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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 121                        PRINTER'S NO. 180



No. 110 Session of 1989

           J. L. WRIGHT AND COLE, JANUARY 25, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 2, 1984 (P.L.545, No.109), entitled "An
     2     act establishing a loan program for capital development
     3     projects; providing for the use of funds made available under
     4     the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 and the
     5     Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965; providing
     6     for loans, loan guarantees and other programs for capital
     7     development projects of small businesses; creating the
     8     Capital Loan Fund; providing standards for and requirements
     9     of the program; and making appropriations," further providing
    10     for loans to agricultural processors.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  The definition of "Class III loans" in section 2
    14  of the act of July 2, 1984 (P.L.545, No.109), known as the
    15  Capital Loan Fund Act, amended July 9, 1986 (P.L.1226, No.111),
    16  is amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    17  read:
    18  Section 2.  Definitions.

     1     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     2  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Agricultural processor."  A person or entity that adds value
     5  by subjecting one or more farm commodities to a process of
     6  manufacture, development or preparation for sale; a person or
     7  entity that converts a farm product into a marketable form,
     8  including, but not limited to, livestock by slaughtering, fruits
     9  and vegetables by canning and freezing, and forest products by
    10  secondary processing.
    11     * * *
    12     "Class III loans."  All loans made under the provisions of
    13  this act other than Class I, Class II, Class IV, apparel
    14  industry loans or export assistance loans.
    15     "Class IV loans."  Loans made to agricultural processors from
    16  the Capital Loan Fund under the provisions of this act.
    17     * * *
    18     "Farm commodity."  Any Pennsylvania grown agricultural,
    19  horticultural, aquacultural, vegetable, fruit and floricultural
    20  product of the soil, livestock and meats, wools, hides, furs,
    21  poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts, mushrooms, honey products
    22  and forest products.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 2.  Sections 4 and 5 of the act are amended by adding
    25  subsections to read:
    26  Section 4.  Eligibility for loans; terms and conditions.
    27     * * *
    28     (f)  Class IV loans.--
    29         (1)  The secretary shall make advances from the Capital
    30     Loan Fund subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions
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     1     provided under this act to area loan organizations for the
     2     purpose of making loans to agricultural processors for
     3     capital development projects which demonstrate a need to
     4     either maintain or increase market position and produce new
     5     employment opportunities. Class IV loans will:
     6             (i)  Be for agricultural processors with 50 or fewer   <--
     7         employees.
     8             (ii) (I)  Have a maximum loan ceiling of $100,000 or   <--
     9         50% of the cost of the project whichever is less. The
    10         department may blend loan funds from other Capital Loan
    11         Fund classes in amounts not to exceed $200,000 if the
    12         applicant can meet the required eligibility criteria for
    13         those classes.
    14             (iii) (II)  Be limited to physical plant equipment,    <--
    15         machinery, buildings and associated lands.
    16             (iv) (III)  Require a private source of matching       <--
    17         funds.
    18         (2)  No loans shall be made which do any of the
    19     following:
    20             (i)  Cause, aid or assist in, directly or indirectly,
    21         the relocation of any business operations from one part
    22         of the Commonwealth to another, unless there is at least
    23         a 25% increase in employment.
    24             (ii)  Supplant funding that is otherwise available
    25         expeditiously from private sector sources on commercially
    26         reasonable terms.
    27             (iii)  Be for the purpose of refinancing any portion
    28         of the total project cost or other existing loans or
    29         debt.
    30             (iv)  Be for the purpose of financing projects
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     1         located outside the geographic boundaries of this
     2         Commonwealth.
     3             (v)  Be for the purpose of paying off a creditor
     4         which is inadequately secured and is in a position to
     5         sustain a loss.
     6             (vi)  Provide funds, directly or indirectly, for
     7         payment, distribution, or as a loan to owners, partners
     8         or shareholders of the small enterprise, except as
     9         ordinary compensation for services rendered.
    10             (vii)  Be for the purpose of repaying a debt owed to
    11         a small business investment company.
    12             (viii)  Provide funds for speculation in any kind of
    13         property, real or personal, tangible or intangible.
    14         (3)  All loans shall be secured by lien positions on
    15     collateral at the highest level of priority which can
    16     accommodate the borrower's ability to raise sufficient debt
    17     and equity capital and be made for such period and shall bear
    18     such interest as may be determined by the area loan
    19     organization with the approval of the secretary. Provided,
    20     however, That:
    21             (i)  The interest rate shall be established by the
    22         secretary.
    23             (ii)  The term of any loan shall not exceed five
    24         years for machinery and equipment or ten years for
    25         building loans.
    26  Section 5.  Application and administration.
    27     * * *
    28     (e)  Class IV loans.--
    29         (1)  The secretary shall designate an area loan
    30     organization to receive loan applications from agricultural
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     1     processors. Applications shall be made to the area loan
     2     organization in the form and manner as the secretary and
     3     organization may require.
     4         (2)  Upon receipt of the application the area loan
     5     organization shall investigate and review the application and
     6     either approve or disapprove the loan application by proper
     7     action of the governing body of the organization. The
     8     decision action of the organization shall be based, in whole
     9     or in part, upon the following criteria:
    10             (i)  Ability of the applicant to meet and satisfy all
    11         debt service as it becomes due and payable.
    12             (ii)  Sufficiency of available collateral, including
    13         satisfactory lien positions on real and personal
    14         property.
    15             (iii)  Eligibility of the applicant as an
    16         agricultural processor.
    17             (iv)  Capital need of the applicant.
    18             (v)  Conformity or nonconformity of the project, in
    19         all respects, to the provisions of this act.
    20             (vi)  Such information and documentation as the
    21         secretary shall require.
    22             (vii)  Relevant criminal and credit history and
    23         ratings of applicant as determined from outside credit
    24         reporting services and other sources.
    25             (viii)  Number of net new employment opportunities
    26         created by the proposed project.
    27         (3)  Area loan organizations may establish and charge
    28     reasonable fees for processing loans or guarantees under this
    29     act with the approval of the secretary. Area loan
    30     organizations may not receive administrative expenses from
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     1     funds provided for Class IV loans.
     2         (4)  Upon approval of the loan application, the area loan
     3     organization shall forward the application and all supporting
     4     documentation to the Secretary of Agriculture and the
     5     Secretary of Commerce for review. Each application and
     6     supporting documentation shall be reviewed to ensure the
     7     following:
     8             (i)  Loans will assist small agricultural processing
     9         firms to increase their market share and enhance their
    10         competitive advantage.
    11             (ii)  Loans will enable the Commonwealth to meet
    12         changing agricultural market demands and increased
    13         productivity requirements in the future.
    14             (iii)  Eligibility of the agricultural processor and
    15         the project for which proceeds will be used.
    16             (iv)  Creation or preservation of a satisfactory
    17         number of net employment opportunities within this
    18         Commonwealth.
    19             (v)  Compliance with the loan amount limitations
    20         provided by this act.
    21             (vi)  Payment to date of all tax obligations due and
    22         owing to the Commonwealth or any political subdivision
    23         thereof.
    24             (vii)  Conformity of all aspects of the loan
    25         transaction with the substantive and procedural
    26         provisions of this act and regulations promulgated
    27         hereunder.
    28         (5)  The secretary shall, to the extent practicable,
    29     notify the area loan organization and the applicant
    30     agricultural processor of his or her final approval or
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     1     disapproval of the loan application within 30 business days
     2     after the receipt of the application. In the case of approval
     3     of a loan application, the secretary shall arrange to draw
     4     the loan amount from the Capital Loan Fund and advance the
     5     sum to the area loan organization. The advance shall be a
     6     debt obligation of the organization to the Commonwealth and
     7     shall be evidenced by a note or bond issued by the
     8     organization in an amount equal to the amount actually
     9     advanced and secured in a manner as the secretary shall
    10     require. Upon receipt of the advance, the area loan
    11     organization shall make the advance available to the
    12     agricultural processor in the form of a loan transaction,
    13     which loan shall be evidenced by a note executed by the
    14     agricultural processor, secured in a manner as the
    15     organization and the secretary shall require and conform in
    16     all respects to the loan package as approved by the
    17     organization and the secretary.
    18         (6)  All loans shall be administered and monitored by the
    19     appropriate area loan organization in accordance with
    20     policies and procedures prescribed by the secretary. Each
    21     area loan organization shall submit reports to the Department
    22     of Agriculture and the Department of Commerce as the
    23     secretary shall require, but in no case less than twice a
    24     year. The report shall show the following:
    25             (i)  Each outstanding loan.
    26             (ii)  The date approved.
    27             (iii)  The original principal amount.
    28             (iv)  The current principal balance.
    29             (v)  The interest rate.
    30             (vi)  The purpose for which the loan was made.
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     1             (vii)  An enumeration of any problems or issues which
     2         have arisen with regard to each loan.
     3             (viii)  A statement regarding the progress of the
     4         agricultural processor in creating its requisite number
     5         of new long-term employment opportunities.
     6             (ix)  Such other information and documentation as the
     7         secretary shall require.
     8     (f)  Finality of decision.--All decisions of the Secretary of
     9  Commerce regarding the approval or disapproval of loans under
    10  this act, including eligibility of agricultural processors and
    11  loan projects, shall be final.
    12     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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