prenatal
     9     care must be part of a comprehensive plan to strengthen the
    10     maternity care system.
    11         (5)  The Commonwealth has implemented the "Healthy
    12     Beginnings," the "Healthy Beginnings Plus" and the "Maternal
    13     and Child Health Services Block Grant" programs which are
    14     designed to improve the maternity system.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    20     "Outreach services."  Those services designed to identify
    21  pregnant women and link them to prenatal care, otherwise known
    22  as casefinding services, and those services designed to offer
    23  support and assistance to help women remain in care once
    24  enrolled, otherwise known as social support services.
    25     "Provider."  An entity which provided outreach services.
    26  Section 4.  Program.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--The department shall establish and
    28  develop under this act programs of outreach services for
    29  pregnant women.
    30     (b)  Solicitation of proposals.--The department shall solicit
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     1  proposals to provide outreach services under this act. Providers
     2  shall submit proposals in the form and manner required by the
     3  department.
     4     (c)  Proposal selection criteria.--The department shall
     5  target for outreach services those communities with a
     6  disproportionately large number of high-risk pregnancies. In
     7  selecting proposals, the department shall consider, among other
     8  factors, the extent by which the communities to be served have
     9  infant mortality or low birth weight rates which exceed the
    10  Statewide averages.
    11     (d)  Program elements.--Outreach services funded under this
    12  act shall include the following program elements:
    13         (1)  Outreach workers who canvas in carefully defined
    14     target areas and seek clients among well-defined high-risk
    15     target groups.
    16         (2)  Outreach workers who are able to communicate
    17     effectively with members of the target groups.
    18         (3)  Telephone hotline and referral services that can
    19     make prenatal appointments during the initial call and can
    20     provide assistance to callers in arranging needed maternity,
    21     health and social services.
    22         (4)  Television and radio spots and posters and other
    23     written information tailored to and easily understood by the
    24     target groups, explaining the benefits of prenatal care, the
    25     need to begin such care early in pregnancy and how
    26     individuals can enroll in prenatal care.
    27         (5)  A system for referring pregnant women to "Healthy
    28     Beginnings Plus" and "Maternal and Child Health Services
    29     Block Grant" providers enrolled with the Department of Public
    30     Welfare.
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     1         (6)  A system for referring pregnant women to, and
     2     providing outreach services to pregnant women already
     3     receiving services at, WIC agencies, family planning clinics,
     4     housing programs, county assistance offices, job-training
     5     programs, schools, shelters for the homeless, drug and
     6     alcohol treatment programs and centers and other health and
     7     social services providers.
     8         (7)  Efforts to encourage current program participants to
     9     recruit additional participants from their friends, neighbors
    10     and relatives.
    11         (8)  Home visiting by outreach workers as a means to
    12     follow up on missed appointments and as a means of providing
    13     social supports to pregnant women. The number of such home
    14     visits may not be limited but the department may require
    15     adequate documentation of the need for visits that exceed a
    16     preset target established for individuals in the high-risk
    17     group of which the pregnant woman is a member.
    18         (9)  Transportation on an as-needed basis for prenatal
    19     and postpartum care. Under no circumstances shall a provider
    20     require that a pregnant woman provide more notice of her need
    21     for transportation than notice she has received for her need
    22     for a prenatal care visit.
    23         (10)  Ambulance services to the pregnant woman's chosen
    24     delivery site.
    25         (11)  Initial and ongoing training and supervision of
    26     outreach workers on the benefits of prenatal care, the need
    27     to begin such care early in pregnancy and the referral
    28     systems established by the provider.
    29     (e)  Establishing target groups.--The department shall
    30  identify the sociodemographic characteristics and geographic
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     1  locations of women who obtain insufficient prenatal care and
     2  shall use this information in establishing the target areas and
     3  the high-risk target groups to receive outreach services.
     4  Section 5.  Demonstration projects.
     5     The department may initiate demonstration projects to test
     6  ways to provide outreach services and prenatal care, as well as
     7  conduct specific research into ways to best provide outreach
     8  services and prenatal care in both urban and rural communities.
     9  Section 6.  Public awareness campaign.
    10     The department shall develop and implement, either directly
    11  or by contract, a long-term public awareness campaign to educate
    12  Pennsylvanians about the importance of prenatal care for healthy
    13  mothers and infants and the need to begin such care early in
    14  pregnancy. The campaign should be directed, at least, to
    15  schools, the media, family planning, health care settings,
    16  religious centers and social services agencies. Additional
    17  public awareness campaigns should be directed to those target
    18  areas and high-risk target groups identified in section 4(e).
    19  All public awareness campaigns shall include specific
    20  instructions on where to go and whom to call for prenatal care.
    21  Section 7.  Annual meeting for comments and suggestions.
    22     The department shall annually convene a meeting of all
    23  providers who have received funds under this act and other
    24  interested parties to receive comments and suggestions on ways
    25  to improve outreach services and the availability of prenatal
    26  care.
    27  Section 8.  Report.
    28     The department shall report annually to the General Assembly
    29  as to its activities and expenditures under this act, the
    30  activities of providers who have received funds under this act,
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     1  the number of women served, the recommendations made at the
     2  annual meeting provided for in section 7 and the recommendations
     3  of the department as to ways to improve outreach services and
     4  the availability of prenatal care.
     5  Section 9.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect July 1, 1991.

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