H2306B3345A07752       VDL:CMM 06/19/08    #90             A07752
                       AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE BILL NO. 2306
                                    Sponsor:  REPRESENTATIVE K. SMITH
                                           Printer's No. 3345

     1       Amend Title, page 1, line 1, by striking out "Amending" and
     2    inserting
     3               Reenacting and amending
     4       Amend Sec. 1, page line 11, by striking out "1(h)" and
     5    inserting
     6               1
     7       Amend Sec. 1, page 1, line 17, by inserting after "is"
     8               reenacted and
     9       Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1), page 1, line 20, by striking out all
    10    of said line and inserting
    11       (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
    12    the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
    13    the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the
    14    County of Lackawanna Transit System Authority (hereinafter
    15    COLTS) certain lands situate in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna
    16    County, in exchange for a certain tract of land from COLTS
    17    situate in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County.
    18       (b)  Description.--The property to be conveyed to COLTS under
    19    subsection (a) consists of approximately 2.52 acres of land and
    20    improvements thereon bounded and more particularly described as
    21    follows:
    22                                 LOT 1A
    23    BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron pin, the intersection of the
    24    southeasterly right-of-way line of Cliff Street with the
    25    southwesterly right-of-way line of Lackawanna Avenue as shown on
    26    a plan titled, "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Department of
    27    General Services - RD 1216 Pg 289 - Minor Subdivision" dated
    28    July, 2005 and prepared by Acker Associates, Inc.;
    29    Thence along said ling of Lackawanna Avenue South 51 degrees 28
    30    minutes 04 seconds East four hundred seventy-one and five
    31    hundredths (471.05 feet) feet to a point in line of lands of
    32    Scranton Mall Associates;
    33    Thence along said lands South 38 degrees 37 minutes 01 second
    34    West one hundred three and one hundredth (103.01 feet) feet to a

     1    point in line of lands of Lackawanna County Rail Authority;
     2    Thence along said lands of Lackawanna County Rail Authority the
     3    following four (4) courses and distances:
     4       1.  South 70 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds West five and
     5           ninety-three hundredths (5.93 feet) feet to a point,
     6       2.  North 88 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West fifty-seven
     7           and seventy-nine hundredths (57.79 feet) feet to a point
     8           of curvature,
     9       3.  along a curve to the right having a radius of nine
    10           hundred eighty-eight and thirty-one hundredths (988.31
    11           feet) feet for an arc length of three hundred sixty-one
    12           and fifty-one hundredths (361.51 feet) feet (chord
    13           bearing and distance being North 68 degrees 51 minutes 46
    14           seconds West 359.50 feet) to a point of tangency, and
    15       4.  North 53 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds West eighty and
    16           seven hundredths (80.07 feet) feet to a point on the
    17           southeasterly right-of-way line of Cliff Street;
    18    Thence along said line of Cliff Street North 38 degrees 49
    19    minutes 51 seconds East two hundred fifty-three and five tenths
    20    (253.50 feet) feet to the point of BEGINNING.
    21    CONTAINING 2.24 acres of land being the same, more or less.
    22                                 LOT 1B
    23    BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch rebar on the southeasterly right-of-way
    24    line of Cliff Street, said point also being a common corner of
    25    lands the National Park Service and Lot 1B as shown on a plan
    26    titled, "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Department of
    27    General Services - RB 1216 Pg 289 - Minor Subdivision" dated
    28    July, 2005 and prepared by Acker Associates, Inc.;
    29    Thence along said line of Cliff Street North 38 degrees 49
    30    minutes 51 seconds East thirty-nine and twenty-six hundredths
    31    (39.26 feet) feet to a point in line of Lackawanna County Rail
    32    Authority;
    33    Thence along said lands of Lackawanna County Rail Authority the
    34    following two (2) courses and distances:
    35       1.  South 51 degrees 32 minutes 09 seconds East one and
    36           forty-eight and thirty-nine hundredths (148.39 feet) feet
    37           to a point, and
    38       2.  South 66 degrees 46 minutes 09 seconds East fifty-five
    39           and twenty-six hundredths (55.26 feet) feet to a point;
    40    Thence along Lot 2 the following three (3) courses and
    41    distances:
    42       1.  South 25 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds West eleven and
    43           fifty-nine hundredths (11.59 feet) feet to a point,
    44       2.  South 39 degrees 59 minutes 28 seconds West fifty-eight
    45           and five hundredths (58.05 feet) feet to a point, and
    46       3.  South 48 degrees 45 minutes 01 second West twenty-two and
    47           ninety-five hundredths (22.95 feet) feet to a point in
    48           line of lands of the National Park Service;
    49    Thence along said lands of the National Park Service North 40
    50    degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West two hundred two and five
    51    tenths (202.50 feet) feet to the point of BEGINNING.
    52    CONTAINING 12,315 square feet (0.28 acres) of land being the
    53    same, more or less.
    54       (c)  Exchange.--The conveyance authorized by subsection (b)
    55    shall be in exchange for the conveyance, by special warranty
    56    deed, from COLTS, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by
    57    and through its Department of General Services, of all that
    58    certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Scranton,
    59    Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as

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     1    follows:
     2       All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
     3    8th Ward, City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and State of
     4    Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
     5       Beginning at a point located on the northeasterly side of
     6    Lackawanna Avenue, said point being also located by a bearing of
     7    N 39 degrees 00 minutes W, and a distance of 138.0 feet as
     8    measured along the northeasterly side of Lackawanna Avenue from
     9    its intersection with the northwesterly right-of-way line of the
    10    D.L. & W. R.R.; thence, along the line of Lackawanna Avenue N 39
    11    degrees 00 minutes W, 294.52 feet to a point of intersection
    12    with a curve measured radially 100 feet from the center line of
    13    the D. & H. R.R. Co.; thence on a curve to the left parallel to
    14    the center line of said D. & H. R.R. and 100 feet therefrom,
    15    said curve having a radius of 750.14 feet and length of 867.02
    16    feet with a long chord bearing and distance of N 71 degrees 01
    17    minute E, 819.55 feet to a point; thence S 39 degrees 00 minutes
    18    E, 45.04 feet to a point on the northwesterly right-of-way line
    19    of the D.L. & W. R.R.; thence along said right-of-way the
    20    following two courses and distances (1) on a curve to the right,
    21    having a radius of 4,037.11 and length of 278.15 and a long
    22    chord bearing and distance of a 31 degrees 32 minutes W, 278.10
    23    feet and (2) S 47 degrees 38 minutes W, 208.68 feet to a corner
    24    of other lands of the S.R.A.; thence along lands of said S.R.A.,
    25    the following two courses and distances (1) N 39 degrees 00
    26    minutes W, 136.0 feet and (2) S 51 degrees 00 minutes W, 300.0
    27    feet to the place of beginning.
    28       Containing 2.277 acres of land more or less as surveyed by
    29    John R. Hennemuth, Registered Civil Engineer.
    30                              Parcel 18-A
    31       All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
    32    8th Ward, City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and State of
    33    Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
    34       Beginning at a point located on the northeasterly side of
    35    Lackawanna Avenue, said point being also located by a bearing of
    36    N 39 degrees 00 minutes W and a distance of 138.00 feet as
    37    measured along the northeasterly side of Lackawanna Avenue from
    38    its intersection with the northwesterly right-of-way line of the
    39    D. L. & W. R.R., said point being also common to a corner of
    40    Parcel 18 of the S.R.A. as shown on drawing D-14-72 by John R.
    41    Hennemuth, P.E.; thence along the line of parcel 18, N 51
    42    degrees 00 minutes E, 300 feet to a corner; thence still along
    43    the line of Parcel 18, S 39 degrees 00 minutes E, 6.0 feet to a
    44    corner; thence over and across other lands of the S.R.A., S 51
    45    degrees 00 minutes W, 300.0 feet to a point on the northeasterly
    46    side of Lackawanna Avenue; thence along the side of said Avenue
    47    N 39 degrees 00 minutes W, 6.0 feet to the place of beginning.
    48    Containing 0.041 acres of land and shown as Parcel 18-A on
    49    drawing B-22-72 by John R. Hennemuth, Registered Civil Engineer.
    50       CONTAINING 2.318 acres, more or less.
    51       The conveyance described in this section shall be made under
    52    and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes
    53    and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
    54    roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
    55    electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
    56    subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
    57    vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
    58    the land or improvements erected thereon.
    59       (d)  Easements.--The conveyance described in subsection (b)

    HB2306A07752                     - 3 -     

     1    shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable
     2    easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not
     3    confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone,
     4    telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well
     5    as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or
     6    tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any
     7    portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.
     8       (e)  Special warranty deed.--The conveyance described in
     9    subsection (b) shall be by special warranty deed and shall be
    10    executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
    11    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    12       (f)  Covenants.--Any conveyance authorized under subsection
    13    (b) shall be made under and subject to the condition, which
    14    shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of
    15    the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as
    16    defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any
    17    other similar type of facility authorized under the laws of this
    18    Commonwealth. The condition shall be a covenant running with the
    19    land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and
    20    assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit
    21    any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this
    22    section to be used in violation of this section, the title shall
    23    immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.
    24       (g)  Costs and fees.--All costs and fees incidental to the
    25    conveyance authorized by this act shall be borne by the grantee.

    26       Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1), page 2, lines 2 and 3, by striking out
    27    all of line 2 and "section" where it appears the first time in
    28    line 3 and inserting
    29               executed [within 12 months of the effective date of
    30               this section] by May 16, 2010

    31       Amend Bill, page 2, by inserting between lines 4 and 5
    32       Section 2.  Section 2 of the act is reenacted to read:
    33    Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

    34       Amend Sec. 2, page 2, line 5, by striking out "2" and
    35    inserting
    36               3

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