House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

June 27, 2023

Convened at 11 A.M.

Adjourned at 5:10 P.M.



Opening Prayer by Representative Hill-Evans.


Communications Received


The Speaker submits the following Report for the record which the Clerk will read:


Communications Received From the Senate



Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 106 PN 1462


     A00931 (ECKER)

86-117     (Failed)

     A00944 (ZIMMERMAN)

87-116     (Failed)

     A00946 (BONNER)

87-116     (Failed)

     A00947 (SCHEMEL)

91-112     (Failed)

     A01020 (KLUNK)

86-117     (Failed)

     A01080 (STRUZZI)

91-112     (Failed)

     A01118 (ROSSI)

88-115     (Failed)

     A01177 (JOZWIAK)

92-111     (Failed)

     A01426 (TOMLINSON)



Bill agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 791 PN 1652


     A01313 (KAUFFMAN)



Bill agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 850 PN 1691


     A01358 (WARNER)

101-102     (Failed)

     A01363 (GROVE)

101-102     (Failed)

     A01370 (GROVE)

101-102     (Failed)

     A01416 (WARNER)

101-102     (Failed) 


Motion to Table A01421

Pursuant to Rule 59

(D. Miller) 



102-101     (Laid on the Table)

     A01440 (GROVE)

101-102     (Failed) 


Bill agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1163 PN 1562


     A01187 (D'ORSIE)

91-112       (Failed)

     A01188 (STAMBAUGH)

88-115       (Failed)

     A01189 (ECKER)

100-10       (Failed) 

     A01461 (STURLA)



Bill agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 1231 PN 1322


     A01443 (DIAMOND)

101-102     (Failed)


Bill agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1289 PN 1651


     A01355 (FLEMING)



Bill agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 1354 PN 1495

Bill agreed to on Second Consideration

SB 746 PN 0915


     A01309 (MIHALEK)

81-122       (Failed)

     A01442 (KEEFER)

99-104       (Failed)

     A01444 (KEEFER)

99-104       (Failed)

     A01459 (ORTITAY)

99-104       (Failed)


Bill agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration  


HB 668 PN 1719

 203-0            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 817 PN 0774

 102-101       Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 818 PN 1720

 102-101       Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1316 PN 1563

 128-75         Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1333 PN 1721

 163-40         Sent to Senate for Concurrence


Bills Signed by the Speaker


SB 202

SB 262


Bills Referred


HR 163

State Government

HR 164


HR 165

Aging And Older Adult Services

HR 168




HB 1462


HB 1522

Game And Fisheries

HB 1523


HB 1524


HB 1525

Labor And Industry

HB 1526


HB 1527

Aging And Older Adult Services



SB 260


SB 500


SB 506


SB 630


SB 836




Bills Recommitted  


HB 106        To Appropriations

HB 791        To Appropriations

HB 850        To Appropriations

HB 1163      To Appropriations

HB 1231      To Appropriations

HB 1289      To Appropriations

HB 1354      To Appropriations


SB 746         To Appropriations   


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 668        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 817        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 818        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1316      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1333      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 497         From Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities as Amended

HB 1422      From Education as Committed

HB 1434      From Education as Committed

HB 1130      From Judiciary as Amended

HB 1296      From Judiciary as Committed

HB 1297      From Judiciary as Amended

HB 106        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 791        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 850        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1163      From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1231      From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1289      From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1354      From Rules Re-Reported as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar



Bills Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar



House Resolutions Adopted


HR 58

A Resolution recognizing September 15, 2023, as "Roberto Clemente Day" in Pennsylvania and encouraging the celebration of his life as a humanitarian, veteran and Hall of Fame baseball player.


HR 114

A Resolution recognizing the month of June 2023 as "LGBTQ+ Pride Month" in Pennsylvania.



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

Until , June 28, 2023  at 11 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.