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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2578



No. 1824 Session of 1990

           NOVEMBER 12, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment, organization and operation of
     2     an administrative body to be known as the State Education
     3     Improvement Task Force; providing for its powers and duties;
     4     and making appropriations.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the State
     9  Education Improvement Task Force Act.
    10  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    12         (1)  The General Assembly believes education
    13     restructuring is critical to the future growth and
    14     development of this Commonwealth and recognizes that
    15     continuing the status quo in our educational system will not
    16     result in the improvements in student skills, knowledge and
    17     abilities needed for our students to enjoy a high quality of
    18     life in today's highly technical world, to perform at the

     1     required levels to meet the demands of today's and tomorrow's
     2     job market or to prepare themselves properly at an
     3     institution of higher education.
     4         (2)  The General Assembly believes all children have a
     5     responsibility to learn and all children should attend
     6     schools where they will be expected to acquire the cognitive
     7     knowledge and skills essential to becoming productive members
     8     of this Commonwealth.
     9         (3)  The subject matter/content offered to our students,
    10     the equipment/materials available to our students, the
    11     instructional staff available to our students, and the
    12     instructional pedagogy varies from school to school
    13     throughout our Commonwealth while every student is expected
    14     to compete in an ever-expanding State, national and
    15     international society and economy.
    16         (4)  The problems facing schools vary from one district
    17     to another and even one school to another within a district.
    18     Therefore, the school community needs flexibility to meet the
    19     challenge of educating all of the children under its charge
    20     and a prime purpose of this act is to provide the school
    21     community with the flexibility it needs to meet this
    22     challenge.
    23         (5)  By giving the State Education Improvement Task Force
    24     specific charges, the General Assembly is signaling to the
    25     schools of this Commonwealth that it does intend to tell the
    26     schools what core knowledge and skills should be mastered by
    27     their students and that it does intend to hold schools
    28     accountable for meeting acceptable educational standards.
    29  Section 3.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
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     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "Task force."  The State Education Improvement Task Force
     6  established under section 4.
     7  Section 4.  State Education Improvement Task Force.
     8     There is hereby established a task force to be known as the
     9  State Education Improvement Task Force. It shall be the
    10  responsibility of the task force to undertake and to accomplish
    11  the following projects in the following sequence:
    12         (1)  Determine what specific cognitive knowledge and
    13     skills each student should have at the time of graduation
    14     from high school. The specific knowledge and skills selected
    15     should be what is necessary to enable each student to live
    16     and work in a local, State, national and international
    17     society and economy.
    18         (2)  Develop specific subject area curriculum studies
    19     which will enable students to progress at their individual
    20     ability and rate without failure, and also enable students to
    21     accelerate their program of learning into advanced placement
    22     programs.
    23         (3)  Develop specific accountability standards and
    24     accountability measurement mechanisms consisting of a
    25     comprehensive assessment measured by norm testing, criterion-
    26     referenced testing and/or performance-based testing by which
    27     parents, community leaders, teachers, administrators, school
    28     board members and State officials can determine whether
    29     schools and school districts are accomplishing their mission
    30     of educating our children of this Commonwealth.
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     1         (4)  Determine how schools can be restructured in order
     2     to aid them in meeting educational accountability standards.
     3         (5)  Develop a comprehensive plan and structure for
     4     providing extensive professional development training for
     5     educators by providing the flexibility needed to meet the
     6     educational accountability standards.
     7         (6)  Develop specific parent enabling strategies to help
     8     schools engage parents actively in their children's
     9     educational programs and practices.
    10         (7)  Establish a system of incentives to be used in those
    11     schools and school districts that meet or exceed
    12     accountability standards.
    13         (8)  Establish a system of sanctions to be used in those
    14     schools and school districts that do not meet accountability
    15     standards.
    16         (9)  Recommend statutory changes needed to implement
    17     effective educational policy and practices to the Governor,
    18     the State Board of Education, the Education Committee of the
    19     House of Representatives and the Education Committee of the
    20     Senate.
    21  Section 5.  Membership and organization of the task force.
    22     (a)  Membership.--The task force shall consist of:
    23         (1)  Four members of the General Assembly, one appointed
    24     by the President pro tempore of the Senate, one by the
    25     Minority Leader of the Senate, one by the Speaker of the
    26     House of Representatives and one by the Minority Leader of
    27     the House of Representatives.
    28         (2)  One member of the State Board of Education's Council
    29     of Basic Education as determined by the Chairman of the State
    30     Board of Education.
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     1         (3)  The Secretary of Education or the Commissioner for
     2     Basic Education of the Department of Education as determined
     3     by the Governor.
     4         (4)  Two school superintendents, one of whom shall come
     5     from a suburban/urban school district, and one of whom shall
     6     come from a rural school district.
     7         (5)  Two school principals, one of whom shall be a
     8     certified elementary principal, and one of whom shall be a
     9     certified secondary principal.
    10         (6)  Two teachers, one of whom shall be a certified
    11     elementary teacher, and one of whom shall be a certified
    12     secondary teacher.
    13         (7)  Two members from the general public, one of whom
    14     shall be an elected public school director.
    15         (8)  Three members of a college or university, one of
    16     whom shall come from a private college or university, one of
    17     whom shall come from a public college or university, and one
    18     of whom shall come from a college or university offering
    19     approved education programs.
    20         (9)  One member from the Pennsylvania industrial
    21     manufacturers.
    22         (10)  Two members from the business community.
    23         (11)  Two members from the labor community.
    24         (12)  One member who is currently enrolled in a high
    25     school program in this Commonwealth.
    26         (13)  One member who shall be a parent of a pupil
    27     attending a public school in this Commonwealth. In making
    28     appointments under paragraph 4 through 13 inclusive, the
    29     Governor shall consider recommendations from panels of
    30     nominees submitted by the Statewide organizations; however,
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     1     the Governor shall not be limited to nominating members of
     2     Statewide organizations for appointments to the task force. A
     3     person appointed to the task force who leaves this
     4     Commonwealth to become domiciled in another state or whose
     5     employment status changes to a category different from that
     6     for which he was appointed shall have his position on the
     7     task force vacated. The appointing person shall appoint a
     8     replacement for any vacancies.
     9     (b)  Organization.--
    10         (1)  Not later than two months after the effective date
    11     of this act the initial meeting of the task force shall be
    12     held. The Governor shall convene and chair this initial
    13     meeting. Members of the task force shall select a chairperson
    14     and such other officers as may be necessary.
    15         (2)  The sequence of activities for the task force shall
    16     be prioritized as follows:
    17             (i)  cognitive knowledge and skills defined;
    18             (ii)  curriculum and instruction development;
    19             (iii)  accountability and assessment standards;
    20             (iv)  school restructuring;
    21             (v)  professional development and training;
    22             (vi)  parent enabling strategies;
    23             (vii)  incentives;
    24             (viii)  sanctions; and
    25             (ix)  statutory recommendations.
    26     (c)  Deadline.--All activities shall be completed and the
    27  task force report submitted to the Governor, the State Board of
    28  Education, the Education Committee of the House of
    29  Representatives and the Education Committee of the Senate by
    30  July 1, 1992. The report shall contain an implementation plan.
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     1  Section 6.  Staff.
     2     The department shall provide adequate space, staff and
     3  equipment to facilitate the activities of the task force. The
     4  collaborative involvement and the contribution of on-going
     5  research and developing theories and practices of the
     6  legislative committees, colleges, universities and school
     7  districts is encouraged.
     8  Section 7.  Appropriations.
     9     (a)  Fiscal year 1990-1991.--The sum of $500,000, or as much
    10  thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the
    11  Department of Education for the exclusive use of the State
    12  Education Improvement Task Force for fiscal year July 1, 1990,
    13  to June 30, 1991, to carry out the purpose of this act.
    14     (b)  Fiscal year 1991-1992.--The sum of $500,000, or as much
    15  thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the
    16  Department of Education for the exclusive use of the State
    17  Education Improvement Task Force for fiscal year July 1, 1991,
    18  to June 30, 1992, to carry out the purpose of this act.
    19  Section 8.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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