See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 669



No. 49 Session of 2001

           STABACK, FEBRUARY 12, 2001


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Providing for the establishment of a task force to evaluate and
     2     make recommendations regarding the utilization of certain
     3     Commonwealth-owned lands.

     4     WHEREAS, There are approximately 2.1 million acres of forest
     5  land owned by the Commonwealth; and
     6     WHEREAS, State forest lands are managed by the Department of
     7  Conservation and Natural Resources, which seeks to ensure the
     8  long-term health, viability and productivity of the
     9  Commonwealth's forests, conserve native wild plants and provide
    10  for recreational opportunities; and
    11     WHEREAS, There are 116 State parks covering roughly 283,000
    12  acres; and
    13     WHEREAS, State park lands are managed by the Department of
    14  Conservation and Natural Resources, which seeks to provide
    15  opportunities for enjoying healthful outdoor recreation as well
    16  as outdoor classrooms for environmental education; and
    17     WHEREAS, There has been an increase in the purchase of
    18  private lands by the Commonwealth for use as State forest lands

     1  and State park lands; and
     2     WHEREAS, Questions have arisen concerning the management of
     3  these lands and the benefit of the current management plans to
     4  the citizens of this Commonwealth; therefore be it
     5     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives create a task
     6  force to evaluate and make recommendations regarding the
     7  utilization of these Commonwealth-owned lands; and be it further
     8     RESOLVED, That the task force consist of seven members, four
     9  from the majority party and three from the minority party; and
    10  be it further
    11     RESOLVED, That two of the four members from the majority
    12  party be appointed from the Appropriations Committee by the
    13  chairman of that committee; and be it further
    14     RESOLVED, That one of the three members from the minority
    15  party be appointed from the Appropriations Committee by the
    16  minority chairman of that committee; and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That two of the four members from the majority
    18  party be appointed from the Environmental Resources and Energy
    19  Committee by the chairman of that committee; and be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That one of the three members from the minority
    21  party be appointed from the Environmental Resources and Energy
    22  Committee by the minority chairman of that committee; and be it
    23  further
    24     RESOLVED, That one of the three members from the minority
    25  party be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
    26  Representatives; and be it further
    27     RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    28  appoint the chairperson of the task force from among its
    29  members; and be it further
    30     RESOLVED, That the Minority Leader of the House of
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     1  Representatives appoint the minority chairperson of the task
     2  force from among its members; and be it further
     3     RESOLVED, That the task force may hold hearings, take
     4  testimony and make its investigations at such places as it deems
     5  necessary in this Commonwealth and that each member of the task
     6  force shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations
     7  to witnesses appearing before the task force; and be it further
     8     RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of
     9  Representatives be authorized to pay for all necessary,
    10  appropriate and proper expenses incurred by the task force.

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