House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

May 22, 2024

Convened at 11 A.M.

Adjourned at 2:55 P.M.



Opening Prayer by Representative Kim.


Communications Received



Communications Received From the Senate



Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 1486 PN 2996

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 2233 PN 3052


       A04519 (CURRY)



Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 2251 PN 3023

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

SB 1018 PN 1275

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration & Final Passage


HB 478 PN 3051


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1743 PN 3149


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1958 PN 3077


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2220 PN 2956


Sent to Senate for Concurrence


Bills Signed by the Speaker



Bills Referred


HR 447       Health

HR 448       Health

HR 449       Local Government

HR 450       State Government


HB 2313    Education

HB 2314    Game And Fisheries

HB 2315    Finance

HB 2316    Transportation

HB 2317    Transportation

HB 2318    Transportation

HB 2319    Aging And Older Adult Services


Bills Recommitted


HB 1486        To Appropriations

HB 2233        To Appropriations

HB 2251        To Appropriations  


SB 1018         To Appropriations


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 478           From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1743        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2220        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2106        From Game and Fisheries as Amended

HB 2107        From Game and Fisheries as Committed

HB 2108        From Game and Fisheries as Committed

HB 2314        From Game and Fisheries as Committed

Motion to Object to Game and Fisheries Committee Report









(Committee Report properly reported)

HB 82             From Judiciary

HB 1509        From Judiciary

HB 2197        From Judiciary

HB 451           From Local Government as Committed

HB 1442        From Local Government as Amended

HB 2147       From Local Government as Amended

HB 2166        From Local Government as Amended


SB 749           From Local Government as Committed

SB 887           From Local Government as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HR 298


HB 851

HB 1367

HB 1867


Bills Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar



House Resolutions Adopted


HR 297

A Resolution recognizing the week of March 10 through 16, 2024, as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.              


HR 348

A Resolution honoring Jacobus Franciscus "Jim" Thorpe by designating May 28, 2024, as "Jim Thorpe Day" in Pennsylvania.


HR 397

A Resolution recognizing the week of May 6 through 12, 2024, as "Women's Lung Health Week" in Pennsylvania.              


HR 440

A Resolution recognizing the month of May 2024 as "Mental Health Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.              



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

Until, Monday, June 3, 2024  at 12 NOON

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.