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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2515



No. 1786 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring certain employers who relocate or terminate operations
     2     to pay covered employees severance pay; imposing additional
     3     powers and duties on the Department of Labor and Industry;
     4     and requiring employers to give notices to affected employees
     5     and municipalities.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Employee
    10  Severance Payment Protection Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Covered establishment."  An industrial or commercial
    16  facility or part thereof which employs, or has employed in the
    17  preceding 12 months, 100 or more persons.
    18     "Department."  The Department of Labor and Industry of the
    19  Commonwealth.

     1     "Employer."  A person who directly or indirectly owns and
     2  operates a covered establishment.
     3     "Physical calamity."  A calamity such as fire, flood or other
     4  natural disaster or the final order of any Federal, State or
     5  local governmental agency, including adjudicated bankruptcy.
     6     "Relocation."  The removal of all or substantially all of
     7  industrial or commercial operations in a covered establishment
     8  to a new location 100 or more miles distant from its original
     9  location.
    10     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Labor and Industry of the
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     "Termination."  The substantial cessation of industrial or
    13  commercial operations in a covered establishment.
    14     "Week's pay."  An amount equal to 1/52 of the gross wages
    15  paid to an employee during the 12 months immediately prior to
    16  relocation or termination.
    17  Section 3.  Severance pay.
    18     (a)  Liability.--An employer who relocates or terminates a
    19  covered establishment shall be liable to his employees for
    20  severance pay at the rate of one week's pay for each year of
    21  employment by the employee in that establishment. The severance
    22  pay to eligible employees shall be in addition to any final wage
    23  payment to the employee and shall be paid within one regular pay
    24  period after the employee's last full day of work.
    25     (b)  Exception.--There shall be no liability for severance
    26  pay to an eligible employee if any of the following occurs:
    27         (1)  Relocation or termination of a covered establishment
    28     is necessitated by a physical calamity.
    29         (2)  The employee is covered by an express contract
    30     providing for severance pay.
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     1         (3)  The employee accepts employment at the new location.
     2         (4)  The employee has been employed by the employer for
     3     less than one year.
     4  Section 4.  Civil actions.
     5     (a)  Standing.--An action to enforce liability under section
     6  3 may be brought by an employee or by a labor organization on
     7  behalf of its members.
     8     (b)  Fees and costs.--In an action under section 3, the court
     9  may award attorney fees and costs.
    10     (c)  Secretary.--The secretary is authorized to supervise the
    11  payment of the unpaid severance pay owing to any employee under
    12  this act. The secretary may bring an action in a court of
    13  competent jurisdiction to recover the amount of unpaid severance
    14  pay. Standing to sue under subsection (a) shall terminate upon
    15  the filing of a complaint by the secretary in an action under
    16  this subsection unless the action is dismissed without prejudice
    17  by the secretary. Money recovered by the secretary on behalf of
    18  an employee under this subsection shall be held in a special
    19  deposit account and shall be paid, on order of the secretary,
    20  directly to the employee affected.
    21  Section 5.  Notices.
    22     (a)  To secretary.--A person proposing to relocate or
    23  terminate a covered establishment shall notify the secretary in
    24  writing not less than 60 days prior to the relocation.
    25     (b)  To employees and municipalities.--A person proposing to
    26  relocate a covered establishment outside this Commonwealth shall
    27  notify employees, and the municipal officers of the municipality
    28  where the plant is located, in writing not less than 60 days
    29  prior to the relocation.
    30     (c)  Penalty.--A person who violates this section is subject
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     1  to a civil penalty of not more than $500. This subsection shall
     2  not apply if the relocation is necessitated by a physical
     3  calamity or if the failure to give notice is due to unforeseen
     4  circumstances.
     5  Section 6.  Review of records.
     6     In an investigation under this act, the secretary has the
     7  authority to examine the books and records of an affected
     8  employer.
     9  Section 7.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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