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House of Representatives
Session of 2025 - 2026 Regular Session


Posted: December 9, 2024 12:59 PM
From: Representative Regina G. Young
To: All House members
Subject: Procedures for Closing Public Schools (Former HB1076)
The closing of any public school – traditional or charter – can throw a neighborhood and community into chaos and force parents into a frustrating scramble for alternatives. For example, when the closure of Duquesne High School in Alleghany County was announced in 2007, news outlets reported that residents were upset that the high school was closing with no plans in place regarding where the existing students would attend school the following year. A parent was quoted as fighting back tears while saying, “What plan do you have? There should be a plan in place.” A high school student said she and other students were worried neighboring districts would not accept them. Additionally, worry over the future of a school can cause strife and turnover among teachers and other staff, even if no closure was announced.
Part of the reason for this turmoil is that state law provides no procedures to guide administators who are in the process of closing a school. That is why I am introducing legislation that will provide a clear, transparent framework for school closures, whether due to financial challenges, enrollment declines, or charter revocation under state law. This process would require school entities to notify parents of a planned closure, along with instructions on how to transfer students to another school district. It would also mandate a public announcement to ensure that communities and stakeholders are informed and able to adequately respond.
Not only will this framework enable school districts to tie up all loose ends before closing a school, but it will also give students and parents clarity and support regarding their educational future. Ultimately, my legislation aims to uphold stability and transparency in Pennsylvania’s education system and ensure that communities are supported during these challenging transitions.
Please join me in giving students, parents, staff, and community members some peace of mind when a school closes. Your consideration and co-sponsorship is appreciated.

Previous Co-Sponsors: Madden, Probst, Parker, Kinsey, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Sanchez, Conklin, Otten, Guenst, Cephas, Khan, Fleming, and Green.