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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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Committee Archives - Results

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


The committee received testimony on H.B. 2213 (George), which would further provide for definitions, for well permits, for well location restrictions, for protection of fresh groundwater and casing requirements and for protection of water supplies; provide for hydraulic fracturing chemicals and surface impoundments, for hydraulic fracture fluids monitoring and for use of surface impoundments for temporary flowback storage; and further providing for bonding, for enforcement orders, for penaltie
Shavertown   Meeting Details

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The committee received testimony on H.B. 2213 (George), which would further provide for definitions, for well permits, for well location restrictions, for protection of fresh groundwater and casing requirements and for protection of water supplies; provide for hydraulic fracturing chemicals and surface impoundments, for hydraulic fracture fluids monitoring and for use of surface impoundments for temporary flow back storage; and further providing for bonding, for enforcement orders, for penalties
Clearfield   Meeting Details

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The committee received testimony on H.B. 1909 (George), which would provide for the appointment and duties of a Commonwealth Energy Advocate; establish and provide for the powers and duties of the Commonwealth Energy Procurement and Development Agency; and establish the Energy Procurement and Development Fund.
Harrisburg   Meeting Details