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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House of Representatives
Session of 2025 - 2026 Regular Session


Posted: December 20, 2024 12:48 PM
From: Representative James B. Struzzi, II
To: All House members
Subject: Helping First Responders Get to Calls Faster
In the near future, I will be reintroducing HB 2317 from the 2023-2024 Session prohibiting the use of blue illuminated signs on transportation network company (TNC) vehicles.

As background, the Vehicle Code currently permits TNC vehicles (Uber/Lyft) to display interior illuminated signs approved by the PA Public Utility Commission or the Philadelphia Parking Authority. While these illuminated signs provide riders a needed visual indicator for when their TNC vehicle arrives for pickup, the use of bright blue LED signs by TNCs desensitizes motorists to seeing blue lights on vehicles. This is problematic as the Vehicle Code also authorizes our volunteer firefighters and EMS to use blue lights on their personal vehicles when responding to a fire or an emergency. In the interest of safety and prompt emergency response, the use of blue lights should be reserved for those vehicles used by our emergency responders. To this end, my legislation will allow TNCs to display illuminated signs provided that the signs do not illuminate the color blue or substantially mimic the blue lights authorized on first responder vehicles. 

This issue was brought to my attention by a volunteer firefighter in my district that noticed people had begun to ignore the blue lights in their vehicles when responding to calls. He believes this is because people have begun to associate blue lights with Uber and other similar services.        

Please join me in cosponsoring this legislation that will maintain the safety of our emergency responders. 

Memo Updated: December 20, 2024 12:49 PM