House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

February 6, 2024

Convened at 12 P.M.

Adjourned at 2:10 P.M.


Non-Voting Session

Joint Session of General Assembly

Governor Budget Address



Opening Prayer by Representative Young.


Communications Received


The Chair is in receipt of the following reports:


·         An audit report per Act 42 of 2019, from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department regarding the Pennsylvania Reinsurance Program Financial Statements year ended June 30, 2023

·         An annual report per Act 165 of 1990, from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council regarding the Pennsylvania Hazardous Material Emergency Planning And Reponse 2022

·         A report per Act 31 of 2007, from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regarding the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Radiation Protection Act

·         A report per Act 31 of 2007, from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency regarding the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Radiation Protection Act

·         An annual report per the Requirements of Section 509-A of the Act of April 9, 1929, known as the Adminitstrative Code of 1929, from the Office of the State Inspector General regarding the Office of State Inspector General’s 2022-2023 annual report

·         A report in fulfillment of the requirements set forth by the 2020 Fiscal Code (HB2536), from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources regarding the report to the General Assembly on the Northcentral Atv Regional Trail Connector Pilot

·         An annual report per the requirements of the 1996 Job Enchancement Act 113, Section 2706, from the Department of Community and Economic Development regarding the 2023 end of year allocation report

·         An annual report pursuant to Act 24 of 1989, from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department regarding Catastrophic Loss Benefits Continuation Fund Status of Fund and Outstanding Liability report projected as of June 30, 2024

·         A report in fulfillment of the requirements set forth by The Greater Father Involvement Act of November 3, 2022, from the Joint State Government Commission regarding the report of the Advisory Committee on Pennsylvania Greater Father Involvement January 2024


Committee on Committees

Supplemental Report

February 6, 2024


Representative Joe McAndrew appointed Chair of the House Transportation Committee, Subcommittee on Public Transportation 


Representative Melissa Shusterman elected to the House Transportation Committee, Subcommittee on Public Transportation 


Representative Mark Rozzi elected to the House Transportation Committee, Subcommittee on Transportation Safety 


Representative Brandon Markosek elected to the House Transportation Committee, Subcommittee on Ports 


Respectfully submitted,

Representative Carol Hill-Evans, Chair


Communications Received From the Senate


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has concurred in the resolution from the House of Representatives

numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


HR 279


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, presented the following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was read as follows, viz:


Monday, February 5th,


RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Senate and House of Representatives meet in a Joint Session Tomorrow,

February 6, 2024, at 12:30 PM, in the Capitol Rotunda for the purpose of hearing an address by His Excellency, Governor Josh Shapiro; and be it further;


RESOLVED, That a committee of three, on the part of the Senate, be appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of the House of

Representatives, to escort His Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Capitol Rotunda.


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, presented the following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was read as follows, viz:


Monday, February 5th


RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), Pursuant to Article II, Section 14 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, that when the

Senate recesses this week, it reconvene on Monday, March 18, 2024, unless sooner recalled by the President Pro Tempore; and be it further


RESOLVED, Pursuant to Article II, Section 14 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, that when the House of Representatives recesses this week,

it reconvene on Monday, March 18, 2024, unless sooner recalled by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and be it further


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.


Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration



Bills on Third Consideration & Final Passage



Bills Signed by the Speaker


HR 279


Bills Referred


HR 287     State Government

HR 288     Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HR 289     Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HR 290     State Government

HR 291     Education

HR 292     Health

HR 293     State Government

HR 294     Transportation

HR 295     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HR 296     Health

HR 297     Health

HR 298     State Government

HR 299     Health

HR 300     Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HR 301     State Government

HR 302     Health

HR 303     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HR 304     Professional Licensure

HR 305     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HR 306     State Government

HR 307     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 308     State Government

HR 310     Human Services

HR 311     Education

HR 312     Health

HR 313     Labor And Industry

HR 314     Judiciary

HR 315     Human Services


HB 1825   Professional Licensure

HB 1937   State Government

HB 1938   Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HB 1939   Finance

HB 1940   Housing And Community Development

HB 1941   State Government

HB 1942   Health

HB 1943   Environmental Resources And Energy

HB 1944   Insurance

HB 1945   State Government

HB 1946   State Government

HB 1947   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 1948   Judiciary

HB 1949   Finance

HB 1950   Education

HB 1951   State Government

HB 1952   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 1953   Labor And Industry

HB 1954   Health

HB 1955   State Government

HB 1956   Health

HB 1957   Transportation

HB 1959   Game And Fisheries

HB 1960   Local Government

HB 1961   Judiciary

HB 1962   Judiciary

HB 1963   Health

HB 1964   Transportation

HB 1965   State Government

HB 1966   Professional Licensure

HB 1967   Transportation

HB 1968   Labor And Industry

HB 1969   Professional Licensure

HB 1970   Transportation

HB 1971   Transportation

HB 1972   Education

HB 1973   Local Government

HB 1974   Education

HB 1975   Housing And Community Development

HB 1976   Housing And Community Development

HB 1977   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 1978   Environmental Resources And Energy

HB 1979   Judiciary

HB 1980   Finance

HB 1981   Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HB 1982   Judiciary

HB 1983   Education

HB 1984   Transportation

HB 1985   Health

HB 1986   Education

HB 1987   Education

HB 1988   Housing And Community Development

HB 1989   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 1990   Education

HB 1991   Finance

HB 1992   Judiciary

HB 1994   Finance

HB 1997   Education

HB 1998   Education

HB 1999   Education

HB 2000   Finance

HB 2001   Education

HB 2002   Labor And Industry

HB 2003   Finance

HB 2004   Judiciary

HB 2005   Education

HB 2006   Education

HB 2007   Education

HB 2008   Finance

HB 2009   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 2010   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 2011   Education

HB 2012   Judiciary

HB 2013   State Government

HB 2014   State Government

HB 2015   State Government


Bills Recommitted



Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 1519      From Education as Committed

HB 1553      From Education as Committed

HB 1665      From Education as Committed

HB 335        From Judiciary as Amended

HB 336        From Judiciary as Amended

HB 777        From Judiciary as Amended

HB 1157      From Judiciary as Amended

HB 1190      From Judiciary as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar



Bills Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar



House Resolutions Adopted



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

Until, Monday, March 18, 2024  at 12 NOON

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.