House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

April 11, 2018



Communications Received


The Speaker acknowledged receipt of an Actuarial Note for Amendment 06215 to Senate Bill 383, Printer’s Number 1034 from the Independent Fiscal Office.


Communications Received From the Senate



Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 163 PN 3123


       A06241 (SACCONE)

187 – 1           


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 564 PN 3298

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 645 PN 1695


       A01209 (SCHWEYER)

76 – 113         (Failed)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1228 PN 3299

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1240 PN 3124


       A06266 (MARSHALL)

186 – 0           


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 2030 PN 3009


Motion to Recommit

HB 2030,  PN 3009 to the

Local Government

Committee (Harper)




83 – 105        

       A06062 (HARPER)

98 – 90           

Motion to Reconsider

A06062 (Cutler/Mustio)


104 – 84        

   A06062 (HARPER)

68 – 119         (Failed)

Motion on Constitutionality of

HB 2030, PN 3009





128 – 58         (Constitutional)

       A06340 (FREEMAN)

72 – 114         (Failed)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 2050 PN 3034


Motion to Appeal the

Ruling of the Chair

A06320 (Dermody)



114 – 76         (Decision of Chair is Sustained)

Motion to Appeal the

Ruling of the Chair

A06329 (Dermody)



113 – 77         (Decision of Chair is Sustained)

Motion to Appeal the

Ruling of the Chair

A06330 (Dermody)



113 – 77         (Decision of Chair is Sustained)

Motion to Appeal the

Ruling of the Chair

A06331 (Dermody)



113 – 77         (Decision of Chair is Sustained)

Motion to Appeal the

Ruling of the Chair

A06335 (Dermody)



113 – 77         (Decision of Chair is Sustained)

       A06341 (FRANKEL)

63 – 127         (Failed)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 2138 PN 3158


       A06325 (DOWLING)

188 – 0           


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended


Bills on Third Consideration


Motion to Proceed with HB 456,

PN 3313 and HB 1419, PN 3314




176 – 14        

HB 456 PN 3313

173 – 17         Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1343 PN 1662

190 – 0            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1419 PN 3314

188 – 2            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1699 PN 3125

189 – 1            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2124 PN 3122

190 – 0            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

SB 844 PN 1531

189 – 0            Sent to Senate for Concurrence With Amendment


Bills Signed by the Speaker



Bills Referred


HR 818       To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35 – Supplemental Calendar

HR 819       To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35 – Supplemental Calendar


HR 825       To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 826       To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HB 2254    Transportation

HB 2255    Finance

HB 2256    Transportation

HB 2257    Transportation


Bills Recommitted


HB 163           To Appropriations

HB 564           To Appropriations

HB 645           To Appropriations

HB 1228        To Appropriations

HB 1240        To Appropriations

HB 2030        To Appropriations

HB 2050        To Appropriations

HB 2138        To Appropriations


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 2078        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2079        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2080        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2081        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2082        From Appropriations as Amended

HB 2083        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2084        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2085        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 2086        From Appropriations as Amended

HB 456           From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1343        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1419        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1699        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2124        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 844            From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1782        From Consumer Affairs as Amended

HB 1981        From Urban Affairs as Amended


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 504

HB 641

HB 1539

HB 2133

SB 630


Bill Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar


HB 641


House Resolutions Adopted


HR 385

A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study of the feasibility of providing at least two additional passenger rail trips daily between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg and its impact on existing freight rail service.

184 – 0

HR 699

A Resolution designating April 28, 2018, as "Workers' Memorial Day" in Pennsylvania in memory of workers killed, injured and disabled in the workplace and in recognition of the efforts of the Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor Council.

193 – 0

HR 771

A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2018 as "Child Identity Theft Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 774

A Resolution recognizing March 29, 2018, as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 775

A Resolution designating the month of April 2018 as "Sjogren's Syndrome Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 776

A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2018 as "National Poetry Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 778

A Resolution recognizing the month of March 2018 as "National Nutrition Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 781

A Resolution designating the month of March 2018 as "American Red Cross Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 792

A Resolution recognizing April 2, 2018, as "World Autism Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 796

A Resolution designating April 11, 2018, as "Boys and Girls Clubs Youth of the Year Day" in Pennsylvania in recognition of the role Boys and Girls Clubs of America has played in the nation and in this Commonwealth.

193 – 0

HR 799

A Resolution recognizing the week of April 8 through 14, 2018, as "National Library Week" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 805

A Resolution designating the month of April 2018 as "Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 806

A Resolution recognizing the week of April 16 through 20, 2018, as "Week of the Young Child" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 810

A Resolution designating April 26, 2018, as "Pretzel Day" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 813

A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2018 as "Fair Housing Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 817

A Resolution commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Pennsylvania Dental Association.

193 – 0

HR 818

A Resolution designating the month of April 2018 as "Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 819

A Resolution recognizing April 14, 2018, as the observance of "Vaisakhi" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0

HR 824

A Resolution designating April 7, 2018, as "Phi Mu Day" in Pennsylvania.

193 – 0


This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

until Monday, April 16, 2018 at 1:00 P.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.