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02/05/2025 02:12 PM
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda

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House of Representatives
Session of 2025 - 2026 Regular Session


Posted: January 6, 2025 12:53 PM
From: Representative Brandon J. Markosek
To: All House members
Subject: Supporting Fair Labor Practices for Businesses
Throughout our state’s history, Pennsylvania workers have been the backbone of our economy.  Each day our workers provide us with essential goods and services that we simply can’t live without. Sadly, as our economy continues to shift and change, many employers are looking to boost profits at the expense of their employees. Far too often, salaries, benefits, and pensions are cut, voices for safety or better working conditions are ignored, and efforts to organize are stymied, while executives take home bigger checks and maximize the financial gains of their company. As a state legislature, we cannot allow tax dollars to fund projects involving corporations that undercut workers’ rights, and I believe that companies should only receive public dollars when they can demonstrate that fair pay is provided and workers’ rights are respected.  

As such, I will be reintroducing former House Bill 2345, which will require any corporation with 200 employees or more to be considered ineligible for a state contract, state funding, or a state grant, if they have violated the Fair Labor Standards Act, Prevailing Wage Act, or been found guilty of an unfair labor practice in the last five years. Additionally, to be eligible, the company must prove that at least 20 percent of their governing board consists of employees elected by the organization’s workforce.
This legislation will ensure that Pennsylvania is not doing business with companies that violate our labor laws and will incentivize corporations to comply with these regulations if they want to be eligible for state funds. By implementing these minimal requirements, we will help to hold businesses accountable, encourage positive employer/employee relations, and increase the voice of employees when it comes to important business decisions.
I hope that you will join me in co-sponsoring this legislation to ensure that Pennsylvania’s employees are always heard in the workplace and get the respect they deserve.

Introduced as HB405

Memo Updated: January 6, 2025 12:56 PM