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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2412



No. 1728 Session of 1990

        INTRODUCED BY WILT, JUNE 29, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing debt limits for local
     3     government units, including municipalities and school
     4     districts; providing the methods of incurring, evidencing,
     5     securing and collecting debt; defining the powers and duties
     6     of the Department of Community Affairs and certain other
     7     public officers and agencies with respect thereto; exercising
     8     the inherent legislative authority of the General Assembly by
     9     providing additional over-all limitations on the incurring of
    10     lease rental and other obligations for the acquisition of
    11     capital assets to be repaid from the general tax revenues of
    12     such local government units; imposing penalties for filing
    13     false or untrue statements or refusing to give information
    14     with respect to proceedings for the incurring of debt; and
    15     conferring jurisdiction on the Commonwealth Court with
    16     respect to certain proceedings relating to the incurring of
    17     debt," authorizing borrowing as a result of a potential delay
    18     in receiving or failure to receive anticipated revenue from
    19     the Commonwealth.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  The act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known
    23  as the Local Government Unit Debt Act, reenacted and amended
    24  April 28, 1978 (P.L.124, No.52), is amended by adding a section
    25  to read:
    26     Section 501.1.  Authorized Borrowing as a Result of a

     1  Potential Delay in Receiving or Failure to Receive Anticipated
     2  Revenue from the Commonwealth.--(a)  If, during a fiscal year, a
     3  local government unit reasonably expects to receive anticipated
     4  revenues from the Commonwealth, including subsidies,
     5  reimbursements or other payments, and if such anticipated
     6  revenues may not be received until the following fiscal year,
     7  the local government unit may borrow in anticipation of such
     8  revenue under the same terms and conditions that it issues tax
     9  anticipation notes, except that the maturity date of the notes
    10  issued pursuant to this subsection may be extended to the last
    11  day of the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which said
    12  notes are issued; provided, however, that notwithstanding the
    13  extended maturity date of notes issued pursuant to this
    14  subsection, said notes shall be repaid by the local government
    15  unit promptly upon the receipt of the anticipated revenue from
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     (b)  If, during a fiscal year, a local government unit does
    18  not reasonably expect to receive as anticipated revenue from the
    19  Commonwealth, a subsidy, reimbursement or other payment, in an
    20  amount equal to or greater than the amount of such subsidy,
    21  reimbursement or other payment received in the preceding fiscal
    22  year, the local government unit may borrow the amount of the
    23  decrease in the subsidy, reimbursement or other payment, under
    24  the same terms and conditions that it issues tax anticipation
    25  notes, except that the maturity date of notes issued pursuant to
    26  this subsection may be extended to allow for repayment of said
    27  notes in equal installments in each of the three fiscal years
    28  following the fiscal year in which said notes are issued;
    29  provided, however, that said notes shall be repaid by the local
    30  government unit promptly upon the receipt of the anticipated
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     1  revenue from the Commonwealth.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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