1Designating March 2013 as "American Red Cross Month" in

3WHEREAS, On May 21, 1881, Clara Barton founded the American
4Association of the Red Cross; and

5WHEREAS, In 1900, the Congress of the United States granted
6the American Red Cross a charter, making the volunteer
7organization responsible for providing services to members of
8the armed forces of the United States and relief to disaster
9victims domestically and abroad; and

10WHEREAS, Today's American Red Cross is a humanitarian
11organization led by volunteers that provides relief to victims
12of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond
13to emergencies; and

14WHEREAS, For more than a century, the American Red Cross has
15been at the forefront of helping Americans prevent, prepare for
16and respond to large and small disasters; and

17WHEREAS, Just as families and communities depend on the
18American Red Cross in times of need, the American Red Cross

1depends on the support of the American people to help sustain
2the foundation; and

3WHEREAS, The American Red Cross sheltered more than 3,000
4individuals and fed more than 18,000 Pennsylvanians during
5Hurricane Sandy in October of 2012; and

6WHEREAS, In the 2012 fiscal year, volunteers and staff from
7the American Red Cross responded to 2,470 disasters throughout
8this Commonwealth, providing relief for more than 3,000
9families; and

10WHEREAS, More than 22,000 Pennsylvanians served as volunteers
11for the American Red Cross in 2012; and

12WHEREAS, Residents of Pennsylvania donated hundreds of
13thousands of units of blood to help save the lives of their
14neighbors and provide for their needs; and

15WHEREAS, The American Red Cross strives to prevent and
16alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found, to protect
17life and health and to ensure respect for each human being; and

18WHEREAS, The American Red Cross makes no discrimination as to
19nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political
20opinions; and

21WHEREAS, Services provided by the American Red Cross promote
22mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace
23among all people; and

24WHEREAS, The American Red Cross continues to play a valuable
25role in catastrophic relief, humanitarianism and volunteerism
26during the 21st century; therefore be it

27RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate March
282013 as "American Red Cross Month" in Pennsylvania; and be it

30RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the

1American Red Cross, its employees and its volunteers for their
2dedication, service and sacrifice to the communities and
3residents of this Commonwealth; and be it further

4RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
5the American Red Cross at 430 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA