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Legislation Quick Search
02/05/2025 02:53 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bills by Sponsor / Bills by Sponsor Results

Bills by Sponsor


Scott Conklin
Sponsored 46 Bills/Resolutions

  P = Prime Sponsor

House General Bills - 31 Sponsored

HB 34P HB 35P HB 36P HB 37P HB 38P HB 39P HB 40P HB 41P
HB 42P HB 43P HB 44P HB 45P HB 49 HB 156 HB 164 HB 169
HB 184 HB 199 HB 210 HB 264 HB 286 HB 319 HB 320 HB 322
HB 379 HB 404 HB 426 HB 427 HB 441 HB 442 HB 498

House Simple Resolutions - 15 Sponsored

HR 2 HR 3 HR 5P HR 6P HR 7 HR 15 HR 16 HR 18
HR 38 HR 40 HR 45 HR 48 HR 49 HR 50 HR 52