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Legislation Quick Search
02/05/2025 12:57 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bills by Sponsor / Bills by Sponsor Results

Bills by Sponsor


Kristine C. Howard
Sponsored 103 Bills/Resolutions

  P = Prime Sponsor

House General Bills - 92 Sponsored

HB 26P HB 33 HB 45 HB 49P HB 52P HB 53 HB 60 HB 65P
HB 66P HB 67 HB 72 HB 75 HB 76 HB 77 HB 78 HB 79
HB 80 HB 84 HB 95 HB 109 HB 118 HB 129 HB 156 HB 157
HB 159 HB 183 HB 184 HB 185 HB 186 HB 191 HB 193 HB 197
HB 199 HB 203 HB 205 HB 215 HB 224 HB 231 HB 232 HB 233
HB 242 HB 264 HB 267 HB 268 HB 269 HB 274 HB 276 HB 287
HB 290 HB 294 HB 295 HB 296 HB 305 HB 308 HB 320 HB 322
HB 331 HB 335 HB 339 HB 341 HB 342 HB 343 HB 344 HB 356
HB 360 HB 376 HB 386P HB 393 HB 404 HB 406 HB 410 HB 413
HB 426 HB 428 HB 436 HB 441 HB 443 HB 446 HB 449 HB 457
HB 458 HB 460 HB 462 HB 464 HB 469P HB 470P HB 491 HB 498
HB 507 HB 508 HB 511 HB 512

House Simple Resolutions - 11 Sponsored

HR 3P HR 22 HR 24 HR 26 HR 33 HR 39 HR 41 HR 43
HR 44 HR 45 HR 57