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Legislation Quick Search
02/05/2025 01:03 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bills by Sponsor / Bills by Sponsor Results

Bills by Sponsor


Kyle Donahue
Sponsored 113 Bills/Resolutions

  P = Prime Sponsor

House General Bills - 96 Sponsored

HB 25 HB 26 HB 30 HB 45 HB 46 HB 50 HB 60 HB 64
HB 72 HB 79 HB 80 HB 81 HB 93 HB 95 HB 118 HB 156
HB 181 HB 183 HB 186 HB 191 HB 192 HB 193 HB 197 HB 199
HB 201 HB 203 HB 204 HB 211 HB 226 HB 231 HB 233 HB 261
HB 265 HB 269 HB 273 HB 276 HB 286 HB 287 HB 288 HB 289
HB 291 HB 292 HB 293 HB 294 HB 295 HB 296 HB 306 HB 308
HB 309 HB 316 HB 317 HB 320 HB 322 HB 323 HB 331 HB 332
HB 334 HB 337 HB 354 HB 355 HB 356 HB 357 HB 362 HB 369
HB 371 HB 375 HB 378 HB 389 HB 390 HB 404 HB 405 HB 406
HB 407 HB 409 HB 411 HB 413 HB 422 HB 428 HB 431 HB 432
HB 433 HB 443 HB 446 HB 453 HB 461 HB 462 HB 463 HB 464
HB 470 HB 471 HB 474 HB 476 HB 478 HB 479 HB 482 HB 484

House Joint Resolutions - 1 Sponsored

HB 481

House Simple Resolutions - 16 Sponsored

HR 12 HR 15 HR 22 HR 24 HR 26 HR 31 HR 35 HR 36
HR 39 HR 41 HR 45 HR 46 HR 48 HR 51 HR 52 HR 57